夏目漱石 方丈記の英訳の和訳 

2017.8.11  更新2017.8.15






この小論は、 結構、長文で難解な英語です。漱石が、日本語で考えた文章を英語に直したのか、それとも、はじめから日本語で考えたのかよくわかりません。






 A short essay  小論

  The literary products of a genius contain everything. 天才の文学作品は、すべてを包含している。

They are a mirror in which every one finds his image, reflected with starling exactitude;

they are a fountain which quenches the thirst of fiery passion, refreshes a dull, dejected spirit, cools the hot care-worn temples and infuses into all a subtle sense of pleasure all but spiritual;

an elixir inspiring all, a tonic elevating all minds. すべてを鼓舞する不老不死薬であり、すべての精神を高揚する強壮剤である。

The works of a talented man, on the other hand, contain nothing.

There we find fine works, finely linked together and fine sentiments, also finely interposed.

But then they are only set up for show.  しかし、それらは、見せるためだけに作り上げられたのです。

Like a mirage, they strike us for a moment with astonishment, but soon slip out of our mental vision because of their unsubstantiality.

We may be amused by them just for an hour or so, then dispense with them forever without incurring any loss to our intelectual storehouse.

  Again there is a third class of literary production which stands half-way between the above two and which will perhaps be most clearly defined by the name 'works of enthusiasm'.

Books of this class are not meant for all men in all conditions, as are those of a genius, nor are they written from the egotistic object of being read, nor as a pastime of leisure hours, as those of a talent,

but they are the outcome of some strong conviction which satiating the author's mind finds its outlet either in the form of a literary composition or in that of natural eloquence.

They are not the result of forced labour or of deliberate artifice, but are feats accomplished, so to speak, spontaneously.

At their best where the conviction is so profound as to be raised to the level of truth itself, and the passion attains a white heat, they are in no wise separated from the works of genius.

Even in the worst, they can not fail to attract some readers whose view of life runs in the same groove as the author's, nor can they cease to be a source of pleasure to those whose temperaments happen, in certain points, to sympathize with his.

For whether they be short or long, elaborate or succinct, they are invariably earnest in tone.

And earnestness is that quality which carries us along with it, whether we will or not.

  Writers of this class are however subject to a certain disadvantage from which the other two are generally free.

When their thoughts are too uncommon or too abstruse, they cannot, as a matter of fact, have many readers.

The intellectual flames, too fine and subtile to catch, the average mind, have no power, in this case, to kindle a spiritual fire in it, the appeal to whose common sense is a decided mark of popularity.

In such cases, they are generally superseded by transient luminaries of minor dimensions and doomed to sink into oblivion, hiding that one talent "lodged in them useless".

説明 lodged in them useless は、John Milton の On his blindness という自伝的な詩の中の言葉のようです。

  Still popularity does not make a poet or an author, any more than the average sentiment for the beautiful would make aesthetics.

Paradoxical though it may seem, an author's real power is someetimes in inverse ratio with his popularity.

For if he fails to appeal to mankind at large, he may still appeal to a select few whose opinion is far more valuable than the applause of the multitude.

As in the case of intellect where to recognise a truth is not the lot of every man, though he be endowed with the same faculty of reasoning and the same form of understanding as others,

just so in the province of literature, it does not lie within every man's power to appreciate a work of high merit which seems at first sight to be meaningless or even repulsive.

We may safely lay down the proposition that no one will deny the simple truth that two and two make four,

but we doubt whether there is one in every ten who will consent to the statement that the world's onward course consists of the gradual unfolding of the Mundane Spirit.

説明 大文字の Mundane Spirit が、何を指しているのか、わかりません。

Nor would any one except the cultured acknowledge the truth that space and time are not objective realities but only the necessary forms of subjective cognition.

説明 漱石は、英国留学中に、観念論や経験論の哲学を勉強しますが、留学前から、観念論の主張は知っていたようですね。

This difference between common sense and philosophy, may, to a certain degree, be stated as existing between common sense and literature.

