坊っちゃん BOTCHAN (MASTER DARLING) 夏目漱石 by Mr. Kin-nosuke Natsume, trans. by Yasotaro Morri 一 CHAPTER I 親譲(おやゆず)りの無鉄砲(むてっぽう)で小供の時から損ばかりしている。 Because of an hereditary recklessness, I have been playing always a losing game since my childhood. 小学校に居る時分学校の二階から飛び降りて一週間ほど腰(こし)を抜(ぬ)かした事がある。 During my grammar school days, I was once laid up for about a week by jumping from the second story of the school building. なぜそんな無闇(むやみ)をしたと聞く人があるかも知れぬ。 Some may ask why I committed such a rash act. 別段深い理由でもない。 There was no particular reason for doing such a thing 新築の二階から首を出していたら、同級生の一人が冗談(じょうだん)に、いくら威張(いば)っても、そこから飛び降りる事は出来まい。 弱虫やーい。 と囃(はや)したからである。 except I happened to be looking out into the yard from the second floor of the newly-built school house, when one of my classmates, joking, shouted at me; "Say, you big bluff, I'll bet you can't jump down from there! O, you chicken-heart, ha, ha!" 小使(こづかい)に負ぶさって帰って来た時、おやじが大きな眼(め)をして二階ぐらいから飛び降りて腰を抜かす奴(やつ)があるかと云(い)ったから、 So I jumped down. The janitor of the school had to carry me home on his back, and when my father saw me, he yelled derisively, "What a fellow you are to go and get your bones dislocated by jumping only from a second story!" この次は抜かさずに飛んで見せます "I'll see I don't get dislocated next time," と答えた。 I answered. 親類のものから西洋製のナイフを貰(もら)って One of my relatives once presented me with a pen-knife. 奇麗(きれい)な刃(は)を日に翳(かざ)して、友達(ともだち)に見せていたら、一人が光る事は光るが切れそうもないと云った。 I was showing it to my friends, reflecting its pretty blades against the rays of the sun, when one of them chimed in that the blades gleamed all right, but seemed rather dull for cutting with. 切れぬ事があるか、何でも切ってみせると受け合った。 "Rather dull? See if they don't cut!" I retorted. そんなら君の指を切ってみろと注文したから、 "Cut your finger, then," he challenged. 何だ指ぐらいこの通りだと右の手の親指の甲(こう)をはすに切り込(こ)んだ。 And with "Finger nothing! Here goes!" I cut my thumb slant-wise. 幸(さいわい)ナイフが小さいのと、親指の骨が堅(かた)かったので、今だに親指は手に付いている。 Fortunately the knife was small and the bone of the thumb hard enough, so the thumb is still there, しかし創痕(きずあと)は死ぬまで消えぬ。 but the scar will be there until my death. 庭を東へ二十歩に行き尽(つく)すと、南上がりにいささかばかりの菜園があって、真中(まんなか)に栗(くり)の木が一本立っている。 About twenty steps to the east edge of our garden, there was a moderate-sized vegetable yard, rising toward the south, and in the centre of which stood a chestnut tree これは命より大事な栗だ。 which was dearer to me than life. 実の熟する時分は起き抜けに背戸(せど)を出て落ちた奴を拾ってきて、学校で食う。 In the season when the chestnuts were ripe, I used to slip out of the house from the back door early in the morning to pick up the chestnuts which had fallen during the night, and eat them at the school. 菜園の西側が山城屋(やましろや)という質屋の庭続きで、 On the west side of the vegetable yard was the adjoining garden of a pawn shop called Yamashiro-ya. この質屋に勘太郎(かんたろう)という十三四の倅(せがれ)が居た。 This shopkeeper's son was a boy about 13 or 14 years old named Kantaro. 勘太郎は無論弱虫である。 Kantaro was, it happens, a mollycoddle. 弱虫の癖(くせ)に四つ目垣を乗りこえて、栗を盗(ぬす)みにくる。 Nevertheless he had the temerity to come over the fence to our yard and steal my chestnuts. ある日の夕方折戸(おりど)の蔭(かげ)に隠(かく)れて、とうとう勘太郎を捕(つら)まえてやった。 One certain evening I hid myself behind a folding-gate of the fence and caught him in the act. その時勘太郎は逃(に)げ路(みち)を失って、一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)に飛びかかってきた。 Having his retreat cut off he grappled with me in desperation. 向(むこ)うは二つばかり年上である。 He was about two years older than I, 弱虫だが力は強い。 and, though weak-kneed, was physically the stronger. 鉢(はち)の開いた頭を、こっちの胸へ宛(あ)ててぐいぐい押(お)した拍子(ひょうし)に、勘太郎の頭がすべって、おれの袷(あわせ)の袖(そで)の中にはいった。 While I wallopped him, he pushed his head against my breast and by chance it slipped inside my sleeve. 邪魔(じゃま)になって手が使えぬから、無暗に手を振(ふ)ったら、袖の中にある勘太郎の頭が、右左へぐらぐら靡(なび)いた。 As this hindered the free action of my arm, I tried to shake him loose, though, his head dangled the further inside, しまいに苦しがって袖の中から、おれの二の腕(うで)へ食い付いた。 and being no longer able to stand the stifling combat, he bit my bare arm. 痛かったから It was painful. 勘太郎を垣根へ押しつけておいて、足搦(あしがら)をかけて向うへ倒(たお)してやった。 I held him fast against the fence, and by a dexterous foot twist sent him down flat on his back. 山城屋の地面は菜園より六尺がた低い。 勘太郎は四つ目垣を半分崩(くず)して、自分の領分へ真逆様(まっさかさま)に落ちて、ぐうと云った。 Kantaro broke the fence and as the ground belonging to Yamashiro-ya was about six feet lower than the vegetable yard, he fell headlong to his own territory with a thud. 勘太郎が落ちるときに、おれの袷の片袖がもげて、急に手が自由になった。 As he rolled off he tore away the sleeve in which his head had been enwrapped, and my arm recovered a sudden freedom of movement. その晩母が山城屋に詫(わ)びに行ったついでに袷の片袖も取り返して来た。 That night when my mother went to Yamashiro-ya to apologize, she brought back that sleeve. この外いたずらは大分やった。 Besides the above, I did many other mischiefs. 大工の兼公(かねこう)と肴屋(さかなや)の角(かく)をつれて、茂作(もさく)の人参畠(にんじんばたけ)をあらした事がある。 With Kaneko of a carpenter shop and Kaku of a fishmarket, I once ruined a carrot patch of one Mosaku. 人参の芽が出揃(でそろ)わぬ処(ところ)へ藁(わら)が一面に敷(し)いてあったから、 The sprouts were just shooting out and the patch was covered with straws to ensure their even healthy growth. その上で三人が半日相撲(すもう)をとりつづけに取ったら、人参がみんな踏(ふ)みつぶされてしまった。 Upon this straw-covered patch, we three wrestled for fully half a day, and consequently thoroughly smashed all the sprouts. 古川(ふるかわ)の持っている田圃(たんぼ)の井戸(いど)を埋(う)めて尻(しり)を持ち込まれた事もある。 Also I once filled up a well which watered some rice fields owned by one Furukawa, and he followed me with kicks. 太い孟宗(もうそう)の節を抜いて、深く埋めた中から水が湧(わ)き出て、そこいらの稲(いね)にみずがかかる仕掛(しかけ)であった。 The well was so devised that from a large bamboo pole, sunk deep into the ground, the water issued and irrigated the rice fields. その時分はどんな仕掛か知らぬから、石や棒(ぼう)ちぎれをぎゅうぎゅう井戸の中へ挿(さ)し込んで、水が出なくなったのを見届けて、うちへ帰って飯を食っていたら、古川が真赤(まっか)になって怒鳴(どな)り込んで来た。 Ignorant of the mechanical side of this irrigating method at that time, I stuffed the bamboo pole with stones and sticks, and satisfied that no more water came up, I returned home and was eating supper when Furukawa, fiery red with anger, burst into our house with howling protests. たしか罰金(ばっきん)を出して済んだようである。 I believe the affair was settled on our paying for the damage. おやじはちっともおれを可愛(かわい)がってくれなかった。 Father did not like me in the least, 母は兄ばかり贔屓(ひいき)にしていた。 and mother always sided with my big brother. この兄はやに色が白くって、芝居(しばい)の真似(まね)をして女形(おんながた)になるのが好きだった。 This brother's face was palish white, and he had a fondness for taking the part of an actress at the theatre. おれを見る度にこいつはどうせ碌(ろく)なものにはならないと、おやじが云った。 "This fellow will never amount to much," father used to remark when he saw me. 乱暴で乱暴で行く先が案じられると母が云った。 "He's so reckless that I worry about his future, " I often heard mother say of me. なるほど碌なものにはならない。 Exactly; I have never amounted to much. ご覧の通りの始末である。 I am just as you see me; 行く先が案じられたのも無理はない。 no wonder my future used to cause anxiety to my mother. ただ懲役(ちょうえき)に行かないで生きているばかりである。 I am living without becoming but a jailbird. 母が病気で死ぬ二三日(にさんち)前台所で宙返りをしてへっついの角で肋骨(あばらぼね)を撲(う)って大いに痛かった。 Two or three days previous to my mother's death, I took it into my head to turn a somersault in the kitchen, and painfully hit my ribs against the corner of the stove. 母が大層怒(おこ)って、お前のようなものの顔は見たくないと云うから、親類へ泊(とま)りに行っていた。 Mother was very angry at this and told me not to show my face again, so I went to a relative to stay with. するととうとう死んだと云う報知(しらせ)が来た。 While there, I received the news that my mother's illness had become very serious, and that after all efforts for her recovery, she was dead. そう早く死ぬとは思わなかった。 そんな大病なら、もう少し大人(おとな)しくすればよかったと思って帰って来た。 I came home thinking that I should have behaved better if I had known the conditions were so serious as that. そうしたら例の兄がおれを親不孝だ、おれのために、おっかさんが早く死んだんだと云った。 Then that big brother of mine denounced me as wanting in filial piety, and that I had caused her untimely death. 口惜(くや)しかったから、兄の横っ面を張って大変叱(しか)られた。 Mortified at this, I slapped his face, and thereupon received a sound scolding from father. 母が死んでからは、おやじと兄と三人で暮(くら)していた。 After the death of mother, I lived with father and brother. おやじは何にもせぬ男で、人の顔さえ見れば貴様は駄目(だめ)だ駄目だと口癖のように云っていた。 Father did nothing, and always said "You're no good" to my face. 何が駄目なんだか今に分らない。 What he meant by "no good" I am yet to understand. 妙(みょう)なおやじがあったもんだ。 A funny dad he was. 兄は実業家になるとか云ってしきりに英語を勉強していた。 My brother was to be seen studying English hard, saying that he was going to be a businessman. 元来女のような性分で、ずるいから、仲がよくなかった。 He was like a girl by nature, and so "sassy" that we two were never on good terms, 十日に一遍(いっぺん)ぐらいの割で喧嘩(けんか)をしていた。 and had to fight it out about once every ten days. ある時将棋(しょうぎ)をさしたら卑怯(ひきょう)な待駒(まちごま)をして、人が困ると嬉(うれ)しそうに冷やかした。 When we played a chess game one day, he placed a chessman as a "waiter,"--a cowardly tactic this,--and had hearty laugh on me by seeing me in a fix. あんまり腹が立ったから、手に在った飛車を眉間(みけん)へ擲(たた)きつけてやった。 His manner was so trying that time that I banged a chessman on his forehead 眉間が割れて少々血が出た。 which was injured a little bit and bled. 兄がおやじに言付(いつ)けた。 He told all about this to father, おやじがおれを勘当(かんどう)すると言い出した。 who said he would disinherit me. その時はもう仕方がないと観念して先方の云う通り勘当されるつもりでいたら、 Then I gave up myself for lost, and expected to be really disinherited. 十年来召し使っている清(きよ)という下女が、泣きながらおやじに詫(あや)まって、ようやくおやじの怒(いか)りが解けた。 But our maid Kiyo, who had been with us for ten years or so, interceded on my behalf, and tearfully apologized for me, and by her appeal my father's wrath was softened. それにもかかわらずあまりおやじを怖(こわ)いとは思わなかった。 I did not regard him, however, as one to be afraid of in any way, かえってこの清と云う下女に気の毒であった。 but rather felt sorry for our Kiyo. この下女はもと由緒(ゆいしょ)のあるものだったそうだが、瓦解(がかい)のときに零落(れいらく)して、つい奉公(ほうこう)までするようになったのだと聞いている。 I had heard that Kiyo was of a decent, well-to-do family, but being driven to poverty at the time of the Restoration, had to work as a servant. だから婆(ばあ)さんである。 So she was an old woman by this time. この婆さんがどういう因縁(いんえん)か、おれを非常に可愛がってくれた。 This old woman,--by what affinity, as the Buddhists say, I don't know,--loved me a great deal. 不思議なものである。 Strange, indeed! 母も死ぬ三日前に愛想(あいそ)をつかした ――おやじも年中持て余している ――町内では乱暴者の悪太郎と爪弾(つまはじ)きをする ――このおれを無暗に珍重(ちんちょう)してくれた。 She was almost blindly fond of me,--me, whom mother, became thoroughly disgusted with three days before her death; whom father considered a most aggravating proposition all the year round, and whom the neighbors cordially hated as the local bully among the youngsters. おれは到底(とうてい)人に好かれる性(たち)でないとあきらめていたから、他人から木の端(はし)のように取り扱(あつか)われるのは何とも思わない、 I had long reconciled myself to the fact that my nature was far from being attractive to others, and so didn't mind if I were treated as a piece of wood; かえってこの清のようにちやほやしてくれるのを不審(ふしん)に考えた。 so I thought it uncommon that Kiyo should pet me like that. 清は時々台所で人の居ない時に 「あなたは真(ま)っ直(すぐ)でよいご気性だ」 と賞(ほ)める事が時々あった。 Sometimes in the kitchen, when there was nobody around, she would praise me saying that I was straightforward and of a good disposition. しかしおれには清の云う意味が分からなかった。 What she meant by that exactly, was not clear to me, however. 好(い)い気性なら清以外のものも、もう少し善くしてくれるだろうと思った。 If I were of so good a nature as she said, I imagined those other than Kiyo should accord me a better treatment. 清がこんな事を云う度におれはお世辞は嫌(きら)いだと答えるのが常であった。 So whenever Kiyo said to me anything of the kind, I used to answer that I did not like passing compliments. すると婆さんはそれだから好いご気性ですと云っては、 Then she would remark; "That's the very reason I say you are of a good disposition," 嬉しそうにおれの顔を眺(なが)めている。 and would gaze at me with absorbing tenderness. 自分の力でおれを製造して誇(ほこ)ってるように見える。 She seemed to recreate me by her own imagination, and was proud of the fact. 少々気味がわるかった。 I felt even chilled through my marrow at her constant attention to me. 母が死んでから清はいよいよおれを可愛がった。 After my mother was dead, Kiyo loved me still more. 時々は小供心になぜあんなに可愛がるのかと不審に思った。 In my simple reasoning, I wondered why she had taken such a fancy to me. つまらない、廃(よ)せばいいのにと思った。 Sometimes I thought it quite futile on her part, that she had better quit that sort of thing, 気の毒だと思った。 which was bad for her. それでも清は可愛がる。 But she loved me just the same. 折々は自分の小遣(こづか)いで金鍔(きんつば)や紅梅焼(こうばいやき)を買ってくれる。 Once in, a while she would buy, out of her own pocket, some cakes or sweetmeats for me. 寒い夜などはひそかに蕎麦粉(そばこ)を仕入れておいて、いつの間にか寝(ね)ている枕元(まくらもと)へ蕎麦湯を持って来てくれる。 When the night was cold, she would secretly buy some noodle powder, and bring all unawares hot noodle gruel to my bed; 時には鍋焼饂飩(なべやきうどん)さえ買ってくれた。 or sometimes she would even buy a bowl of steaming noodles from the peddler. ただ食い物ばかりではない。 Not only with edibles, 靴足袋(くつたび)ももらった。 but she was generous alike with socks, 鉛筆(えんぴつ)も貰った、帳面も貰った。 pencils, note books, etc. これはずっと後の事であるが金を三円ばかり貸してくれた事さえある。 And she even furnished me,--this happened some time later,--with about three yen, 何も貸せと云った訳ではない。 I did not ask her for the money; 向うで部屋へ持って来てお小遣いがなくてお困りでしょう、お使いなさいと云ってくれたんだ。 she offered it from her own good will by bringing it to my room, saying that I might be in need of some cash. おれは無論入らないと云ったが、是非使えと云うから、借りておいた。 This, of course, embarrassed me, but as she was so insistent I consented to borrow it. 実は大変嬉しかった。 I confess I was really glad of the money. その三円を蝦蟇口(がまぐち)へ入れて、懐(ふところ)へ入れたなり I put it in a bag, and carried it in my pocket. 便所へ行ったら、すぽりと後架(こうか)の中へ落(おと)してしまった。 While about the house, I happened to drop the bag into a cesspool. 仕方がないから、のそのそ出てきて実はこれこれだと清に話したところが、清は早速竹の棒を捜(さが)して来て、取って上げますと云った。 Helpless, I told Kiyo how I had lost the money, and at once she fetched a bamboo stick, and said she will get it for me. しばらくすると井戸端(いどばた)でざあざあ音がするから、出てみたら竹の先へ蝦蟇口の紐(ひも)を引き懸(か)けたのを水で洗っていた。 After a while I heard a splashing sound of water about our family well, and going there, saw Kiyo washing the bag strung on the end of the stick. それから口をあけて壱円札(いちえんさつ)を改めたら茶色になって模様が消えかかっていた。 I opened the bag and found the edict of the three one-yen bills turned to faint yellow and designs fading. 清は火鉢で乾(かわ)かして、これでいいでしょうと出した。 Kiyo dried them at an open fire and handed them over to me, asking if they were all right. ちょっとかいでみて臭(くさ)いやと云ったら、 I smelled them and said; "They stink yet." それじゃお出しなさい、 "Give them to me; 取り換(か)えて来て上げますからと、 I'll get them changed." どこでどう胡魔化(ごまか)したか札の代りに銀貨を三円持って来た。 She took those three bills, and,--I do not know how she went about it,--brought three yen in silver. この三円は何に使ったか忘れてしまった。 I forget now upon what I spent the three yen. 今に返すよと云ったぎり、返さない。 "I'll pay you back soon," I said at the time, but didn't. 今となっては十倍にして返してやりたくても返せない。 I could not now pay it back even if I wished to do so with ten times the amount. 清が物をくれる時には必ずおやじも兄も居ない時に限る。 When Kiyo gave me anything she did so always when both father and brother were out. おれは何が嫌いだと云って人に隠れて自分だけ得をするほど嫌いな事はない。 Many things I do not like, but what I most detest is the monopolizing of favors behind some one else's back. 兄とは無論仲がよくないけれども、兄に隠して清から菓子(かし)や色鉛筆を貰いたくはない。 Bad as my relations were with my brother, still I did not feel justified in accepting candies or color-pencils from Kiyo without my brother's knowledge. なぜ、おれ一人にくれて、兄さんには遣(や)らないのかと清に聞く事がある。 "Why do you give those things only to me and not to my brother also?" I asked her once, すると清は澄(すま)したものでお兄様(あにいさま)はお父様(とうさま)が買ってお上げなさるから構いませんと云う。 and she answered quite unconcernedly that my brother may be left to himself as his father bought him everything. これは不公平である。 That was partiality; おやじは頑固(がんこ)だけれども、そんな依怙贔負(えこひいき)はせぬ男だ。 father was obstinate, but I am sure he was not a man who would indulge in favoritism. しかし清の眼から見るとそう見えるのだろう。 To Kiyo, however, he might have looked that way. 全く愛に溺(おぼ)れていたに違(ちが)いない。 There is no doubt that Kiyo was blind to the extent of her undue indulgence with me. 元は身分のあるものでも教育のない婆さんだから仕方がない。 She was said to have come from a well-to-do family, but the poor soul was uneducated, and it could not be helped. 単にこればかりではない。 All the same, 贔負目は恐ろしいものだ。 you cannot tell how prejudice will drive one to the extremes. 清はおれをもって将来立身出世して立派なものになると思い込んでいた。 Kiyo seemed quite sure that some day I would achieve high position in society and become famous. その癖勉強をする兄は色ばかり白くって、とても役には立たないと一人できめてしまった。 Equally she was sure that my brother, who was spending his hours studiously, was only good for his white skin, and would stand no show in the future. こんな婆さんに逢(あ)っては叶(かな)わない。 Nothing can beat an old woman for this sort of thing, I tell you. 自分の好きなものは必ずえらい人物になって、嫌いなひとはきっと落ち振れるものと信じている。 She firmly believed that whoever she liked would become famous, while whoever she hated would not. おれはその時から別段何になると云う了見(りょうけん)もなかった。 I did not have at that time any particular object in my life. しかし清がなるなると云うものだから、やっぱり何かに成れるんだろうと思っていた。 But the persistency with which Kiyo declared that I would be a great man some day, made me speculate myself that after all I might become one. 今から考えると馬鹿馬鹿(ばかばか)しい。 How absurd it seems to me now when I recall those days. ある時などは清にどんなものになるだろうと聞いてみた事がある。 I asked her once what kind of a man I should be, ところが清にも別段の考えもなかったようだ。 but she seemed to have formed no concrete idea as to that; ただ手車(てぐるま)へ乗って、立派な玄関(げんかん)のある家をこしらえるに相違(そうい)ないと云った。 only she said that I was sure to live in a house with grand entrance hall, and ride in a private rikisha. それから清はおれがうちでも持って独立したら、一所(いっしょ)になる気でいた。 And Kiyo seemed to have decided for herself to live with me when I became independent and occupy my own house. どうか置いて下さいと何遍も繰(く)り返して頼んだ。 "Please let me live with you," --she repeatedly asked of me. おれも何だかうちが持てるような気がして、うん置いてやると返事だけはしておいた。 Feeling somewhat that I should eventually be able to own a house, I answered her "Yes," as far as such an answer went. ところがこの女はなかなか想像の強い女で、 This woman, by the way, was strongly imaginative. あなたはどこがお好き、麹町(こうじまち)ですか麻布(あざぶ)ですか、お庭へぶらんこをおこしらえ遊ばせ、西洋間は一つでたくさんですなどと勝手な計画を独りで並(なら)べていた。 She questioned me what place I liked,--Kojimachi-ku or Azabu-ku?--and suggested that I should have a swing in our garden, that one room be enough for European style, etc., planning everything to suit her own fancy. その時は家なんか欲しくも何ともなかった。 I did not then care a straw for anything like a house; 西洋館も日本建(にほんだて)も全く不用であったから、そんなものは欲しくないと、いつでも清に答えた。 so neither Japanese nor European style was much of use to me, and I told her to that effect. すると、あなたは欲がすくなくって、心が奇麗だと云ってまた賞めた。 Then she would praise me as uncovetous and clean of heart. 清は何と云っても賞めてくれる。 Whatever I said, she had praise for me. 母が死んでから五六年の間はこの状態で暮していた。 I lived, after the death of mother, in this fashion for five or six years. おやじには叱られる。 I had kicks from father, 兄とは喧嘩をする。 had rows with brother, 清には菓子を貰う、時々賞められる。 and had candies and praise from Kiyo. 別に望みもない。 I cared for nothing more; これでたくさんだと思っていた。 I thought this was enough. ほかの小供も一概(いちがい)にこんなものだろうと思っていた。 I imagined all other boys were leading about the same kind of life. ただ清が何かにつけて、あなたはお可哀想(かわいそう)だ、不仕合(ふしあわせ)だと無暗に云うものだから、それじゃ可哀想で不仕合せなんだろうと思った。 As Kiyo frequently told me, however, that I was to be pitied, and was unfortunate, I imagined that that might be so. その外に苦になる事は少しもなかった。 There was nothing that particularly worried me ただおやじが小遣いをくれないには閉口した。 except that father was too tight with my pocket money, and this was rather hard on me. 母が死んでから六年目の正月におやじも卒中で亡くなった。 In January of the 6th year after mother's death, father died of apoplexy. その年の四月におれはある私立の中学校を卒業する。 In April of the same year, I graduated from a middle school, 六月に兄は商業学校を卒業した。 and two months later, my brother graduated from a business college. 兄は何とか会社の九州の支店に口があって行(ゆ)かなければならん。 Soon he obtained a job in the Kyushu branch of a certain firm and had to go there, おれは東京でまだ学問をしなければならない。 while I had to remain in Tokyo and continue my study. 兄は家を売って財産を片付けて任地へ出立(しゅったつ)すると云い出した。 He proposed the sale of our house and the realization of our property, おれはどうでもするがよかろうと返事をした。 to which I answered "Just as you like it." どうせ兄の厄介(やっかい)になる気はない。 I had no intention of depending upon him anyway. 世話をしてくれるにしたところで、喧嘩をするから、向うでも何とか云い出すに極(きま)っている。 Even were he to look after me, I was sure of his starting something which would eventually end in a smash-up as we were prone to quarrel on the least pretext. なまじい保護を受ければこそ、こんな兄に頭を下げなければならない。 It was because in order to receive his protection that I should have to bow before such a fellow, 牛乳配達をしても食ってられると覚悟(かくご)をした。 that I resolved that I would live by myself even if I had to do milk delivery. 兄はそれから道具屋を呼んで来て、先祖代々の瓦落多(がらくた)を二束三文(にそくさんもん)に売った。 Shortly afterwards he sent for a second-hand dealer and sold for a song all the bric-a-bric which had been handed down from ages ago in our family. 家屋敷(いえやしき)はある人の周旋(しゅうせん)である金満家に譲った。 Our house and lot were sold, through the efforts of a middleman to a wealthy person. この方は大分金になったようだが、詳(くわ)しい事は一向知らぬ。 This transaction seemed to have netted a goodly sum to him, but I know nothing as to the detail. おれは一ヶ月以前から、しばらく前途の方向のつくまで神田の小川町(おがわまち)へ下宿していた。 For one month previous to this, I had been rooming in a boarding house in Kanda-ku, pending a decision as to my future course. 清は十何年居たうちが人手に渡(わた)るのを大いに残念がったが、自分のものでないから、仕様がなかった。 Kiyo was greatly grieved to see the house in which she had lived so many years change ownership, but she was helpless in the matter. あなたがもう少し年をとっていらっしゃれば、ここがご相続が出来ますものをとしきりに口説いていた。 "If you were a little older, you might have inherited this house," she once remarked in earnest. もう少し年をとって相続が出来るものなら、今でも相続が出来るはずだ。 If I could have inherited the house through being a little older, I ought to have been able to inherit the house right then. 婆さんは何(なんに)も知らないから年さえ取れば兄の家がもらえると信じている。 She knew nothing, and believed the lack of age only prevented my coming into the possession of the house. 兄とおれはかように分れたが、困ったのは清の行く先である。 Thus I parted from my brother, but the disposal of Kiyo was a difficult proposition. 兄は無論連れて行ける身分でなし、清も兄の尻にくっ付いて九州下(くんだ)りまで出掛ける気は毛頭なし、と云ってこの時のおれは四畳半(よじょうはん)の安下宿に籠(こも)って、それすらもいざとなれば直ちに引き払(はら)わねばならぬ始末だ。 My brother was, of course, unable to take her along, nor was there any danger of her following him so far away as Kyushu, while I was in a small room of a boarding house, and might have to clear out anytime at that. どうする事も出来ん。 There was no way out, 清に聞いてみた。 so I asked her どこかへ奉公でもする気かねと云ったら if she intended to work somewhere else. あなたがおうちを持って、奥(おく)さまをお貰いになるまでは、仕方がないから、甥(おい)の厄介になりましょうとようやく決心した返事をした。 Finally she answered me definitely that she would go to her nephew's and wait until I started my own house and get married. この甥は裁判所の書記でまず今日には差支(さしつか)えなく暮していたから、今までも清に来るなら来いと二三度勧めたのだが、清はたとい下女奉公はしても年来住み馴(な)れた家(うち)の方がいいと云って応じなかった。 This nephew was a clerk in the Court of Justice, and being fairly well off, had invited Kiyo before more than once to come and live with him, but Kiyo preferred to stay with us, even as a servant, since she had become well used to our family. しかし今の場合知らぬ屋敷へ奉公易(ほうこうが)えをして入らぬ気兼(きがね)を仕直すより、甥の厄介になる方がましだと思ったのだろう。 But now I think she thought it better to go over to her nephew than to start a new life as servant in a strange house. それにしても早くうちを持ての、妻(さい)を貰えの、来て世話をするのと云う。 Be that as it may, she advised me to have my own household soon, or get married, so she would come and help me in housekeeping. 親身(しんみ)の甥よりも他人のおれの方が好きなのだろう。 I believe she liked me more than she did her own kin. 九州へ立つ二日前兄が下宿へ来て金を六百円出してこれを資本にして商買(しょうばい)をするなり、学資にして勉強をするなり、どうでも随意(ずいい)に使うがいい、その代りあとは構わないと云った。 My brother came to me, two days previous to his departure for Kyushu, and giving me 600 yen, said that I might begin a business with it, or go ahead with my study, or spend it in any way I liked, but that that would be the last he could spare. 兄にしては感心なやり方だ、 It was a commendable act for my brother. 何の六百円ぐらい貰わんでも困りはせんと思ったが、例に似ぬ淡泊(たんばく)な処置が気に入ったから、礼を云って貰っておいた。 What! about only 600 yen! I could get along without it, I thought, but as this unusually simple manner appealed to me, I accepted the offer with thanks. 兄はそれから五十円出してこれをついでに清に渡してくれと云ったから、異議なく引き受けた。 Then he produced 50 yen, requesting me to give it to Kiyo next time I saw her, which I readily complied with. 二日立って新橋の停車場(ていしゃば)で分れたぎり兄にはその後一遍も逢わない。 Two days after, I saw him off at the Shimbashi Station, and have not set my eyes on him ever since. おれは六百円の使用法について寝ながら考えた。 Lying in my bed, I meditated on the best way to spend that 600 yen. 商買をしたって面倒(めんど)くさくって旨(うま)く出来るものじゃなし、 A business is fraught with too much trouble, and besides it was not my calling. ことに六百円の金で商買らしい商買がやれる訳でもなかろう。 Moreover with only 600 yen no one could open a business worth the name. よしやれるとしても、今のようじゃ人の前へ出て教育を受けたと威張れないからつまり損になるばかりだ。 Were I even able to do it, I was far from being educated, and after all, would lose it. 資本などはどうでもいいから、これを学資にして勉強してやろう。 Better let investments alone, but study more with the money. 六百円を三に割って一年に二百円ずつ使えば三年間は勉強が出来る。 Dividing the 600 yen into three, and by spending 200 yen a year, I could study for three years. 三年間一生懸命にやれば何か出来る。 If I kept at one study with bull-dog tenacity for three years, I should be able to learn something. それからどこの学校へはいろうと考えたが、 Then the selection of a school was the next problem. 学問は生来(しょうらい)どれもこれも好きでない。 By nature, there is no branch of study whatever which appeals to my taste. ことに語学とか文学とか云うものは真平(まっぴら)ご免(めん)だ。 Nix on languages or literature! 新体詩などと来ては二十行あるうちで一行も分らない。 The new poetry was all Greek to me; I could not make out one single line of twenty. どうせ嫌いなものなら何をやっても同じ事だと思ったが、 Since I detested every kind of study, any kind of study should have been the same to me. 幸い物理学校の前を通り掛(かか)ったら生徒募集の広告が出ていたから、何も縁だと思って規則書をもらってすぐ入学の手続きをしてしまった。 Thinking thus, I happened to pass front of a school of physics, and seeing a sign posted for the admittance of more students, I thought this might be a kind of "affinity," and having asked for the prospectus, at once filed my application for entrance. 今考えるとこれも親譲りの無鉄砲から起(おこ)った失策だ。 When I think of it now, it was a blunder due to my hereditary recklessness. 三年間まあ人並(ひとなみ)に勉強はしたが別段たちのいい方でもないから、席順はいつでも下から勘定(かんじょう)する方が便利であった。 For three years I studied about as diligently as ordinary fellows, but not being of a particularly brilliant quality, my standing in the class was easier to find by looking up from the bottom. しかし不思議なもので、三年立ったらとうとう卒業してしまった。 Strange, isn't it, that when three years were over, I graduated? 自分でも可笑(おか)しいと思ったが苦情を云う訳もないから大人しく卒業しておいた。 I had to laugh at myself, but there being no reason for complaint, I passed out. 卒業してから八日目に校長が呼びに来たから、 Eight days after my graduation, the principal of the school asked me to come over and see him. 何か用だろうと思って、出掛けて行ったら、 I wondered what he wanted, and went. 四国辺のある中学校で数学の教師が入る。 A middle school in Shikoku was in need of a teacher of mathematics 月給は四十円だが、行ってはどうだという相談である。 for forty yen a month, and he sounded me to see if I would take it. おれは三年間学問はしたが実を云うと教師になる気も、田舎(いなか)へ行く考えも何もなかった。 I had studied for three years, but to tell the truth, I had no intention of either teaching or going to the country. もっとも教師以外に何をしようと云うあてもなかったから、この相談を受けた時、行きましょうと即席(そくせき)に返事をした。 Having nothing in sight, however, except teaching, I readily accepted the offer. これも親譲りの無鉄砲が祟(たた)ったのである。 