For, as M. Taine wisely remarks, under every literature lies a philosophy and a philosophy which is a mere skeleton, becomes a literature when clothed with flesh and blood.

説明 Monsieur Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (21 April 1828 - 5 March 1893) は、フランスの批評家・歴史家。

Common people who look only at the outward semblance are struck dumb with admiration, where it is shaped with such a skill as in the case of a great artist, and stand gazing on, untill they forget to consider what a grim ungainly bony case is concealed within.

But where both flesh and blood are scantly in quantity and are subordinated in treatment to the structure of the skeleton, so that its ugly frame may be seen through the skin, people are generally scared and will soon take to their heels.

Only firm and robust minds can resist the momentary shock and find there something attractive;

or persons with a peculiar bent of mind who find their likenesses reflected there, can truly sympathize with those seeming apparitions.

  An apparition, possibly, the following piece may seem to most of us, inasmuch as only a few can nowadays resist its angry isolation and sullen estrangement from mankind, still fewer can recognise their own features reflected in it.

Philosophical arguments too may be urged against the author's narrow-minded pessimism, his one-sided view of life, his complete renunciation of social and family bonds.

With all that, the work recommends itself to some of us for two reasons:

first for the grave but not defiant tone with which the author explains the proper way of living, and represents the folly of pursuing shadows for happiness,

secondly for his naive admiration of nature as something capable of giving him temporary pleasure, and his due respect for what was noble in his predecessors.

  It is an inconsistency that a man who is so decidedly pessimistic in tendency should turn to inanimate nature as the only object of his sympathy.

For physical environments, however sublime and beautiful, can never meet our sympathy with sympathy.

We can not deny that we are sometimes inspired by her grandeur, --- which however is not the case with Chomei ---
私たちは、時に、自然の壮大さに霊感を受けることは、否定できません -- しかし、これは長明の場合ではありません --

but the inspiration comes only through some mechanical influence as in the case of an electric shock acting powerfully upon our system, and not through anything like spiritual communication which may exist between man and man.

After all, nature is dead.  結局のところ、自然は、死んでいます。

Unless we recognize in her the presence of a spirit, as Wordsworth does, we cannot prefer her to man, nay we cannot bring her on the same level as the latter, as our object of sympathy.

Man with all his foibles and shortcomings, has still more or less sympathy for his fellow creatures.

Granting that love deepens where sympathy is reciprocal, we find no reason why we should renounce all human ties and sullenly fly to cold, unsympathetic nature as the only friend in the world, who is really harmless.

Harmless she may be, but can never be affectionate! 自然は、無害かもしれませんが、決して愛のこもったものではありません。

  In the second place, Chomei forsook the world, because, he tells us, all earthly things are precarious in state, fortuitous in nature and therefore not worth while aspiring after.

Why then did he look so indulgently upon nature which is not a jot less subject to change?

Why did he not renounce her in the same breath with which he renounced life and property?

It is still more unaccountable that such a professed misanthrope as Chomei should find any interest in some particular individuals who had gone before him.

Be that as it may, however, we are not concerned merely with his inconsistencies, of which he has many.

  In spite of all these drawbacks, the author is always possessed with grave sincerity and has nothing in him, which we may call sportive carelessness.

If he can not stand critical analysis, he is at least entitled to no small degree of eulogy for his spotless conduct and ascetic life which he led among the hills of Toyama, unstained from the obnoxious influence of the Mammon-worshipping, pleasurehunting ugly world.

  Chomei's view of life which has been implicitly mentioned above, may well be illustrated by a quotation from Shakespeare:

   "The cloud-capp'd towers, the georgeous palaces,  雲を頂いた塔、豪華な宮殿

    The solemn temples, the great globe itself,      荘厳な神殿、偉大な地球自身

    Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve         そう、地球が受け継ぐすべては、溶解する

    And like this insubstantial pageant faded,       そして、この実体のないショーが消え去るように

    Leave not a rack behind.  We are such stuff     後にrackを残さない。私たちは、こういうもの

    As dreams are made on and our little life       夢が紡ぎ出されるように、そして、人の人生は

    Is rounded with a sleep."                  眠りで終わる。

説明 この引用は、テンペスト、第4章1場152-158行からです。

  Considering the particular social circumstances under which he lived, his peculiar turn of mind much hardened by his personal experiences as well as the strong influence which Buddhistic theology exerted upon his thought,

it is not surprising he was irresistibly driven into an ethereal region where eternal mind calmly sits by itself, emancipated from all objects of ephemeral nature.

Thus to him, to be up and doing, still achieving, still pursuing, seemed the greatest folly of all follies.

Rather like 'the hermit of the dale' he might invite others: --
むしろ、「谷間の隠とん者」のように、彼は、人を招いたでしょう: --

   "Then, pilgrim, turn, thy cares forego;  それで、巡礼のお方よ、向きを変えて、煩い事を捨てなさい:

    All earth-born cares are wrong:        すべて、この世で生まれた煩い事は間違いです:

    Man wants but little here below,        人はほんの少ししか欲しません、ここ下界では:

    Nor wants that little long."               そのほんの少しも、長くは欲しません。

説明 ゴールドスミスのバラード詩 Edwin and Angelina の 29-3229-32行からの引用です。

  Deeply impressed by the insecurity of life and property, he fled to nature.

There among flowers and rocks, he quietly breathed his last.

Let a Bellamy laugh at this poor recluse from his Utopian region of material trimph;

説明 Bellamy は、19世紀末のアメリカの小説家・社会批評家

let a Wordsworth pity him who looked at nature merely as objective and could not find in it a motion and a spirit, rolling through all things;

let all those whose virtue consists of sallying out and seeking his adversary, turn upon him as an object of ridicule:

for all that he would never have wavered from his conviction.

  Of Chomei's life a few sentences suffice to tell you all.

He lived in the latter half of the twelfth century, and was the son of the rector of the Kamo temple in Yamashiro.

His solicitations to succeed to his father's position being refused, he shaved his head in vexation and retired to the sequestered village of Ohara.

At the invitation by Sanetomo, he went to Kamakura and was a guest of that prince for a time.

He spent in seclusion the remainder of his life in Toyama.

  He was well acquainted with the art of composing Japanese verse.

Many pieces of his are found in a collection called Choku-sen (Imperial selection).

Besides the Hojoki, he wrote the Ei-gioku-shu, the Mumyo-sho, Hosshin-shu, Shiki-monogatari and others.

  In rendering this little piece into English, I have taken some pains to preserve the Japanese construction as far as possible.

But owing to the radical difference both of the nature of language and the mode of expression, I was obliged, now and then, to take liberties and to make slight omissions and insertions.

Some annotations have also been inserted where it seemed necessary.

If they be of the slightest use in the way of clearing up the difficulties of the text, my object is gained.

After all, my claim as regards this translation is fully vindicated, if it proves itself readable.

For its literary finish and elegance, I leave it to others to satisfy you.

                                                             5th December , 1891

                                                             K. Natsume


Hojo-ki       方丈記

註 This title may be rendered into English as 'a description of a little house'.

     'Ki' is the Chinese term which represents one of the primary divisions of prose composition.

     'Hojo' literally means 'ten feet by ten', which Chomei gave to his house as its name to denote the smallness.


  Incessant is the change of water where the stream glides on calmly:

the spray appears over a cataract, yet vanishes without a moment's dalay.

Such is the fate of men in the world and of the houses in which they live.

Walls standing side by side, tilings vying with one another in loftiness, these are from generations past the abodes of high and low in a mighty town.

But none of them has resisted the destructive work of time.

Some stand in ruins; others are replaced by new structures.

Their posessors too share the same fate with them.

Let the place be the same, the people as numerous as before,

yet we can scarcely meet one out of every ten, with whom we had long ago a chance of coming across.

We see our first light in the morning and return to our long home next evening.

Our destiny is like bubbles of water.  私たちの運命は、水の泡のごとし。

Wence do we come? Whither do we tend?  私たちはもどこから来るのか? 私たちは、どこへ向かうのか?

What ails us, what delights us in this unreal world? この非現実的な世界で、何が私たちを悩まし、何が私たちを喜こばせるのか?