This too was a blunder due to hereditary recklessness. 引き受けた以上は赴任(ふにん)せねばならぬ。 I accepted the position, and so must go there. この三年間は四畳半に蟄居(ちっきょ)して小言はただの一度も聞いた事がない。 The three years of my school life I had seen confined in a small room, 喧嘩もせずに済んだ。 but with no kick coming or having no rough house. おれの生涯のうちでは比較的呑気(ひかくてきのんき)な時節であった。 It was a comparatively easy going period in my life. しかしこうなると四畳半も引き払わなければならん。 But now I had to pack up. 生れてから東京以外に踏み出したのは、同級生と一所に鎌倉(かまくら)へ遠足した時ばかりである。 Once I went to Kamakura on a picnic with my classmates while I was in the grammar school, and that was the first and last, so far, that I stepped outside of Tokyo since I could remember. 今度は鎌倉どころではない。 大変な遠くへ行かねばならぬ。 This time I must go darn far away, that it beats Kamakura by a mile. 地図で見ると海浜で針の先ほど小さく見える。 The prospective town is situated on the coast, and looked the size of a needle-point on the map. どうせ碌な所ではあるまい。 It would not be much to look at anyway. どんな町で、どんな人が住んでるか分らん。 I knew nothing about the place or the people there. 分らんでも困らない。 It did not worry me 心配にはならぬ。 or cause any anxiety. ただ行くばかりである。 I had simply to travel there もっとも少々面倒臭い。 and that was the annoying part. 家を畳(たた)んでからも清の所へは折々行った。 Once in a while, since our house was no more, I went to Kiyo's nephew's to see her. 清の甥というのは存外結構な人である。 Her nephew was unusually good-natured, おれが行(ゆ)くたびに、居(お)りさえすれば、何くれと款待(もて)なしてくれた。 and whenever I called upon her, he treated me well if he happened to be at home. 清はおれを前へ置いて、いろいろおれの自慢(じまん)を甥に聞かせた。 Kiyo would boost me sky-high to her nephew right to my face. 今に学校を卒業すると麹町辺へ屋敷を買って役所へ通うのだなどと吹聴(ふいちょう)した事もある。 She went so far once as to say that when I had graduated from school, I would purchase a house somewhere in Kojimachi-ku and get a position in a government office. 独りで極(き)めて一人(ひとり)で喋舌(しゃべ)るから、こっちは困(こ)まって顔を赤くした。 She decided everything in her own way, and talked of it aloud, and I was made an unwilling and bashful listener. それも一度や二度ではない。 折々おれが小さい時寝小便をした事まで持ち出すには閉口した。 甥は何と思って清の自慢を聞いていたか分らぬ。 I do not know how her nephew weighed her tales of self-indulgence on me. ただ清は昔風(むかしふう)の女だから、自分とおれの関係を封建(ほうけん)時代の主従(しゅじゅう)のように考えていた。 Kiyo was a woman of the old type, and seemed, as if it was still the days of Feudal Lords, 自分の主人なら甥のためにも主人に相違ないと合点(がてん)したものらしい。 甥こそいい面(つら)の皮だ。 to regard her nephew equally under obligation to me even as she was herself. いよいよ約束が極まって、もう立つと云う三日前に清を尋(たず)ねたら、 After settling about my new position, I called upon her three days previous to my departure. 北向きの三畳に風邪(かぜ)を引いて寝ていた。 She was sick abed in a small room, おれの来たのを見て起き直るが早いか、坊(ぼ)っちゃんいつ家(うち)をお持ちなさいますと聞いた。 but, on seeing me she got up and immediately inquired; "Master Darling, when do you begin housekeeping?" 卒業さえすれば金が自然とポッケットの中に湧いて来ると思っている。 She evidently thought as soon as a fellow finishes school, money comes to his pocket by itself. そんなにえらい人をつらまえて、まだ坊っちゃんと呼ぶのはいよいよ馬鹿気ている。 But then how absurd to call such a "great man" "Darling." おれは単簡に当分うちは持たない。 I told her simply that I should let the house proposition go for some time, 田舎へ行くんだと云ったら、 as I had to go to the country. 非常に失望した容子(ようす)で、胡麻塩(ごましお)の鬢(びん)の乱れをしきりに撫(な)でた。 She looked greatly disappointed, and blankly smoothed her gray-haired sidelocks. あまり気の毒だから I felt sorry for her, 「行(ゆ)く事は行くがじき帰る。 来年の夏休みにはきっと帰る」 と慰(なぐさ)めてやった。 and said comfortingly; "I am going away but will come back soon. I'll return in the vacation next summer, sure." それでも妙な顔をしているから Still as she appeared not fully satisfied, 「何を見やげに買って来てやろう、何が欲しい」 と聞いてみたら I added; "Will bring you back a surprise. What do you like?" 「越後(えちご)の笹飴(ささあめ)が食べたい」 と云った。 She wished to eat "sasa-ame"[1] of Echigo province. 越後の笹飴なんて聞いた事もない。 I had never heard of "sasa-ame" of Echigo. 第一方角が違う。 To begin with, the location is entirely different. [Footnote 1: Sasa-ame is a kind of rice-jelly wrapped with sasa, or the bamboo leaves, well-known as a product of Echigo province.] 「おれの行く田舎には笹飴はなさそうだ」 "There seems to be no 'sasa-ame' in the country where I'm going," と云って聞かしたら I explained, 「そんなら、どっちの見当です」 と聞き返した。 and she rejoined; "Then, in what direction?" 「西の方だよ」 と云うと I answered "westward" 「箱根(はこね)のさきですか手前ですか」 と問う。 and she came back with "Is it on the other side of Hakone?" 随分持てあました。 This give-and-take conversation proved too much for me. 出立の日には朝から来て、いろいろ世話をやいた。 On the day of my departure, she came to my room early in the morning and helped me to pack up. 来る途中(とちゅう)小間物屋で買って来た歯磨(はみがき)と楊子(ようじ)と手拭(てぬぐい)をズックの革鞄(かばん)に入れてくれた。 She put into my carpet-bag tooth powder, tooth-brush and towels which she said she had bought at a dry goods store on her way. そんな物は入らないと云ってもなかなか承知しない。 I protested that I did not want them, but she was insistent. 車を並べて停車場へ着いて、 [A] We rode in rikishas to the station. プラットフォームの上へ出た時、車へ乗り込んだおれの顔をじっと見て Coming up the platform, she gazed at me from outside the car, 「もうお別れになるかも知れません。 随分ご機嫌(きげん)よう」 と小さな声で云った。 and said in a low voice; "This may be our last good-by. Take care of yourself." 目に涙(なみだ)が一杯(いっぱい)たまっている。 Her eyes were full of tears. おれは泣かなかった。 I did not cry, しかしもう少しで泣くところであった。 but was almost going to. 汽車がよっぽど動き出してから、もう大丈夫(だいしょうぶ)だろうと思って、窓から首を出して、振り向いたら、 After the train had run some distance, thinking it would be all right now, I poked my head out of the window and looked back. やっぱり立っていた。 She was still there. 何だか大変小さく見えた。 She looked very small. 二 CHAPTER II. ぶうと云(い)って汽船がとまると、艀(はしけ)が岸を離(はな)れて、漕(こ)ぎ寄せて来た。 With a long, sonorous whistle the steamer which I was aboard came to a standstill, and a boat was seen making toward us from the shore. 船頭は真(ま)っ裸(ぱだか)に赤ふんどしをしめている。 The man rowing the boat was stark naked, except for a piece of red cloth girt round his loins. 野蛮(やばん)な所だ。 A barbarous place, this! もっともこの熱さでは着物はきられまい。 though he may have been excused for it in such hot weather as it was. 日が強いので水がやに光る。 The sun's rays were strong and the water glimmered 見つめていても眼(め)がくらむ。 in such strange colors as to dazzle one's sight if gazed at it for long. 事務員に聞いてみるとおれはここへ降りるのだそうだ。 I had been told by a clerk of the ship that I was to get off here. 見るところでは大森(おおもり)ぐらいな漁村だ。 The place looked like a fishing village about the size of Omori. 人を馬鹿(ばか)にしていらあ、こんな所に我慢(がまん)が出来るものかと思ったが仕方がない。 Great Scott! I wouldn't stay in such a hole, I thought, but I had to get out. 威勢(いせい)よく一番に飛び込んだ。 So, down I jumped first into the boat, 続(つ)づいて五六人は乗ったろう。 and I think five or six others followed me. 外に大きな箱(はこ)を四つばかり積み込んで赤ふんは岸へ漕ぎ戻(もど)して来た。 After loading about four large boxes besides, the red-cloth rowed us ashore. 陸(おか)へ着いた時も、いの一番に飛び上がって、いきなり、磯(いそ)に立っていた鼻たれ小僧(こぞう)をつらまえて中学校はどこだと聞いた。 When the boat struck the sand, I was again the first to jump out, and right away I accosted a skinny urchin standing nearby, asking him where the middle school was. 小僧はぼんやりして、知らんがの、と云った。 The kid answered blankly that he did not know. 気の利かぬ田舎(いなか)ものだ。 Confound the dull-head! 猫(ねこ)の額ほどな町内の癖(くせ)に、中学校のありかも知らぬ奴(やつ)があるものか。 Not to know where the middle school was, living in such a tiny bit of a town. ところへ妙(みょう)な筒(つつ)っぽうを着た男がきて、こっちへ来いと云うから、 Then a man wearing a rig with short, queer shaped sleeves approached me and bade me follow. 尾(つ)いて行ったら、港屋とか云う宿屋へ連れて来た。 I walked after him and was taken to an inn called Minato-ya. やな女が声を揃(そろ)えてお上がりなさいと云うので、 The maids of the inn, who gave me a disagreeable impression, chorused at sight of me; "Please step inside." 上がるのがいやになった。 This discouraged me in proceeding further, 門口へ立ったなり中学校を教えろと云ったら、 and I asked them, standing at the door-way, to show me the middle school. 中学校はこれから汽車で二里ばかり行かなくっちゃいけないと聞いて、なお上がるのがいやになった。 On being told that the middle school was about four miles away by rail, I became still more discouraged at putting up there. おれは、筒っぽうを着た男から、おれの革鞄(かばん)を二つ引きたくって、のそのそあるき出した。 I snatched my two valises from the man with queer-shaped [B] sleeves who had guided me so far, and strode away. 宿屋のものは変な顔をしていた。 The people of the inn looked after me with a dazed expression. 停車場はすぐ知れた。 The station was easily found, 切符(きっぷ)も訳なく買った。 and a ticket bought without any fuss. 乗り込んでみるとマッチ箱のような汽車だ。 The coach I got in was about as dignified as a match-box. ごろごろと五分ばかり動いたと思ったら、もう降りなければならない。 The train rambled on for about five minutes, and then I had to get off. 道理で切符が安いと思った。 No wonder the fare was cheap; たった三銭である。 it cost only three sen. それから車を傭(やと)って、中学校へ来たら、もう放課後で誰(だれ)も居ない。 I then hired a rikisha and arrived at the middle school, but school was already over and nobody was there. 宿直はちょっと用達(ようたし)に出たと小使(こづかい)が教えた。 The teacher on night-duty was out just for a while, said the janitor, 随分(ずいぶん)気楽な宿直がいるものだ。 --the night-watch was taking life easy, sure. 校長でも尋(たず)ねようかと思ったが、草臥(くたび)れたから、車に乗って宿屋へ連れて行けと車夫に云い付けた。 I thought of visiting the principal, but being tired, ordered the rikishaman to take me to a hotel. 車夫は威勢よく山城屋(やましろや)と云ううちへ横付けにした。 He did this with much alacrity and led me to a hotel called Yamashiro-ya. 山城屋とは質屋の勘太郎(かんたろう)の屋号と同じだからちょっと面白く思った。 I felt it rather amusing to find the name Yamashiro-ya the same as that of Kantaro's house. 何だか二階の楷子段(はしごだん)の下の暗い部屋へ案内した。 They ushered me to a dark room below the stairway. 熱くって居られやしない。 No one could stay in such a hot place! こんな部屋はいやだと云ったらあいにくみんな塞(ふさ)がっておりますからと云いながら革鞄を抛(ほう)り出したまま出て行った。 I said I did not like such a warm room, but the maid dumped my valises on the floor and left me, mumbling that all the other rooms were occupied. 仕方がないから部屋の中へはいって汗(あせ)をかいて我慢(がまん)していた。 So I took the room though it took some resolution to stand the weltering heat. やがて湯に入れと云うから、ざぶりと飛び込んで、すぐ上がった。 After a while the maid said the bath was ready, and I took one: 帰りがけに覗(のぞ)いてみると涼(すず)しそうな部屋がたくさん空いている。 On my way back from the bathroom, I peeped about, and found many rooms, which looked much cooler than mine, vacant. 失敬な奴だ。 Sunnovagun! 嘘(うそ)をつきゃあがった。 They had lied. それから下女が膳(ぜん)を持って来た。 By'm-by, she fetched my supper. 部屋は熱(あ)つかったが、飯は下宿のよりも大分旨(うま)かった。 Although the room was hot, the meal was a deal better than the kind I used to have in my boarding house. 給仕をしながら下女がどちらからおいでになりましたと聞くから、東京から来たと答えた。 While waiting on me, she questioned me where I was from, and I said, "from Tokyo." すると東京はよい所でございましょうと云ったから当(あた)り前だと答えてやった。 Then she asked; "Isn't Tokyo a nice place?" and I shot back, "Bet 'tis." 膳を下げた下女が台所へいった時分、大きな笑い声が聞(きこ)えた。 About the time the maid had reached the kitchen, loud laughs were heard. くだらないから、すぐ寝(ね)たが、なかなか寝られない。 There was nothing doing, so I went to bed, but could not sleep. 熱いばかりではない。 Not only was it hot, 騒々(そうぞう)しい。 but noisy, 下宿の五倍ぐらいやかましい。 --about five times noisier than my boarding house. うとうとしたら清(きよ)の夢(ゆめ)を見た。 While snoozing, I dreamed of Kiyo. 清が越後(えちご)の笹飴(ささあめ)を笹ぐるみ、むしゃむしゃ食っている。 She was eating "sasa-ame" of Echigo province without taking off the wrapper of bamboo leaves. 笹は毒だからよしたらよかろうと云うと、いえこの笹がお薬でございますと云(い)って旨そうに食っている。 I tried to stop her, saying bamboo leaves may do her harm, but she replied, "O, no, these leaves are very helpful for the health," and ate them with much relish. おれがあきれ返って大きな口を開いてハハハハと笑ったら眼が覚めた。 Astounded, I laughed "Ha, ha, ha!" --and so awoke. 下女が雨戸を明けている。 The maid was opening the outside shutters. 相変らず空の底が突(つ)き抜(ぬ)けたような天気だ。 The weather was just as clear as the previous day. 道中(どうちゅう)をしたら茶代をやるものだと聞いていた。 I had heard once before that when travelling, one should give "tea money" to the hotel or inn where he stops; 茶代をやらないと粗末(そまつ)に取り扱われると聞いていた。 that unless this "tea money" is given, the hostelry would accord him rather rough treatment. こんな、狭(せま)くて暗い部屋へ押(お)し込めるのも茶代をやらないせいだろう。 It must have been on account of my being slow in the fork over of this "tea money" that they had huddled me into such a narrow, dark room. 見すぼらしい服装(なり)をして、ズックの革鞄と毛繻子(けじゅす)の蝙蝠傘(こうもり)を提げてるからだろう。 Likewise my shabby clothes and the carpet bags and satin umbrella must have been accountable for it. 田舎者の癖に人を見括(みくび)ったな。 Took me for a piker, eh? those hayseeds! 一番茶代をやって驚(おどろ)かしてやろう。 I would give them a knocker with "tea money." おれはこれでも学資のあまりを三十円ほど懐(ふところ)に入れて東京を出て来たのだ。 I left Tokyo with about 30 yen in my pocket, which remained from my school expenses. 汽車と汽船の切符代と雑費を差し引いて、まだ十四円ほどある。 Taking off the railway and steamship fare, and other incidental expenses, I had still about 14 yen in my pocket. みんなやったって I could give them all I had; これからは月給を貰(もら)うんだから構わない。 --what did I care, I was going to get a salary now. 田舎者はしみったれだから五円もやれば驚(おど)ろいて眼を廻(まわ)すに極(きま)っている。 All country folk are tight-wads, and one 5-yen bill would hit them square. どうするか見ろと済(すま)して Now watch and see. 顔を洗って、部屋へ帰って待ってると、夕べの下女が膳を持って来た。 Having washed myself, I returned to my room and waited, and the maid of the night before brought in my breakfast. 盆(ぼん)を持って給仕をしながら、やににやにや笑ってる。 Waiting on me with a tray, she looked at me with a sort of sulphuric smile. 失敬な奴だ。 Rude! 顔のなかをお祭りでも通りゃしまいし。 Is any parade marching on my face? I should say. これでもこの下女の面(つら)よりよっぽど上等だ。 Even my face is far better than that of the maid. 飯を済ましてからにしようと思っていたが、癪(しゃく)に障(さわ)ったから、中途(ちゅうと)で五円札(さつ)を一枚(まい)出して、あとでこれを帳場へ持って行けと云ったら、 I intended of giving "tea money" after breakfast, but I became disgusted, and taking out one 5-yen bill told her to take it to the office later. 下女は変な顔をしていた。 The face of the maid became then shy and awkward. それから飯を済ましてすぐ学校へ出懸(でか)けた。 After the meal, I left for the school. 靴(くつ)は磨(みが)いてなかった。 The maid did not have my shoes polished. 学校は昨日(きのう)車で乗りつけたから、大概(たいがい)の見当は分っている。 I had had vague idea of the direction of the school as I rode to it the previous day, 四つ角を二三度曲がったらすぐ門の前へ出た。 so turning two or three corners, I came to the front gate. 門から玄関(げんかん)までは御影石(みかげいし)で敷(し)きつめてある。 From the gate to the entrance the walk was paved with granite. きのうこの敷石の上を車でがらがらと通った時は、無暗(むやみ)に仰山(ぎょうさん)な音がするので少し弱った。 When I had passed to the entrance in the rikisha, this walk made so outlandishly a loud noise that I had felt coy. 途中から小倉(こくら)の制服を着た生徒にたくさん逢(あ)ったが、みんなこの門をはいって行く。 On my way to the school, I met a number of the students in uniforms of cotton drill and they all entered this gate. 中にはおれより背が高くって強そうなのが居る。 Some of them were taller than I and looked much stronger. あんな奴を教えるのかと思ったら何だか気味が悪(わ)るくなった。 When I thought of teaching fellows of this ilk, I was impressed with a queer sort of uneasiness. 名刺(めいし)を出したら校長室へ通した。 My card was taken to the principal, to whose room I was ushered at once. 校長は薄髯(うすひげ)のある、色の黒い、目の大きな狸(たぬき)のような男である。 With scant mustache, dark-skinned and big-eyed, the principal was a man who looked like a badger. やにもったいぶっていた。 He studiously assumed an air of superiority, まあ精出して勉強してくれと云って、恭(うやうや)しく大きな印の捺(おさ)った、辞令を渡(わた)した。 and saying he would like to see me do my best, handed the note of appointment, stamped big, in a solemn manner. この辞令は東京へ帰るとき丸めて海の中へ抛り込(こ)んでしまった。 This note I threw away into the sea on my way back to Tokyo. 校長は今に職員に紹介(しょうかい)してやるから、一々その人にこの辞令を見せるんだと云って聞かした。 He said he would introduce me to all my fellow teachers, and I was to show to each one of them the note of appointment. 余計な手数だ。 What a bother! そんな面倒(めんどう)な事をするよりこの辞令を三日間職員室へ張り付ける方がましだ。 It would be far better to stick this note up in the teachers' room for three days instead of going through such a monkey process. 教員が控所(ひかえじょ)へ揃(そろ)うには一時間目の喇叭(らっぱ)が鳴らなくてはならぬ。 The teachers would not be all in the room until the bugle for the first hour was sounded. 大分時間がある。 There was plenty of time. 校長は時計を出して見て、追々(おいおい)ゆるりと話すつもりだが、まず大体の事を呑(の)み込んでおいてもらおうと云って、それから教育の精神について長いお談義を聞かした。 The principal took out his watch, and saying that he would acquaint me particularly with the school by-and-bye, he would only furnish me now with general matters, and started a long lecture on the spirit of education. おれは無論いい加減に聞いていたが、途中からこれは飛んだ所へ来たと思った。 For a while I listened to him with my mind half away somewhere else, but about half way through his lecture, I began to realize that I should soon be in a bad fix. 校長の云うようにはとても出来ない。 I could not do, by any means, all he expected of me. おれみたような無鉄砲(むてっぽう)なものをつらまえて、生徒の模範(もはん)になれの、一校の師表(しひょう)と仰(あお)がれなくてはいかんの、学問以外に個人の徳化を及(およ)ぼさなくては教育者になれないの、と無暗に法外な注文をする。 He expected that I should make myself an example to the students, should become an object of admiration for the whole school or should exert my moral influence, besides teaching technical knowledge in order to become a real educator, or something ridiculously high-sounding. そんなえらい人が月給四十円で遥々(はるばる)こんな田舎へくるもんか。 No man with such admirable qualities would come so far away for only 40 yen a month! 人間は大概似たもんだ。 Men are generally alike. 腹が立てば喧嘩(けんか)の一つぐらいは誰でもするだろうと思ってたが、この様子じゃめったに口も聞けない、散歩も出来ない。 If one gets excited, one is liable to fight, I thought, but if things are to be kept on in the way the principal says, I could hardly open my mouth to utter anything, nor take a stroll around the place. そんなむずかしい役なら雇(やと)う前にこれこれだと話すがいい。 If they wanted me to fill such an onerous post, they should have told all that before. おれは嘘(うそ)をつくのが嫌(きら)いだから、 I hate to tell a lie; 仕方がない、だまされて来たのだとあきらめて、思い切りよく、ここで断(こと)わって帰っちまおうと思った。 I would give it up as having been cheated, and get out of this mess like a man there and then. 宿屋へ五円やったから財布(さいふ)の中には九円なにがししかない。 I had only about 9 yen left in my pocket after tipping the hotel 5 yen. 九円じゃ東京までは帰れない。 Nine yen would not take me back to Tokyo. 茶代なんかやらなければよかった。 I had better not have tipped the hotel; 惜(お)しい事をした。 what a pity! しかし九円だって、どうかならない事はない。 However, I would be able to manage it somehow. 旅費は足りなくっても嘘をつくよりましだと思って、 I considered it better to run short in my return expenses than to tell a lie. 到底(とうてい)あなたのおっしゃる通りにゃ、出来ません、 "I cannot do it the way you want me to. この辞令は返しますと云ったら、校長は狸のような眼をぱちつかせておれの顔を見ていた。 I return this appointment." I shoved back the note. The principal winked his badger-like eyes and gazed at me. やがて、今のはただ希望である、あなたが希望通り出来ないのはよく知っているから心配しなくってもいいと云いながら笑った。 Then he said; "What I have said just now is what I desire of you. I know well that you cannot do all I want, So don't worry." And he laughed. そのくらいよく知ってるなら、始めから威嚇(おどさ)さなければいいのに。 If he knew it so well already, what on earth did he scare me for? そう、こうする内に喇叭が鳴った。 Meanwhile the bugle sounded, 教場の方が急にがやがやする。 being followed by bustling noises in the direction of the class rooms. もう教員も控所へ揃いましたろうと云うから、校長に尾いて教員控所へはいった。 All the teachers would be now ready, I was told, and I followed the principal to the teachers' room. 広い細長い部屋の周囲に机を並(なら)べてみんな腰(こし)をかけている。 In a spacious rectangular room, they sat each before a table lined along the walls. おれがはいったのを見て、みんな申し合せたようにおれの顔を見た。 When I entered the room, they all glanced at me as if by previous agreement. 見世物じゃあるまいし。 Did they think my face was for a show? それから申し付けられた通り一人一人(ひとりびとり)の前へ行って辞令を出して挨拶(あいさつ)をした。 Then, as per instructions, I introduced myself and showed the note to each one of them. 大概(たいがい)は椅子(いす)を離れて腰をかがめるばかりであったが、 Most of them left their chairs and made a slight bow of acknowledgment. 念の入ったのは差し出した辞令を受け取って一応拝見をしてそれを恭(うやうや)しく返却(へんきゃく)した。 But some of the more painfully polite took the note and read it and respectfully returned it to me, まるで宮芝居の真似(まね)だ。 just like the cheap performances at a rural show! 十五人目に体操(たいそう)の教師へと廻って来た時には、同じ事を何返もやるので少々じれったくなった。 When I came to the fifteenth, who was the teacher of physical training, I became impatient at repeating the same old thing so often. 向(むこ)うは一度で済む。 The other side had to do it only once, こっちは同じ所作(しょさ)を十五返繰り返している。 but my side had to do it fifteen times. 少しはひとの了見(りょうけん)も察してみるがいい。 They ought to have had some sympathy. 挨拶をしたうちに教頭のなにがしと云うのが居た。 Among those I met in the room there was Mr. Blank who was head teacher. これは文学士だそうだ。 Said he was a Bachelor of Arts. 文学士と云えば大学の卒業生だからえらい人なんだろう。 I suppose he was a great man since he was a graduate from Imperial University and had such a title. 妙(みょう)に女のような優しい声を出す人だった。 He talked in a strangely effeminate voice like a woman. もっとも驚いたのはこの暑いのにフランネルの襯衣(しゃつ)を着ている。 But what surprised me most was that he wore a flannel shirt. いくらか薄(うす)い地には相違(そうい)なくっても暑いには極ってる。 However thin it might be, flannel is flannel and must have been pretty warm at that time of the year. 文学士だけにご苦労千万な服装(なり)をしたもんだ。 What painstaking dress is required which will be becoming to a B.A.! しかもそれが赤シャツだから And it was a red shirt; 人を馬鹿(ばか)にしている。 wouldn't that kill you! あとから聞いたらこの男は年が年中赤シャツを着るんだそうだ。 I heard afterwards that he wears a red shirt all the year round. 妙な病気があった者だ。 What a strange affliction! 当人の説明では赤は身体(からだ)に薬になるから、衛生のためにわざわざ誂(あつ)らえるんだそうだが、入らざる心配だ。 According to his own explanation, he has his shirts made to order for the sake of his health as the red color is beneficial to the physical condition. そんならついでに着物も袴(はかま)も赤にすればいい。 Unnecessary worry, this, for that being the case, he should have had his coat and hakama also in red. それから英語の教師に古賀(こが)とか云う大変顔色の悪(わ)るい男が居た。 And there was one Mr. Koga, teacher of English, whose complexion was very pale. 大概顔の蒼(あお)い人は瘠(や)せてるもんだがこの男は蒼くふくれている。 Pale-faced people are usually thin, but this man was pale and fat. 昔(むかし)小学校へ行く時分、浅井(あさい)の民(たみ)さんと云う子が同級生にあったが、この浅井のおやじがやはり、こんな色つやだった。 When I was attending grammar school, there was one Tami Asai in our class, and his father was just as pale as this Koga. 浅井は百姓(ひゃくしょう)だから、百姓になるとあんな顔になるかと清に聞いてみたら、 Asai was a farmer, and I asked Kiyo if one's face would become pale if he took up farming. そうじゃありません、あの人はうらなりの唐茄子(とうなす)ばかり食べるから、蒼くふくれるんですと教えてくれた。 Kiyo said it was not so; Asai ate always Hubbard squash of "uranari" [2] and that was the reason. それ以来蒼くふくれた人を見れば必ずうらなりの唐茄子を食った酬(むく)いだと思う。 Thereafter when I saw any man pale and fat, I took it for granted that it was the result of his having eaten too much of squash of "uranari." この英語の教師もうらなりばかり食ってるに違(ちが)いない。 This English teacher was surely subsisting upon squash. もっともうらなりとは何の事か今もって知らない。 However, what the meaning of "uranari" is, I do not know. 清に聞いてみた事はあるが、清は笑って答えなかった。 I asked Kiyo once, but she only laughed. 大方清も知らないんだろう。 Probably she did not know. それからおれと同じ数学の教師に堀田(ほった)というのが居た。 Among the teachers of mathematics, there was one named Hotta. これは逞(たくま)しい毬栗坊主(いがぐりぼうず)で、 This was a fellow of massive body, with hair closely cropped. 叡山(えいざん)の悪僧(あくそう)と云うべき面構(つらがまえ)である。 He looked like one of the old-time devilish priests who made the Eizan temple famous. 人が叮寧(ていねい)に辞令を見せたら見向きもせず、やあ君が新任の人か、ちと遊びに来給(きたま)えアハハハと云った。 I showed him the note politely, but he did not even look at it, and blurted out; "You're the man newly appointed, eh? Come and see me sometime, ha, ha, ha!" [Footnote 2: Means the last crop.] 何がアハハハだ。 Devil take his "Ha, ha, ha!" そんな礼儀(れいぎ)を心得ぬ奴の所へ誰が遊びに行くものか。 Who would go to see a fellow so void of the sense of common decency! おれはこの時からこの坊主に山嵐(やまあらし)という渾名(あだな)をつけてやった。 I gave this priest from this time the nickname of Porcupine. 漢学の先生はさすがに堅(かた)いものだ。 The Confucian teacher was strict in his manneras becoming to his profession. 昨日お着きで、 "Arrived yesterday? さぞお疲れで、 You must be tired. それでもう授業をお始めで、 Start teaching already? 大分ご励精(れいせい)で、 Working hard, indeed!" ――とのべつに弁じたのは --and so on. 愛嬌(あいきょう)のあるお爺(じい)さんだ。 He was an old man, quite sociable and talkative. 画学の教師は全く芸人風だ。 The teacher of drawing was altogether like a cheap actor. べらべらした透綾(すきや)の羽織を着て、扇子(せんす)をぱちつかせて、 He wore a thin, flappy haori of sukiya, and, toying with a fan, he giggled; お国はどちらでげす、 "Where from? え?  eh? 東京?  Tokyo? そりゃ嬉(うれ)しい、 Glad to hear that. お仲間が出来て You make another of our group. ……私(わたし)もこれで江戸(えど)っ子ですと云った。 I'm a Tokyo kid myself." こんなのが江戸っ子なら江戸には生れたくないもんだと心中に考えた。 If such a fellow prided himself on being a Tokyo kid, I wished I had never been born in Tokyo. そのほか一人一人についてこんな事を書けばいくらでもある。 I might go on writing about each one of them, for there are many, しかし際限がないからやめる。 but I stop here otherwise there will be no end to it. 挨拶が一通り済んだら、校長が今日はもう引き取ってもいい、もっとも授業上の事は数学の主任と打ち合せをしておいて、明後日(あさって)から課業を始めてくれと云った。 When my formal introduction was over, the principal said that I might go for the day, but I should make arrangements as to the class hours, etc.,with the head teacher of mathematics and begin teaching from the day after the morrow. 数学の主任は誰かと聞いてみたら例の山嵐であった。 Asked who was the head teacher of mathematics, I found that he was no other than that Porcupine. 忌々(いまいま)しい、 Holy smokes! こいつの下に働くのかおやおやと失望した。 was I to serve under him? I was disappointed. 山嵐は 「おい君どこに宿(とま)ってるか、山城屋か、うん、今に行って相談する」 と云い残して白墨(はくぼく)を持って教場へ出て行った。 "Say, where are you stopping? Yamashiro-ya? Well, I'll come and talk it over." So saying, Porcupine, chalk in hand, left the room to his class. 主任の癖に向うから来て相談するなんて不見識な男だ。 That was rather humiliating for a head-teacher to come over and see his subordinate, しかし呼び付けるよりは感心だ。 but it was better than to call me over to him. それから学校の門を出て、すぐ宿へ帰ろうと思ったが、帰ったって仕方がないから、少し町を散歩してやろうと思って、無暗に足の向く方をあるき散らした。 After leaving the school, I thought of returning straight to the hotel, but as there was nothing to do, I decided to take in a little of the town, and started walking about following my nose. 県庁も見た。 I saw prefectural building; 古い前世紀の建築である。 it was an old structure of the last century. 兵営も見た。 Also I saw the barracks; 麻布(あざぶ)の聯隊(れんたい)より立派でない。 they were less imposing than those of the Azabu Regiment, Tokyo. 大通りも見た。 I passed through the main street. 神楽坂(かぐらざか)を半分に狭くしたぐらいな道幅(みちはば)で町並(まちなみ)はあれより落ちる。 The width of the street is about one half that of Kagurazaka, and its aspect is inferior. 二十五万石の城下だって高の知れたものだ。 What about a castle-town of 250,000-koku Lord! こんな所に住んでご城下だなどと威張(いば)ってる人間は可哀想(かわいそう)なものだ Pity the fellows who get swell-headed in such a place as a castle-town! と考えながらくると、いつしか山城屋の前に出た。 While I walked about musing like this, I found myself in front of Yamashiro-ya. 広いようでも狭いものだ。 The town was much narrower than I had been led to believe. これで大抵(たいてい)は見尽(みつく)したのだろう。 "I think I have seen nearly all. 帰って飯でも食おうと門口をはいった。 Guess I'll return and eat." And I entered the gate. 帳場に坐(すわ)っていたかみさんが、おれの顔を見ると急に飛び出してきてお帰り……と板の間へ頭をつけた。 The mistress of the hotel who was sitting at the counter, jumped out of her place at my appearance and with "Are you back, Sire!" scraped the floor with her forehead. 靴(くつ)を脱(ぬ)いで上がると、お座敷(ざしき)があきましたからと下女が二階へ案内をした。 When I took my shoes off and stepped inside, the maid took me to an upstairs room that had became vacant. 十五畳(じょう)の表二階で大きな床(とこ)の間(ま)がついている。 It was a front room of 15 mats (about 90 square feet). おれは生れてからまだこんな立派な座敷へはいった事はない。 I had never before lived in so splendid a room as this. この後いつはいれるか分らないから、洋服を脱いで浴衣(ゆかた)一枚になって座敷の真中(まんなか)へ大の字に寝てみた。 As it was quite uncertain when I should again be able to occupy such a room in future, I took off my European dress, and with only a single Japanese summer coat on, sprawled in the centre of the room in the shape of the Japanese letter "big" (arms stretched out and legs spread wide[D]). いい心持ちである。 I found it very refreshing. 昼飯を食ってから早速清へ手紙をかいてやった。 After luncheon I at once wrote a letter to Kiyo. おれは文章がまずい上に字を知らないから手紙を書くのが大嫌(だいきら)いだ。 I hate most to write letters because I am poor at sentence-making and also poor in my stock of words. またやる所もない。 