It is impossible to say.  それを語るのは難しい。

A house with its master, which passes away in a state of perpetual change, may well be compared to a morning-glory with a dew drop upon it.

Sometimes the dew falls and the flower remains but only to die in the first sunshine:

sometimes the dew survives the drooping flower, yet can not live till the evening.


  More than forty years of existence have rewarded me with the sight of several wonderful spectacles in this world.

On the 28th of April in the 3rd year of Angen (1177) when the wind was raging and the night was boisterous, a fire broke at eight o'clock in the south-eastern part of the city and spread towards the north-east.

The Sujakuden , the Daikyokuden, the Daigakurio, and the Mimbusho were all reduced to ashes in one night.

註 Sujakuden and Daikiokuden are the names of two imperial palaces.

     Daigakurio was an educational institution like modern university.

     Mimbusho was an official institution corresponding to the present Department for Home Affairs.

A temporary structure at Tominokoji in Hinokuchi where the sick were lodged, was said to be the starting-point of the winged conflagration.

Caught by the wind hovering around, the fire soon proceeded thence in the form of an open fan.

It enveloped distant houses in smoke, and licked with fiery tongues the neighbouring ground.

註 Both the fire and houses are spoken of as if they were animate.

Sparks scattered on high, blazing with dazzling light, presented a brilliant glow of immense dimension.

Amidst this red chaos, the flames driven by the wind, flew over the distance of one or two cho and found their new home in another quarter.

The inhabitants were of course out of their wits.  住んでいる人は、もちろん、正気を失っています。

Some fell choked with smoke, others died in the conflagration.

Those who fortunately escaped with their lives, lost all their property.

No estimate could be formed of the treasures and riches that perished.

One third of the city was left a wilderness. 都の三分の一が、荒れ野となりって残されました。

Thousands of people together with an immense number of cattle, fell victims to this merciless conflagration.

Of all human contrivances which prove fruitless, the feeblest is that effort of theirs to reside in cities which are so dangerous.


  On the 29th of February in the fourth year of Jisho (1180), a whirlwind arose in Kiogoku and rushed toward Rokujo with terrible vehemence.

Travelling three or four cho in one gust, it wrecked all the houses standing in its way.

Some were thrown down flat upon the ground; others stood only with their pillars.

The roofs of gates were blown off, fences were broken and neighbours found their mansions without any boundaries.

Articles of furniture were whirled up into the sky;  家財道具は、空に巻き上げられ;

the bark and thatch which had covered the roofs looked like leaves before a wintry wind.

The dust which, like thick smoke, blinded our eyes, the raging of the gale which drowned all human voices, reminded one of the Go wind of Hell.

註 Certain Buddhistic books tell us that when the world comes to an end, a strong wind called Go, shall arise.

The wind destroyed not only houses, but maimed people who were engaged in checking its work.

It travelled toward the south-west much to the grief of people living there.

Though a whirlwind usually springs up, such a violent one is indeed an exception.

I could not help thinking then that it was meant for a warning from the Unseen.


(Several paragraphs which follow are devoted to an account of the removal of the capital to Setstsu in 1180, of the famine during Yokwa (1181), of the pestilence in the same year, the earthquake in the second year of Genreki.

All these however are not essential to the true purport of the piece, so that we can dispense with them with little hesitation.)


  Such are the evils of the world, the instability of life and of human habitations.

Still greater is the distress which we experience through the shackles of social bonds.

Those who enjoy the favor of the great may for a moment be steeped in pleasure, but can not enjoy permanent happiness.

Even forcing back their tears, they sometimes counterfeit a careless smile, though always restless in demeanour.

Like a sparrow close by the nest of an eagle, they live in a state of perpetual fear.

Poor folks, on the other hand, are vexed with their wretched condition, are forced to look on the impotent envy of their wives and children, and to put up with the insolence of their rich neighbours.

They too are unable to enjoy even a moment's peace of mind.

Again those who live near thoroughfares can never escape the fury of conflagration when it rages.

Let them reside in the country;   彼等は、田舎に住まわせなさい;

they are then subject to no small disadvantage of bad roads, not to speak of an occasional attack from burglars.

説明 原文は、もし彼らが辺境の地に住めば、行き帰りがわずらわしく、盗賊の難もはなはだしい なので、漱石の訳は誤訳と思います。

The strong knows no content, the single is the object of contempt;

説明 原文が、権勢ある人は欲深く、ひとり身の者は人に軽んじられる なので、こう訳しましたが、

    漱石の英文を普通に訳すと、強い人は、中味を知らず、独りの人は軽蔑の対象である となると思います。

wealth brings with it an equal amount of care; poverty always goes hand in hand with distress;

reliance makes one another's slave; charity fetters the mind with affection;
人に頼ると、人の奴隷となる; 慈善は心を愛情で束縛する;

to act exactly like others is intolerable; not to act as they do seems to be madness. 
他人と全く同じく振舞うことは、耐えられない; 同じく振舞わないと、狂っているようにみえる。

In what place shall we settle and with what occupation shall we amuse ourselves?


  Inheriting my paternal grandmother's estate, I lived long there.

Bereft of my family, however, and having lost vigour through a series of misfortunes, I was at last compelled to forsake the paternal estate, when I was thirty years of age and to inhabit a hut with no other companion than my own mind.

When compared to my former resisdence in extent, it was scarcely more than one-tenth.

A room there was indeed, but a house it was not in the proper sense of term.

No gate adorned the poor hedge.  貧相な塀を飾る門はありませんでした。

Bamboo pillars supported the roof: the floor rested upon a wagon.
竹の柱が屋根を支えました: 床は、ワゴン上に置かれました。

註 It is somewhat difficult to imagine a house whose floor rested upon a wagon.

    Even in the author's time, such a house was not inhabited by any except him who built it after that style so that the house itself could be carried anywhere.

When the wind blew hard or a snow-storm set in, the hut was in constant danger of being swept off or of falling down.

Moreover, being situated near the river bank, a flood could easily wash it away.

Thus overtaxed with earthly cares, my mind fell an easy prey to despondency.

In the meantime, however, changes in physical surroundings and the vicissitudes of fortunes, reminded me of the ephemeral character of human destiny.

The time came at last when I left the house and left the world altogether.

Bound by no family ties, I left no yearning toward what I had left;

being no pensioner, why should I long for my former position?

Many springs and summers were spent among the clouds of Mount Ohara.


  Now when the dew of sixty years was on the point of vanishing, once again did it condense upon a tiny leaf.

註 I wonder whether this metaphor is intelligible at all in English: この隠喩は、英語でわかりますでしょうか。

    but I could not help rendering it without any change of expression inasmuch as it is very fine in the original Japanese.

説明 元の日本語は、末葉のやどりを結べることあり です。末葉の宿りは、余生のための住まい のことですから、

    漱石のように、地位さの葉っぱの上に、もう一度露が凝集した と翻訳する必要はないと思います。

You might compare it to a night's shelter for a belated traveller or a cocoon inhabited by an old silk-worm.

In extent, this new hut of mine could not claim even one-hundredth of the former.

You see, my life was declining, and the house was reduced along with it.

In structure it resembled no ordinary house.  構造上、それは、普通の家と全く似ていません。

The room was ten feet by ten; its height was less than seven.

It occupied no permanent site, because I had no mind to settle in a definite place.

A clay-built floor, a thatched roof, and planks linked together with hooks, so that they might be removed easily if necessary, constituted my abode.

What expense was I liable to in changing my home?  庵を変えるのに、どんな出費を払うべきでしょうか?

Two carts were enough to carry the house itself.   庵を運ぶには、牛車が2台で十分です。

Only the little hire for them, nothing more!       それらのわずかな賃料だけで、他は何もいりません。

  Here during my seclusion in the innermost recesses of Hino, I added a temporary blind on the southern side of the hut with a bamboo mat under it:

an akadana (water-shelf) along the western wall, has become the sacred place for putting the image of Buddha so that his brow may be lit up by the mellow beams of the setting sun.