Neither did I have any place to which to address my letters. しかし清は心配しているだろう。 However, Kiyo might be getting anxious. 難船して死にやしないかなどと思っちゃ困るから、奮発(ふんぱつ)して長いのを書いてやった。 It would not do to let her worry lest she think the steamer which I boarded had been wrecked and I was drowned,--so I braced up and wrote a long one. その文句はこうである。 The body of the letter was as follows: 「きのう着いた。 "Arrived yesterday. つまらん所だ。 A dull place. 十五畳の座敷に寝ている。 Am sleeping in a room of 15 mats. 宿屋へ茶代を五円やった。 Tipped the hotel five yen as tea money. かみさんが頭を板の間へすりつけた。 The house-wife of the hotel scraped the floor with her forehead. 夕べは寝られなかった。 Couldn't sleep last night. 清が笹飴を笹ごと食う夢を見た。 Dreamed Kiyo eat sasa-ame together with the bamboo-leaf wrappers. 来年の夏は帰る。 Will return next summer. 今日学校へ行ってみんなにあだなをつけてやった。 Went to the school to-day, and nicknamed all the fellows. 校長は狸、教頭は赤シャツ、英語の教師はうらなり、数学は山嵐、画学はのだいこ。 'Badger' for the principal, 'Red Shirt' for the head-teacher, 'Hubbard Squash' for the teacher of English, 'Porcupine' the teacher of mathematics and 'Clown' for that of drawing. 今にいろいろな事を書いてやる。 Will write you many other things soon. さようなら」 Good bye." 手紙をかいてしまったら、いい心持ちになって眠気(ねむけ)がさしたから、 When I finished writing the letter, I felt better and sleepy. 最前のように座敷の真中へのびのびと大の字に寝た。 So I slept in the centre of the room, as I had done before, in the letter "big" shape ([D]). 今度は夢も何も見ないでぐっすり寝た。 No dream this time, and I had a sound sleep. この部屋かいと大きな声がするので目が覚めたら、山嵐がはいって来た。 "Is this the room?" --a loud voice was heard,--a voice which woke me up, and Porcupine entered. 最前は失敬、 "How do you do? 君の受持ちは…… What you have to do in the school----" と人が起き上がるや否や談判を開かれたので大いに狼狽(ろうばい)した。 he began talking shop as soon as I got up and rattled me much. 受持ちを聞いてみると別段むずかしい事もなさそうだから承知した。 On learning my duties in the school, there seemed to be no difficulty, and I decided to accept. このくらいの事なら、明後日は愚(おろか)、明日(あした)から始めろと云ったって驚ろかない。 If only such were what was expected of me, I would not be surprised were I told to start not only two days hence but even from the following day. 授業上の打ち合せが済んだら、君はいつまでこんな宿屋に居るつもりでもあるまい、僕(ぼく)がいい下宿を周旋(しゅうせん)してやるから移りたまえ。 The talk on business over, Porcupine said that he did not think it was my intention to stay in such a hotel all the time, that he would find a room for me in a good boarding house, and that I should move. 外のものでは承知しないが僕が話せばすぐ出来る。 "They wouldn't take in another from anybody else but I can do it right away. 早い方がいいから、今日見て、あす移って、あさってから学校へ行けば極りがいいと一人で呑み込んでいる。 The sooner the better. Go and look at the room to-day, move tomorrow and start teaching from the next day. That'll be all nice and settled." He seemed satisfied by arranging all by himself. なるほど十五畳敷にいつまで居る訳にも行くまい。 Indeed, I should not be able to occupy such a room for long. 月給をみんな宿料(しゅくりょう)に払(はら)っても追っつかないかもしれぬ。 I might have to blow in all of my salary for the hotel bill and yet be short of squaring it. 五円の茶代を奮発(ふんぱつ)してすぐ移るのはちと残念だが、 It was pity to leave the hotel so soon after I had just shone with a 5-yen tip. どうせ移る者なら、早く引き越(こ)して落ち付く方が便利だから、そこのところはよろしく山嵐に頼(たの)む事にした。 However, it being decidedly convenient to move and get settled early if I had to move at all, I asked Porcupine to get that room for me. すると山嵐はともかくもいっしょに来てみろと云うから、行った。 He told me then to come over with him and see the house at any rate, and I did. 町はずれの岡の中腹にある家で至極閑静(かんせい)だ。 The house was situated mid-way up a hill at the end of the town, and was a quiet. 主人は骨董(こっとう)を売買するいか銀と云う男で、女房(にょうぼう)は亭主(ていしゅ)よりも四つばかり年嵩(としかさ)の女だ。 The boss was said to be a dealer in antique curios, called Ikagin, and his wife was about four years his senior. 中学校に居た時ウィッチと云う言葉を習った事があるがこの女房はまさにウィッチに似ている。 I learned the English word "witch" when I was in middle school, and this woman looked exactly like one. ウィッチだって人の女房だから構わない。 But as she was another man's wife, what did I care if she was a witch. とうとう明日から引き移る事にした。 Finally I decided to live in the house from the next day. 帰りに山嵐は通町(とおりちょう)で氷水を一杯奢(ぱいおご)った。 On our way back Porcupine treated me to a cup of ice-water. 学校で逢った時はやに横風(おうふう)な失敬な奴だと思ったが、こんなにいろいろ世話をしてくれるところを見ると、わるい男でもなさそうだ。 When I first met him in the school, I thought him a disgustingly overbearing fellow, but judging by the way he had looked after me so far, he appeared not so bad after all. ただおれと同じようにせっかちで肝癪持(かんしゃくもち)らしい。 Only he seemed, like me, impatient by nature and of quick-temper. あとで聞いたらこの男が一番生徒に人望があるのだそうだ。 I heard afterward that he was liked most by all the students in the school. 三 CHAPTER III. いよいよ学校へ出た。 My teaching began at last. 初めて教場へはいって高い所へ乗った時は、何だか変だった。 When I entered the class-room and stepped upon the platform for the first time, I felt somewhat strange. 講釈をしながら、おれでも先生が勤まるのかと思った。 While lecturing, I wondered if a fellow like me could keep up the profession of public instructor. 生徒はやかましい。 The students were noisy. 時々図抜(ずぬ)けた大きな声で先生と云(い)う。 Once in a while, they would holler "Teacher!" "Teacher," --it was "going some." 先生には応(こた)えた。 今まで物理学校で毎日先生先生と呼びつけていたが、先生と呼ぶのと、呼ばれるのは雲泥(うんでい)の差だ。 I had been calling others "teacher" every day so far, in the school of physics, but in calling others "teacher" and being called one, there is a wide gap of difference. 何だか足の裏がむずむずする。 It made me feel as if some one was tickling my soles. おれは卑怯(ひきょう)な人間ではない。 I am not a sneakish fellow, nor a coward; 臆病(おくびょう)な男でもないが、惜(お)しい事に胆力(たんりょく)が欠けている。 only--it's a pity--I lack audacity. 先生と大きな声をされると、腹の減った時に丸の内で午砲(どん)を聞いたような気がする。 If one calls me "teacher" aloud, it gives me a shock similar to that of hearing the noon-gun in Marunouchi when I was hungry. 最初の一時間は何だかいい加減にやってしまった。 The first hour passed away in a dashing manner. しかし別段困った質問も掛(か)けられずに済んだ。 And it passed away without encountering any knotty questions. 控所(ひかえじょ)へ帰って来たら、山嵐がどうだいと聞いた。 As I returned to the teachers' room, Porcupine asked me how it was. うんと単簡に返事をしたら山嵐は安心したらしかった。 I simply answered "well," and he seemed satisfied. 二時間目に白墨(はくぼく)を持って控所を出た時には何だか敵地へ乗り込(こ)むような気がした。 When I left the teachers' room, chalk in hand, for the second hour class, I felt as if I was invading the enemy's territory. 教場へ出ると今度の組は前より大きな奴(やつ)ばかりである。 On entering the room, I found the students for this hour were all big fellows. おれは江戸(えど)っ子で華奢(きゃしゃ)に小作りに出来ているから、どうも高い所へ上がっても押(お)しが利かない。 I am a Tokyo kid, delicately built and small, and did not appear very impressive even in my elevated position. 喧嘩(けんか)なら相撲取(すもうとり)とでもやってみせるが、こんな大僧(おおぞう)を四十人も前へ並(なら)べて、ただ一枚(まい)の舌をたたいて恐縮(きょうしゅく)させる手際はない。 If it comes to a scraping, I can hold my own even with wrestlers, but I had no means of appearing awe-inspiring[E], merely by the aid of my tongue, to so many as forty such big chaps before me. しかしこんな田舎者(いなかもの)に弱身を見せると癖(くせ)になると思ったから、なるべく大きな声をして、少々巻き舌で講釈してやった。 Believing, however, that it would set a bad precedent to show these country fellows any weakness, I lectured rather loudly and in brusque tone. 最初のうちは、生徒も烟(けむ)に捲(ま)かれてぼんやりしていたから、 During the first part the students were taken aback and listened literally with their mouths open. それ見ろとますます得意になって、べらんめい調を用いてたら、一番前の列の真中(まんなか)に居た、一番強そうな奴が、いきなり起立して先生と云う。 "That's one on you!" I thought. Elated by my success, I kept on in this tone, when one who looked the strongest, sitting in the middle of the front row, stood up suddenly, and called "Teacher!" そら来たと思いながら、何だと聞いたら、 There it goes!--I thought, and asked him what it was. 「あまり早くて分からんけれ、 "A-ah sa-ay, you talk too quick. もちっと、ゆるゆる遣(や)って、おくれんかな、 A-ah ca-an't you make it a leetle slow? もし」 A-ah?" と云った。 おくれんかな、もしは生温(なまぬ)るい言葉だ。 "A-ah ca-an't you?" "A-ah?" was altogether dull. 早過ぎるなら、ゆっくり云ってやるが、おれは江戸っ子だから君等(きみら)の言葉は使えない、 "If I talk too fast, I'll make it slow, but I'm a Tokyo fellow, and can't talk the way you do. 分(わか)らなければ、分るまで待ってるがいいと答えてやった。 If you don't understand it, better wait until you do." So I answered him. この調子で二時間目は思ったより、うまく行った。 In this way the second hour was closed better than I had expected. ただ帰りがけに生徒の一人がちょっとこの問題を解釈をしておくれんかな、もし、と出来そうもない幾何(きか)の問題を持って逼(せま)ったには冷汗(ひやあせ)を流した。 Only, as I was about to leave the class, one of the students asked me, "A-ah say, won't you please do them for me?" and showed me some problems in geometry which I was sure I could not solve. This proved to be somewhat a damper on me. 仕方がないから何だか分らない、この次教えてやると急いで引き揚(あ)げたら、 But, helpless, I told him I could not make them out, and telling him that I would show him how next time, hastily got out of the room. 生徒がわあと囃(はや)した。 And all of them raised "Whee--ee!" その中に出来ん出来んと云う声が聞(きこ)える。 Some of them were heard saying "He doesn't know much." 箆棒(べらぼう)め、先生だって、出来ないのは当り前だ。 出来ないのを出来ないと云うのに不思議があるもんか。 Don't take a teacher for an encyclopaedia! そんなものが出来るくらいなら四十円でこんな田舎へくるもんかと控所へ帰って来た。 If I could work out such hard questions as these easily, I would not be in such a backwoods town for forty yen a month. I returned to the teachers' room. 今度はどうだとまた山嵐が聞いた。 "How was it this time?" asked Porcupine. うんと云ったが、 I said "Umh." うんだけでは気が済まなかったから、この学校の生徒は分らずやだなと云ってやった。 But not satisfied with "Umh" only, I added that all the students in this school were boneheads. 山嵐は妙(みょう)な顔をしていた。 He put up a whimsical face. 三時間目も、四時間目も昼過ぎの一時間も大同小異であった。 The third and the fourth hour and the first hour in the afternoon were more or less the same. 最初の日に出た級は、いずれも少々ずつ失敗した。 In all the classes I attended, I made some kind of blunder. 教師ははたで見るほど楽じゃないと思った。 I realised that the profession of teaching not quite so easy a calling as might have appeared. 授業はひと通り済んだが、まだ帰れない、 My teaching for the day was finished but I could not get away. 三時までぽつ然(ねん)として待ってなくてはならん。 I had to wait alone until three o'clock. 三時になると、受持級の生徒が自分の教室を掃除(そうじ)して報知(しらせ)にくるから検分をするんだそうだ。 I understood that at three o'clock the students of my classes would finish cleaning up the rooms and report to me, whereupon I would go over the rooms. それから、出席簿(しゅっせきぼ)を一応調べてようやくお暇(ひま)が出る。 Then I would run through the students' roll, and then be free to go home. いくら月給で買われた身体(からだ)だって、あいた時間まで学校へ縛(しば)りつけて机と睨(にら)めっくらをさせるなんて法があるものか。 Outrageous, indeed, to keep on chained to the school, staring at the empty space when he had nothing more to do, even though he was "bought" by a salary! しかしほかの連中はみんな大人(おとな)しくご規則通りやってるから新参のおればかり、だだを捏(こ)ねるのもよろしくないと思って我慢(がまん)していた。 Other fellow teachers, however, meekly submitted to the regulation, and believing it not well for me,--a new comer--to fuss about it, I stood it. 帰りがけに、君何でもかんでも三時過(すぎ)まで学校にいさせるのは愚(おろか)だぜと山嵐に訴えたら、 On my way home, I appealed to Porcupine as to the absurdity of keeping me there till three o'clock regardless of my having nothing to do in the school. 山嵐はそうさアハハハと笑ったが、 He said "Yes" and laughed. あとから真面目(まじめ)になって、君あまり学校の不平を云うと、いかんぜ。 But he became serious and in an advisory manner told me not to make many complaints about the school. 云うなら僕(ぼく)だけに話せ、 "Talk to me only, if you want to. 随分(ずいぶん)妙な人も居るからなと忠告がましい事を云った。 There are some queer guys around." 四つ角で分れたから詳(くわ)しい事は聞くひまがなかった。 As we parted at the next corner, I did not have time to hear more from him. それからうちへ帰ってくると、宿の亭主(ていしゅ)がお茶を入れましょうと云ってやって来る。 On reaching my room, the boss of the house came to me saying, "Let me serve you tea." お茶を入れると云うからご馳走(ちそう)をするのかと思うと、おれの茶を遠慮(えんりょ)なく入れて自分が飲むのだ。 I expected he was going to treat me to some good tea since he said "Let me serve you," but he simply made himself at home and drank my own tea. この様子では留守中(るすちゅう)も勝手にお茶を入れましょうを一人(ひとり)で履行(りこう)しているかも知れない。 Judging by this, I thought he might be practising "Let me serve you" during my absence. 亭主が云うには手前は書画骨董(しょがこっとう)がすきで、とうとうこんな商買を内々で始めるようになりました。 The boss said that he was fond of antique drawings and curios and finally had decided to start in that business. あなたもお見受け申すところ大分ご風流でいらっしゃるらしい。 "You look like one quite taken about art. ちと道楽にお始めなすってはいかがですと、飛んでもない勧誘(かんゆう)をやる。 Suppose you begin patronizing my business just for fun as er--connoisseur of art?" It was the least expected kind of solicitation. 二年前ある人の使(つかい)に帝国(ていこく)ホテルへ行った時は錠前(じょうまえ)直しと間違(まちが)えられた事がある。 Two years ago, I went to the Imperial Hotel (Tokyo) on an errand, and I was taken for a locksmith. ケットを被(かぶ)って、鎌倉(かまくら)の大仏を見物した時は車屋から親方と云われた。 When I went to see the Daibutsu at Kamakura, haying wrapped up myself from head to toe with a blanket, a rikisha man addressed me as "Gov'ner." その外今日(こんにち)まで見損(みそくな)われた事は随分あるが、まだおれをつらまえて大分ご風流でいらっしゃると云ったものはない。 I have been mistaken on many occasions for as many things, but none so far has counted on me as a probable connoisseur of art. 大抵(たいてい)はなりや様子でも分る。 One should know better by my appearance. 風流人なんていうものは、画(え)を見ても、頭巾(ずきん)を被(かぶ)るか短冊(たんざく)を持ってるものだ。 Any one who aspires to be a patron of art is usually pictured,--you may see in any drawing,--with either a hood on his head, or carrying a tanzaku[3] in his hand. このおれを風流人だなどと真面目に云うのはただの曲者(くせもの)じゃない。 The fellow who calls me a connoisseur of art and pretends to mean it, may be surely as crooked as a dog's hind legs. おれはそんな呑気(のんき)な隠居(いんきょ)のやるような事は嫌(きら)いだと云ったら、 I told him I did not like such art-stuff, which is usually favored by retired people. 亭主はへへへへと笑いながら、いえ始めから好きなものは、どなたもございませんが、いったんこの道にはいるとなかなか出られませんと一人で茶を注いで妙な手付(てつき)をして飲んでいる。 He laughed, and remarking that that nobody liked it at first, but once in it, will find it so fascinating that he will hardly get over it, served tea for himself and drank it in a grotesque manner. 実はゆうべ茶を買ってくれと頼(たの)んでおいたのだが、こんな苦い濃(こ)い茶はいやだ。 I may say that I had asked him the night before to buy some tea for me, but I did not like such a bitter, heavy kind. 一杯(ぱい)飲むと胃に答えるような気がする。 One swallow seemed to act right on my stomach. 今度からもっと苦くないのを買ってくれと云ったら、かしこまりましたとまた一杯しぼって飲んだ。 I told him to buy a kind not so bitter as that, and he answered "All right, Sir," and drank another cup. 人の茶だと思って無暗(むやみ)に飲む奴(やつ)だ。 The fellow seemed never to know of having enough of anything so long as it was another man's. 主人が引き下がってから、明日の下読(したよみ)をしてすぐ寝(ね)てしまった。 After he left the room, I prepared for the morrow and went to bed. [Footnote 3: A tanzaku is a long, narrow strip of stiff paper on which a Japanese poem is written.] それから毎日毎日学校へ出ては規則通り働く、 Everyday thereafter I attended at the school and worked as per regulations. 毎日毎日帰って来ると主人がお茶を入れましょうと出てくる。 Every day on my return, the boss came to my room with the same old "Let me serve you tea." 一週間ばかりしたら学校の様子もひと通りは飲み込めたし、宿の夫婦の人物も大概(たいがい)は分った。 In about a week I understood the school in a general way, and had my own idea as to the personality of the boss and his wife. ほかの教師に聞いてみると辞令を受けて一週間から一ヶ月ぐらいの間は自分の評判がいいだろうか、悪(わ)るいだろうか非常に気に掛(か)かるそうであるが、 I heard from one of my fellow teachers that the first week to one month after the receipt of the appointment worried them most as to whether they had been favorably received among the students. おれは一向そんな感じはなかった。 I never felt anything on that score. 教場で折々しくじるとその時だけはやな心持ちだが三十分ばかり立つと奇麗(きれい)に消えてしまう。 Blunders in the class room once in a while caused me chagrin, but in about half an hour everything would clear out of my head. おれは何事によらず長く心配しようと思っても心配が出来ない男だ。 I am a fellow who, by nature, can't be worrying long about[F] anything even if I try to. 教場のしくじりが生徒にどんな影響(えいきょう)を与(あた)えて、その影響が校長や教頭にどんな反応を呈(てい)するかまるで無頓着(むとんじゃく)であった。 I was absolutely indifferent as how my blunders in the class room affected the students, or how much further they affected the principal or the head-teacher. おれは前に云う通りあまり度胸の据(すわ)った男ではないのだが、思い切りはすこぶるいい人間である。 As I mentioned before, I am not a fellow of much audacity to speak of, but I am quick to give up anything when I see its finish. この学校がいけなければすぐどっかへ行(ゆ)く覚悟(かくご)でいたから、 I had resolved to go elsewhere at once if the school did not suit me. 狸(たぬき)も赤シャツも、ちっとも恐(おそろ)しくはなかった。 In consequence, neither Badger nor Red Shirt wielded any influence over me. まして教場の小僧(こぞう)共なんかには愛嬌(あいきょう)もお世辞も使う気になれなかった。 And still less did I feel like coaxing or coddling the youngsters in the class room. 学校はそれでいいのだが下宿の方はそうはいかなかった。 So far it was O.K. with the school, but not so easy as that at my boarding house. 亭主が茶を飲みに来るだけなら我慢もするが、 I could have stood it if it had been only the boss coming to my room after my tea. いろいろな者を持ってくる。 But he would fetch many things to my room. 始めに持って来たのは何でも印材で、 First time he brought in seals.[4] 十(とお)ばかり並(なら)べておいて、みんなで三円なら安い物だお買いなさいと云う。 He displayed about ten of them before me and persuaded me to buy them for three yen, which was very cheap, he said. 田舎巡(いなかまわ)りのヘボ絵師じゃあるまいし、 Did he take me for a third rate painter making a round of the country? そんなものは入らないと云ったら、 I told him I did not want them. 今度は華山(かざん)とか何とか云う男の花鳥の掛物(かけもの)をもって来た。 Next time he brought in a panel picture of flowers and birds, drawn by one Kazan or somebody. 自分で床(とこ)の間(ま)へかけて、いい出来じゃありませんかと云うから、そうかなと好加減(いいかげん)に挨拶(あいさつ)をすると、 He hung it against the wall of the alcove and asked me if it was not well done, and I echoed it looked well done. 華山には二人(ふたり)ある、一人は何とか華山で、一人は何とか華山ですが、この幅(ふく)はその何とか華山の方だと、 Then he started lecturing about Kazan, that there are two Kazans, one is Kazan something and the other is Kazan anything, and that this picture was the work of that Kazan something. くだらない講釈をしたあとで、どうです、あなたなら十五円にしておきます。 お買いなさいと催促(さいそく)をする。 After this nonsensical lecture, he insisted that he would make it fifteen yen for me to buy it. 金がないと断わると、 I declined the offer saying that I was shy of the money. 金なんか、いつでもようございますとなかなか頑固(がんこ)だ。 "You can pay any time." He was insistent. [Footnote 4: Artists have several seals of stone with which to stamp on the picture they draw as a guarantee of their personal work or for identification. The shape and kind of seals are quite a hobby among artists, and sales or exchange are of common occurrence.] 金があつても買わないんだと、その時は追っ払(ぱら)っちまった。 I settled him by telling him of my having no intention of purchasing it even if I had the necessary money. その次には鬼瓦(おにがわら)ぐらいな大硯(おおすずり)を担ぎ込んだ。 Again next time, he yanked in a big writing stone slab about the size of a ridge-tile. これは端渓(たんけい)です、 "This is a tankei,"[5] he said. 端渓ですと二遍(へん)も三遍も端渓がるから、面白半分に端渓た何だいと聞いたら、 As he "tankeied" two or three times, I asked for fun what was a tankei. すぐ講釈を始め出した。 Right away he commenced lecturing on the subject. 端渓には上層中層下層とあって、 "There are the upper, the middle and the lower stratum in tankei," he said. 今時のものはみんな上層ですが、 "Most of tankei slabs to-day are made from the upper stratum," he continued, これはたしかに中層です、 "but this one is surely from the middle stratum. この眼(がん)をご覧なさい。 Look at this 'gan.'[6] 眼が三つあるのは珍(めず)らしい。 'Tis certainly rare to have three 'gans' like this. 溌墨(はつぼく)の具合も至極よろしい、 The ink-cake grates smoothly on it. 試してご覧なさいと、 Try it, sir," おれの前へ大きな硯を突(つ)きつける。 --and he pushed it towards me. いくらだと聞くと、持主が支那(しな)から持って帰って来て是非売りたいと云いますから、お安くして三十円にしておきましょうと云う。 I asked him how much, and he answered that on account of its owner having brought it from China and wishing to sell if as soon as possible, he would make it very cheap, that I could have it for thirty yen. この男は馬鹿(ばか)に相違(そうい)ない。 I was sure he was a fool. 学校の方はどうかこうか無事に勤まりそうだが、こう骨董責(こっとうぜめ)に逢(あ)ってはとても長く続きそうにない。 I seemed to be able to get through the school somehow, but I would soon give out if this "curio siege" kept on long. [Footnote 5: Tankei is the name of a place in China where a certain kind of stone suitable for writing purposes was produced.] [Footnote 6: "Gan" may be understood as a kind of natural mark on the stone peculiar to the stone from Tankei.] そのうち学校もいやになった。   Shortly afterwards, I began to get sick of the school. ある日の晩大町(おおまち)と云う所を散歩していたら郵便局の隣(とな)りに蕎麦(そば)とかいて、下に東京と注を加えた看板があった。 One certain night, while I was strolling about a street named Omachi, I happened to notice a sign of noodles below of which was annotated "Tokyo" in the house next to the post office. おれは蕎麦が大好きである。 I am very fond of noodles. 東京に居(お)った時でも蕎麦屋の前を通って薬味の香(にお)いをかぐと、どうしても暖簾(のれん)がくぐりたくなった。 While I was in Tokyo, if I passed by a noodle house and smelled the seasoning spices, I felt uncontrollable temptation to go inside at any cost. 今日までは数学と骨董で蕎麦を忘れていたが、こうして看板を見ると素通りが出来なくなる。 Up to this time I had forgotten the noodle on account of mathematics and antique curios, but since I had seen thus the sign of noodles, I could hardly pass it by unnoticed. ついでだから一杯食って行こうと思って上がり込んだ。 So availing myself of this opportunity, I went in. 見ると看板ほどでもない。 It was not quite up to what I had judged by the sign. 東京と断(こと)わる以上はもう少し奇麗にしそうなものだが、 Since it claimed to follow the Tokyo style, they should have tidied up a little bit about the room. 東京を知らないのか、金がないのか、滅法(めっぽう)きたない。 They did not either know Tokyo or have the means,--I did not know which, but the room was miserably dirty. 畳(たたみ)は色が変ってお負けに砂でざらざらしている。 The floor-mats had all seen better days and felt shaggy with sandy dust. 壁(かべ)は煤(すす)で真黒(まっくろ)だ。 The sootcovered walls defied the blackest black. 天井(てんじょう)はランプの油烟(ゆえん)で燻(くす)ぼってるのみか、低くって、思わず首を縮めるくらいだ。 The ceiling was not only smoked by the lamp black, but was so low as to force one involuntarily bend down his neck. ただ麗々と蕎麦の名前をかいて張り付けたねだん付けだけは全く新しい。 Only the price-list, on which was glaringly written "Noodles" and which was pasted on the wall, was entirely new. 何でも古いうちを買って二三日(にさんち)前から開業したに違(ちが)いなかろう。 I was certain that they bought an old house and opened the business just two or three days before. ねだん付の第一号に天麩羅(てんぷら)とある。 At the head of the price-list appeared "tempura" (noodles served with shrimp fried in batter). おい天麩羅を持ってこいと大きな声を出した。 "Say, fetch me some tempura," I ordered in a loud voice. するとこの時まで隅(すみ)の方に三人かたまって、何かつるつる、ちゅうちゅう食ってた連中(れんじゅう)が、ひとしくおれの方を見た。 Then three fellows who had been making a chewing noise together in a corner, looked in my direction. 部屋(へや)が暗いので、ちょっと気がつかなかったが顔を合せると、みんな学校の生徒である。 As the room was dark I did not notice them at first. But when we looked at each other, I found them all to be boys in our school. 先方で挨拶(あいさつ)をしたから、おれも挨拶をした。 They "how d'ye do'd" me and I acknowledged it. その晩は久(ひさ)し振(ぶり)に蕎麦を食ったので、旨(うま)かったから天麩羅を四杯平(たいら)げた。 That night, having come across the noodle after so long a time, it tasted so fine that I ate four bowls. 翌日何の気もなく教場へはいると、黒板一杯ぐらいな大きな字で、天麩羅先生とかいてある。 The next day as I entered the class room quite unconcernedly, I saw on the black board written in letters so large as to take up the whole space; "Professor Tempura." おれの顔を見てみんなわあと笑った。 The boys all glanced at my face and made merry hee-haws at my cost. おれは馬鹿馬鹿しいから、天麩羅を食っちゃ可笑(おか)しいかと聞いた。 It was so absurd that I asked them if it was in any way funny for me to eat tempura noodle. すると生徒の一人(ひとり)が、しかし四杯は過ぎるぞな、もし、と云った。 Thereupon one of them said, --"But four bowls is too much." 四杯食おうが五杯食おうがおれの銭でおれが食うのに文句があるもんかと、さっさと講義を済まして控所へ帰って来た。 What did they care if I ate four bowls or five as long as I paid it with my own money,--and speedily finishing up my class, I returned to the teachers' room. 十分立って次の教場へ出ると一つ天麩羅四杯なり。 但(ただ)し笑うべからず。 と黒板にかいてある。 After tenminutes' recess, I went to the next class, and there on the black board was newly written quite as large as before; "Four bowls of tempura noodles, but don't laugh." さっきは別に腹も立たなかったが今度は癪(しゃく)に障(さわ)った。 The first one did not arouse any ill-temper in me, but this time it made me feel irritating mad. 冗談(じょうだん)も度を過ごせばいたずらだ。 A joke carried too far becomes mischievous. 焼餅(やきもち)の黒焦(くろこげ)のようなもので It is like the undue jealousy of some women who, like coal, look black and suggest flames. 誰(だれ)も賞(ほ)め手はない。 Nobody likes it. 田舎者はこの呼吸が分からないからどこまで押(お)して行っても構わないと云う了見(りょうけん)だろう。 These country simpletons, unable to differentiate upon so delicate a boundary, would seem to be bent on pushing everything to the limit. 一時間あるくと見物する町もないような狭(せま)い都に住んで、外に何にも芸がないから、天麩羅事件を日露(にちろ)戦争のように触(ふ)れちらかすんだろう。 As they lived in such a narrow town where one has no more to see if he goes on strolling about for one hour, and as they were capable of doing nothing better, they were trumpeting aloud this tempura incident in quite as serious a manner as the Russo-Japanese war. 憐(あわ)れな奴等(やつら)だ。 What a bunch of miserable pups! 小供の時から、こんなに教育されるから、いやにひねっこびた、植木鉢(うえきばち)の楓(かえで)みたような小人(しょうじん)が出来るんだ。 It is because they are raised in this fashion from their boyhood that there are many punies who, like the dwarf maple tree in the flower pot, mature gnarled and twisted. 無邪気(むじゃき)ならいっしょに笑ってもいいが、 I have no objection to laugh myself with others over innocent jokes. こりゃなんだ。 But how's this? 小供の癖(くせ)に乙(おつ)に毒気を持ってる。 Boys as they are, they showed a "poisonous temper." おれはだまって、天麩羅を消して、こんないたずらが面白いか、卑怯(ひきょう)な冗談だ。 Silently erasing off "tempura" from the board, I questioned them if they thought such mischief interesting, that this was a cowardly joke 君等は卑怯と云う意味を知ってるか、と云ったら、 and if they knew the meaning of "cowardice." 自分がした事を笑われて怒(おこ)るのが卑怯じゃろうがな、もしと答えた奴がある。 Some of them answered that to get angry on being laughed at over one's own doing, was cowardice. やな奴だ。 What made them so disgusting as this? わざわざ東京から、こんな奴を教えに来たのかと思ったら情なくなった。 I pitied myself for coming from far off Tokyo to teach such a lot. 余計な減らず口を利かないで勉強しろと云って、授業を始めてしまった。 "Keep your mouth shut, and study hard," I snapped, and started the class. それから次の教場へ出たら天麩羅を食うと減らず口が利きたくなるものなりと書いてある。 In the next class again there was written: "When one eats tempura noodles it makes him drawl nonsense." どうも始末に終えない。 There seemed no end to it. あんまり腹が立ったから、そんな生意気な奴は教えないと云ってすたすた帰って来てやった。 I was thoroughly aroused with anger, and declaring that I would not teach such sassies, went home straight. 生徒は休みになって喜んだそうだ。 The boys were glad of having an unexpected holiday, so I heard. こうなると学校より骨董の方がまだましだ。 When things had come to this pass, the antique curious seemed far more preferable to the school. 天麩羅蕎麦もうちへ帰って、一晩寝たらそんなに肝癪(かんしゃく)に障らなくなった。 My return home and sleep over night greatly rounded off my rugged temper over the tempura affair. 学校へ出てみると、生徒も出ている。 I went to the school, and they were there also. 何だか訳が分らない。 I could not tell what was what. それから三日ばかりは無事であったが、四日目の晩に住田(すみた)と云う所へ行って団子(だんご)を食った。 The three days thereafter were pacific, and on the night of the fourth day, I went to a suburb called Sumida and ate "dango" (small balls made of glutinous rice, dressed with sugar-paste). この住田と云う所は温泉のある町で城下から汽車だと十分ばかり、歩いて三十分で行かれる、料理屋も温泉宿も、公園もある上に遊廓(ゆうかく)がある。 Sumida is a town where there are restaurants, hot-springs bath houses and a park, and in addition, the "tenderloin." おれのはいった団子屋は遊廓の入口にあって、大変うまいという評判だから、温泉に行った帰りがけにちょっと食ってみた。 The dango shop where I went was near the entrance to the tenderloin, and as the dango served there was widely known for its nice taste, I dropped in on my way back from my bath. 今度は生徒にも逢わなかったから、誰(だれ)も知るまいと思って、翌日学校へ行って、一時間目の教場へはいると団子二皿(さら)七銭と書いてある。 As I did not meet any students this time, I thought nobody knew of it, but when I entered the first hour class next day, I found written on the black board; "Two dishes of dango--7 sen." 実際おれは二皿食って七銭払(はら)った。 