On each of the door leaves, I have hung a picture of Hugen and Hudo.

On a little shelf above the northern door sash, are placed a few trunks of black leather, containing some poetical extracts in Japanese, songs, Ojio-yoshu and the like.

Close by, against the wall, you will find a koto and a biwa to which I gave the name of 'Ori-goto' and 'Tsugi-biwa' respectively.

On the east side, a bed consisting of old fern leaves scattered about and a mat of straw, a writing desk below the window a brazier beside a pillow, completed its furnishing.

A little patch of ground to the north of the hut, was laid out as my garden where I planted several medicinal herbs, enclosed by a broken hedge.

This is the condition of my temporary abode.  これが仮の庵の様子です。

  As to its surroundings: in the south, there is a pipe conducting water to a reservoir made of piled stones.

Woods being near in the vine-clad Toyama, there is plenty of fruit and of logs.

Though the valley is dark with thickets, it opens towards the west and thus offers much help to meditation.

註 In Buddhism, the west is associated with Gokuraku (the land of beatitude)

     which is the abode of all good men after death and lies in the extreme west.

In spring, my sight is attracted by the wavy clusters of the Fuji (Wistaria chinensia) which sends its fragrant ordour out of its purple clouds.

In summer, the cuckoo with its doleful note puts me in mind of 'the mountain path of Death'.

註 Cuckoo is considered as a mournful bird which crosses the mountain of Shide (the starting-point for death).

Autumn fills my ears with the shrill chirps of cicadas which I interpret as the dirge for life as empty as their cast-off shells.

In winter I sympathize with snow because of its semblance to human sins, accumulating in depth and then melting away.

If indisposed, I freely neglect to say prayers or to read sacred books (Kyo), without being admonished by any one for the omission.

Nor have I any friend before whom I might feel ashamed for this negligence of duty.

Though not specially inclined to observe the 'discipline of silence', I am always observant of it, for I have no companion to enter into conversation, and thereby to break the discipline.

註 A discipline in which a priest sits during a given time without uttering a word.

Being out of the reach of any temptation, I have no chance of breaking the canons of Buddhism.

When in the morning, I chance to come to the river's side, and behold boats sailing in it, I feel that I am just in the same mood and position as Man-shami .

註 An official who lived in the reign of Nara.  奈良時代に生きた官吏です

When the cinnamon wind rustles among the leaves, I imagine the scene in Junyo-Bay註1 and begin to play upon the biwa in imitation of Cinammon Dainagon註2.

註1 The allusion is to the famous poem of Hakurakuten, called "Junyoko" i.e. the ballad of the Bay of Junyo, in which the poet describes an unfortunate young girl who played upon the biwa for him during his banishment from court in that out-of-the-way part of the country.

註2 A famous musician who founded a school of his own, called the Cinnamon after his name.

A performance of the 'autumnal wind' may vie with the echoes from the pines: the song of the 'flowing fountain' is tuned like the murmurs of water.

註 This playing on words may be almost meaningless in English, but I could not render it better.

I do not profess any skill in the art, but then I do not play for other's enjoyment.

I croon for myself, thrum for myself, only to refresh my mind.

  At the foot of the mountain, there is a little cot in which the keeper of the mountain lives.

His boy visits me now and then and is my companion in leisurely strolls.

He is sixteen years of age and I am sixty.  彼は16歳、私は、60歳。

This difference of age, however, does not cause any difference of pleasure which we equally share.

  To collect cranberries, to gather kaya-flowers, to fill our basket with the fruits of the yama-imo, to pick parsley, to weave a mat of the fallen ears of corn -- such are our diversions.
 クランベリーを獲り、茅の花を集め、果実や山芋で籠を満たし、パセリを摘み、稲の落穂で敷物を編む -- これらが私たちの楽しみです。

In fine weather I climb up mountain peaks, to behold my native province in the distance: and enjoy the surrounding scenery to my heart's content.
天気がよければ、峰に上って、遠くの故郷を眺めます: そして、周囲の景色を楽しんで、心を満たします。

I can do that, because nature is not the private property of particular individuals.

Long excursions are also undertaken.  長い遠出もやります。

Then I go over Sumiyama. pass Kasadori, bow before the shrine of Iwama, make a pilgrimage to Isiyama:

or I visit the ruins of the cottage of the old Semimaru, far in the moor of Awazu, linger about the grave of Sarumaruau, on the further side of the Tagami river.

註 Semimaru and Sarumarudau are two poets of note. 蝉丸と猿丸大夫は、二人の有名な詩人です。

On my way home, I am often rewarded for my walk with a bough of cherry, a branch of maple, a bunch of ferns or a basket of fruit, which I offer to Buddha or keep for my own use.

The bright moon in the calm night recalls to me the men of old; the cries of monkeys moisten my sleeves with tears;
静かな夜の明るい月は、古人を思い起こさせます; 猿の声は私の袖を涙で濡らします;

fire-flies in the sward gleam as if they were torchlights of Magijima;

a morning shower is an exact counterpart of the wind rustling through the leaves;

the notes of a wild bird make me curious to know whether it is male or female;

註 The allusion is to a poem of Ukimoto: Is that a father or a mother  Who sings horo, horo on the heather.
   この引喩は、行基の歌: 山鳥のほろほろと鳴く声きけば 父かとぞ思う母かぞと思う に関係しています

     The notes of a bird evoked the sympathy of the poet who assumes that the parental affection
   which exists between parent and child, likewise exists among little birds.

     Such an idea is very common in Japanese poetry.

the bold appearance of a hart reminds me of the wide gap existing between the world and me;

the ash-covered charcoal newly stirred up, is an old man's delightful companion, in his midnight awaking from sleep;

the moping voice of owls fills my mind with pity.   ふくろうの塞ぎ込んだ声は、私の心を悲しみで満たす。

Scenes like these are indeed inexhaustible here.  このような景色は、尽きることがありません。

Those who are profounder in reflection, and quicker in perception than I, cannot fail to find many other things which may likewise attract their attention.


  Five years have elapsed since I first settled here. 私が最初にここに住み始めて、5年がたちました。

The temporary shed has now been reduced to an all but dilapidated condition.

Deep under the eaves, the fallen leaves have accumulated, being left to moulder there.

Moss too has grown upon the floor.  苔も、床の上にはえています。

Occasional tidings from town have announced to me the death of many noble persons there.

And I can easily calculate the number of the humble people who have also been similarly overtaken.

説明 原文は、数えあげるに足らない人たちの数は、全部を尽くして知ることはできない。ですので、漱石の訳は誤訳でしょう。

Many houses too, must have been burnt in the frequent fires.

Only this humble cot of mine is safe and quiet. ただ私の卑しい庵のみ、安らかで静かです。

However narrow, it has been a bed by night and a seat by day, and is enough to shelter me.

The gona likes its little shell because he knows content:

註 A little parasite which inhabits a small shell.  小さな貝に住む寄生生物

説明 寄居虫(ごうな)は、ヤドカリのことです。

the fish-hawk inhabits a rogh beach because he is afraid of men.

Like them I think of myself alone in this world. 彼等と同じく、私も、この世に独りと考えます。

I cherish no objects, seek no friendship. 私は、もの/目標 を大切にしません、私は、友情を求めません。

説明 原文は、 事を知り、世間を知ると、欲張らず、あくせくしない。です。

Tranquility is my sole desire, to have no trouble is my happiness.

Others do not build their houses for themselves;  ほかの皆さんは、自分のために家を建てるのではない;

their houses are either for their families or for their friends or for their tutors and lords, or even for their oxen, horses and treasure.

But I have built mine for my own sake, because I have no companion, no friend to live with me.

  What is friendship but respect for the rich and open-handed and contempt for the just and kind?

Better to make associates of music and nature!  音楽や自然を友とするほうが、よりいいです。

Our servants only care for rewards and punishments and estimate our favour by the amount of largesses given them.

We throw away kindness upon them who never require it.