It is true that I ate two dishes and paid seven sen. どうも厄介(やっかい)な奴等だ。 Troublesome kids! I declare. 二時間目にもきっと何かあると思うと遊廓の団子旨い旨いと書いてある。 I expected with certainty that there would be something at the second hour, and there it was; "The dango in the tenderloin taste fine." あきれ返った奴等だ。 Stupid wretches! 団子がそれで済んだと思ったら今度は赤手拭(あかてぬぐい)と云うのが評判になった。 No sooner I thought, the dango incident closed than the red towel became the topic for widespread gossip. 何の事だと思ったら、つまらない来歴だ。 Inquiry as to the story revealed it to be something unusually absurd. おれはここへ来てから、毎日住田の温泉へ行く事に極(き)めている。 Since, my arrival here, I had made it a part of my routine to take in the hot springs bath every day. ほかの所は何を見ても東京の足元にも及(およ)ばないが温泉だけは立派なものだ。 While there was nothing in this town which compared favorably with Tokyo, the hot springs were worthy of praise. せっかく来た者だから毎日はいってやろうという気で、晩飯前に運動かたがた出掛(でかけ)る。 So long as I was in the town, I decided that I would have a dip every day, and went there walking, partly for physical exercise, before my supper. ところが行くときは必ず西洋手拭の大きな奴をぶら下げて行く。 And whenever I went there I used to carry a large-size European towel dangling from my hand. この手拭が湯に染(そま)った上へ、赤い縞(しま)が流れ出したのでちょっと見ると紅色(べにいろ)に見える。 Added to somewhat reddish color the towel had acquired by its having been soaked in the hot-springs, the red color on its border, which was not fast enough, streaked about so that the towel now looked as if it were dyed red. おれはこの手拭を行きも帰りも、汽車に乗ってもあるいても、常にぶら下げている。 This towel hung down from my hand on both ways whether afoot or riding in the train. それで生徒がおれの事を赤手拭赤手拭と云うんだそうだ。 For this reason, the students nicknamed me Red Towel. どうも狭い土地に住んでるとうるさいものだ。 Honest, it is exasperating to live in a little town. まだある。 There is some more. 温泉は三階の新築で上等は浴衣(ゆかた)をかして、流しをつけて八銭で済む。 The bath house I patronized was a newly built three-story house, and for the patrons of the first class the house provided a bath-robe, in addition to an attendant, and the cost was only eight sen. その上に女が天目(てんもく)へ茶を載(の)せて出す。 On top of that, a maid would serve tea in a regular polite fashion. おれはいつでも上等へはいった。 I always paid the first class. すると四十円の月給で毎日上等へはいるのは贅沢(ぜいたく)だと云い出した。 Then those gossipy spotters started saying that for one who made only forty yen a month to take a first class bath every day was extravagant. 余計なお世話だ。 Why the devil should they care? It was none of their business. まだある。 There is still some more. 湯壺(ゆつぼ)は花崗石(みかげいし)を畳(たた)み上げて、十五畳敷(じょうじき)ぐらいの広さに仕切ってある。 The bath-tub,--or the tank in this case,--was built of granite, and measured about thirty square feet. 大抵(たいてい)は十三四人漬(つか)ってるがたまには誰も居ない事がある。 Usually there were thirteen or fourteen people in the tank, but sometimes there was none. 深さは立って乳の辺まであるから、運動のために、湯の中を泳ぐのはなかなか愉快(ゆかい)だ。 As the water came up clear to the breast, I enjoyed, for athletic purposes, swimming in the tank. おれは人の居ないのを見済(みすま)しては十五畳の湯壺を泳ぎ巡(まわ)って喜んでいた。 I delighted in swimming in this 30-square feet tank, taking chances of the total absence of other people. ところがある日三階から威勢(いせい)よく下りて今日も泳げるかなとざくろ口を覗(のぞ)いてみると、大きな札へ黒々と湯の中で泳ぐべからずとかいて貼(は)りつけてある。 Once, going downstairs from the third story with a light heart, and peeping through the entrance of the tank to see if I should be able to swim, I noticed a sign put up in which was boldly written: "No swimming allowed in the tank." 湯の中で泳ぐものは、あまりあるまいから、この貼札(はりふだ)はおれのために特別に新調したのかも知れない。 As there may not have been many who swam in the tank, this notice was probably put up particularly for my sake. おれはそれから泳ぐのは断念した。 After that I gave up swimming. 泳ぐのは断念したが、学校へ出てみると、例の通り黒板に湯の中で泳ぐべからずと書いてあるには驚(おど)ろいた。 But although I gave up swimming, I was surprised, when I went to the school, to see on the board, as usual, written: "No swimming allowed in the tank." 何だか生徒全体がおれ一人を探偵(たんてい)しているように思われた。 It seemed as if all the students united in tracking me everywhere. くさくさした。 They made me sick. 生徒が何を云ったって、やろうと思った事をやめるようなおれではないが、何でこんな狭苦しい鼻の先がつかえるような所へ来たのかと思うと情なくなった。 I was not a fellow to stop doing whatever I had started upon no matter what students might say, but I became thoroughly disgusted when I meditated on why I had come to such a narrow, suffocating place. それでうちへ帰ると相変らず骨董責である。 And, then, when I returned home, the "antique curio siege" was still going on. 四 CHAPTER IV 学校には宿直があって、職員が代る代るこれをつとめる。 For us teachers there was a duty of night watch in the school, and we had to do it in turn. 但(ただ)し狸(たぬき)と赤シャツは例外である。 But Badger and Red Shirt were not in it. 何でこの両人が当然の義務を免(まぬ)かれるのかと聞いてみたら、奏任待遇(そうにんたいぐう)だからと云う。 On asking why these two were exempt from this duty, I was told that they were accorded by the government treatment similar to officials of "Sonin" rank. 面白くもない。 Oh, fudge! 月給はたくさんとる、時間は少ない、それで宿直を逃(の)がれるなんて They were paid more, worked less, and were then excused from this night watch. 不公平があるものか。 It was not fair. 勝手な規則をこしらえて、それが当(あた)り前(まえ)だというような顔をしている。 They made regulations to suit their convenience and seemed to regard all this as a matter of course. よくまああんなにずうずうしく出来るものだ。 How could they be so brazen faced as this! これについては大分不平であるが、山嵐(やまあらし)の説によると、いくら一人(ひとり)で不平を並(なら)べたって通るものじゃないそうだ。 I was greatly dissatisfied relative to this question, but according to the opinion of Porcupine, protests by a single person, with what insistency they may be made, will not be heard. 一人だって二人(ふたり)だって正しい事なら通りそうなものだ。 They ought to be heard whether they are made by one person or by two if they are just. 山嵐は might is right という英語を引いて説諭(せつゆ)を加えたが、 Porcupine remonstrated with me by quoting "Might is right" in English. 何だか要領を得ないから、聞き返してみたら強者の権利と云う意味だそうだ。 I did not catch his point, so I asked him again, and he told me that it meant the right of the stronger. 強者の権利ぐらいなら昔(むかし)から知っている。 If it was the right of the stronger I had known it for long, 今さら山嵐から講釈をきかなくってもいい。 and did not require Porcupine explain that to me at this time. 強者の権利と宿直とは別問題だ。 The right of the stronger was a question different from that of the night watch. 狸や赤シャツが強者だなんて、誰(だれ)が承知するものか。 Who would agree that Badger and Red Shirt were the stronger? 議論は議論としてこの宿直がいよいよおれの番に廻(まわ)って来た。 But argument or no argument, the turn of this night watch at last fell upon me. 一体疳性(かんしょう)だから夜具蒲団(やぐふとん)などは自分のものへ楽に寝ないと寝たような心持ちがしない。 Being quite fastidious, I never enjoyed sound sleep unless I slept comfortably in my own bedding. 小供の時から、友達のうちへ泊(とま)った事はほとんどないくらいだ。 From my childhood, I never stayed out overnight. 友達のうちでさえ厭(いや)なら学校の宿直はなおさら厭だ。 When I did not find sleeping under the roof of my friends inviting, night watch in the school, you may be sure, was still worse. 厭だけれども、これが四十円のうちへ籠(こも)っているなら仕方がない。 However repulsive, if this was a part of the forty yen a month, 我慢(がまん)して勤めてやろう。 there was no alternative. I had to do it. 教師も生徒も帰ってしまったあとで、一人ぽかんとしているのは随分(ずいぶん)間が抜(ぬ)けたものだ。 To remain alone in the school after the faculty and students had gone home, was something particularly awkward. 宿直部屋は教場の裏手にある寄宿舎の西はずれの一室だ。 The room for the night watch was in the rear of the school building at the west end of the dormitory. ちょっとはいってみたが、西日をまともに受けて、苦しくって居たたまれない。 I stepped inside to see how it was, and finding it squarely facing the setting sun, I thought I would melt. 田舎(いなか)だけあって秋がきても、気長に暑いもんだ。 In spite of autumn having already set in, the hot spell still lingered, quite in keeping with the dilly-dally atmosphere of the country. 生徒の賄(まかない)を取りよせて晩飯を済ましたが、 I ordered the same kind of meal as served for the students, and finished my supper. まずいには恐(おそ)れ入(い)った。 The meal was unspeakably poor. よくあんなものを食って、あれだけに暴れられたもんだ。 It was a wonder they could subsist on such miserable stuff and keep on "roughing it" in that lively fashion. それで晩飯を急いで四時半に片付けてしまうんだから豪傑(ごうけつ)に違(ちが)いない。 Not only that, they were always hungry for supper, finishing it at 4.30 in the afternoon. They must be heroes in a sense. 飯は食ったが、まだ日が暮(く)れないから寝(ね)る訳に行かない。 I had thus my supper, but the sun being still high, could not go to bed yet. ちょっと温泉に行きたくなった。 I felt like going to the hot-springs. 宿直をして、外へ出るのはいい事だか、悪(わ)るい事だかしらないが、こうつくねんとして重禁錮(じゅうきんこ)同様な憂目(うきめ)に逢(あ)うのは我慢の出来るもんじゃない。 I did not know the wrong or right of night watch going out, but it was oppressively trying to stand a life akin to heavy imprisonment. 始めて学校へ来た時当直の人はと聞いたら、ちょっと用達(ようたし)に出たと小使(こづかい)が答えたのを妙(みょう)だと思ったが、 When I called at the school the first time and inquired about night watch, I was told by the janitor that he had just gone out and I thought it strange. 自分に番が廻(まわ)ってみると思い当る。 But now by taking the turn of night watch myself, I could fathom the situation; 出る方が正しいのだ。 it was right for any night watch to go out. おれは小使にちょっと出てくると云ったら、 I told the janitor that I was going out for a minute. 何かご用ですかと聞くから、用じゃない、温泉へはいるんだと答えて、さっさと出掛(でか)けた。 He asked me "on business?" and I answered "No," but to take a bath at the hot springs, and went out straight. 赤手拭(あかてぬぐい)は宿へ忘れて来たのが残念だが今日は先方で借りるとしよう。 It was too bad that I had left my red towel at home, but I would borrow one over there for to-day. それからかなりゆるりと、出たりはいったりして、ようやく日暮方(ひぐれがた)になったから、汽車へ乗って古町(こまち)の停車場(ていしゃば)まで来て下りた。 I took plenty of time in dipping in the bath and as it became dark at last, I came to the Furumachi Station on a train. 学校まではこれから四丁だ。 It was only about four blocks to the school; 訳はないとあるき出すと、向うから狸が来た。 I could cover it in no time. When I started walking schoolwards, Badger was seen coming from the opposite direction. 狸はこれからこの汽車で温泉へ行こうと云う計画なんだろう。 Badger, I presumed, was going to the hot springs by this train. すたすた急ぎ足にやってきたが、擦(す)れ違(ちが)った時おれの顔を見たから、ちょっと挨拶(あいさつ)をした。 He came with brisk steps, and as we passed by, I nodded my courtesy. すると狸はあなたは今日は宿直ではなかったですかねえと真面目(まじめ)くさって聞いた。 Then Badger, with a studiously owlish countenance, asked: "Am I wrong to understand that you are night watch?" なかったですかねえもないもんだ。 Chuck that "Am-I-wrong-to-understand"! 二時間前おれに向って今夜は始めての宿直ですね。 ご苦労さま。 と礼を云ったじゃないか。 Two hours ago, did he not say to me "You're on first night watch to-night. Now, take care of yourself?" 校長なんかになるといやに曲りくねった言葉を使うもんだ。 What makes one use such a roundabout, twisted way of saying anything when he becomes a principal? おれは腹が立ったから、 I was far from smiling. ええ宿直です。 "Yes, Sir," I said, 宿直ですから、これから帰って泊る事はたしかに泊りますと云い捨てて済ましてあるき出した。 "I'm night watch to-night, and as I am night watch I will return to the school and stay there overnight, sure." With this parting shot, I left him where we met. 竪町(たてまち)の四つ角までくると今度は山嵐(やまあらし)に出っ喰(く)わした。 Coming then to the cross-streets of Katamachi, I met Porcupine. どうも狭(せま)い所だ。 This is a narrow place, I tell you. 出てあるきさえすれば必ず誰かに逢う。 Whenever one ventures out, he is sure to come across some familiar face. 「おい君は宿直じゃないか」 "Say, aren't you night watch?" と聞くから he hallooed, 「うん、宿直だ」 と答えたら、 and I said "Yes, I am." 「宿直が無暗(むやみ)に出てあるくなんて、不都合(ふつごう)じゃないか」 "Tis wrong for night watch to leave his post at his pleasure," と云った。 he added, 「ちっとも不都合なもんか、出てあるかない方が不都合だ」 と威張(いば)ってみせた。 and to this I blurted out with a bold front; "Nothing wrong at all. It is wrong not to go out." 「君のずぼらにも困るな、 "Say, old man, your slap-dash is going to the limit. 校長か教頭に出逢うと面倒(めんどう)だぜ」 Wouldn't look well for the principal or the head teacher to see you out like this." と山嵐に似合わない事を云うから 「校長にはたった今逢った。 暑い時には散歩でもしないと宿直も骨でしょうと校長が、おれの散歩をほめたよ」 と云って、面倒臭(くさ)いから、さっさと学校へ帰って来た。 The submissive tone of his remark was contrary to Porcupine as I had known him so far, so I cut him short by saying: "I have met the principal just now. Why, he approved my taking a stroll about the town. Said it would be hard on night watch unless he took a walk when it is hot." Then I made a bee-line for the school. それから日はすぐくれる。 Soon it was night. くれてから二時間ばかりは小使を宿直部屋へ呼んで話をしたが、 I called the janitor to my room and had a chat for about two hours. それも飽(あ)きたから、寝られないまでも床(とこ)へはいろうと思って、 I grew tired of this, and thought I would get into bed anyway, even if I could not sleep. 寝巻に着換(きが)えて、蚊帳(かや)を捲(ま)くって、赤い毛布(けっと)を跳(は)ねのけて、とんと尻持(しりもち)を突(つ)いて、仰向(あおむ)けになった。 I put on my night shirt, lifted the mosquito-net, rolled off the red blanket and fell down flat on my back with a bang. おれが寝るときにとんと尻持をつくのは小供の時からの癖(くせ)だ。 The making of this bumping noise when I go to bed is my habit from my boyhood. わるい癖だと云って小川町(おがわまち)の下宿に居た時分、二階下に居た法律学校の書生が苦情を持ち込(こ)んだ事がある。 "It is a bad habit," once declared a student of a law school who lived on the ground floor, and I on the second, when I was in the boarding house at Ogawa-machi, Kanda-ku, and who brought complaints to my room in person. 法律の書生なんてものは弱い癖に、やに口が達者なもので、愚(ぐ)な事を長たらしく述べ立てるから、寝る時にどんどん音がするのはおれの尻がわるいのじゃない。 Students of law schools, weaklings as they are, have double the ability of ordinary persons when it comes to talking. As this student of law dwelt long on absurd accusations, I downed him by answering that the noise made when I went to bed was not the fault of my hip, 下宿の建築が粗末(そまつ)なんだ。 but that of the house which was not built on a solid base, 掛(か)ケ合うなら下宿へ掛ケ合えと凹(へこ)ましてやった。 and that if he had any fuss to make, make it to the house, not to me. この宿直部屋は二階じゃないから、いくら、どしんと倒(たお)れても構わない。 This room for night watch was not on the second floor, so nobody cared how much I banged. なるべく勢(いきおい)よく倒れないと寝たような心持ちがしない。 I do not feel well-rested unless I go to bed with the loudest bang I can make. ああ愉快だと足をうんと延ばすと、何だか両足へ飛び付いた。 "This is bully!" and I straightened out my feet, when something jumped and clung to them. ざらざらして蚤(のみ)のようでもないから They felt coarse, and seemed not to be fleas. こいつあと驚(おど)ろいて、足を二三度毛布(けっと)の中で振(ふ)ってみた。 I was a bit surprised, and shook my feet inside the blanket two or three times. するとざらざらと当ったものが、急に殖(ふ)え出して脛(すね)が五六カ所、股(もも)が二三カ所、尻の下でぐちゃりと踏(ふ)み潰(つぶ)したのが一つ、臍(へそ)の所まで飛び上がったのが一つ Instantly the blamed thing increased,--five or six of them on my legs, two or three on the thighs, one crushed beneath my hip and another clear up to my belly. ――いよいよ驚ろいた。 The shock became greater. 早速(さっそく)起き上(あが)って、毛布(けっと)をぱっと後ろへ抛(ほう)ると、蒲団の中から、バッタが五六十飛び出した。 Up I jumped, took off the blanket, and about fifty to sixty grasshoppers flew out. 正体の知れない時は多少気味が悪(わ)るかったが、バッタと相場が極(き)まってみたら急に腹が立った。 I was more or less uneasy until I found out what they were, but now I saw they were grasshoppers, they set me on the war path. バッタの癖に人を驚ろかしやがって、 "You insignificant grasshoppers, startling a man! どうするか見ろと、 See what's coming to you!" いきなり括(くく)り枕(まくら)を取って、二三度擲(たた)きつけたが、相手が小さ過ぎるから勢よく抛(な)げつける割に利目(ききめ)がない。 With this I slapped them with my pillow twice or thrice, but the objects being so small, the effect was out of proportion to the force with which the blows were administered. 仕方がないから、また布団の上へ坐(すわ)って、煤掃(すすはき)の時に蓙(ござ)を丸めて畳(たたみ)を叩(たた)くように、そこら近辺を無暗にたたいた。 I adopted a different plan. In the manner of beating floor-mats with rolled matting at house-cleaning, I sat up in bed and began beating them with the pillow. バッタが驚ろいた上に、枕の勢で飛び上がるものだから、 Many of them flew up by the force of the pillow; おれの肩(かた)だの、頭だの鼻の先だのへくっ付いたり、ぶつかったりする。 some desperately clung on or shot against my nose or head. 顔へ付いた奴(やつ)は枕で叩く訳に行かないから、 I could not very well hit those on my head with the pillow; 手で攫(つか)んで、一生懸命に擲きつける。 I grabbed such, and dashed them on the floor. 忌々(いまいま)しい事に、いくら力を出しても、ぶつかる先が蚊帳だから、ふわりと動くだけで少しも手答がない。 バッタは擲きつけられたまま蚊帳へつらまっている。 What was more provoking was that no matter how hard I dashed them, they landed on the mosquito-net where they made a fluffy jerk and remained, 死にもどうもしない。 far from being dead. ようやくの事に三十分ばかりでバッタは退治(たいじ)た。 At last, in about half an hour the slaughter of the grasshoppers was ended. 箒(ほうき)を持って来てバッタの死骸(しがい)を掃き出した。 I fetched a broom and swept them out. 小使が来て何ですかと云うから、 The janitor came along and asked what was the matter. 何ですかもあるもんか、 "Damn the matter! バッタを床の中に飼(か)っとく奴がどこの国にある。 Where in thunder are the fools who keep grasshoppers in bed! 間抜(まぬけ)め。 You pumpkinhead!" と叱(しか)ったら、私は存じませんと弁解をした。 The janitor answered by explaining that he did not know anything about it. 存じませんで済むか "You can't get away with Did-not-know," と箒を椽側(えんがわ)へ抛(ほう)り出したら、 and I followed this thundering by throwing away the broom. 小使は恐る恐る箒を担いで帰って行った。 The awe-struck janitor shouldered the broom and faded away. おれは早速寄宿生を三人ばかり総代に呼び出した。 At once I summoned three of the students to my room as the "representatives," すると六人出て来た。 and six of them reported. 六人だろうが十人だろうが構うものか。 Six or ten made no difference; 寝巻のまま腕(うで)まくりをして談判を始めた。 I rolled up the sleeves of my night-shirt and fired away. 「なんでバッタなんか、おれの床の中へ入れた」 "What do you mean by putting grasshoppers in my bed!" 「バッタた何ぞな」 "Grasshoppers? What are they?" と真先(まっさき)の一人がいった。 said one in front, やに落ち付いていやがる。 in a tone disgustingly quiet. この学校じゃ校長ばかりじゃない、生徒まで曲りくねった言葉を使うんだろう。 In this school, not only the principal, but the students as well, were addicted to using twisted-round expressions. 「バッタを知らないのか、 "Don't know grasshoppers! 知らなけりゃ見せてやろう」 You shall see!" と云ったが、生憎(あいにく)掃き出してしまって一匹(ぴき)も居ない。 To my chagrin, there was none; I had swept them all out. また小使を呼んで、 I called the janitor again 「さっきのバッタを持ってこい」 と云ったら、 and told him to fetch those grasshoppers he had taken away. 「もう掃溜(はきだめ)へ棄(す)ててしまいましたが、拾って参りましょうか」 と聞いた。 The janitor said he had thrown them into the garbage box, but that he would pick them out again. 「うんすぐ拾って来い」 "Yes, hurry up," と云うと小使は急いで馳(か)け出したが、 I said, and he sped away. やがて半紙の上へ十匹ばかり載(の)せて来て 「どうもお気の毒ですが、生憎夜でこれだけしか見当りません。 あしたになりましたらもっと拾って参ります」 と云う。 After a while he brought back about ten grasshoppers on a white paper, remarking: "I'm sorry, Sir. It's dark outside and I can't find out more. I'll find some tomorrow." 小使まで馬鹿(ばか)だ。 All fools here, down to the janitor. おれはバッタの一つを生徒に見せて I showed one grasshopper to the students. 「バッタたこれだ、 "This is a grasshopper. 大きなずう体をして、バッタを知らないた、何の事だ」 What's the matter for as big idiots as you not to know a grasshopper." と云うと、 一番左の方に居た顔の丸い奴が 「そりゃ、イナゴぞな、もし」 と生意気におれを遣(や)り込(こ)めた。 Then the one with a round face sitting on the left saucily shot back: "A-ah say, that's a locust, a-ah----." 「篦棒(べらぼう)め、イナゴもバッタも同じもんだ。 "Shut up. They're the same thing. 第一先生を捕(つら)まえてなもした何だ。 In the first place, what do you mean by answering your teacher 'A-ah say'? 菜飯(なめし)は田楽(でんがく)の時より外に食うもんじゃない」 Ah-Say or Ah-Sing is a Chink's name!" とあべこべに遣り込めてやったら For this counter-shot, 「なもしと菜飯とは違うぞな、もし」 と云った。 he answered: "A-ah say and Ah-Sing is different,--A-ah say." いつまで行ってもなもしを使う奴だ。 They never got rid of "A-ah say." 「イナゴでもバッタでも、何でおれの床の中へ入れたんだ。 "Grasshoppers or locusts, why did you put them into my bed? おれがいつ、バッタを入れてくれと頼(たの)んだ」 When I asked you to?" 「誰も入れやせんがな」 "Nobody put them in." 「入れないものが、どうして床の中に居るんだ」 "If not, how could they get into the bed?" 「イナゴは温(ぬく)い所が好きじゃけれ、大方一人でおはいりたのじゃあろ」 "Locusts are fond of warm places and probably they got in there respectfully by themselves." 「馬鹿あ云え。 "You fools! バッタが一人でおはいりになるなんて Grasshoppers getting into bed respectfully! ――バッタにおはいりになられてたまるもんか。 I should smile at them getting in there respectfully! ――さあなぜこんないたずらをしたか、 Now, what's the reason for doing this mischief? 云え」 Speak out." 「云えてて、入れんものを説明しようがないがな」 "But there is no way to explain it because we didn't do it." けちな奴等(やつら)だ。 Shrimps! 自分で自分のした事が云えないくらいなら、てんでしないがいい。 If they were afraid of making a clean breast of their own deed, they should not have done it at all. 証拠(しょうこ)さえ挙がらなければ、しらを切るつもりで図太く構えていやがる。 They looked defiant, and appeared to insist on their innocence as long as no evidence was brought up. おれだって中学に居た時分は少しはいたずらもしたもんだ。 I myself did some mischief while in the middle school, しかしだれがしたと聞かれた時に、尻込みをするような卑怯(ひきょう)な事はただの一度もなかった。 but when the culprit was sought after, I was never so cowardly, not even once, to back out. したものはしたので、 What one has done, has been done; しないものはしないに極(きま)ってる。 what he has not, has not been,--that's the black and white of it. おれなんぞは、いくら、いたずらをしたって潔白なものだ。 I, for one have been game and square, no matter how much mischief I might have done. 嘘を吐(つ)いて罰(ばつ)を逃(に)げるくらいなら、始めからいたずらなんかやるものか。 If I wished to dodge the punishment, I would not start it. いたずらと罰はつきもんだ。 Mischief and punishment are bound to go together. 罰があるからいたずらも心持ちよく出来る。 We can enjoy mischief-making with some show of spirit because it is accompanied by certain consequences. いたずらだけで罰はご免蒙(めんこうむ)るなんて下劣(げれつ)な根性がどこの国に流行(はや)ると思ってるんだ。 Where does one expect to see the dastardly spirit which hungers for mischief-making without punishment, in vogue? 金は借りるが、返す事はご免だと云う連中はみんな、こんな奴等が卒業してやる仕事に相違(そうい)ない。 The fellows who like to borrow money but not pay it back, are surely such as these students here after they are graduated. 全体中学校へ何しにはいってるんだ。 What did these fellows come to this middle school for, anyway? 学校へはいって、嘘を吐いて、胡魔化(ごまか)して、陰(かげ)でこせこせ生意気な悪いたずらをして、そうして大きな面で卒業すれば教育を受けたもんだと癇違(かんちが)いをしていやがる。 They enter a school, tattle round lies, play silly jokes behind some one by sneaking and cheating and get wrongly swell-headed when they finish the school thinking they have received an education. 話せない雑兵(ぞうひょう)だ。 A common lot of jackasses they are. おれはこんな腐(くさ)った了見(りょうけん)の奴等と談判するのは胸糞(むなくそ)が悪(わ)るいから、 My hatred of talking with these scamps became intense, 「そんなに云われなきゃ、聞かなくっていい。 中学校へはいって、上品も下品も区別が出来ないのは気の毒なものだ」 と云って六人を逐(お)っ放(ぱな)してやった。 so I dismissed them by saying: "If you fellows have nothing to say, let it go at that. You deserve pity for not knowing the decent from the vulgar after coming to a middle school." おれは言葉や様子こそあまり上品じゃないが、心はこいつらよりも遥(はる)かに上品なつもりだ。 I am not very decent in my own language or manner, but am sure that my moral standard is far more decent than that of these gangs. 六人は悠々(ゆうゆう)と引き揚(あ)げた。 Those six boys filed out leisurely. 上部(うわべ)だけは教師のおれよりよっぽどえらく見える。 Outwardly they appeared more dignified than I their teacher, 実は落ち付いているだけなお悪るい。 it was the more repulsive for their calm behavior. おれには到底(とうてい)これほどの度胸はない。 I have no temerity equal to theirs. それからまた床へはいって横になったら、さっきの騒動(そうどう)で蚊帳の中はぶんぶん唸(うな)っている。 Then I went to bed again, and found the inside of the net full of merry crowds of mosquitoes. 手燭(てしょく)をつけて一匹ずつ焼くなんて面倒な事は出来ないから、 I could not bother myself to burn one by one with a candle flame. 釣手(つりて)をはずして、長く畳(たた)んでおいて部屋の中で横竪(よこたて)十文字に振(ふる)ったら、 So I took the net off the hooks, folded it the lengthwise, and shook it crossways, up and down the room. 環(かん)が飛んで手の甲(こう)をいやというほど撲(ぶ)った。 One of the rings of the net, flying round, accidentally hit the back of my hand, the effect of which I did not soon forget. 三度目に床へはいった時は少々落ち付いたがなかなか寝られない。 When I went to bed for the third time, I cooled off a little, but could not sleep easily. 時計を見ると十時半だ。 My watch showed it was half past ten. 考えてみると厄介な所へ来たもんだ。 Well, as I thought it over, I realized myself as having come to a dirty pit. 一体中学の先生なんて、どこへ行っても、こんなものを相手にするなら気の毒なものだ。 If all teachers of middle schools everywhere have to handle fellows like these in this school, those teachers have my sympathy. よく先生が品切れにならない。 It is wonderful that teachers never run short. よっぽど辛防(しんぼう)強い朴念仁(ぼくねんじん)がなるんだろう。 I believe there are many boneheads of extraordinary patience; おれには到底やり切れない。 but me for something else. それを思うと清(きよ)なんてのは見上げたものだ。 In this respect, Kiyo is worthy of admiration. 教育もない身分もない婆(ばあ)さんだが、人間としてはすこぶる尊(たっ)とい。 She is an old woman, with neither education nor social position, but as a human, she does more to command our respect. 今まではあんなに世話になって別段難有(ありがた)いとも思わなかったが、こうして、一人で遠国へ来てみると、始めてあの親切がわかる。 Until now, I have been a trouble to her without appreciating her goodness, but having come alone to such a far-off country, I now appreciated, for the first time, her kindness. 越後(えちご)の笹飴(ささあめ)が食いたければ、わざわざ越後まで買いに行って食わしてやっても、食わせるだけの価値は充分(じゅうぶん)ある。 If she is fond of sasa-ame of Echigo province, and if I go to Echigo for the purpose of buying that sweetmeat to let her eat it, she is fully worth that trouble. 清はおれの事を欲がなくって、真直(まっすぐ)な気性だと云って、ほめるが、ほめられるおれよりも、ほめる本人の方が立派な人間だ。 Kiyo has been praising me as unselfish and straight, but she is a person of sterling qualities far more than I whom she praises. 何だか清に逢いたくなった。 I began to feel like meeting her. 清の事を考えながら、のつそつしていると、突然(とつぜん)おれの頭の上で、数で云ったら三四十人もあろうか、二階が落っこちるほどどん、どん、どんと拍子(ひょうし)を取って床板を踏みならす音がした。 While I was thus meditating about Kiyo, all of a sudden, on the floor above my head, about thirty to forty people, if I guess by the number, started stamping the floor with bang, bang, bang that well threatened to bang down the floor. すると足音に比例した大きな鬨(とき)の声が起(おこ)った。 This was followed by proportionately loud whoops. おれは何事が持ち上がったのかと驚ろいて飛び起きた。 The noise surprised me, and I popped up. 飛び起きる途端(とたん)に、ははあさっきの意趣返(いしゅがえ)しに生徒があばれるのだなと気がついた。 The moment I got up I became aware that the students were starting a rough house to get even with me. 手前のわるい事は悪るかったと言ってしまわないうちは罪は消えないもんだ。 What wrong one has committed, he has to confess, or his offence is never atoned for. わるい事は、手前達に覚(おぼえ)があるだろう。 They are just to ask for themselves what crimes they have done. 本来なら寝てから後悔(こうかい)してあしたの朝でもあやまりに来るのが本筋だ。 It should be proper that they repent their folly after going to bed and to come and beg me pardon the next morning. たとい、あやまらないまでも恐れ入って、静粛(せいしゅく)に寝ているべきだ。 Even if they could not go so far as to apologize they should have kept quiet. それを何だこの騒(さわ)ぎは。 Then what does this racket mean? 寄宿舎を建てて豚(ぶた)でも飼っておきあしまいし。 Where we keeping hogs in our dormitory? 気狂(きちが)いじみた真似(まね)も大抵(たいてい)にするがいい。 "This crazy thing got to stop. どうするか見ろと、 See what you get!" 寝巻のまま宿直部屋を飛び出して、楷子段(はしごだん)を三股半(みまたはん)に二階まで躍(おど)り上がった。 I ran out of the room in my night shirt, and flew upstairs in three and half steps. すると不思議な事に、今まで頭の上で、たしかにどたばた暴れていたのが、急に静まり返って、 Then, strange to say, thunderous rumbling, of which I was sure of hearing in the act, was hushed. 人声どころか足音もしなくなった。 Not only a whisper but even footsteps were not heard. これは妙だ。 This was funny. ランプはすでに消してあるから、暗くてどこに何が居るか判然と分(わか)らないが、人気(ひとけ)のあるとないとは様子でも知れる。 The lamp was already blown out and although I could not see what was what in the dark, nevertheless could tell by instinct whether there was somebody around or not. 長く東から西へ貫(つらぬ)いた廊下(ろうか)には鼠(ねずみ)一匹(ぴき)も隠(かく)れていない。 In the long corridor running from the east to the west, there was not hiding even a mouse. 廊下のはずれから月がさして、遥か向うが際どく明るい。 From other end of the corridor the moonlight flooded in and about there it was particularly light. どうも変だ、 The scene was somewhat uncanny. おれは小供の時から、よく夢(ゆめ)を見る癖があって、夢中(むちゅう)に跳ね起きて、わからぬ寝言を云って、人に笑われた事がよくある。 I have had the habit from my boyhood of frequently dreaming and of flying out of bed and of muttering things which nobody understood, affording everybody a hearty laugh. 十六七の時ダイヤモンドを拾った夢を見た晩なぞは、むくりと立ち上がって、そばに居た兄に、今のダイヤモンドはどうしたと、非常な勢(いきおい)で尋(たず)ねたくらいだ。 One night, when I was sixteen or seventeen, I dreamed that I picked up a diamond, and getting up, demanded of my brother who was sleeping close to me what he had done with that diamond. その時は三日ばかりうち中(じゅう)の笑い草になって大いに弱った。 The demand was made with such force that for about three days all in the house chaffed me about the fatal loss of precious stone, much to my humiliation. ことによると今のも夢かも知れない。 