Let us rather be our own servants.  むしろ自分で召使になるほうがいい。

To use our own hands and legs, if somewhat irksome, is much easier than employing others.

Let us employ our bodies in a double way.  自分の体を、二通りに使いましょう。

Our arms are our servants, our legs are our vehicles.  腕は召使で、脚は乗り物です。

The mind which knows how it goes with the body, may use the latter if fresh, allow it to rest if tired.

Let the mind take care not to overtax the body with labour, not to grant the latter's disposition to be idle.

To take exercise is healthy: why then should we sit and do nothing?
運動をすることは、健康的です: それでは何故、私たちは、座って、何もしないのか?

To trouble others is a sin, why should we ask others for help?

  As to diet and clothes, I observe the same principle.  衣食に関して、私は、同じ原理を遵守します。

A garment of 'fuji' and a bed-quilt of hemp are sufficient to cover my body.

The kaya-flower, which flourishes in the wilderness, some fruit scattered about the mountain side may very well sustain my life.

The poor figure so thinly clad, is no object of ridicule here in solitude.

Meals so scanty have still a relish for me.  ほんの少しの食事でも、私には楽しみです。

I do not intend those remarks as a sermon for those in easy circumstances, but I want only to compare my former days with the present.

Envy and fear have been expelled from my mind since I renounced the world's pleasure.

Without regret and without reluctance, I follow my fortune as Providence leads me.

Regarding self as a floating cloud, I do not rely on it, nor, on the other hand, am dissatisfied with it in the least.

Temporary pleasure has dwindled into nothing over the pillow of the dreamer:

his life-long wish still finds its satisfaction in the beautiful in nature.

  The three worlds consist of only one mind三界は、一つの心からなります。

註 The so-called three worlds are the material, the immaterial and the world of lust.

Treasures, horses, oxen, palaces, towers, what are they, if the mind is uneasy?

I enjoy the peace of mind in this lonely place, in this small cottage.

In town I might be ashamed to becom a beggar;  町では、私は、乞食になることを恥じるでしょう;

settled here, however, I pity those who toil and moil in the dusty highway of the world.

He who doubts what I say, need only look at fishes and birds.

Fishes never get weary of water: none but fishes knows their motive.
魚は、決して、水に飽きない: 魚以外の誰も、その動機がわからない。

Birds are fond of woods: none but birds may tell you why.
鳥は、森を好む: 鳥以外の誰も、その理由がわからない。

The same may be said of seclusion.  閑居についても、同じことが言える。

Its pleasure can not be understood by one who has not led such a life.


  The lunar course of my life is fast declining and is getting every moment nearer to the peak of death.

If the time comes when I make a sudden start for the darkness of 'the three ways', of what use would it be to trouble my mind with earthly cares?

註 'The three ways' is the name of a river corresponding to the Styx.

Buddha teaches us to love no earthly things.

To love this mossy hut is still a sin: tried tranquillity is certainly an obstruction to salvation.
この苔むした庵を愛するのは罪です: 静かさを試みることも、救済の妨げとなります。

Woe to them! who indulge in useless pleasures to while away time.

  One still morning after those reflections, I began to ask myself:

"The object of escaping from the world and of living among woods and mountains is nothing but to tranquillize your mind and to practise your principles.

But your mind is soaked in impurity, though your appearance resembles a sage.

Your conduct even falls short of Shuri-bandoku's註1 though your hut is like that of Jiomio-Koji註2.

註1 A disciple of Shaka, notorious for his folly, and weak memory.

註2 'Jiomio' is another name of Yuima, the hero of the Yuima-gio (one of the sacred books of Buddhism).

Is it the effect of poverty or is it the influence of some impure thought?"

No answer did I give to this question but twice or thrice repeated involuntary prayers.

  The last day of March, the 2nd year of Kenreki (1211).  建暦2年(1211年)3月末日

  Monk Renin at the hut of Toyama.    僧 蓮胤 外山の庵にて

 "Alas! the mountain peak conceals the moon;    月かげは入る山の端もつらかりき

   Her constant light's denied to me a boon."   たえぬひかりを見るよしもがな




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