Maybe this noise which I heard was but a dream, しかしたしかにあばれたに違いないがと、 although I was sure it was real. 廊下の真中(まんなか)で考え込んでいると、月のさしている向うのはずれで、一二三わあと、三四十人の声がかたまって響(ひび)いたかと思う間もなく、 I was wondering thus in the middle of the corridor, when at the further end where it was moonlit, a roar was raised, coming from about thirty or forty throats, "One, two, three,--Whee-ee!" 前のように拍子を取って、一同が床板(ゆかいた)を踏み鳴らした。 The roar had hardly subsided, when, as before, the stamping of the floor commenced with furious rhythm. それ見ろ夢じゃないやっぱり事実だ。 Ah, it was not a dream, but a real thing! 静かにしろ、 "Quit making the noise! 夜なかだぞ、 'Tis midnight!" とこっちも負けんくらいな声を出して、廊下を向うへ馳(か)けだした。 I shouted to beat the band, and started in their direction. おれの通る路(みち)は暗い、 My passage was dark; ただはずれに見える月あかりが目標(めじるし)だ。 the moonlight yonder was only my guide. おれが馳け出して二間も来たかと思うと、廊下の真中で、堅(かた)い大きなものに向脛(むこうずね)をぶつけて、 About twelve feet past, I stumbled squarely against some hard object; あ痛いが頭へひびく間に、身体はすとんと前へ抛(ほう)り出された。 ere the "Ouch!" has passed clear up to my head, I was thrown down. こん畜生(ちきしょう)と起き上がってみたが、馳けられない。 I called all kinds of gods, but could not run. 気はせくが、足だけは云う事を利かない。 My mind urged me on to hurry up, but my leg would not obey the command. じれったいから、一本足で飛んで来たら、もう足音も人声も静まり返って、森(しん)としている。 Growing impatient, I hobbled on one foot, and found both voice and stamping already ceased and perfectly quiet. いくら人間が卑怯だって、こんなに卑怯に出来るものじゃない。 Men can be cowards but I never expected them capable of becoming such dastardly cowards as this. まるで豚だ。 They challenged hogs. こうなれば隠れている奴を引きずり出して、あやまらせてやるまではひかないぞと、 Now the situation having developed to this pretty mess, I would not give it up until I had dragged them out from hiding and forced them to apologize. 心を極(き)めて寝室(しんしつ)の一つを開けて中を検査しようと思ったが開かない。 With this determination, I tried to open one of the doors and examine inside, but it would not open. 錠(じょう)をかけてあるのか、机か何か積んで立て懸(か)けてあるのか、 It was locked or held fast with a pile of tables or something; 押(お)しても、押しても決して開かない。 to my persistent efforts the door stood unyielding. 今度は向う合せの北側の室(へや)を試みた。 Then I tried one across the corridor on the northside, 開かない事はやっぱり同然である。 but it was also locked. おれが戸を開けて中に居る奴を引っ捕(つ)らまえてやろうと、焦慮(いらっ)てると、また東のはずれで鬨の声と足拍子が始まった。 While this irritating attempt at door-opening was going on, again on the east end of the corridor the whooping roar and rhythmic stamping of feet were heard. この野郎(やろう)申し合せて、東西相応じておれを馬鹿にする気だな、 The fools at both ends were bent on making a goose of me. とは思ったがさてどうしていいか分らない。 I realized this, but then I was at a loss what to do. 正直に白状してしまうが、おれは勇気のある割合に智慧(ちえ)が足りない。 I frankly confess that I have not quite as much tact as dashing spirit. こんな時にはどうしていいかさっぱりわからない。 In such a case I am wholly at the mercy of swaying circumstances without my own way of getting through it. わからないけれども、決して負けるつもりはない。 Nevertheless, I do not expect to play the part of underdog. このままに済ましてはおれの顔にかかわる。 If I dropped the affair then and there, it would reflect upon my dignity. 江戸(えど)っ子は意気地(いくじ)がないと云われるのは残念だ。 It would be mortifying to have them think that they had one on the Tokyo-kid and that Tokyo-kid was wanting in tenacity. 宿直をして鼻垂(はなった)れ小僧(こぞう)にからかわれて、手のつけようがなくって、仕方がないから泣き寝入りにしたと思われちゃ一生の名折れだ。 To have it on record that I had been guyed by these insignificant spawn when on night watch, and had to give in to their impudence because I could not handle them,--this would be an indelible disgrace on my life. これでも元は旗本(はたもと)だ。 Mark ye,--I am descendant of a samurai of the "hatamato" class. 旗本の元は清和源氏(せいわげんじ)で、多田(ただ)の満仲(まんじゅう)の後裔(こうえい)だ。 The blood of the "hatamoto" samurai could be traced to Mitsunaka Tada, who in turn could claim still a nobler ancestor. こんな土百姓(どびゃくしょう)とは生まれからして違うんだ。 I am different from, and nobler than, these manure-smelling louts. ただ智慧のないところが惜しいだけだ。 The only pity is that I am rather short of tact; どうしていいか分らないのが that I do not know what to do in such a case. 困るだけだ。 That is the trouble. 困ったって負けるものか。 But I would not throw up the sponge; not on your life! 正直だから、どうしていいか分らないんだ。 I only do not know how because I am honest. 世の中に正直が勝たないで、外に勝つものがあるか、考えてみろ。 Just think,--if the honest does not win, what else is there in this world that will win? 今夜中に勝てなければ、あした勝つ。 If I cannot beat them to-night, I will tomorrow; あした勝てなければ、あさって勝つ。 if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. あさって勝てなければ、下宿から弁当を取り寄せて勝つまでここに居る。 If not the day after tomorrow, I will sit down right here, get my meals from my home until I beat them. おれはこう決心をしたから、廊下の真中へあぐらをかいて夜のあけるのを待っていた。 Thus resolved, I squatted in the middle of the corridor and waited for the dawn. 蚊がぶんぶん来たけれども何ともなかった。 Myriads of mosquitoes swarmed about me, but I did not mind them. さっき、ぶつけた向脛を撫(な)でてみると、 I felt my leg where I hit it a while ago; 何だかぬらぬらする。 it seemed bespattered with something greasy. 血が出るんだろう。 I thought it was bleeding. 血なんか出たければ勝手に出るがいい。 Let it bleed all it cares! そのうち最前からの疲(つか)れが出て、ついうとうと寝てしまった。 Meanwhile, exhausted by these unwonted affairs, I fell asleep. 何だか騒がしいので、眼(め)が覚めた時はえっ糞(くそ)しまったと飛び上がった。 When I awoke, up I jumped with a curse. おれの坐(すわ)ってた右側にある戸が半分あいて、生徒が二人、おれの前に立っている。 The door on my right was half opened, and two students were standing in front of me. おれは正気に返って、はっと思う途端に、おれの鼻の先にある生徒の足を引(ひ)っ攫(つか)んで、力任せにぐいと引いたら、 The moment I recovered my senses from the drowsy lull, I grabbed a leg of one of them nearest to me, and yanked it with all my might. そいつは、どたりと仰向(あおむけ)に倒れた。 He fell down prone. ざまを見ろ。 Look at what you're getting now! 残る一人がちょっと狼狽(ろうばい)したところを、飛びかかって、 I flew at the other fellow, who was much confused; 肩を抑(おさ)えて二三度こづき廻したら、あっけに取られて、眼をぱちぱちさせた。 gave him vigorous shaking twice or thrice, and he only kept open his bewildering eyes. さあおれの部屋まで来い "Come up to my room." と引っ立てると、弱虫だと見えて、一も二もなく尾(つ)いて来た。 Evidently they were mollycoddles, for they obeyed my command without a murmur. 夜(よ)はとうにあけている。 The day had become already clear. おれが宿直部屋へ連れてきた奴を詰問(きつもん)し始めると、豚は、打(ぶ)っても擲いても豚だから、ただ知らんがなで、どこまでも通す了見と見えて、けっして白状しない。 I began questioning those two in my room, but,--you cannot pound out the leopard's spots no matter how you may try,--they seemed determined to push it through by an insistent declaration of "not guilty," that they would not confess. そのうち一人来る、二人来る、だんだん二階から宿直部屋へ集まってくる。 While this questioning was going on, the students upstairs came down, one by one, and began congregating in my room. 見るとみんな眠(ねむ)そうに瞼(まぶた)をはらしている。 I noticed all their eyes were swollen from want of sleep. けちな奴等だ。 一晩ぐらい寝ないで、 "Blooming nice faces you got for not sleeping only one night. そんな面をして男と云われるか。 And you call yourselves men! 面でも洗って議論に来いと云ってやったが、誰も面を洗いに行かない。 Go, wash your face and come back to hear what I've got to tell you." I hurled this shot at them, but none of them went to wash his face. おれは五十人あまりを相手に約一時間ばかり押問答(おしもんどう)をしていると、ひょっくり狸がやって来た。 For about one hour, I had been talking and back-talking with about fifty students when suddenly Badger put in his appearance. あとから聞いたら、小使が学校に騒動がありますって、わざわざ知らせに行ったのだそうだ。 I heard afterward that the janitor ran to Badger for the purpose of reporting to him that there was a trouble in the school. これしきの事に、校長を呼ぶなんて意気地がなさ過ぎる。 What a weak-knee of the janitor to fetch the principal for so trifling an affair as this! それだから中学校の小使なんぞをしてるんだ。 No wonder he cannot see better times than a janitor. 校長はひと通りおれの説明を聞いた。 The principal listened to my explanation, 生徒の言草(いいぐさ)もちょっと聞いた。 and also to brief remarks from the students. 追って処分するまでは、今まで通り学校へ出ろ。 "Attend school as usual till further notice. 早く顔を洗って、朝飯を食わないと時間に間に合わないから、早くしろと云って Hurry up with washing your face and breakfast; there isn't much time left." 寄宿生をみんな放免(ほうめん)した。 So the principal let go all the students. 手温(てぬ)るい事だ。 Decidedly slow way of handling, this. おれなら即席(そくせき)に寄宿生をことごとく退校してしまう。 If I were the principal, I would expel them right away. こんな悠長(ゆうちょう)な事をするから生徒が宿直員を馬鹿にするんだ。 It is because the school accords them such luke-warm treatment that they get "fresh" and start "guying" the night watch. その上おれに向って、あなたもさぞご心配でお疲れでしょう、今日はご授業に及(およ)ばんと云うから、 He said to me that it must have been trying on my nerves, and that I might be tired, and also that I need not teach that day. おれはこう答えた。 To this I replied: 「いえ、ちっとも心配じゃありません。 "No, Sir, no worrying at all. こんな事が毎晩あっても、命のある間は心配にゃなりません。 Such things may happen every night, but it would not disturb me in the least as long as I breathe. 授業はやります、 I will do the teaching. 一晩ぐらい寝なくって、授業が出来ないくらいなら、頂戴(ちょうだい)した月給を学校の方へ割戻(わりもど)します」 If I were not able to teach on account of lack of sleep for only one single night, I would make a rebate of my salary to the school." 校長は何と思ったものか、しばらくおれの顔を見つめていたが、しかし顔が大分はれていますよと注意した。 I do not know how this impressed him, but he gazed at me for a while, and called my attention to the fact that my face was rather swollen. なるほど何だか少々重たい気がする。 Indeed, I felt it heavy. その上べた一面痒(かゆ)い。 Besides, it itched all over. 蚊がよっぽと刺(さ)したに相違ない。 I was sure the mosquitoes must have stung me there to their hearts' content. おれは顔中ぼりぼり掻(か)きながら、顔はいくら膨(は)れたって、口はたしかにきけますから、授業には差し支(つか)えませんと答えた。 I further added: "My face may be swollen, but I can talk all right; so I will teach;" thus scratching my face with some warmth. 校長は笑いながら、大分元気ですねと賞(ほ)めた。 The principal smiled and remarked, "Well, you have the strength." 実を云うと賞めたんじゃあるまい、ひやかしたんだろう。 To tell the truth, he did not intend remark to be a compliment, but, I think, a sneer. 五 CHAPTER V. 君釣(つ)りに行きませんか "Won't you go fishing?" と赤シャツがおれに聞いた。 asked Red Shirt 赤シャツは気味の悪(わ)るいように優しい声を出す男である。 He talks in a strangely womanish voice. まるで男だか女だか分(わか)りゃしない。 One would not be able to tell whether he was a man or a woman. 男なら男らしい声を出すもんだ。 As a man he should talk like one. ことに大学卒業生じゃないか。 Is he not a college graduate? 物理学校でさえおれくらいな声が出るのに、 I can talk man-like enough, and am a graduate from a school of physics at that. 文学士がこれじゃ見っともない。 It is a shame for a B.A. to have such a squeak. おれはそうですなあと少し進まない返事をしたら、君釣をした事がありますかと失敬な事を聞く。 I answered with the smallest enthusiasm, whereupon he further asked me an impolite question if I ever did fishing. あんまりないが、子供の時、小梅(こうめ)の釣堀(つりぼり)で鮒(ふな)を三匹(びき)釣った事がある。 I told him not much, that I once caught three gibels when I was a boy, at a fishing game pond at Koume, それから神楽坂(かぐらざか)の毘沙門(びしゃもん)の縁日(えんにち)で八寸ばかりの鯉(こい)を針で引っかけて、 and that I also caught a carp about eight inches long, at a similar game at the festival of Bishamon at Kagurazaka; しめたと思ったら、ぽちゃりと落としてしまったがこれは今考えても惜(お)しいと云(い)ったら、 --the carp, just as I was coaxing it out of the water, splashed back into it, and when I think of the incident I feel mortified at the loss even now. 赤シャツは顋(あご)を前の方へ突(つ)き出してホホホホと笑った。 Red Shirt stuck out his chin and laughed "ho, ho." 何もそう気取って笑わなくっても、よさそうな者だ。 Why could he not laugh just like an ordinary person? 「それじゃ、まだ釣りの味は分らんですな。 "Then you are not well acquainted with the spirit of the game," he cried. お望みならちと伝授しましょう」 "I'll show you if you like." とすこぶる得意である。 He seemed highly elated. だれがご伝授をうけるものか。 Not for me! 一体釣や猟(りょう)をする連中はみんな不人情な人間ばかりだ。 I take it this way that generally those who are fond of fishing or shooting have cruel hearts. 不人情でなくって、殺生(せっしょう)をして喜ぶ訳がない。 Otherwise, there is no reason why they could derive pleasure in murdering innocent creatures. 魚だって、鳥だって殺されるより生きてる方が楽に極(き)まってる。 Surely, fish and birds would prefer living to getting killed. 釣や猟をしなくっちゃ活計(かっけい)がたたないなら格別だが、何不足なく暮(くら)している上に、生き物を殺さなくっちゃ寝られないなんて贅沢(ぜいたく)な話だ。 Except those who make fishing or shooting their calling, it is nonsense for those who are well off to say that they cannot sleep well unless they seek the lives of fish or birds. こう思ったが向(むこ)うは文学士だけに口が達者だから、議論じゃ叶(かな)わないと思って、だまってた。 This was the way I looked at the question, but as he was a B. A. and would have a better command of language when it came to talking, I kept mum, knowing he would beat me in argument. すると先生このおれを降参させたと疳違(かんちが)いして、早速伝授しましょう。 Red Shirt mistook my silence for my surrender, and began to induce me to join him right away, saying he would show me some fish おひまなら、今日どうです、いっしょに行っちゃ。 and I should come with him if I was not busy, 吉川(よしかわ)君と二人(ふたり)ぎりじゃ、淋(さむ)しいから、来たまえとしきりに勧める。 because he and Mr. Yoshikawa were lonesome when alone. 吉川君というのは画学の教師で例の野だいこの事だ。 Mr. Yoshikawa is the teacher of drawing whom I had nicknamed Clown. この野だは、どういう了見(りょうけん)だか、赤シャツのうちへ朝夕出入(でいり)して、どこへでも随行(ずいこう)して行(ゆ)く。 I don't know what's in the mind of this Clown, but he was a constant visitor at the house of Red Shirt, and wherever he went, Clown was sure to be trailing after him. まるで同輩(どうはい)じゃない。 主従(しゅうじゅう)みたようだ。 They appeared more like master and servant than two fellow teachers. 赤シャツの行く所なら、野だは必ず行くに極(きま)っているんだから、今さら驚(おど)ろきもしないが、二人で行けば済むところを、なんで無愛想(ぶあいそ)のおれへ口を掛(か)けたんだろう。 As Clown used to follow Red Shirt like a shadow, it would be natural to see them go off together now, but when those two alone would have been well off, why should they invite me,--this brusque, unaesthetic fellow,--was hard to understand. 大方高慢(こうまん)ちきな釣道楽で、自分の釣るところをおれに見せびらかすつもりかなんかで誘(さそ)ったに違いない。 そんな事で見せびらかされるおれじゃない。 Probably, vain of his fishing ability, he desired to show his skill, but he aimed at the wrong mark, if that was his intention, as nothing of the kind would touch me. 鮪(まぐろ)の二匹や三匹釣ったって、びくともするもんか。 I would not be chagrined if he fishes out two or three tunnies. おれだって人間だ、いくら下手(へた)だって糸さえ卸(おろ)しゃ、何かかかるだろう、 I am a man myself and poor though I may be in the art, I would hook something if I dropped a line. ここでおれが行かないと、赤シャツの事だから、下手だから行かないんだ、嫌(きら)いだから行かないんじゃないと邪推(じゃすい)するに相違(そうい)ない。 If I declined his invitation, Red Shirt would suspect that I refused not because of my lack of interest in the game but because of my want of skill of fishing. おれはこう考えたから、行きましょうと答えた。 I weighed the matter thus, and accepted his invitation. それから、学校をしまって、一応うちへ帰って、支度(したく)を整えて、停車場で赤シャツと野だを待ち合せて浜(はま)へ行った。 After the school, I returned home and got ready, and having joined Red Shirt and Clown at the station, we three started to the shore. 船頭は一人(ひとり)で、 There was only one boatman to row; 船(ふね)は細長い東京辺では見た事もない恰好(かっこう)である。 the boat was long and narrow, a kind we do not have in Tokyo. さっきから船中見渡(みわた)すが釣竿(つりざお)が一本も見えない。 I looked for fishing rods but could find none. 釣竿なしで釣が出来るものか、 "How can we fish without rods? どうする了見だろうと、 How are we going to manage it?" 野だに聞くと、沖釣(おきづり)には竿は用いません、糸だけでげすと顋を撫(な)でて黒人(くろうと)じみた事を云った。 I asked Clown and he told me with the air of a professional fisherman that no rods were needed in the deep-sea fishing, but only lines. こう遣(や)り込(こ)められるくらいならだまっていればよかった。 I had better not asked him if I was to be talked down in this way. 船頭はゆっくりゆっくり漕(こ)いでいるが熟練は恐(おそろ)しいもので、 The boatman was rowing very slowly, but his skill was something wonderful. 見返(みか)えると、浜が小さく見えるくらいもう出ている。 We had already come far out to sea, and on turning back, saw the shore minimized, fading in far distance. 高柏寺(こうはくじ)の五重の塔(とう)が森の上へ抜(ぬ)け出して針のように尖(とん)がってる。 The five-storied pagoda of Tosho Temple appeared above the surrounding woods like a needle-point. 向側(むこうがわ)を見ると青嶋(あおしま)が浮いている。 Yonder stood Aoshima (Blue Island). これは人の住まない島だそうだ。 Nobody was living on this island よく見ると石と松(まつ)ばかりだ。 which a closer view showed to be covered with stones and pine trees. なるほど石と松ばかりじゃ住めっこない。 No wonder no one could live there. 赤シャツは、しきりに眺望(ちょうぼう)していい景色だと云ってる。 Red Shirt was intently surveying about and praising the general view as fine. 野だは絶景でげすと云ってる。 Clown also termed it "an absolutely fine view." 絶景だか何だか知らないが、いい心持ちには相違ない。 I don't know whether it is so fine as to be absolute, but there was no doubt as to the exhilarating air. ひろびろとした海の上で、潮風に吹(ふ)かれるのは薬だと思った。 I realized it as the best tonic to be thus blown by the fresh sea breeze upon a wide expanse of water. いやに腹が減る。 I felt hungry. 「あの松を見たまえ、 "Look at that pine; 幹が真直(まっすぐ)で、上が傘(かさ)のように開いて its trunk is straight and spreads its top branches like an umbrella. ターナーの画にありそうだね」 Isn't it a Turnersque picture?" と赤シャツが野だに云うと、 said Red Shirt. 野だは 「全くターナーですね。 "Yes, just like Turner's," responded Clown, どうもあの曲り具合ったらありませんね。 "Isn't the way it curves just elegant? ターナーそっくりですよ」 Exactly the touch of Turner," と心得顔である。 he added with some show of pride. ターナーとは何の事だか知らないが、聞かないでも困らない事だから黙(だま)っていた。 I didn't know what Turner was, but as I could get along without knowing it, I kept silent. 舟は島を右に見てぐるりと廻(まわ)った。 The boat turned to the left with the island on the right. 波は全くない。 The sea was so perfectly calm これで海だとは受け取りにくいほど平(たいら)だ。 as to tempt one to think he was not on the deep sea. 赤シャツのお陰(かげ)ではなはだ愉快(ゆかい)だ。 The pleasant occasion was a credit to Red Shirt. 出来る事なら、あの島の上へ上がってみたいと思ったから、あの岩のある所へは舟はつけられないんですかと聞いてみた。 As I wished, if possible, to land on the island, I asked the boatman if our boat could not be made to it. つけられん事もないですが、釣をするには、あまり岸じゃいけないですと赤シャツが異議を申し立てた。 Upon this Red Shirt objected, saying that we could do so but it was not advisable to go too close the shore for fishing. おれは黙ってた。 I kept still for a while. すると野だがどうです教頭、これからあの島をターナー島と名づけようじゃありませんかと余計な発議(ほつぎ)をした。 Then Clown made the unlooked-for proposal that the island be named Turner Island. 赤シャツはそいつは面白い、吾々(われわれ)はこれからそう云おうと賛成した。 "That's good; We shall call it so hereafter," seconded Red Shirt. この吾々のうちにおれもはいってるなら迷惑(めいわく)だ。 If I was included in that "We," it was something I least cared for. おれには青嶋でたくさんだ。 Aoshima was good enough for me. あの岩の上に、どうです、ラフハエルのマドンナを置いちゃ。 "By the way, how would it look," said Clown, "if we place Madonna by Raphael upon that rock? いい画が出来ますぜ It would make a fine picture." と野だが云うと、マドンナの話はよそうじゃないかホホホホと赤シャツが気味の悪るい笑い方をした。 "Let's quit talking about Madonna, ho, ho, ho," and Red Shirt emitted a spooky laugh. なに誰も居ないから大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)ですと、ちょっとおれの方を見たが、わざと顔をそむけてにやにやと笑った。 "That's all right. Nobody's around," remarked Clown as he glanced at me, and turning his face to other direction significantly, smiled devilishly. おれは何だかやな心持ちがした。 I felt sickened. マドンナだろうが、小旦那(こだんな)だろうが、おれの関係した事でないから、勝手に立たせるがよかろうが、人に分らない事を言って分らないから聞いたって構やしませんてえような風をする。 下品な仕草だ。 As it was none of my business whether it was a Madonna or a kodanna (young master), they let pose there any old way, but it was vulgar to feign assurance that one's subject is in no danger of being understood so long as others did not know the subject. これで当人は私(わたし)も江戸(えど)っ子でげすなどと云ってる。 Clown claims himself as a Yedo kid. マドンナと云うのは何でも赤シャツの馴染(なじみ)の芸者の渾名(あだな)か何かに違いないと思った。 I thought that the person called Madonna was no other than a favorite geisha of Red Shirt. なじみの芸者を無人島の松の木の下に立たして眺(なが)めていれば世話はない。 I should smile at the idea of his gazing at his tootsy-wootsy standing beneath a pine tree. それを野だが油絵にでもかいて展覧会へ出したらよかろう。 It would be better if Clown would make an oil painting of the scene and exhibit it for the public. ここいらがいいだろう "This will be about the best place." と船頭は船をとめて、錨(いかり)を卸した。 So saying the boatman stopped rowing the boat and dropped an anchor. 幾尋(いくひろ)あるかね "How deep is it?" と赤シャツが聞くと、六尋(むひろ)ぐらいだと云う。 asked Red Shirt, and was told about six fathoms. 六尋ぐらいじゃ鯛(たい)はむずかしいな "Hard to fish sea-breams in six fathoms," と、赤シャツは糸を海へなげ込んだ。 said Red Shirt as he dropped a line into the water. 大将鯛を釣る気と見える、豪胆(ごうたん)なものだ。 The old sport appeared to expect to fetch some bream. Bravo! 野だは、なに教頭のお手際じゃかかりますよ。 それになぎですからとお世辞を云いながら、これも糸を繰(く)り出して投げ入れる。 "It wouldn't be hard for you. Besides it is calm," Clown fawningly remarked, and he too dropped a line. 何だか先に錘(おもり)のような鉛(なまり)がぶら下がってるだけだ。 The line had only a tiny bit of lead that looked like a weight. 浮(うき)がない。 It had no float. 浮がなくって釣をするのは寒暖計なしで熱度をはかるようなものだ。 To fish without a float seemed as nearly reasonable as to measure the heat without a thermometer, おれには到底(とうてい)出来ない which was something impossible for me. と見ていると、 So I looked on. さあ君もやりたまえ糸はありますかと聞く。 They then told me to start, and asked me if I had any line. 糸はあまるほどあるが、浮がありませんと云ったら、 I told them I had more than I could use, but that I had no float. 浮がなくっちゃ釣が出来ないのは素人(しろうと)ですよ。 "To say that one is unable to fish without a float shows that he is a novice," piped up Clown. こうしてね、 "See? 糸が水底(みずそこ)へついた時分に、船縁(ふなべり)の所で人指しゆびで呼吸をはかるんです、 When the line touches the bottom, you just manage it with your finger on the edge. 食うとすぐ手に答える。 If a fish bites, you could tell in a minute. ――そらきた、 There it goes," と先生急に糸をたぐり始めるから、 and Red Shirt hastily started taking out the line. 何かかかったと思ったら何にもかからない、餌(え)がなくなってたばかりだ。 I wondered what he had got, but I saw no fish, only the bait was gone. いい気味(きび)だ。 Ha, good for you, Gov'nur! 教頭、残念な事をしましたね、 "Wasn't it too bad! 今のはたしかに大ものに違いなかったんですが、 I'm sure it was a big one. どうも教頭のお手際でさえ逃(に)げられちゃ、今日は油断ができませんよ。 If you miss that way, with your ability, we would have to keep a sharper watch to-day. しかし逃げられても何ですね。 But, say, even if we miss the fish, 浮と睨(にら)めくらをしている連中よりはましですね。 it's far better than staring at a float, isn't it? ちょうど歯どめがなくっちゃ自転車へ乗れないのと同程度ですからね Just like saying he can't ride a bike without a brake." と野だは妙(みよう)な事ばかり喋舌(しゃべ)る。 Clown has been getting rather gay, よっぽど撲(なぐ)りつけてやろうかと思った。 and I was almost tempted to swat him. おれだって人間だ、 I'm just as good as they are. 教頭ひとりで借り切った海じゃあるまいし。 The sea isn't leased by Red Shirt, 広い所だ。 鰹(かつお)の一匹ぐらい義理にだって、かかってくれるだろうと、 and there might be one obliging bonito which might get caught by my line. どぼんと錘と糸を抛(ほう)り込んでいい加減に指の先であやつっていた。 I dropped my line then, and toyed it with my finger carelessly. しばらくすると、何だかぴくぴくと糸にあたるものがある。 After a while something shook my line with successive jerks. おれは考えた。 I thought こいつは魚に相違ない。 it must be a fish. 生きてるものでなくっちゃ、こうぴくつく訳がない。 Unless it was something living, it would not give that tremulous shaking. しめた、 Good! 釣れたとぐいぐい手繰(たぐ)り寄せた。 I have it, and I commenced drawing in the line, おや釣れましたかね、後世恐(おそ)るべしだと野だがひやかすうち、 while Clown jibed me "What? Caught one already? Very remarkable, indeed!" 糸はもう大概手繰り込んでただ五尺ばかりほどしか、水に浸(つ)いておらん。 I had drawn in nearly all the line, leaving only about five feet in the water. 船縁から覗(のぞ)いてみたら、金魚のような縞(しま)のある魚が糸にくっついて、右左へ漾(ただよ)いながら、手に応じて浮き上がってくる。 I peeped over and saw a fish that looked like a gold fish with stripes was coming up swimming to right and left. 面白い。 It was interesting. 水際から上げるとき、ぽちゃりと跳(は)ねたから、おれの顔は潮水だらけになった。 On taking it out of the water, it wriggled and jumped, and covered my face with water. ようやくつらまえて、針をとろうとするがなかなか取れない。 After some effort, I had it and tried to detach the hook, but it would not come out easily. 捕(つら)まえた手はぬるぬるする。 My hands became greasy 大いに気味がわるい。 and the sense was anything but pleasing. 面倒だから I was irritated; 糸を振(ふ)って胴(どう)の間(ま)へ擲(たた)きつけたら、 I swung the line and banged the fish against the bottom of the boat. すぐ死んでしまった。 It speedily died. 赤シャツと野だは驚ろいて見ている。 Red Shirt and Clown watched me with surprise. おれは海の中で手をざぶざぶと洗って、鼻の先へあてがってみた。 I washed my hands in the water まだ腥臭(なまぐさ)い。 but they still smelled "fishy." もう懲(こ)り懲(ご)りだ。 No more for me! 何が釣れたって魚は握(にぎ)りたくない。 I don't care what fish I might get, I don't want to grab a fish. 魚も握られたくなかろう。 And I presume the fish doesn't want to be grabbed either. そうそう糸を捲いてしまった。 I hastily rolled up the line. 一番槍(いちばんやり)はお手柄(てがら)だがゴルキじゃ、 "Splendid for the first honor, but that's goruki," と野だがまた生意気を云うと、 Clown again made a "fresh" remark. ゴルキと云うと露西亜(ロシア)の文学者みたような名だね "Goruki sounds like the name of a Russian literator," と赤シャツが洒落(しゃれ)た。 said Red Shirt. そうですね、まるで露西亜の文学者ですね "Yes, just like a Russian literator," と野だはすぐ賛成しやがる。 Clown at once seconded Red Shirt. ゴルキが露西亜の文学者で、丸木が芝(しば)の写真師で、米のなる木が命の親だろう。 Gorky for a Russian literator, Maruki a photographer of Shibaku, and komeno-naruki (rice) a life-giver, eh? 一体この赤シャツはわるい癖(くせ)だ。 This Red Shirt has a bad hobby 誰(だれ)を捕(つら)まえても片仮名の唐人(とうじん)の名を並べたがる。 of marshalling before anybody the name of foreigners. 人にはそれぞれ専門があったものだ。 Everybody has his specialty. おれのような数学の教師にゴルキだか車力(しゃりき)だか見当がつくものか、少しは遠慮(えんりょ)するがいい。 How could a teacher of mathematics like me tell whether it is a Gorky or shariki (rikishaman). Red Shirt should have been a little more considerate. 云(い)うならフランクリンの自伝だとかプッシング、ツー、ゼ、フロントだとか、おれでも知ってる名を使うがいい。 And if he wants to mention such names at all, let him mention "Autobiography of Ben Franklin," or "Pushing to the Front," or something we all know. 赤シャツは時々帝国文学とかいう真赤(まっか)な雑誌を学校へ持って来て難有(ありがた)そうに読んでいる。 Red Shirt has been seen once in a while bringing a magazine with a red cover entitled Imperial Literature to the school and poring over it with reverence. 山嵐(やまあらし)に聞いてみたら、赤シャツの片仮名はみんなあの雑誌から出るんだそうだ。 I heard it from Porcupine that Red Shirt gets his supply of all foreign names from that magazine. 帝国文学も罪な雑誌だ。 Well, I should say! それから赤シャツと野だは一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)に釣っていたが、約一時間ばかりのうちに二人(ふたり)で十五六上げた。 For some time, Red Shirt and Clown fished assiduously and within about an hour they caught about fifteen fish. 可笑(おか)しい事に釣れるのも、釣れるのも、みんなゴルキばかりだ。 The funny part of it was that all they caught were goruki; 鯛なんて薬にしたくってもありゃしない。 of sea-bream there was not a sign. 今日は露西亜文学の大当りだ "This is a day of bumper crop of Russian literature," と赤シャツが野だに話している。 Red Shirt said, あなたの手腕(しゅわん)でゴルキなんですから、私(わたし)なんぞがゴルキなのは仕方がありません。 当り前ですなと野だが答えている。 and Clown answered: "When one as skilled as you gets nothing but goruki, it's natural for me to get nothing else." 船頭に聞くとこの小魚は骨が多くって、まずくって、とても食えないんだそうだ。 The boatman told me that this small-sized fish goruki has too many tiny bones and tastes too poor to be fit for eating, ただ肥料(こやし)には出来るそうだ。 but they could be used for fertilising. 赤シャツと野だは一生懸命に肥料を釣っているんだ。 So Red Shirt and Clown were fishing fertilisers with vim and vigor. 気の毒の至りだ。 おれは一匹(ぴき)で懲(こ)りたから、胴の間へ仰向(あおむ)けになって、さっきから大空を眺めていた。 As for me, one goruki was enough and I laid down myself on the bottom, and looked up at the sky. 釣をするよりこの方がよっぽど洒落(しゃれ)ている。 This was far more dandy than fishing. すると二人は小声で何か話し始めた。 Then the two began whispering. おれにはよく聞(きこ)えない、また聞きたくもない。 I could not hear well, nor did I care to. おれは空を見ながら清(きよ)の事を考えている。 I was looking up at the sky and thinking about Kiyo. 金があって、清をつれて、こんな奇麗(きれい)な所へ遊びに来たらさぞ愉快だろう。 If I had enough of money, I thought, and came with Kiyo to such a picturesque place, how joyous it would be. いくら景色がよくっても野だなどといっしょじゃつまらない。 No matter how picturesque the scene might be, it would be flat in the company of Clown or of his kind. 清は皺苦茶(しわくちゃ)だらけの婆さんだが、どんな所へ連れて出たって恥(は)ずかしい心持ちはしない。 Kiyo is a poor wrinkled woman, but I am not ashamed to take her to any old place. 野だのようなのは、馬車に乗ろうが、船に乗ろうが、凌雲閣(りょううんかく)へのろうが、到底寄り付けたものじゃない。 Clown or his likes, even in a Victoria or a yacht, or in a sky-high position, would not be worthy to come within her shadow. おれが教頭で、赤シャツがおれだったら、やっぱりおれにへけつけお世辞を使って赤シャツを冷(ひや)かすに違いない。 If I were the head teacher, and Red Shirt I, Clown would be sure to fawn on me and jeer at Red Shirt. 江戸っ子は軽薄(けいはく)だと云うが They say Yedo kids are flippant. なるほどこんなものが田舎巡(いなかまわ)りをして、私(わたし)は江戸っ子でげすと繰り返していたら、軽薄は江戸っ子で、江戸っ子は軽薄の事だと田舎者が思うに極まってる。 Indeed, if a fellow like Clown was to travel the country and repeatedly declare "I am a Yedo kid," no wonder the country folk would decide that the flippant are Yedo kids and Yedo kids are flippant. こんな事を考えていると、何だか二人がくすくす笑い出した。 While I was meditating like this, I heard suppressed laughter. 笑い声の間に何か云うが途切(とぎ)れ途切れでとんと要領を得ない。 Between their laughs they talked something, but I could not make out what they were talking about. 「え?  "Eh? どうだか……」 I don't know......" 「……全くです "...... That's true ……知らないんですから ...... he doesn't know ……罪ですね」 ...... isn't it pity, though ......." 「まさか……」 "Can that be......." 「バッタを……本当ですよ」 "With grasshoppers ...... that's a fact." おれは外の言葉には耳を傾(かたむ)けなかったが、バッタと云う野だの語(ことば)を聴(き)いた時は、思わずきっとなった。 I did not listen to what they were talking, but when I heard Clown say "grasshoppers," I cocked my ear instinctively. 野だは何のためかバッタと云う言葉だけことさら力を入れて、明瞭(めいりょう)におれの耳にはいるようにして、そのあとをわざとぼかしてしまった。 Clown emphasized, for what reason I do not know the word "grasshopers" so that it would be sure to reach my ear plainly, and he blurred the rest on purpose. おれは動かないでやはり聞いていた。 I did not move, and kept on listening. 「また例の堀田(ほった)が……」 "That same old Hotta," 「そうかも知れない……」 "that may be the case...." 「天麩羅(てんぷら) "Tempura...... ……ハハハハハ」 ha, ha, ha ......" 「……煽動(せんどう)して……」 "...... incited ......" 「団子(だんご)も?」 "...... dango also? ......" 言葉はかように途切れ途切れであるけれども、バッタだの天麩羅だの、団子だのというところをもって推し測ってみると、何でもおれのことについて内所話(ないしょばな)しをしているに相違ない。 The words were thus choppy, but judging by their saying "grasshoppers," "tempura" or "dango," I was sure they were secretly talking something about me. 話すならもっと大きな声で話すがいい、 If they wanted to talk, they should do it louder. また内所話をするくらいなら、おれなんか誘わなければいい。 If they wanted to discuss something secret, why in thunder did they invite me? いけ好かない連中だ。 What damnable blokes! バッタだろうが雪踏(せった)だろうが、非はおれにある事じゃない。 Grasshoppers or glass-stoppers, I was not in the wrong; 校長がひとまずあずけろと云ったから、狸(たぬき)の顔にめんじてただ今のところは控(ひか)えているんだ。 I have kept quiet to save the face of Badger because the principle asked me to leave the matter to him. 野だの癖に入らぬ批評をしやがる。 Clown has been making unnecessary criticisms; 毛筆(けふで)でもしゃぶって引っ込んでるがいい。 out with your old paint-brushes there! おれの事は、遅(おそ)かれ早かれ、おれ一人で片付けてみせるから、差支(さしつか)えはないが、 Whatever concerns me, I will settle it myself sooner or later, and they had just to keep off my toes. また例の堀田がとか煽動してとか云う文句が気にかかる。 But remarks such as "the same old Hotta" or "...... incited ......" worried me a bit. 堀田がおれを煽動して騒動(そうどう)を大きくしたと云う意味なのか、あるいは堀田が生徒を煽動しておれをいじめたと云うのか方角がわからない。 I could not make out whether they meant that Hotta incited me to extend the circle of the trouble, or that he incited the students to get at me. 青空を見ていると、日の光がだんだん弱って来て、少しはひやりとする風が吹き出した。 As I gazed at the blue sky, the sunlight gradually waned and chilly winds commenced stirring. 線香(せんこう)の烟(けむり)のような雲が、透(す)き徹(とお)る底の上を静かに伸(の)して行ったと思ったら、いつしか底の奥(おく)に流れ込んで、うすくもやを掛(か)けたようになった。 The clouds that resembled the streaky smokes of joss sticks were slowly extending over a clear sky, and by degrees they were absorbed, melted and changed to a faint fog. もう帰ろうか "Well, let's be going," と赤シャツが思い出したように云うと、 said Red Shirt suddenly. ええちょうど時分ですね。 "Yes, this is the time we were going. 今夜はマドンナの君にお逢(あ)いですか See your Madonna to-night?" と野だが云う。 responded Clown. 赤シャツは馬鹿(ばか)あ云っちゃいけない、間違いになると、船縁に身を倚(も)たした奴(やつ)を、少し起き直る。 "Cut out nonsense ...... might mean a serious trouble," said Red Shirt who was reclining against the edge of the boat, now raising himself. エヘヘヘヘ大丈夫ですよ。 "O, that's all right 聞いたって…… if he hears.......," と野だが振り返った時、おれは皿(さら)のような眼(め)を野だの頭の上へまともに浴びせ掛けてやった。 and when Clown, so saying, turned himself my way, I glared squarely in his face. 野だはまぼしそうに引っ繰り返って、や、こいつは降参だと首を縮めて、頭を掻(か)いた。 何という猪口才(ちょこざい)だろう。 Clown turned back as if to keep away from a dazzling light, and with "Ha, this is going some," shrugged his shoulders and scratched his head. 船は静かな海を岸へ漕(こ)ぎ戻(もど)る。 The boat was now being rowed shore-ward over the calm sea. 君釣(つり)はあまり好きでないと見えますね "You don't seem much fond of fishing," と赤シャツが聞くから、 asked Red Shirt. ええ寝(ね)ていて空を見る方がいいです "No, I'd rather prefer lying and looking at the sky," と答えて、吸いかけた巻烟草(まきたばこ)を海の中へたたき込んだら、 I answered, and threw the stub of cigarette I had been smoking into the water; ジュと音がして艪(ろ)の足で掻き分けられた浪(なみ)の上を揺(ゆ)られながら漾(ただよ)っていった。 it sizzled and floated on the waves parted by the oar. 「君が来たんで生徒も大いに喜んでいるから、 "The students are all glad because you have come. 奮発(ふんぱつ)してやってくれたまえ」 So we want you do your best." と今度は釣にはまるで縁故(えんこ)もない事を云い出した。 Red Shirt this time started something quite alien to fishing. 「あんまり喜んでもいないでしょう」 "I don't think they are," I said. 「いえ、 "Yes; お世辞じゃない。 I don't mean it as flattery. 全く喜んでいるんです、 They are, sure. ね、吉川君」 Isn't it so, Mr. Yoshikawa?" 「喜んでるどころじゃない。 "I should say they are. 大騒(おおさわ)ぎです」 They're crazy over it," と野だはにやにやと笑った。 said Clown with an unctuous smile. こいつの云う事は一々癪(しゃく)に障(さわ)るから妙だ。 Strange that whatever Clown says, it makes me itching mad. 「しかし君注意しないと、険呑(けんのん)ですよ」 "But, if you don't look out, there is danger," と赤シャツが云うから warned Red Shirt. 「どうせ険呑です。 こうなりゃ険呑は覚悟(かくご)です」 "I am fully prepared for all dangers," と云ってやった。 I replied. 実際おれは免職(めんしょく)になるか、寄宿生をことごとくあやまらせるか、どっちか一つにする了見でいた。 In fact, I had made up my mind either to get fired or to make all the students in the dormitory apologize to me. 「そう云っちゃ、取りつきどころもないが "If you talk that way, that cuts everything out. ――実は僕も教頭として君のためを思うから云うんだが、わるく取っちゃ困る」 Really, as a head teacher, I've been considering what is good for you, and wouldn't like you to mistake it." 「教頭は全く君に好意を持ってるんですよ。 "The head teacher is really your friend. 僕も及(およ)ばずながら、同じ江戸っ子だから、なるべく長くご在校を願って、お互(たがい)に力になろうと思って、これでも蔭ながら尽力(じんりょく)しているんですよ」 And I'm doing what I can for you, though mighty little, because you and I are Yedo kids, and I would like to have you stay with us as long as possible and we can help each other." と野だが人間並(なみ)の事を云った。 So said Clown and it sounded almost human. 野だのお世話になるくらいなら首を縊(くく)って死んじまわあ。 I would sooner hang myself than to get helped by Clown. 「それでね、生徒は君の来たのを大変歓迎(かんげい)しているんだが、そこにはいろいろな事情があってね。 "And the students are all glad because you had come, but there are many circumstances," continued Red Shirt. 君も腹の立つ事もあるだろうが、ここが我慢(がまん)だと思って、辛防(しんぼう)してくれたまえ。 "You may feel angry sometimes but be patient for the present, 決して君のためにならないような事はしないから」 and I will never do anything to hurt your interests." 「いろいろの事情た、 "You say 'many circumstances'; どんな事情です」 what are they?" 「それが少し込み入ってるんだが、 "They're rather complicated. まあだんだん分りますよ。 Well, they'll be clear to you by and by. 僕(ぼく)が話さないでも自然と分って来るです、 You'll understand them naturally without my talking them over. ね吉川君」 What do you say, Mr. Yoshikawa?" 「ええなかなか込み入ってますからね。 "Yes, they're pretty complicated; 一朝一夕にゃ到底分りません。 hard to get them cleared up in a jiffy. しかしだんだん分ります、 But they'll become clear by-the-bye. 僕が話さないでも自然と分って来るです」 Will be understood naturally without my explaining them," と野だは赤シャツと同じような事を云う。 Clown echoed Red Shirt. 「そんな面倒(めんどう)な事情なら聞かなくてもいいんですが、 "If they're such a bother, I don't mind not hearing them. あなたの方から話し出したから伺(うかが)うんです」 I only asked you because you sprang the subject." 「そりゃごもっともだ。 "That's right. こっちで口を切って、あとをつけないのは無責任ですね。 I may seem irresponsible in not concluding the thing I had started. それじゃこれだけの事を云っておきましょう。 Then this much I'll tell you. あなたは失礼ながら、まだ学校を卒業したてで、教師は始めての、経験である。 I mean no offense, but you are fresh from school, and teaching is a new experience. ところが学校というものはなかなか情実のあるもので、そう書生流に淡泊(たんぱく)には行(ゆ)かないですからね」 And a school is a place where somewhat complicated private circumstances are common and one cannot do everything straight and simple". 「淡泊に行かなければ、どんな風に行くんです」 "If can't get it through straight and simple, how does it go?" 「さあ君はそう率直だから、 "Well, there you are so straight as that. まだ経験に乏(とぼ)しいと云うんですがね……」 As I was saying, you're short of experience........" 「どうせ経験には乏しいはずです。 "I should be. 履歴書(りれきしょ)にもかいときましたが二十三年四ヶ月ですから」 As I wrote it down in my record-sheet, I'm 23 years and four months." 「さ、 "That's it. そこで思わぬ辺から乗ぜられる事があるんです」 So you'd be done by some one in unexpected quarter." 「正直にしていれば誰(だれ)が乗じたって怖(こわ)くはないです」 "I'm not afraid who might do me as long as I'm honest." 「無論怖くはない、 "Certainly not. 怖くはないが、乗ぜられる。 No need be afraid, 現に君の前任者がやられたんだから、気を付けないといけないと云うんです」 but I do say you look sharp; your predecessor was done." 野だが大人(おとな)しくなったなと気が付いて、ふり向いて見ると、いつしか艫(とも)の方で船頭と釣の話をしている。 I noticed Clown had become quiet, and turning round, saw him at the stern talking with the boatman. 野だが居ないんでよっぽど話しよくなった。 Without Clown, I found our conversation running smoothly. 「僕の前任者が、誰(だ)れに乗ぜられたんです」 "By whom was my predecessor done?" 「だれと指すと、その人の名誉に関係するから云えない。 "If I point out the name, it would reflect on the honor of that person, so I can't mention it. また判然と証拠(しょうこ)のない事だから云うとこっちの落度になる。 Besides there is no evidence to prove it and I may be in a bad fix if I say it. とにかく、せっかく君が来たもんだから、ここで失敗しちゃ僕等(ぼくら)も君を呼んだ甲斐(かい)がない。 At any rate, since you're here, my efforts will prove nothing if you fail. どうか気を付けてくれたまえ」 Keep a sharp look-out, please." 「気を付けろったって、これより気の付けようはありません。 "You say look-out, but I can't be more watchful than I'm now. わるい事をしなけりゃ好(い)いんでしょう」 If I don't do anything wrong, after all, that's all right isn't it?" 赤シャツはホホホホと笑った。 Red Shirt laughed. 別段おれは笑われるような事を云った覚えはない。 I did not remember having said anything provocative of laughter. 今日(こんにち)ただ今に至るまでこれでいいと堅(かた)く信じている。 Up to this very minute, I have been firm in my conviction that I'm right. 考えてみると世間の大部分の人はわるくなる事を奨励(しょうれい)しているように思う。 When I come to consider the situation, it appears that a majority of people are encouraging others to become bad. わるくならなければ社会に成功はしないものと信じているらしい。 They seem to believe that one must do wrong in order to succeed. たまに正直な純粋(じゅんすい)な人を見ると、坊(ぼ)っちゃんだの小僧(こぞう)だのと難癖(なんくせ)をつけて軽蔑(けいべつ)する。 If they happen to see some one honest and pure, they sneer at him as "Master Darling" or "kiddy." それじゃ小学校や中学校で嘘(うそ)をつくな、正直にしろと倫理(りんり)の先生が教えない方がいい。 What's the use then of the instructors of ethics at grammar schools or middle schools teaching children not to tell a lie or to be honest. いっそ思い切って学校で嘘をつく法とか、人を信じない術とか、人を乗せる策を教授する方が、 Better rather make a bold departure and teach at schools the gentle art of lying or the trick of distrusting others, or show pupils how to do others. 世のためにも当人のためにもなるだろう。 That would be beneficial for the person thus taught and for the public as well. 赤シャツがホホホホと笑ったのは、おれの単純なのを笑ったのだ。 When Red Shirt laughed, he laughed at my simplicity. 単純や真率が笑われる世の中じゃ仕様がない。 My word! what chances have the simple-hearted or the pure in a society where they are made objects of contempt! 清はこんな時に決して笑った事はない。 Kiyo would never laugh at such a time; 大いに感心して聞いたもんだ。 she would listen with profound respect. 清の方が赤シャツよりよっぽど上等だ。 Kiyo is far superior to Red Shirt. 「無論悪(わ)るい事をしなければ好いんですが、 "Of course, that't all right as long as you don't do anything wrong. 自分だけ悪るい事をしなくっても、人の悪るいのが分らなくっちゃ、やっぱりひどい目に逢うでしょう。 But although you may not do anything wrong, they will do you just the same unless you can see the wrong of others. 世の中には磊落(らいらく)なように見えても、淡泊なように見えても、親切に下宿の世話なんかしてくれても、めったに油断の出来ないのがありますから……。 There are fellows you have got to watch,--the fellows who may appear off-hand, simple and so kind as to get boarding house for you...... 大分寒くなった。 Getting rather cold. もう秋ですね、 'Tis already autumn, isn't it. 浜の方は靄(もや)でセピヤ色になった。 The beach looks beer-color in the fog. いい景色だ。 A fine view. おい、吉川君どうだい、あの浜の景色は……」 Say, Mr. Yoshikawa, what do you think of the scene along the beach?......" と大きな声を出して野だを呼んだ。 This in a loud voice was addressed to Clown. なあるほどこりゃ奇絶(きぜつ)ですね。 "Indeed, this is a fine view. 時間があると写生するんだが、 I'd get a sketch of it if I had time. 惜(お)しいですね、このままにしておくのは Seems a pity to leave it there," と野だは大いにたたく。 answered Clown. 港屋の二階に灯が一つついて、汽車の笛(ふえ)がヒューと鳴るとき、おれの乗っていた舟は磯(いそ)の砂へざぐりと、舳(へさき)をつき込んで動かなくなった。 A light was seen upstairs at Minato-ya, and just as the whistle of a train was sounded, our boat pushed its nose deep into the sand. お早うお帰り "Well, so you're back early," と、かみさんが、浜に立って赤シャツに挨拶(あいさつ)する。 courtesied the wife of the boatman as she stepped upon the sand. おれは船端(ふなばた)から、やっと掛声(かけごえ)をして磯へ飛び下りた。 I stood on the edge of the boat; and whoop! I jumped out to the beach. 六 CHAPTER VI. 野だは大嫌(だいきら)いだ。 I heartily despise Clown. こんな奴(やつ)は沢庵石(たくあんいし)をつけて海の底へ沈(しず)めちまう方が日本のためだ。 It would be beneficial for Japan if such a fellow were tied to a quernstone and dumped into the sea. 赤シャツは声が気に食わない。 As to Red Shirt, his voice did not suit my fancy. あれは持前の声をわざと気取ってあんな優しいように見せてるんだろう。 I believe he suppresses his natural tones to put on airs and assume genteel manner. いくら気取ったって、あの面じゃ駄目(だめ)だ。 He may put on all kinds of airs, but nothing good will come of it with that type of face. 惚(ほ)れるものがあったってマドンナぐらいなものだ。 If anything falls in love with him, perhaps the Madonna will be about the limit. しかし教頭だけに野だよりむずかしい事を云(い)う。 As a head-teacher, however, he is more serious than Clown. うちへ帰って、あいつの申し条を考えてみると一応もっとものようでもある。 はっきりとした事は云わないから、見当がつきかねるが、 As he did not say definitely, I cannot get to the point, 何でも山嵐(やまあらし)がよくない奴だから用心しろと云うのらしい。 but it appears that he warned me to look-out for Porcupine as he is crooked. それならそうとはっきり断言するがいい、男らしくもない。 If that was the case, he should have declared it like a man. そうして、そんな悪(わ)るい教師なら、早く免職(めんしょく)さしたらよかろう。 And if Porcupine is so bad a teacher as that, it would be better to discharge him. 教頭なんて文学士の癖(くせ)に意気地(いくじ)のないもんだ。 What a lack of backbone for a head teacher and a Bachelor of Arts! 蔭口(かげぐち)をきくのでさえ、公然と名前が云えないくらいな男だから、弱虫に極(き)まってる。 As he is a fellow so cautious as to be unable to mention the name of the other even in a whisper, he is surely a mollycoddle. 弱虫は親切なものだから、あの赤シャツも女のような親切ものなんだろう。 All mollycoddles are kind, and that Red Shirt may be as kind as a woman. 親切は親切、声は声だから、声が気に入らないって、親切を無にしちゃ筋が違(ちが)う。 His kindness is one thing, and his voice quite another, and it would be wrong to disregard his kindness on account of his voice. それにしても世の中は不思議なものだ、 But then, isn't this world a funny place! 虫の好かない奴が親切で、気のあった友達が悪漢(わるもの)だなんて、人を馬鹿(ばか)にしている。 The fellow I don't like is kind to me, and the friend whom I like is crooked,--how absurd! 大方田舎(いなか)だから万事東京のさかに行くんだろう。 Probably everything here goes in opposite directions as it is in the country, the contrary holds in Tokyo. 物騒(ぶっそう)な所だ。 A dangerous place, this. 今に火事が氷って、石が豆腐(とうふ)になるかも知れない。 By degrees, fires may get frozen and custard pudding petrified. しかし、あの山嵐が生徒を煽動するなんて、いたずらをしそうもないがな。 But it is hardly believable that Porcupine would incite the students, 一番人望のある教師だと云うから、やろうと思ったら大抵(たいてい)の事は出来るかも知れないが、 although he might do most anything he wishes as he is best liked among them. ――第一そんな廻(まわ)りくどい事をしないでも、じかにおれを捕(つら)まえて喧嘩(けんか)を吹き懸(か)けりゃ手数が省ける訳だ。 Instead of taking in so roundabout a way, in the first place, it would have saved him a lot of trouble if he came direct to me and got at me for a fight. おれが邪魔(じゃま)になるなら、実はこれこれだ、邪魔だから辞職してくれと云や、よさそうなもんだ。 If I am in his way, he had better tell me so, and ask me to resign because I am in his way. 物は相談ずくでどうでもなる。 There is nothing that cannot be settled by talking it over. 向(むこ)うの云い条がもっともなら、明日にでも辞職してやる。 If what he says sounds reasonable, I would resign even tomorrow. ここばかり米が出来る訳でもあるまい。 This is not the only town where I can get bread and butter; どこの果(はて)へ行ったって、のたれ死(じに)はしないつもりだ。 I ought not to die homeless wherever I go. 山嵐もよっぽど話せない奴だな。 I thought Porcupine was a better sport. ここへ来た時第一番に氷水を奢(おご)ったのは山嵐だ。 When I came here, Porcupine was the first to treat me to ice water. そんな裏表のある奴から、氷水でも奢ってもらっちゃ、おれの顔に関わる。 To be treated by such a fellow, even if it is so trifling a thing as ice water, affects my honor. おれはたった一杯(ぱい)しか飲まなかったから一銭五厘(りん)しか払(はら)わしちゃない。 I had only one glass then and had him pay only one sen and a half. しかし一銭だろうが五厘だろうが、詐欺師(さぎし)の恩になっては、死ぬまで心持ちがよくない。 But one sen or half sen, I shall not die in peace if I accept a favor from a swindler. あした学校へ行ったら、一銭五厘返しておこう。 I will pay it back tomorrow when I go to the school. おれは清(きよ)から三円借りている。 I borrowed three yen from Kiyo. その三円は五年経(た)った今日までまだ返さない。 That three yen is not paid yet to-day, though it is five years since. 返せないんじゃない。 Not that I could not pay, 返さないんだ。 but that I did not want to. 清は今に返すだろうなどと、かりそめにもおれの懐中(かいちゅう)をあてにしてはいない。 Kiyo never looks to my pocket thinking I shall pay it back by-the-bye. Not by any means. おれも今に返そうなどと他人がましい義理立てはしないつもりだ。 I myself do not expect to fulfill cold obligation like a stranger by meditating on returning it. こっちがこんな心配をすればするほど清の心を疑ぐるようなもので、 The more I worry about paying it back, the more I may be doubting the honest heart of Kiyo. 清の美しい心にけちを付けると同じ事になる。 It would be the same as traducing her pure mind. 返さないのは清を踏(ふ)みつけるのじゃない、清をおれの片破(かたわ)れと思うからだ。 I have not paid her back that three yen not because I regard her lightly, but because I regard her as part of myself. 清と山嵐とはもとより比べ物にならないが、たとい氷水だろうが、甘茶(あまちゃ)だろうが、他人から恵(めぐみ)を受けて、だまっているのは向うをひとかどの人間と見立てて、その人間に対する厚意の所作だ。 Kiyo and Porcupine cannot be compared, of course, but whether it be ice water or tea, the fact that I accept another's favor without saying anything is an act of good-will, taking the other on his par value, as a decent fellow. 割前を出せばそれだけの事で済むところを、心のうちで難有(ありがた)いと恩に着るのは銭金で買える返礼じゃない。 Instead of chipping in my share, and settling each account, to receive munificence with grateful mind is an acknowledgment which no amount of money can purchase. 無位無冠でも一人前の独立した人間だ。 I have neither title nor official position but I am an independent fellow, 独立した人間が頭を下げるのは百万両より尊(たっ)といお礼と思わなければならない。 and to have an independent fellow kowtow to you in acknowledgment of the favor you extend him should be considered as far more than a return acknowledgment with a million yen. おれはこれでも山嵐に一銭五厘奮発(ふんぱつ)させて、百万両より尊とい返礼をした気でいる。 I made Porcupine blow one sen and a half, and gave him my gratitude which is more costly than a million yen. 山嵐は難有(ありがた)いと思ってしかるべきだ。 He ought to have been thankful for that. それに裏へ廻って卑劣(ひれつ)な振舞(ふるまい)をするとは怪(け)しからん野郎(やろう)だ。 And then what an outrageous fellow to plan a cowardly action behind my back! あした行って一銭五厘返してしまえば借りも貸しもない。 I will give him back that one sen and a half tomorrow, and all will be square. そうしておいて喧嘩をしてやろう。 Then I will land him one. おれはここまで考えたら、眠(ねむ)くなったからぐうぐう寝(ね)てしまった。 When I thought thus far, I felt sleepy and slept like a log. あくる日は思う仔細(しさい)があるから、例刻より早ヤ目に出校して山嵐を待ち受けた。 The next day, as I had something in my mind, I went to the school earlier than usual and waited for Porcupine, ところがなかなか出て来ない。 but he did not appear for a considerable time. うらなりが出て来る。 漢学の先生が出て来る。 "Confucius" was there, 野だが出て来る。 so was Clown, しまいには赤シャツまで出て来たが山嵐の机の上は白墨(はくぼく)が一本竪(たて)に寝ているだけで閑静(かんせい)なものだ。 and finally Red Shirt, but for Porcupine there was a piece of chalk on his desk but the owner was not there. おれは、控所(ひかえじょ)へはいるや否や返そうと思って、うちを出る時から、湯銭のように手の平へ入れて一銭五厘、学校まで握(にぎ)って来た。 I had been thinking of paying that one sen and a half as soon as I entered the room, and had brought the coppers to the school grasped in my hand. おれは膏(あぶら)っ手だから、開けてみると一銭五厘が汗(あせ)をかいている。 My hands get easily sweaty, and when I opened my hand, I found them wet. 汗をかいてる銭を返しちゃ、山嵐が何とか云うだろうと思ったから、机の上へ置いてふうふう吹いてまた握った。 Thinking that Porcupine might say something if wet coins were given him, I placed them upon my desk, and cooled them by blowing in them. ところへ赤シャツが来て昨日は失敬、迷惑(めいわく)でしたろうと云ったから、 Then Red Shirt came to me and said he was sorry to detain me yesterday, thought I have been annoyed. 迷惑じゃありません、お蔭で腹が減りましたと答えた。 I told him I was not annoyed at all, only I was hungry. すると赤シャツは山嵐の机の上へ肱(ひじ)を突(つ)いて、あの盤台面(ばんだいづら)をおれの鼻の側面へ持って来たから、何をするかと思ったら、君昨日返りがけに船の中で話した事は、秘密にしてくれたまえ。 まだ誰(だれ)にも話しやしますまいねと云った。 Thereupon Red Shirt put his elbows upon the desk, brought his sauce-pan-like face close to my nose, and said; "Say, keep dark what I told you yesterday in the boat. You haven't told it anybody, have you?" 女のような声を出すだけに心配性な男と見える。 He seems quite a nervous fellow as becoming one who talks in a feminish voice. 話さない事はたしかである。 It was certain that I had not told it to anybody, しかしこれから話そうと云う心持ちで、すでに一銭五厘手の平に用意しているくらいだから、ここで赤シャツから口留めをされちゃ、ちと困る。 but as I was in the mood to tell it and had already one sen and a half in my hand, I would be a little rattled if a gag was put on me. 赤シャツも赤シャツだ。 To the devil with Red Shirt! 山嵐と名を指さないにしろ、あれほど推察の出来る謎(なぞ)をかけておきながら、今さらその謎を解いちゃ迷惑だとは教頭とも思えぬ無責任だ。 Although he had not mentioned the name "Porcupine," he had given me such pointers as to put me wise as to who the objective was, and now he requested me not to blow the gaff!--it was an irresponsibility least to be expected from a head teacher. 元来ならおれが山嵐と戦争をはじめて鎬(しのぎ)を削(けず)ってる真中(まんなか)へ出て堂々とおれの肩(かた)を持つべきだ。 In the ordinary run of things, he should step into the thick of the fight between Porcupine and me, and side with me with all his colors flying. それでこそ一校の教頭で、赤シャツを着ている主意も立つというもんだ。 By so doing, he might be worthy the position of the head teacher, and vindicate the principle of wearing red shirts. おれは教頭に向(むか)って、まだ誰にも話さないが、これから山嵐と談判するつもりだと云ったら、 I told the head teacher that I had not divulged the secret to anybody but was going to fight it out with Porcupine. 赤シャツは大いに狼狽(ろうばい)して、 Red Shirt was greatly perturbed, and stuttered out; 君そんな無法な事をしちゃ困る。 "Say, don't do anything so rash as that. 僕(ぼく)は堀田(ほった)君の事について、別段君に何も明言した覚えはないんだから I don't remember having stated anything plainly to you about Mr. Hotta....... ――君がもしここで乱暴を働いてくれると、僕は非常に迷惑する。 if you start a scrimmage here, I'll be greatly embarrassed." 君は学校に騒動(そうどう)を起すつもりで来たんじゃなかろうと妙(みょう)に常識をはずれた質問をするから、 And he asked the strangely outlandish question if I had come to the school to start trouble? 当(あた)り前(まえ)です、月給をもらったり、騒動を起したりしちゃ、学校の方でも困るでしょうと云った。 Of course not, I said, the school would not stand for my making trouble and pay me salary for it. すると赤シャツはそれじゃ昨日の事は君の参考だけにとめて、口外してくれるなと汗をかいて依頼(いらい)に及(およ)ぶから、 Red Shirt then, perspiring, begged me to keep the secret as mere reference and never mention it. よろしい、僕も困るんだが、そんなにあなたが迷惑ならよしましょうと受け合った。 "All right, then," I assured him, "this robs me shy, but since you're so afraid of it, I'll keep it all to myself." 君大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)かい "Are you sure?" と赤シャツは念を押(お)した。 repeated Red Shirt. どこまで女らしいんだか奥行(おくゆき)がわからない。 There was no limit to his womanishness. 文学士なんて、みんなあんな連中ならつまらんものだ。 If Red Shirt was typical of Bachelors of Arts, I did not see much in them. 辻褄(つじつま)の合わない、論理に欠けた注文をして恬然(てんぜん)としている。 He appeared composed after having requested me to do something self-contradictory and wanting logic, しかもこのおれを疑ぐってる。 and on top of that suspects my sincerity. 憚(はばか)りながら男だ。 "Don't you mistake," I said to myself, 受け合った事を裏へ廻って反古(ほご)にするようなさもしい了見(りょうけん)はもってるもんか。 "I'm a man to the marrow, and haven't the idea of breaking my own promises; mark that!" ところへ両隣(りょうどな)りの机の所有主も出校したんで、赤シャツは早々自分の席へ帰って行った。 Meanwhile the occupants of the desks on both my sides came to the room, and Red Shirt hastily withdrew to his own desk. 赤シャツは歩(あ)るき方から気取ってる。 Red Shirt shows some air even in his walk. 部屋の中を往来するのでも、音を立てないように靴(くつ)の底をそっと落(おと)す。 In stepping about the room, he places down his shoes so as to make no sound. 音を立てないであるくのが自慢(じまん)になるもんだとは、この時から始めて知った。 For the first time I came to know that making no sound in one's walk was something satisfactory to one's vanity. 泥棒(どろぼう)の稽古(けいこ)じゃあるまいし、当り前にするがいい。 He was not training himself for a burglar, I suppose. He should cut out such nonsense before it gets worse. やがて始業の喇叭(らっぱ)がなった。 Then the bugle for the opening of classes was heard. 山嵐はとうとう出て来ない。 Porcupine did not appear after all. 仕方がないから、一銭五厘を机の上へ置いて教場へ出掛(でか)けた。 There was no other way but to leave the coins upon the desk and attend the class. 授業の都合(つごう)で一時間目は少し後(おく)れて、控所へ帰ったら、ほかの教師はみんな机を控えて話をしている。 When I returned to the room a little late after the first hour class, all the teachers were there at their desks, 山嵐もいつの間にか来ている。 and Porcupine too was there. 欠勤だと思ったら遅刻(ちこく)したんだ。 The moment Porcupine saw my face, おれの顔を見るや否や今日は君のお蔭で遅刻したんだ。 he said that he was late on my account, 罰金(ばっきん)を出したまえと云った。 and I should pay him a fine. おれは机の上にあった一銭五厘を出して、 I took out that one sen and a half, これをやるから取っておけ。 先達(せんだっ)て通町(とおりちょう)で飲んだ氷水の代だと山嵐の前へ置くと、 and saying it was the price of the ice water, shoved it on his desk and told him to take it. 何を云ってるんだ "Don't josh me," と笑いかけたが、おれが存外真面目(まじめ)でいるので、つまらない冗談(じょうだん)をするなと銭をおれの机の上に掃(は)き返した。 he said, and began laughing, but as I appeared unusually serious, he swept the coins back to my desk, and flung back, "Quit fooling." おや山嵐の癖(くせ)にどこまでも奢る気だな。 So he really meant to treat me, eh? 「冗談じゃない本当だ。 "No fooling; I mean it," I said. おれは君に氷水を奢られる因縁(いんえん)がないから、出すんだ。 "I have no reason to accept your treat, and that's why I pay you back. 取らない法があるか」 Why don't you take it?" 「そんなに一銭五厘が気になるなら取ってもいいが、なぜ思い出したように、今時分返すんだ」 "If you're so worried about that one sen and a half, I will take it, but why do you pay it at this time so suddenly?" 「今時分でも、いつ時分でも、返すんだ。 "This time or any time, I want to pay it back. 奢られるのが、いやだから返すんだ」 I pay it back because I don't like you treat me." 山嵐は冷然とおれの顔を見てふんと云った。 Porcupine coldly gazed at me and ejaculated "H'm." 赤シャツの依頼がなければ、ここで山嵐の卑劣(ひれつ)をあばいて大喧嘩をしてやるんだが、 If I had not been requested by Red Shirt, here was the chance to show up his cowardice and make it hot for him. 口外しないと受け合ったんだから動きがとれない。 But since I had promised not to reveal the secret, I could do nothing. 人がこんなに真赤(まっか)になってるのにふんという理窟(りくつ)があるものか。 What the deuce did he mean by "H'm" when I was red with anger. 「氷水の代は受け取るから、下宿は出てくれ」 "I'll take the price of the ice water, but I want you leave your boarding house." 「一銭五厘受け取ればそれでいい。 "Take that coin; that's all there is to it. 下宿を出ようが出まいがおれの勝手だ」 To leave or not,--that's my pleasure." 「ところが勝手でない、 "But that is not your pleasure. 昨日、あすこの亭主(ていしゅ)が来て君に出てもらいたいと云うから、その訳を聞いたら亭主の云うのはもっともだ。 The boss of your boarding house came to me yesterday and wanted me to tell you leave the house, and when I heard his explanation, what he said was reasonable. それでももう一応たしかめるつもりで今朝(けさ)あすこへ寄って詳(くわ)しい話を聞いてきたんだ」 And I dropped there on my way here this morning to hear more details and make sure of everything." おれには山嵐の云う事が何の意味だか分らない。 What Porcupine was trying to get at was all dark to me. 「亭主が君に何を話したんだか、おれが知ってるもんか。 "I don't care a snap what the boss was damn well pleased to tell you," I cried. そう自分だけで極めたって仕様があるか。 "What do you mean by deciding everything by yourself! 訳があるなら、訳を話すが順だ。 If there is any reason, tell me first. てんから亭主の云う方がもっともだなんて失敬千万な事を云うな」 What's the matter with you, deciding what the boss says is reasonable without hearing me." 「うん、そんなら云ってやろう。 "Then you shall hear," he said. 君は乱暴であの下宿で持て余(あ)まされているんだ。 "You're too tough and been regarded a nuisance over there. いくら下宿の女房だって、下女たあ違うぜ。 Say, the wife of a boarding house is a wife, not a maid, 足を出して拭(ふ)かせるなんて、威張(いば)り過ぎるさ」 and you've been such a four-flusher as to make her wipe your feet." 「おれが、いつ下宿の女房に足を拭かせた」 "When did I make her wipe my feet?" I asked. 「拭かせたかどうだか知らないが、とにかく向うじゃ、君に困ってるんだ。 "I don't know whether you did or did not, but anyway they're pretty sore about you. 下宿料の十円や十五円は懸物(かけもの)を一幅(ぷく)売りゃ、すぐ浮(う)いてくるって云ってたぜ」 He said he can make ten or fifteen yen easily if he sell a roll of panel-picture." 「利いた風な事をぬかす野郎(やろう)だ。 "Damn the chap! そんなら、なぜ置いた」 Why did he take me for a boarder then!" 「なぜ置いたか、僕は知らん、 "I don't know why. 置くことは置いたんだが、いやになったんだから、出ろと云うんだろう。 They took you but they want you leave because they got tired of you. 君出てやれ」 So you'd better get out." 「当り前だ。 "Sure, I will. 居てくれと手を合せたって、居るものか。 Who'd stay in such a house even if they beg me on their knees. 一体そんな云い懸(がか)りを云うような所へ周旋(しゅうせん)する君からしてが不埒(ふらち)だ」 You're insolent to have induced me to go to such a false accuser in the first place." 「おれが不埒か、君が大人(おとな)しくないんだか、どっちかだろう」 "Might be either I'm insolent or you're tough." 山嵐もおれに劣(おと)らぬ肝癪持(かんしゃくも)ちだから、負け嫌(ぎら)いな大きな声を出す。 Porcupine is no less hot-tempered than I am, and spoke with equally loud voice. 控所に居た連中は何事が始まったかと思って、みんな、おれと山嵐の方を見て、顋(あご)を長くしてぼんやりしている。 All the other teachers in the room, surprised, wondering what has happened, looked in our direction and craned their necks. おれは、別に恥(は)ずかしい事をした覚えはないんだから、立ち上がりながら、部屋中一通り見巡(みま)わしてやった。 I was not conscious of having done anything to be ashamed of, so I stood up and looked around. みんなが驚(おど)ろいてるなかに野だだけは面白そうに笑っていた。 Clown alone was laughing amused. おれの大きな眼(め)が、貴様も喧嘩をするつもりかと云う権幕で、野だの干瓢(かんぴょう)づらを射貫(いぬ)いた時に、野だは突然(とつぜん)真面目な顔をして、大いにつつしんだ。 The moment he met my glaring stare as if to say "You too want to fight?" he suddenly assumed a grave face and became serious. 少し怖(こ)わかったと見える。 He seemed to be a little cowed. そのうち喇叭が鳴る。 Meanwhile the bugle was heard, 山嵐もおれも喧嘩を中止して教場へ出た。 and Porcupine and I stopped the quarrel and went to the class rooms. 午後は、先夜おれに対して無礼を働いた寄宿生の処分法についての会議だ。 In the afternoon, a meeting of the teachers was going to be held to discuss the question of punishment of those students in the dormitory who offended me the other night. 会議というものは生れて始めてだからとんと容子(ようす)が分らないが、 This meeting was a thing I had to attend for the first time in my life, and I was totally ignorant about it. 職員が寄って、たかって自分勝手な説をたてて、それを校長が好い加減に纏(まと)めるのだろう。 Probably it was where the teachers gathered to blow about their own opinions and the principal bring them to compromise somehow. 纏めるというのは黒白(こくびゃく)の決しかねる事柄(ことがら)について云うべき言葉だ。 To compromise is a method used when no decision can be delivered as to the right or wrong of either side. この場合のような、誰が見たって、不都合としか思われない事件に会議をするのは暇潰(ひまつぶ)しだ。 It seemed to me a waste of time to hold a meeting over an affair in which the guilt of the other side was plain as daylight. 誰が何と解釈したって異説の出ようはずがない。 No matter who tried to twist it round, there was no ground for doubting the facts. こんな明白なのは即座(そくざ)に校長が処分してしまえばいいに。 It would have been better if the principal had decided at once on such a plain case; 随分(ずいぶん)決断のない事だ。 he is surely wanting in decision. 校長ってものが、これならば、何の事はない、煮(に)え切(き)らない愚図(ぐず)の異名だ。 If all principals are like this, a principal is a synonym of a "dilly-dally." 会議室は校長室の隣(とな)りにある細長い部屋で、平常は食堂の代理を勤める。 The meeting hall was a long, narrow room next to that of the principal, and was used for dining room. 黒い皮で張った椅子(いす)が二十脚(きゃく)ばかり、長いテーブルの周囲に並(なら)んでちょっと神田の西洋料理屋ぐらいな格だ。 About twenty chairs, with black leather seat, were lined around a narrow table, and the whole scene looked like a restaurant in Kanda. そのテーブルの端(はじ)に校長が坐(すわ)って、校長の隣りに赤シャツが構える。 At one end of the table the principal took his seat, and next to him Red Shirt. あとは勝手次第に席に着くんだそうだが、体操(たいそう)の教師だけはいつも席末に謙遜(けんそん)するという話だ。 All the rest shifted for themselves, but the gymnasium teacher is said always to take the seat farthest down out of modesty. おれは様子が分らないから、博物の教師と漢学の教師の間へはいり込(こ)んだ。 The situation was new to me, so I sat down between the teachers of natural history and of Confucius. 向うを見ると山嵐と野だが並んでる。 Across the table sat Porcupine and Clown. 野だの顔はどう考えても劣等だ。 Think how I might, the face of Clown was a degrading type. 喧嘩はしても山嵐の方が遥(はる)かに趣(おもむき)がある。 That of Porcupine was far more charming, even if I was now on bad terms with him. おやじの葬式(そうしき)の時に小日向(こびなた)の養源寺(ようげんじ)の座敷(ざしき)にかかってた懸物はこの顔によく似ている。 The panel picture which hung in the alcove of the reception hall of Yogen temple where I went to the funeral of my father, looked exactly like this Porcupine. 坊主(ぼうず)に聞いてみたら韋駄天(いだてん)と云う怪物だそうだ。 A priest told me the picture was the face of a strange creature called Idaten. 今日は怒(おこ)ってるから、眼をぐるぐる廻しちゃ、時々おれの方を見る。 To-day he was pretty sore, and frequently stared at me with his fiery eyes rolling. そんな事で威嚇(おど)かされてたまるもんかと、おれも負けない気で、やっぱり眼をぐりつかせて、山嵐をにらめてやった。 "You can't bulldoze me with that," I thought, and rolled my own in defiance and stared back at him. おれの眼は恰好(かっこう)はよくないが、大きい事においては大抵な人には負けない。 My eyes are not well-shaped but their large size is seldom beaten by others. あなたは眼が大きいから役者になるときっと似合いますと清がよく云ったくらいだ。 Kiyo even once suggested that I should make a fine actor because I had big eyes. もう大抵お揃(そろ)いでしょうか "All now here?" と校長が云うと、書記の川村と云うのが一つ二つと頭数を勘定(かんじょう)してみる。 asked the principal, and the clerk named Kawamura counted one, two, three and one was short. 一人足りない。 "Just one more," 一人不足ですがと考えていたが、これは足りないはずだ。 said the clerk, and it ought to be; 唐茄子(とうなす)のうらなり君が来ていない。 Hubbard Squash was not there. おれとうらなり君とはどう云う宿世(すくせ)の因縁かしらないが、この人の顔を見て以来どうしても忘れられない。 I don't know what affinity there is between Hubbard Squash and me, but I can never forget his face. 控所へくれば、すぐ、うらなり君が眼に付く、途中(とちゅう)をあるいていても、うらなり先生の様子が心に浮(うか)ぶ。 When I come to the teachers' room, his face attracts me first; while walking out in the street, his manners are recalled to my mind. 温泉へ行くと、うらなり君が時々蒼(あお)い顔をして湯壺(ゆつぼ)のなかに膨(ふく)れている。 When I go to the hot springs, sometimes I meet him with a pale-face in the bath, 挨拶(あいさつ)をするとへえと恐縮(きょうしゅく)して頭を下げるから気の毒になる。 and if I hallooed to him, he would raise his trembling head, making me feel sorry for him. 学校へ出てうらなり君ほど大人しい人は居ない。 In the school there is no teacher so quiet as he. めったに笑った事もないが、余計な口をきいた事もない。 He seldom, if ever, laughs or talks. おれは君子という言葉を書物の上で知ってるが、これは字引にあるばかりで、生きてるものではないと思ってたが、 I knew the word "gentleman" from books, and thought it was found only in the dictionary, but not a thing alive. うらなり君に逢(あ)ってから始めて、やっぱり正体のある文字だと感心したくらいだ。 But since I met Hubbard Squash, I was impressed for the first time that the word represented a real substance. このくらい関係の深い人の事だから、会議室へはいるや否や、うらなり君の居ないのは、すぐ気がついた。 As he is a man so attached to me, I had noticed his absence as soon as I entered the meeting hall. 実を云うと、この男の次へでも坐(す)わろうかと、ひそかに目標(めじるし)にして来たくらいだ。 To tell the truth, I came to the hall with the intention of sitting next to him. 校長はもうやがて見えるでしょうと、自分の前にある紫(むらさき)の袱紗包(ふくさづつみ)をほどいて、蒟蒻版(こんにゃくばん)のような者を読んでいる。 The principal said that the absentee may appear shortly, and untied a package he had before him, taking out some hectograph sheets and began reading them. 赤シャツは琥珀(こはく)のパイプを絹ハンケチで磨(みが)き始めた。 Red Shirt began polishing his amber pipe with a silk handkerchief. この男はこれが道楽である。 This was his hobby, 赤シャツ相当のところだろう。 which was probably becoming to him. ほかの連中は隣り同志で何だか私語(ささや)き合っている。 Others whispered with their neighbors. 手持無沙汰(てもちぶさた)なのは鉛筆(えんぴつ)の尻(しり)に着いている、護謨(ゴム)の頭でテーブルの上へしきりに何か書いている。 Still others were writing nothings upon the table with the erasers at the end of their pencils. 野だは時々山嵐に話しかけるが、山嵐は一向応じない。 Clown talked to Porcupine once in a while, but he was not responsive. ただうんとかああと云うばかりで、時々怖(こわ)い眼をして、おれの方を見る。 He only said "Umh" or "Ahm," and stared at me with wrathful eyes. おれも負けずに睨(にら)め返す。 I stared back with equal ferocity. ところへ待ちかねた、うらなり君が気の毒そうにはいって来て少々用事がありまして、遅刻致(いた)しましたと慇懃(いんぎん)に狸(たぬき)に挨拶(あいさつ)をした。 Then the tardy Hubbard Squash apologetically entered, and politely explained that he was unavoidably detained. では会議を開きます "Well, then the meeting is called to order," と狸はまず書記の川村君に蒟蒻版を配布させる。 said Badger. On these sheets was printed, 見ると最初が処分の件、次が生徒取締(とりしまり)の件、その他二三ヶ条である。 first the question of the punishment of the offending students, second that of superintending the students, and two or three other matters. 狸は例の通りもったいぶって、教育の生霊(いきりょう)という見えでこんな意味の事を述べた。 Badger, putting on airs as usual, as if he was an incarnation of education, spoke to the following effect. 「学校の職員や生徒に過失のあるのは、みんな自分の寡徳(かとく)の致すところで、何か事件がある度に、自分はよくこれで校長が勤まるとひそかに慚愧(ざんき)の念に堪(た)えんが、 "Any misdeeds or faults among the teachers or the students in this school are due to the lack of virtues in my person, and whenever anything happens, I inwardly feel ashamed that a man like me could hold his position. 不幸にして今回もまたかかる騒動を引き起したのは、深く諸君に向って謝罪しなければならん。 Unfortunately such an affair has taken place again, and I have to apologize from my heart. しかしひとたび起った以上は仕方がない、 But since it has happened, it cannot be helped; どうにか処分をせんければならん、 we must settle it one way or other. 事実はすでに諸君のご承知の通りであるからして、善後策について腹蔵のない事を参考のためにお述べ下さい」 The facts are as you already know, and I ask you gentlemen to state frankly the best means by which the affair may be settled." おれは校長の言葉を聞いて、なるほど校長だの狸だのと云うものは、えらい事を云うもんだと感心した。 When I heard the principal speak, I was impressed that indeed the principal, or Badger, was saying something "grand." こう校長が何もかも責任を受けて、自分の咎(とが)だとか、不徳だとか云うくらいなら、生徒を処分するのは、やめにして、自分から先へ免職(めんしょく)になったら、よさそうなもんだ。 If the principal was willing to assume all responsibilities, saying it was his fault or his lack of virtues, it would have been better stop punishing the students and get himself fired first. そうすればこんな面倒(めんどう)な会議なんぞを開く必要もなくなる訳だ。 Then there will be no need of holding such thing as a meeting. 第一常識から云(い)っても分ってる。 In the first place, just consider it by common sense. おれが大人しく宿直をする。 I was doing my night duty right, 生徒が乱暴をする。 and the students started trouble. わるいのは校長でもなけりゃ、おれでもない、生徒だけに極(きま)ってる。 The wrong doer is neither the principal nor I. もし山嵐が煽動(せんどう)したとすれば、生徒と山嵐を退治(たいじ)ればそれでたくさんだ。 If Porcupine incited them, then it would be enough to get rid of the students and Porcupine. 人の尻(しり)を自分で背負(しょ)い込(こ)んで、おれの尻だ、おれの尻だと吹き散らかす奴が、どこの国にあるもんか、 Where in thunder would be a peach of damfool who always swipes other people's faults and says "these are mine?" 狸でなくっちゃ出来る芸当じゃない。 It was a stunt made possible only by Badger. 彼(かれ)はこんな条理(じょうり)に適(かな)わない議論を吐(は)いて、得意気に一同を見廻した。 Having made such an illogical statement, he glanced at the teachers in a highly pleased manner. ところが誰も口を開くものがない。 But no one opened his mouth. 博物の教師は第一教場の屋根に烏(からす)がとまってるのを眺(なが)めている。 The teacher of natural history was gazing at the crow which had hopped on the roof of the nearby building. 漢学の先生は蒟蒻版(こんにゃくばん)を畳(たた)んだり、延ばしたりしてる。 The teacher of Confucius was folding and unfolding the hectograph sheet. 山嵐はまだおれの顔をにらめている。 Porcupine was still staring at me. 会議と云うものが、こんな馬鹿気(ばかげ)たものなら、欠席して昼寝でもしている方がましだ。 If a meeting was so nonsensical an affair as this, I would have been better absent taking a nap at home. おれは、じれったくなったから、一番大いに弁じてやろうと思って、半分尻をあげかけたら、赤シャツが何か云い出したから、やめにした。 I became irritated, and half raised myself, intending to make a convincing speech, but just then Red Shirt began saying something and I stopped. 見るとパイプをしまって、縞(しま)のある絹ハンケチで顔をふきながら、何か云っている。 I saw him say something, having put away his pipe, and wiping his face with a striped silk handkerchief. あの手巾(はんけち)はきっとマドンナから巻き上げたに相違(そうい)ない。 I'm sure he copped that handkerchief from the Madonna; 男は白い麻(あさ)を使うもんだ。 men should use white linen. He said: 「私も寄宿生の乱暴を聞いてはなはだ教頭として不行届(ふゆきとどき)であり、かつ平常の徳化が少年に及ばなかったのを深く慚(は)ずるのであります。 "When I heard of the rough affairs in the dormitory, I was greatly ashamed as the head teacher of my lack of discipline and influence. でこう云う事は、何か陥欠(かんけつ)があると起るもので、 When such an affair takes place there is underlying cause somewhere. 事件その物を見ると何だか生徒だけがわるいようであるが、その真相を極めると責任はかえって学校にあるかも知れない。 Looking at the affair itself, it may seem that the students were wrong, but in a closer study of the facts, we may find the responsibility resting with the School. だから表面上にあらわれたところだけで厳重な制裁を加えるのは、かえって未来のためによくないかとも思われます。 Therefore, I'm afraid it might affect us badly in the future if we administer too severe a punishment on the strength of what has been shown on the surface. かつ少年血気のものであるから活気があふれて、善悪の考えはなく、半ば無意識にこんな悪戯(いたずら)をやる事はないとも限らん。 As they are youngsters, full of life and vigor, they might half-consciously commit some youthful pranks, without due regard as to their good or bad. でもとより処分法は校長のお考えにある事だから、私の容喙(ようかい)する限りではないが、どうかその辺をご斟酌(しんしゃく)になって、なるべく寛大なお取計(とりはからい)を願いたいと思います」 As to the mode of punishment itself, I have no right to suggest since it is a matter entirely in the hand of the principal, but I should ask, considering these points, that some leniency be shown toward the students." なるほど狸が狸なら、赤シャツも赤シャツだ。 Well, as Badger, so was Red Shirt. 生徒があばれるのは、生徒がわるいんじゃない教師が悪るいんだと公言している。 He declares the "Rough Necks" among the students is not their fault but the fault of the teachers. 気狂(きちがい)が人の頭を撲(なぐ)り付けるのは、なぐられた人がわるいから、気狂がなぐるんだそうだ。 A crazy person beats other people because the beaten are wrong. 難有(ありがた)い仕合せだ。 Very grateful, indeed. 活気にみちて困るなら運動場へ出て相撲(すもう)でも取るがいい、 If the students were so full of life and vigor, shovel them out into the campus and let them wrestle their heads off. 半ば無意識に床の中へバッタを入れられてたまるものか。 Who would have grasshoppers put into his bed unconsciously! この様子じゃ寝頸(ねくび)をかかれても、半ば無意識だって放免するつもりだろう。 If things go on like this, they may stab some one asleep, and get freed as having done the deed unconsciously. おれはこう考えて何か云おうかなと考えてみたが、云うなら人を驚ろすかように滔々(とうとう)と述べたてなくっちゃつまらない、 Having figured it out in this wise, I thought I would state my own views on the matter, but I wanted to give them an eloquent speech and fairly take away their breath. おれの癖として、腹が立ったときに口をきくと、二言か三言で必ず行き塞(つま)ってしまう。 I have an affection of the windpipe which clog after two or three words when I am excited. 狸でも赤シャツでも人物から云うと、おれよりも下等だが、弁舌はなかなか達者だから、まずい事を喋舌(しゃべ)って揚足(あげあし)を取られちゃ面白くない。 Badger and Red Shirt are below my standing in their personality, but they were skilled in speech-making, and it would not do to have them see my awkwardness. ちょっと腹案を作ってみようと、胸のなかで文章を作ってる。 I'll make a rough note of composition first, I thought, and started mentally making a sentence, すると前に居た野だが突然起立したには驚ろいた。 when, to my surprise, Clown stood up suddenly. 野だの癖に意見を述べるなんて生意気だ。 It was unusual for Clown to state his opinion. 野だは例のへらへら調で 「実に今回のバッタ事件及び咄喊(とっかん)事件は吾々(われわれ)心ある職員をして、ひそかに吾(わが)校将来の前途(ぜんと)に危惧(きぐ)の念を抱(いだ)かしむるに足る珍事(ちんじ)でありまして、吾々職員たるものはこの際奮(ふる)って自ら省りみて、全校の風紀を振粛(しんしゅく)しなければなりません。 それでただ今校長及び教頭のお述べになったお説は、実に肯綮(こうけい)に中(あた)った剴切(がいせつ)なお考えで私は徹頭徹尾(てっとうてつび)賛成致します。 どうかなるべく寛大(かんだい)のご処分を仰(あお)ぎたいと思います」 と云った。 He spoke in his flippant tone: "Really the grasshopper incident and the whoop-la affair are peculiar happenings which are enough to make us doubt our own future. We teachers at this time must strive to clear the atmosphere of the school. And what the principal and the head teacher have said just now are fit and proper. I entirely agree with their opinions. I wish the punishment be moderate." 野だの云う事は言語はあるが意味がない、 In what Clown had said there were words but no meaning. 漢語をのべつに陳列(ちんれつ)するぎりで訳が分らない。 It was a juxtaposition of high-flown words making no sense. 分ったのは徹頭徹尾賛成致しますと云う言葉だけだ。 All that I understood was the words, "I entirely agree with their opinions." おれは野だの云う意味は分らないけれども、何だか非常に腹が立ったから、腹案も出来ないうちに起(た)ち上がってしまった。 Clown's meaning was not clear to me, but as I was thoroughly angered, I rose without completing my rough note. 「私は徹頭徹尾反対です……」 "I am entirely opposed to......." と云ったがあとが急に出て来ない。 I said, but the rest did not come at once. 「……そんな頓珍漢(とんちんかん)な、処分は大嫌(だいきら)いです」 ".......I don't like such a topsy-turvy settlement," とつけたら、職員が一同笑い出した。 I added and the fellows began laughing. 「一体生徒が全然悪(わ)るいです。 "The students are absolutely wrong from the beginning. どうしても詫(あや)まらせなくっちゃ、癖になります。 It would set a bad precedent if we don't make them apologize 退校さしても構いません。 ....... What do we care if we kick them all out ……何だ失敬な、新しく来た教師だと思って……」 ....... darn the kids trying to guy a new comer......." と云って着席した。 and I sat down. すると右隣りに居る博物が 「生徒がわるい事も、わるいが、あまり厳重な罰などをするとかえって反動を起していけないでしょう。 やっぱり教頭のおっしゃる通り、寛な方に賛成します」 と弱い事を云った。 Then the teacher of natural history who sat on my right whined a weak opinion, saying "The students may be wrong, but if we punish them too severely, they may start a reaction and would make it rather bad. I am for the moderate side, as the head teacher suggested." 左隣の漢学は穏便説(おんびんせつ)に賛成と云った。 The teacher of Confucius on my left expressed his agreement with the moderate side, 歴史も教頭と同説だと云った。 and so did the teacher of history endorse the views of the head teacher. 忌々(いまいま)しい、 Dash those weak-knees! 大抵のものは赤シャツ党だ。 Most of them belonged to the coterie of Red Shirt. こんな連中が寄り合って学校を立てていりゃ世話はない。 It would make a dandy school if such fellows run it. おれは生徒をあやまらせるか、辞職するか二つのうち一つに極めてるんだから、もし赤シャツが勝ちを制したら、早速うちへ帰って荷作りをする覚悟(かくご)でいた。 I had decided in my mind that it must be either the students apologize to me or I resign, and if the opinion of Red Shirt prevailed, I had determined to return home and pack up. どうせ、こんな手合(てあい)を弁口(べんこう)で屈伏(くっぷく)させる手際はなし、させたところでいつまでご交際を願うのは、こっちでご免だ。 I had no ability of out-talking such fellows, or even if I had, I was in no humor to keeping their company for long. 学校に居ないとすればどうなったって構うもんか。 Since I don't expect to remain in the school, the devil may take care of the rest. また何か云うと笑うに違いない。 If I said anything, they would only laugh; だれが云うもんかと澄(すま)していた。 so I shut my mouth tight. すると今までだまって聞いていた山嵐が奮然として、起ち上がった。 Porcupine, who up to this time had been listening to the others, stood up with some show of spirit. 野郎また赤シャツ賛成の意を表するな、 Ha, the fellow was going to endorse the views of Red Shirt, eh? どうせ、貴様とは喧嘩だ、勝手にしろと見ていると You and I got to fight it out anyway, I thought, so do any way you darn please. 山嵐は硝子(ガラス)窓を振(ふる)わせるような声で Porcupine spoke in a thunderous voice: 「私(わたくし)は教頭及びその他諸君のお説には全然不同意であります。 "I entirely differ from the opinions of the head teacher and other gentlemen. というものはこの事件はどの点から見ても、五十名の寄宿生が新来の教師某氏(ぼうし)を軽侮(けいぶ)してこれを翻弄(ほんろう)しようとした所為(しょい)とより外(ほか)には認められんのであります。 Because, viewed from whatever angle, this incident cannot be other than an attempt by those fifty students in the dormitory to make a fool of a new teacher. 教頭はその源因を教師の人物いかんにお求めになるようでありますが失礼ながらそれは失言かと思います。 The head teacher seems to trace the cause of the trouble to the personality of that teacher himself, but, begging his pardon, I think he is mistaken. 某氏が宿直にあたられたのは着後早々の事で、まだ生徒に接せられてから二十日に満たぬ頃(ころ)であります。 The night that new teacher was on night duty was not long after his arrival, not more than twenty days after he had come into contact with the students. この短かい二十日間において生徒は君の学問人物を評価し得る余地がないのであります。 During those short twenty days, the students could have no reason to criticise his knowledges or his person. 軽侮されべき至当な理由があって、軽侮を受けたのなら生徒の行為に斟酌(しんしゃく)を加える理由もありましょうが、何らの源因もないのに新来の先生を愚弄(ぐろう)するような軽薄な生徒を寛仮(かんか)しては学校の威信(いしん)に関わる事と思います。 If he was insulted for some cause which deserved insult, there may be reasons in our considering the act of the students, but if we show undue leniency toward the frivolous students who would insult a new teacher without cause, it would affect the dignity of this school. 教育の精神は単に学問を授けるばかりではない、高尚(こうしょう)な、正直な、武士的な元気を鼓吹(こすい)すると同時に、野卑(やひ)な、軽躁(けいそう)な、暴慢(ぼうまん)な悪風を掃蕩(そうとう)するにあると思います。 The spirit of education is not only in imparting technical knowledges, but also in encouraging honest, ennobling and samurai-like virtues, while eliminating the evil tendency to vulgarity and roughness. もし反動が恐(おそろ)しいの、騒動が大きくなるのと姑息(こそく)な事を云った日にはこの弊風(へいふう)はいつ矯正(きょうせい)出来るか知れません。 If we are afraid of reaction or further trouble, and satisfy ourselves with make-shifts, there is no telling when we can ever get rid of this evil atmosphere[G]. かかる弊風を杜絶(とぜつ)するためにこそ吾々はこの学校に職を奉じているので、 We are here to eradicate this very evil. これを見逃(みの)がすくらいなら始めから教師にならん方がいいと思います。 If we mean to countenance it, we had better not accepted our positions here. 私は以上の理由で寄宿生一同を厳罰(げんばつ)に処する上に、当該(とうがい)教師の面前において公けに謝罪の意を表せしむるのを至当の所置と心得ます」 For these reasons, I believe it proper to punish the students in the dormitory to the fullest extent and also make them apologize to that teacher in the open." と云いながら、どんと腰(こし)を卸(おろ)した。 一同はだまって何にも言わない。 All were quiet. 赤シャツはまたパイプを拭(ふ)き始めた。 Red Shirt again began polishing his pipe. おれは何だか非常に嬉(うれ)しかった。 I was greatly elated. おれの云おうと思うところをおれの代りに山嵐がすっかり言ってくれたようなものだ。 He spoke almost what I had wanted to. おれはこう云う単純な人間だから、今までの喧嘩はまるで忘れて、大いに難有(ありがた)いと云う顔をもって、腰を卸した山嵐の方を見たら、山嵐は一向知らん面(かお)をしている。 I'm such a simple-hearted fellow that I forgot all about the bickerings with Porcupine, and looked at him with a grateful face, but he appeared to take no notice of me. しばらくして山嵐はまた起立した。 After a while, Porcupine again stood up, and said. 「ただ今ちょっと失念して言い落(おと)しましたから、申します。 "I forgot to mention just now, so I wish to add. 当夜の宿直員は宿直中外出して温泉に行かれたようであるが、あれはもっての外の事と考えます。 The teacher on night duty that night seems to have gone to the hot springs during his duty hours, and I think it a blunder. いやしくも自分が一校の留守番を引き受けながら、咎(とが)める者のないのを幸(さいわい)に、場所もあろうに温泉などへ入湯にいくなどと云うのは大きな失体である。 It is a matter of serious misconduct to take the advantage of being in sole charge of the school, to slip out to a hot springs. 生徒は生徒として、 The bad behavior of the students is one thing; この点については校長からとくに責任者にご注意あらん事を希望します」 this blunder is another, and I wish the principal to call attention of the responsible person to that matter." 妙な奴だ、 A strange fellow! ほめたと思ったら、あとからすぐ人の失策をあばいている。 No sooner had he backed me up than he began talking me down. おれは何の気もなく、前の宿直が出あるいた事を知って、そんな習慣だと思って、つい温泉まで行ってしまったんだが、 I knew the other night watch went out during his duty hours, and thought it was a custom, so I went as far out as to the hot springs without considering the situation seriously. なるほどそう云われてみると、これはおれが悪るかった。 But when it was pointed out like this, I realised that I had been wrong. 攻撃(こうげき)されても仕方がない。 そこでおれはまた起って Thereupon I rose again and said; 「私は正に宿直中に温泉に行きました。 "I really went to the hot springs. これは全くわるい。 It was wrong あやまります」 and I apologize." と云って着席したら、一同がまた笑い出した。 Then all again laughed. おれが何か云いさえすれば笑う。 Whatever I say, they laugh. つまらん奴等(やつら)だ。 What a lot of boobs! 貴様等これほど自分のわるい事を公けにわるかったと断言出来るか、 See if you fellows can make a clean breast of your own fault like this! 出来ないから笑うんだろう。 You fellows laugh because you can't talk straight. それから校長は、もう大抵ご意見もないようでありますから、よく考えた上で処分しましょうと云った。 After that the principal said that since it appeared that there will be no more opinions, he will consider the matter well and administer what he may deem a proper punishment. ついでだからその結果を云うと、 I may here add the result of the meeting. 寄宿生は一週間の禁足になった上に、おれの前へ出て謝罪をした。 The students in the dormitory were given one week's confinement, and in addition to that, apologized to me. 謝罪をしなければその時辞職して帰るところだったがなまじい、おれのいう通りになったのでとうとう大変な事になってしまった。 If they had not apologized, I intended to resign and go straight home, but as it was it finally resulted in a bigger and still worse affair, of which more later. それはあとから話すが、校長はこの時会議の引き続きだと号してこんな事を云った。 The principal then at the meeting said something to the effect 生徒の風儀(ふうぎ)は、教師の感化で正していかなくてはならん、その一着手として、教師はなるべく飲食店などに出入(しゅつにゅう)しない事にしたい。 that the manners of the students should be directed rightly by the teachers' influence, and as the first step, no teacher should patronize, if possible, the shops where edibles and drinks were served, もっとも送別会などの節は特別であるが、 excepting, however, in case of farewell party or such social gatherings. 単独にあまり上等でない場所へ行くのはよしたい He said he would like no teacher to go singly to eating houses of lower kind ――たとえば蕎麦屋(そばや)だの、団子屋(だんごや)だの --for instance, noodle-house or dango shop.... ――と云いかけたらまた一同が笑った。 And again all laughed. 野だが山嵐を見て天麩羅(てんぷら)と云って目くばせをしたが山嵐は取り合わなかった。 Clown looked at Porcupine, said "tempura" and winked his eyes, but Porcupine regarded him in silence. いい気味(きび)だ。 Good! おれは脳がわるいから、狸の云うことなんか、よく分らないが、蕎麦屋や団子屋へ行って、中学の教師が勤まらなくっちゃ、おれみたような食い心棒(しんぼう)にゃ到底(とうてい)出来っ子ないと思った。 My "think box" is not of superior quality, so things said by Badger were not clear to me, but I thought if a fellow can't hold the job of teacher in a middle school because he patronizes a noodle-house or dango shop, the fellow with bear-like appetite like me will never be able to hold it. それなら、それでいいから、初手から蕎麦と団子の嫌いなものと注文して雇(やと)うがいい。 If it was the case, they ought to have specified when calling for a teacher one who does not eat noodle and dango. だんまりで辞令を下げておいて、蕎麦を食うな、団子を食うなと罪なお布令(ふれ)を出すのは、おれのような外に道楽のないものにとっては大変な打撃だ。 To give an appointment without reference to the matter at first, and then to proclaim that noodle or dango should not be eaten was a blow to a fellow like me who has no other petty hobby. すると赤シャツがまた口を出した。 Then Red Shirt again opened his mouth. 「元来中学の教師なぞは社会の上流にくらいするものだからして、単に物質的の快楽ばかり求めるべきものでない。 "Teachers of the middle school belong to the upper class of society and they should not be looking after material pleasures only, その方に耽(ふけ)るとつい品性にわるい影響(えいきょう)を及ぼすようになる。 for it would eventually have effect upon their personal character. しかし人間だから、何か娯楽(ごらく)がないと、田舎(いなか)へ来て狭(せま)い土地では到底暮(くら)せるものではない。 But we are human, and it would be intolerable in a small town like this to live without any means of affording some pleasure to ourselves, それで釣(つり)に行くとか、文学書を読むとか、または新体詩や俳句を作るとか、 such as fishing, reading literary products, composing new style poems, or haiku (17-syllable poem). 何でも高尚(こうしょう)な精神的娯楽を求めなくってはいけない……」  We should seek mental consolation of higher order." だまって聞いてると勝手な熱を吹く。 There seemed no prospect that he would quit the hot air. 沖(おき)へ行って肥料(こやし)を釣ったり、ゴルキが露西亜(ロシア)の文学者だったり、馴染(なじみ)の芸者が松(まつ)の木の下に立ったり、古池へ蛙(かわず)が飛び込んだりするのが精神的娯楽なら、天麩羅を食って団子を呑(の)み込むのも精神的娯楽だ。 If it was a mental consolation to fish fertilisers on the sea, have goruki for Russian literature, or to pose a favorite geisha beneath pine tree, it would be quite as much a mental consolation to eat dempura noodle and swallow dango. そんな下さらない娯楽を授けるより赤シャツの洗濯(せんたく)でもするがいい。 Instead of dwelling on such sham consolations, he would find his time better spent by washing his red shirts. あんまり腹が立ったから I became so exasperated 「マドンナに逢(あ)うのも精神的娯楽ですか」 と聞いてやった。 that I asked; "Is it also a mental consolation to meet the Madonna?" すると今度は誰も笑わない。 No one laughed this time 妙な顔をして互(たがい)に眼と眼を見合せている。 and looked at each other with queer faces, 赤シャツ自身は苦しそうに下を向いた。 and Red Shirt himself hung his head, apparently embarrassed. それ見ろ。 Look at that! 利いたろう。 A good shot, eh? ただ気の毒だったのはうらなり君で、おれが、こう云ったら蒼い顔をますます蒼くした。 Only I was sorry for Hubbard Squash who, having heard the remark, became still paler. 七 CHAPTER VII. おれは即夜(そくや)下宿を引き払(はら)った。 That very night I left the boarding house. 宿へ帰って荷物をまとめていると、女房(にょうぼう)が何か不都合(ふつごう)でもございましたか、 While I was packing up, the boss came to me and asked if there was anything wrong in the way I was treated. お腹の立つ事があるなら、云(い)っておくれたら改めますと云う。 He said he would be pleased to correct it and suit me if I was sore at anything. どうも驚(おど)ろく。 This beats me, sure. 世の中にはどうして、こんな要領を得ない者ばかり揃(そろ)ってるんだろう。 How is it possible for so many boneheads to be in this world! 出てもらいたいんだか、居てもらいたいんだか分(わか)りゃしない。 I could not tell whether they wanted me to stay or get out. まるで気狂(きちがい)だ。 They're crazy. こんな者を相手に喧嘩(けんか)をしたって江戸(えど)っ子の名折れだから、 It would be disgrace for a Yedo kid to fuss about with such a fellow; 車屋をつれて来てさっさと出てきた。 so I hired a rikishaman and speedily left the house. 出た事は出たが、どこへ行くというあてもない。 I got out of the house all right, but had no place to go. 車屋が、どちらへ参りますと云うから、 The rikishaman asked me where I was going. だまって尾(つ)いて来い、今にわかる、と云って、すたすたやって来た。 I told him to follow me with his mouth shut, then he shall see and I kept on walking. 面倒(めんどう)だから山城屋へ行こうかとも考えたが、また出なければならないから、つまり手数だ。 I thought of going to Yamashiro-ya to avoid the trouble of hunting up a new boarding house, but as I had no prospect of being able to stay there long, I would have to renew the hunt sooner or later, so I gave up the idea. こうして歩いてるうちには下宿とか、何とか看板のあるうちを目付け出すだろう。 If I continued walking this way, I thought I might strike a house with the sign of "boarders taken" or something similar, そうしたら、そこが天意に叶(かな)ったわが宿と云う事にしよう。 and I would consider the first house with the sign the one provided for me by Heaven. とぐるぐる、閑静(かんせい)で住みよさそうな所をあるいているうち、とうとう鍛冶屋町(かじやちょう)へ出てしまった。 I kept on going round and round through the quiet, decent part of the town when I found myself at Kajimachi. ここは士族屋敷(やしき)で下宿屋などのある町ではないから、もっと賑(にぎ)やかな方へ引き返そうかとも思ったが、ふといい事を考え付いた。 This used to be former samurai quarters where one had the least chance of finding any boarding house, and I was going to retreat to a more lively part of the town when a good idea occurred to me. おれが敬愛するうらなり君はこの町内に住んでいる。 Hubbard Squash whom I respected lived in this part of the town. うらなり君は土地の人で先祖代々の屋敷を控(ひか)えているくらいだから、 He is a native of the town, and has lived in the house inherited from his great grandfather. この辺の事情には通じているに相違(そうい)ない。 He must be, I thought, well informed about nearly everything in this town. あの人を尋(たず)ねて聞いたら、よさそうな下宿を教えてくれるかも知れない。 If I call on him for his help, he will perhaps find me a good boarding house. 幸(さいわい)一度挨拶(あいさつ)に来て勝手は知ってるから、捜(さ)がしてあるく面倒はない。 Fortunately, I called at his house once before, and there was no trouble in finding it out. ここだろうと、いい加減に見当をつけて、ご免(めん)ご免と二返ばかり云うと、奥(おく)から五十ぐらいな年寄(としより)が古風な紙燭(しそく)をつけて、出て来た。 I knocked at the door of a house, which I knew must be his, and a woman about fifty years old with an old fashioned paper-lantern in hand, appeared at the door. おれは若い女も嫌(きら)いではないが、年寄を見ると何だかなつかしい心持ちがする。 I do not despise young women, but when I see an aged woman, I feel much more solicitous. 大方清(きよ)がすきだから、 This is probably because I am so fond of Kiyo. その魂(たましい)が方々のお婆(ばあ)さんに乗り移るんだろう。 これは大方うらなり君のおっ母(か)さんだろう。 切り下げの品格のある婦人だが、よくうらなり君に似ている。 This aged lady, who looked well-refined, was certainly mother of Hubbard Squash whom she resembled. まあお上がりと云うところを、ちょっとお目にかかりたいからと、主人を玄関(げんかん)まで呼び出して She invited me inside, but I asked her to call him out for me. 実はこれこれだが君どこか心当りはありませんかと尋ねてみた。 When he came I told him all the circumstances, and asked him if he knew any who would take me for a boarder. うらなり先生それはさぞお困りでございましょう、としばらく考えていたが、この裏町に萩野(はぎの)と云って老人夫婦ぎりで暮(く)らしているものがある、いつぞや座敷(ざしき)を明けておいても無駄(むだ)だから、たしかな人があるなら貸してもいいから周旋(しゅうせん)してくれと頼(たの)んだ事がある。 Hubbard Squash thought for a moment in a sympathetic mood, then said there was an old couple called Hagino, living in the rear of the street, who had asked him sometime ago to get some boarders for them as there are only two in the house and they had some vacant rooms. 今でも貸すかどうか分らんが、まあいっしょに行って聞いてみましょうと、親切に連れて行ってくれた。 Hubbard Squash was kind enough to go along with me and find out if the rooms were vacant. その夜から萩野の家の下宿人となった。 They were. From that night I boarded at the house of the Haginos. 驚(おどろ)いたのは、おれがいか銀の座敷を引き払うと、翌日(あくるひ)から入れ違(ちが)いに野だが平気な顔をして、おれの居た部屋を占領(せんりょう)した事だ。 What surprised me was that on the day after I left the house of Ikagin, Clown stepped in and took the room I had been occupying. さすがのおれもこれにはあきれた。 世の中はいかさま師ばかりで、お互(たがい)に乗せっこをしているのかも知れない。 Well used to all sorts of tricks and crooks as I might have been, this audacity fairly knocked me off my feet. いやになった。 It was sickening. 世間がこんなものなら、おれも負けない気で、世間並(せけんなみ)にしなくちゃ、遣(や)りきれない訳になる。 I saw that I would be an easy mark for such people unless I brace up and try to come up, or down, to their level. 巾着切(きんちゃくきり)の上前をはねなければ三度のご膳(ぜん)が戴(いただ)けないと、事が極(き)まればこうして、生きてるのも考え物だ。 It would be a high time indeed for me to be alive if it were settled that I would not get three meals a day without living on the spoils of pick pockets. と云ってぴんぴんした達者なからだで、首を縊(くく)っちゃ先祖へ済まない上に、外聞が悪い。 Nevertheless, to hang myself,--healthy and vigorous as I am,--would be not only inexcusable before my ancestors but a disgrace before the public. 考えると物理学校などへはいって、数学なんて役にも立たない芸を覚えるよりも、六百円を資本(もとで)にして牛乳屋でも始めればよかった。 Now I think it over, it would have been better for me to have started something like a milk delivery route with that six hundred yen as capital, instead of learning such a useless stunt as mathematics at the School of Physics. そうすれば清もおれの傍(そば)を離(はな)れずに済むし、おれも遠くから婆さんの事を心配しずに暮(くら)される。 If I had done so, Kiyo could have stayed with me, and I could have lived without worrying about her so far a distance away. いっしょに居るうちは、そうでもなかったが、こうして田舎(いなか)へ来てみると清はやっぱり善人だ。 While I was with her I did not notice it, but separated thus I appreciated Kiyo as a good-natured old woman. あんな気立(きだて)のいい女は日本中さがして歩いたってめったにはない。 One could not find a noble natured woman like Kiyo everywhere. 婆さん、おれの立つときに、少々風邪(かぜ)を引いていたが今頃(いまごろ)はどうしてるか知らん。 She was suffering from a slight cold when I left Tokyo and I wondered how she was getting on now? 先だっての手紙を見たらさぞ喜んだろう。 Kiyo must have been pleased when she received the letter from me the other day. それにしても、もう返事がきそうなものだが By the way, I thought it was the time I was in receipt of answer from her. ――おれはこんな事ばかり考えて二三日暮していた。 I spent two or three days with things like this in my mind. 気になるから、宿のお婆さんに、東京から手紙は来ませんかと時々尋(たず)ねてみるが、聞くたんびに何にも参りませんと気の毒そうな顔をする。 I was anxious about the answer, and asked the old lady of the house if any letter came from Tokyo for me, and each time she would appear sympathetic and say no. ここの夫婦はいか銀とは違って、もとが士族だけに双方(そうほう)共上品だ。 The couple here, being formerly of samurai class, unlike the Ikagin couple, were both refined. 爺(じい)さんが夜(よ)るになると、変な声を出して謡(うたい)をうたうには閉口するが、いか銀のようにお茶を入れましょうと無暗(むやみ)に出て来ないから大きに楽だ。 The old man's recital of "utai" in a queer voice at night was somewhat telling on my nerves, but it was much easier on me as he did not frequent my room like Ikagin with the remark of "let me serve you tea." お婆さんは時々部屋へ来ていろいろな話をする。 The old lady once in a while would come to my room and chat on many things. どうして奥さんをお連れなさって、いっしょにお出(い)でなんだのぞなもしなどと質問をする。 She questioned me why I had not brought my wife with me. 奥さんがあるように見えますかね。 I asked her if I looked like one married, 可哀想(かわいそう)にこれでもまだ二十四ですぜと云ったら reminding her that I was only twenty four yet. それでも、あなた二十四で奥さんがおありなさるのは当り前ぞなもしと冒頭(ぼうとう)を置いて、どこの誰(だれ)さんは二十でお嫁(よめ)をお貰(もら)いたの、どこの何とかさんは二十二で子供を二人(ふたり)お持ちたのと、何でも例を半ダースばかり挙げて反駁(はんばく)を試みたには恐(おそ)れ入った。 Saying "it is proper for one to get married at twenty four" as a beginning, she recited that Mr. Blank married when he was twenty, that Mr. So-and-So has already two children at twenty two, and marshalled altogether about half a dozen examples,--quite a damper on my youthful theory. それじゃ僕(ぼく)も二十四でお嫁をお貰いるけれ、世話をしておくれんかなと田舎言葉を真似(まね)て頼んでみたら、お婆さん正直に本当かなもしと聞いた。 I will then get marred at twenty four, I said, and requested her to find me a good wife, and she asked me if I really meant it. 「本当の本当(ほんま)のって "Really? You bet! 僕あ、嫁が貰いたくって仕方がないんだ」 I can't help wanting to get married." 「そうじゃろうがな、もし。 "I should suppose so. 若いうちは誰もそんなものじゃけれ」 Everybody is just like that when young." この挨拶(あいさつ)には痛み入って This remark was a knocker; 返事が出来なかった。 I could not say anything to that. 「しかし先生はもう、お嫁がおありなさるに極(きま)っとらい。 "But I'm sure you have a Madam already. 私はちゃんと、もう、睨(ね)らんどるぞなもし」 I have seen to that with my own eyes." 「へえ、活眼(かつがん)だね。 "Well, they are sharp eyes. どうして、睨らんどるんですか」 How have you seen it?" 「どうしててて。 "How? 東京から便りはないか、便りはないかてて、毎日便りを待ち焦(こ)がれておいでるじゃないかなもし」 Aren't you often worried to death, asking if there's no letter from Tokyo?" 「こいつあ驚(おどろ)いた。 "By Jupiter! 大変な活眼だ」 This beats me!" 「中(あた)りましたろうがな、もし」 "Hit the mark, haven't I?" 「そうですね。 "Well, 中ったかも知れませんよ」 you probably have." 「しかし今時の女子(おなご)は、昔(むかし)と違(ちご)うて油断が出来んけれ、 "But the girls of these days are different from what they used to be and you need a sharp look-out on them. お気をお付けたがええぞなもし」 So you'd better be careful." 「何ですかい、僕の奥さんが東京で間男でもこしらえていますかい」 "Do you mean that my Madam in Tokyo is behaving badly?" 「いいえ、あなたの奥さんはたしかじゃけれど……」 "No, your Madam is all right." 「それで、やっと安心した。 "That makes me feel safe. それじゃ何を気を付けるんですい」 Then about what shall I be careful?" 「あなたのはたしか "Yours is all right. ――あなたのはたしかじゃが――」 Though yours is all right......." 「どこに不たしかなのが居ますかね」 "Where is one not all right?" 「ここ等(ら)にも大分居(お)ります。 "Rather many right in this town. 先生、あの遠山のお嬢(じょう)さんをご存知かなもし」 You know the daughter of the Toyamas? 「いいえ、知りませんね」 "No, I do not." 「まだご存知ないかなもし。 "You don't know her yet? ここらであなた一番の別嬪(べっぴん)さんじゃがなもし。 She is the most beautiful girl about here. あまり別嬪さんじゃけれ、学校の先生方はみんなマドンナマドンナと言うといでるぞなもし。 She is so beautiful that the teachers in the school call her Madonna. まだお聞きんのかなもし」 You haven't heard that? 「うん、マドンナですか。 "Ah, the Madonna! 僕あ芸者の名かと思った」 I thought it was the name of a geisha." 「いいえ、あなた。 "No, Sir. マドンナと云うと唐人(とうじん)の言葉で、別嬪さんの事じゃろうがなもし」 Madonna is a foreign word and means a beautiful girl, doesn't it?" 「そうかも知れないね。 "That may be. 驚いた」 I'm surprised." 「大方画学の先生がお付けた名ぞなもし」 "Probably the name was given by the teacher of drawing." 「野だがつけたんですかい」 "Was it the work of Clown?" 「いいえ、あの吉川(よしかわ)先生がお付けたのじゃがなもし」 "No, it was given by Professor Yoshikawa." 「そのマドンナが不たしかなんですかい」 "Is that Madonna not all right?" 「そのマドンナさんが不たしかなマドンナさんでな、もし」 "That Madonna-san is a Madonna not all right." 「厄介(やっかい)だね。 "What a bore! 渾名(あだな)の付いてる女にゃ昔から碌(ろく)なものは居ませんからね。 We haven't any decent woman among those with nicknames from old days. そうかも知れませんよ」 I should suppose the Madonna is not all right." 「ほん当にそうじゃなもし。 "Exactly. 鬼神(きじん)のお松(まつ)じゃの、妲妃(だっき)のお百じゃのてて怖(こわ)い女が居(お)りましたなもし」 We have had awful women such as O-Matsu the Devil or Ohyaku the Dakki. 「マドンナもその同類なんですかね」 "Does the Madonna belong to that ring?" 「そのマドンナさんがなもし、あなた。 "That Madonna-san, you know, そらあの、あなたをここへ世話をしておくれた古賀先生なもし ――あの方の所へお嫁(よめ)に行く約束(やくそく)が出来ていたのじゃがなもし――」 was engaged to Professor Koga,--who brought you here,--yes, was promised to him." 「へえ、不思議なもんですね。 "Ha, how strange! あのうらなり君が、そんな艶福(えんぷく)のある男とは思わなかった。 I never knew our friend Hubbard Squash was a fellow of such gallantry. 人は見懸(みか)けによらない者だな。 We can't judge a man by his appearance. ちっと気を付けよう」 I'll be a bit more careful." 「ところが、去年あすこのお父さんが、お亡くなりて、 "The father of Professor Koga died last year, ――それまではお金もあるし、銀行の株も持ってお出(いで)るし、万事都合(つごう)がよかったのじゃが --up to that time they had money and shares in a bank and were well off, ――それからというものは、どういうものか急に暮し向きが思わしくなくなって --but since then things have grown worse, I don't know why. ――つまり古賀さんがあまりお人が好過(よす)ぎるけれ、お欺(だま)されたんぞなもし。 Professor Koga was too good-natured, in short, and was cheated, I presume. それや、これやでお輿入(こしいれ)も延びているところへ、あの教頭さんがお出(い)でて、是非お嫁にほしいとお云いるのじゃがなもし」 The wedding was delayed by one thing or another and there appeared the head teacher who fell in love with the Madonna head over heels and wanted to many her." 「あの赤シャツがですか。 "Red Shirt? ひどい奴(やつ)だ。 He ought be hanged. どうもあのシャツはただのシャツじゃないと思ってた。 I thought that shirt was not an ordinary kind of shirt. それから?」 Well?" 「人を頼んで懸合(かけお)うておみると、遠山さんでも古賀さんに義理があるから、すぐには返事は出来かねて "The head-teacher proposed marriage through a go-between, but the Toyamas could not give a definite answer at once on account of their relations with the Kogas. ――まあよう考えてみようぐらいの挨拶をおしたのじゃがなもし。 They replied that they would consider the matter or something like that. すると赤シャツさんが、手蔓(てづる)を求めて遠山さんの方へ出入(でいり)をおしるようになって、とうとうあなた、お嬢さんを手馴付(てなづ)けておしまいたのじゃがなもし。 Then Red Shirt-san worked up some ways and started visiting the Toyamas and has finally won the heart of the Miss. 赤シャツさんも赤シャツさんじゃが、お嬢さんもお嬢さんじゃてて、 Red Shirt-san is bad, but so is Miss Toyama; みんなが悪(わ)るく云いますのよ。 they all talk bad of them. いったん古賀さんへ嫁に行くてて承知をしときながら、今さら学士さんがお出(いで)たけれ、その方に替(か)えよてて、それじゃ今日様(こんにちさま)へ済むまいがなもし、あなた」 She had agreed to be married to Professor Koga and changed her mind because a Bachelor of Arts began courting her,--why, that would be an offense to the God of To-day." 「全く済まないね。 "Of course. 今日様どころか明日様にも明後日様にも、 Not only of To-day but also of tomorrow and the day after; いつまで行ったって済みっこありませんね」 in fact, of time without end." 「それで古賀さんにお気の毒じゃてて、お友達の堀田(ほった)さんが教頭の所へ意見をしにお行きたら、 "So Hotta-san a friend of Koga-san, felt sorry for him and went to the head teacher to remonstrate with him. 赤シャツさんが、あしは約束のあるものを横取りするつもりはない。 But Red Shirt-san said that he had no intention of taking away anybody who is promised to another. 破約になれば貰うかも知れんが、今のところは遠山家とただ交際をしているばかりじゃ、遠山家と交際をするには別段古賀さんに済まん事もなかろうとお云いるけれ、 He may get married if the engagement is broken, he said, but at present he was only being acquainted with the Toyamas and he saw nothing wrong in his visiting the Toyamas. 堀田さんも仕方がなしにお戻(もど)りたそうな。 Hotta-san couldn't do anything and returned. 赤シャツさんと堀田さんは、それ以来折合(おりあい)がわるいという評判ぞなもし」 Since then they say Red Shirt-san and Hotta-san are on bad terms." 「よくいろいろな事を知ってますね。 "You do know many things, I should say. どうして、そんな詳(くわ)しい事が分るんですか。 How did you get such details? 感心しちまった」 I'm much impressed." 「狭(せま)いけれ何でも分りますぞなもし」 "The town is so small that I can know everything." 分り過ぎて困るくらいだ。 Yes, everything seems to be known more than one cares. この容子(ようす)じゃおれの天麩羅(てんぷら)や団子(だんご)の事も知ってるかも知れない。 Judging by her way, this woman probably knows about my tempura and dango affairs. 厄介(やっかい)な所だ。 Here was a pot that would make peas rattle! しかしお蔭様(かげさま)でマドンナの意味もわかるし、山嵐と赤シャツの関係もわかるし大いに後学になった。 The meaning of the Madonna, the relations between Porcupine and Red Shirt became clear and helped me a deal. ただ困るのはどっちが悪る者だか判然しない。 Only what puzzled me was the uncertainty as to which of the two was wrong. おれのような単純なものには白とか黒とか片づけてもらわないと、どっちへ味方をしていいか分らない。 A fellow simple-hearted like me could not tell which side he should help unless the matter was presented in black and white. 「赤シャツと山嵐たあ、どっちがいい人ですかね」 "Of Red Shirt and Porcupine, which is a better fellow?" 「山嵐て何ぞなもし」 "What is Porcupine, Sir?" 「山嵐というのは堀田の事ですよ」 "Porcupine means Hotta." 「そりゃ強い事は堀田さんの方が強そうじゃけれど、しかし赤シャツさんは学士さんじゃけれ、働きはある方(かた)ぞな、もし。 "Well, Hotta-san is physically strong, as strength goes, but Red Shirt-san is a Bachelor of Arts and has more ability. それから優しい事も赤シャツさんの方が優しいが、生徒の評判は堀田さんの方がええというぞなもし」 And Red Shirt-san is more gentle, as gentleness goes, but Hotta-san is more popular among the students." 「つまりどっちがいいんですかね」 "After all, which is better?" 「つまり月給の多い方が豪(えら)いのじゃろうがなもし」 "After all, the one who gets a bigger salary is greater, I suppose?" これじゃ聞いたって仕方がないから、やめにした。 There was no use of going on further in this way, and I closed the talk. それから二三日して学校から帰るとお婆さんがにこにこして、へえお待遠さま。 やっと参りました。 と一本の手紙を持って来てゆっくりご覧と云って出て行った。 Two or three days after this, when I returned from the school, the old lady with a beaming smile, brought me a letter, saying, "Here you are Sir, at last. Take your time and enjoy it." 取り上げてみると清からの便りだ。 I took it up and found it was from Kiyo. 符箋(ふせん)が二三枚(まい)ついてるから、よく調べると、山城屋から、いか銀の方へ廻(まわ)して、いか銀から、萩野(はぎの)へ廻って来たのである。 On the letter were two or three retransmission slips, and by these I saw the letter was sent from Yamashiro-ya to the Iagins, then to the Haginos. その上山城屋では一週間ばかり逗留(とうりゅう)している。 Besides, it stayed at Yamashiro-ya for about one week; 宿屋だけに手紙まで泊(とめ)るつもりなんだろう。 even letters seemed to stop in a hotel. 開いてみると、非常に長いもんだ。 I opened it, and it was a very long letter. 坊(ぼ)っちゃんの手紙を頂いてから、すぐ返事をかこうと思ったが、 "When I received the letter from my Master Darling, I intended to write an answer at once. あいにく風邪を引いて一週間ばかり寝(ね)ていたものだから、つい遅(おそ)くなって済まない。 But I caught cold and was sick abed for about one week and the answer was delayed for which I beg your pardon. その上今時のお嬢さんのように読み書きが達者でないものだから、こんなまずい字でも、かくのによっぽど骨が折れる。 I am not well-used to writing or reading like girls in these days, and it required some efforts to get done even so poorly written a letter as this. 甥(おい)に代筆を頼もうと思ったが、せっかくあげるのに自分でかかなくっちゃ、坊っちゃんに済まないと思って、 I was going to ask my nephew to write it for me, but thought it inexcusable to my Master Darling when I should take special pains for myself. わざわざ下(し)たがきを一返して、それから清書をした。 So I made a rough copy once, and then a clean copy. 清書をするには二日で済んだが、下た書きをするには四日かかった。 I finished the clean copy, in two days, but the rough copy took me four days. 読みにくいかも知れないが、これでも一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)にかいたのだから、どうぞしまいまで読んでくれ。 It may be difficult for you to read, but as I have written this letter with all my might, please read it to the end." という冒頭(ぼうとう)で四尺ばかり何やらかやら認(したた)めてある。 This was the introductory part of the letter in which, about four feet long, were written a hundred and one things. なるほど読みにくい。 Well, it was difficult to read. 字がまずいばかりではない、大抵(たいてい)平仮名だから、どこで切れて、どこで始まるのだか句読(くとう)をつけるのによっぽど骨が折れる。 Not only was it poorly written but it was a sort of juxtaposition of simple syllables that racked one's brain to make it clear where it stopped or where it began. おれは焦(せ)っ勝(か)ちな性分だから、こんな長くて、分りにくい手紙は、五円やるから読んでくれと頼まれても断わるのだが、この時ばかりは真面目(まじめ)になって、 I am quick-tempered and would refuse to read such a long, unintelligible letter for five yen, but I read this seriously from the first to the last. 始(はじめ)から終(しまい)まで読み通した。 It is a fact that I read it through. 読み通した事は事実だが、読む方に骨が折れて、意味がつながらないから、 My efforts were mostly spent in untangling letters and sentences; また頭から読み直してみた。 so I started reading it over again. 部屋のなかは少し暗くなって、前の時より見にくく、なったから、 The room had become a little dark, and this rendered it harder to read it; とうとう椽鼻(えんばな)へ出て腰(こし)をかけながら鄭寧(ていねい)に拝見した。 so finally I stepped out to the porch where I sat down and went over it carefully. すると初秋(はつあき)の風が芭蕉(ばしょう)の葉を動かして、素肌(すはだ)に吹(ふ)きつけた帰りに、読みかけた手紙を庭の方へなびかしたから、しまいぎわには四尺あまりの半切れがさらりさらりと鳴って、手を放すと、向(むこ)うの生垣まで飛んで行きそうだ。 The early autumn breeze wafted through the leaves of the banana trees, bathed me with cool evening air, rustled the letter I was holding and would have blown it clear to the hedge if I let it go. おれはそんな事には構っていられない。 I did not mind anything like this, but kept on reading. 坊っちゃんは竹を割ったような気性だが、ただ肝癪(かんしゃく)が強過ぎて "Master Darling is simple and straight like a split bamboo by disposition," it says, "only too explosive. それが心配になる。 That's what worries me. ――ほかの人に無暗(むやみ)に渾名(あだな)なんか、つけるのは人に恨(うら)まれるもとになるから、やたらに使っちゃいけない、 If you brand other people with nicknames you will only make enemies of them; so don't use them carelessly; もしつけたら、清だけに手紙で知らせろ。 if you coin new ones, just tell them only to Kiyo in your letters. ――田舎者は人がわるいそうだから、気をつけてひどい目に遭(あ)わないようにしろ。 The countryfolk are said to be bad, and I wish you to be careful not have them do you. ――気候だって東京より不順に極ってるから、寝冷(ねびえ)をして風邪を引いてはいけない。 The weather must be worse than in Tokyo, and you should take care not to catch cold. 坊っちゃんの手紙はあまり短過ぎて、容子がよくわからないから、 Your letter is too short that I can't tell how things are going on with you. この次にはせめてこの手紙の半分ぐらいの長さのを書いてくれ。 Next time write me a letter at least half the length of this one. ――宿屋へ茶代を五円やるのはいいが、あとで困りゃしないか、 Tipping the hotel with five yen is all right, but were you not short of money afterward? 田舎へ行って頼(たよ)りになるはお金ばかりだから、なるべく倹約(けんやく)して、万一の時に差支(さしつか)えないようにしなくっちゃいけない。 Money is the only thing one can depend upon when in the country and you should economize and be prepared for rainy days. ――お小遣(こづかい)がなくて困るかも知れないから、為替(かわせ)で十円あげる。 I'm sending you ten yen by postal money order. ――先(せん)だって坊っちゃんからもらった五十円を、坊っちゃんが、東京へ帰って、うちを持つ時の足しにと思って、郵便局へ預けておいたが、この十円を引いてもまだ四十円あるから大丈夫だ。 I have that fifty yen my Master Darling gave me deposited in the Postal Savings to help you start housekeeping when you return to Tokyo, and taking out this ten, I have still forty yen left,--quite safe." ――なるほど女と云うものは細かいものだ。 I should say women are very particular on many things. おれが椽鼻で清の手紙をひらつかせながら、考え込(こ)んでいると、しきりの襖(ふすま)をあけて、萩野のお婆さんが晩めしを持ってきた。 When I was meditating with the letter flapping in my hand on the porch, the old lady opened the sliding partition and brought in my supper. まだ見てお出(い)でるのかなもし。 "Still poring over the letter? えっぽど長いお手紙じゃなもし、と云ったから、 Must be a very long one, I imagine," she said. ええ大事な手紙だから風に吹かしては見、吹かしては見るんだ "Yes, this is an important letter, so I'm reading it with the wind blowing it about," と、自分でも要領を得ない返事をして膳(ぜん)についた。 I replied--the reply which was nonsense even for myself,--and I sat down for supper. 見ると今夜も薩摩芋(さつまいも)の煮(に)つけだ。 I looked in the dish on the tray, and saw the same old sweet potatoes again to-night. ここのうちは、いか銀よりも鄭寧(ていねい)で、親切で、しかも上品だが、惜(お)しい事に食い物がまずい。 This new boarding house was more polite and considerate and refined than the Ikagins, but the grub was too poor stuff and that was one drawback. 昨日も芋、一昨日(おととい)も芋で今夜も芋だ。 It was sweet potato yesterday, so it was the day before yesterday, and here it is again to-night. おれは芋は大好きだと明言したには相違ないが、こう立てつづけに芋を食わされては命がつづかない。 True, I declared myself very fond of sweet potatoes, but if I am fed with sweet potatoes with such insistency, I may soon have to quit this dear old world. うらなり君を笑うどころか、 I can't be laughing at Hubbard Squash; おれ自身が遠からぬうちに、芋のうらなり先生になっちまう。 I shall become Sweet Potato myself before long. 清ならこんな時に、おれの好きな鮪(まぐろ)のさし身か、蒲鉾(かまぼこ)のつけ焼を食わせるんだが、貧乏(びんぼう)士族のけちん坊(ぼう)と来ちゃ仕方がない。 If it were Kiyo she would surely serve me with my favorite sliced tunny or fried kamaboko, but nothing doing with a tight, poor samurai. どう考えても清といっしょでなくっちあ駄目(だめ)だ。 It seems best that I live with Kiyo. もしあの学校に長くでも居る模様なら、東京から召(よ)び寄(よ)せてやろう。 If I have to stay long in the school, I believe I would call her from Tokyo. 天麩羅蕎麦(そば)を食っちゃならない、団子を食っちゃならない、それで下宿に居て芋ばかり食って黄色くなっていろなんて、 Don't eat tempura, don't eat dango, and then get turned yellow by feeding on sweet potatoes only, in the boarding house. 教育者はつらいものだ。 That's for an educator, and his place is really a hard one. 禅宗(ぜんしゅう)坊主だって、これよりは口に栄耀(えよう)をさせているだろう。 I think even the priests of the Zen sect are enjoying better feed. ――おれは一皿の芋を平げて、机の抽斗(ひきだし)から生卵を二つ出して、茶碗(ちゃわん)の縁(ふち)でたたき割って、ようやく凌(しの)いだ。 I cleaned up the sweet potatoes, then took out two raw eggs from the drawer of my desk, broke them on the edge of the rice bowl, to tide it over. 生卵ででも営養をとらなくっちあ一週二十一時間の授業が出来るものか。 I have to get nourishment by eating raw eggs or something, or how can I stand the teaching of twenty one hours a week? 今日は清の手紙で湯に行く時間が遅くなった。 I was late for my bath to-day on account of the letter from Kiyo. しかし毎日行きつけたのを一日でも欠かすのは心持ちがわるい。 But I would not like to drop off a single day since I had been there everyday. 汽車にでも乗って出懸(でか)けようと、例の赤手拭(あかてぬぐい)をぶら下げて停車場(ていしゃば)まで来ると二三分前に発車したばかりで、少々待たなければならぬ。 I thought I would take a train to-day, and coming to the station with the same old red towel dangling out of my hand, I found the train had just left two or three minutes ago, and had to wait for some time. ベンチへ腰を懸けて、敷島(しきしま)を吹かしていると、偶然(ぐうぜん)にもうらなり君がやって来た。 While I was smoking a cigarette on a bench, my friend Hubbard Squash happened to come in. おれはさっきの話を聞いてから、うらなり君がなおさら気の毒になった。 Since I heard the story about him from the old lady my sympathy for him had become far greater than ever. 平常(ふだん)から天地の間に居候(いそうろう)をしているように、小さく構えているのがいかにも憐(あわ)れに見えたが、今夜は憐れどころの騒(さわ)ぎではない。 His reserve always appeared to me pathetic. It was no longer a case of merely pathetic; more than that. 出来るならば月給を倍にして、遠山のお嬢さんと明日(あした)から結婚(けっこん)さして、一ヶ月ばかり東京へでも遊びにやってやりたい気がした矢先だから、 I was wishing to get his salary doubled, if possible, and have him marry Miss Toyama and send them to Tokyo for about one month on a pleasure trip. やお湯ですか、さあ、こっちへお懸けなさいと威勢(いせい)よく席を譲(ゆず)ると、 Seeing him, therefore, I motioned him to a seat beside me, addressing him cheerfully: "Hello[H], going to bath? Come and sit down here." うらなり君は恐(おそ)れ入った体裁で、いえ構(かも)うておくれなさるな、と遠慮(えんりょ)だか何だかやっぱり立ってる。 Hubbard Squash, appearing much awe-struck, said; "Don't mind me, Sir," and whether out of polite reluctance or I don't know what, remained standing. 少し待たなくっちゃ出ません、 "You have to wait for a little while before the next train starts; 草臥(くたび)れますからお懸けなさい sit down; you'll be tired," とまた勧めてみた。 I persuaded him again. 実はどうかして、そばへ懸けてもらいたかったくらいに気の毒でたまらない。 In fact, I was so sympathetic for him that I wished to have him sit down by me somehow. それではお邪魔(じゃま)を致(いた)しましょうとようやくおれの云う事を聞いてくれた。 Then with a "Thank you, Sir," he at last sat down. 世の中には野だみたように生意気な、出ないで済む所へ必ず顔を出す奴もいる。 A fellow like Clown, always fresh, butts in where he is not wanted; 山嵐のようにおれが居なくっちゃ日本(にっぽん)が困るだろうと云うような面を肩(かた)の上へ載(の)せてる奴もいる。 or like Porcupine swaggers about with a face which says "Japan would be hard up without me," そうかと思うと、赤シャツのようにコスメチックと色男の問屋をもって自ら任じているのもある。 or like Red Shirt, self-satisfied in the belief of being the wholesaler of gallantry and of cosmetics. 教育が生きてフロックコートを着ればおれになるんだと云わぬばかりの狸(たぬき)もいる。 Or like Badger who appears to say; "If 'Education' were alive and put on a frockcoat, it would look like me." 皆々(みなみな)それ相応に威張ってるんだが、このうらなり先生のように在れどもなきがごとく、人質に取られた人形のように大人(おとな)しくしているのは見た事がない。 One and all in one way or other have bravado, but I have never seen any one like this Hubbard Squash, so quiet and resigned, like a doll taken for a ransom. 顔はふくれているが、こんな結構な男を捨てて赤シャツに靡(なび)くなんて、マドンナもよっぼど気の知れないおきゃんだ。 His face is rather swollen but for the Madonna to cast off such a splendid fellow and give preference to Red Shirt, was frivolous beyond my understanding. 赤シャツが何ダース寄ったって、これほど立派な旦那様(だんなさま)が出来るもんか。 Put how many dozens of Red Shirt you like together, it will not make one husband of stuff to beat Hubbard Squash. 「あなたはどっか悪いんじゃありませんか。 "Is anything wrong with you? 大分たいぎそうに見えますが……」 You look quite fatigued," I asked. 「いえ、別段これという持病もないですが……」 "No, I have no particular ailments......." 「そりゃ結構です。 "That's good. からだが悪いと人間も駄目ですね」 Poor health is the worst thing one can get." 「あなたは大分ご丈夫(じょうぶ)のようですな」 "You appear very strong." 「ええ瘠(や)せても病気はしません。 "Yes, I'm thin, but never got sick. 病気なんてものあ大嫌いですから」 That's something I don't like." うらなり君は、おれの言葉を聞いてにやにやと笑った。 Hubbard Squash smiled at my words. ところへ入口で若々しい女の笑声が聞(きこ)えたから、何心なく振(ふ)り返ってみるとえらい奴が来た。 Just then I heard some young girlish laughs at the entrance, and incidentally looking that way, I saw a "peach." 色の白い、ハイカラ頭の、背の高い美人と、四十五六の奥さんとが並(なら)んで切符(きっぷ)を売る窓の前に立っている。 A beautiful girl, tall, white-skinned, with her head done up in "high-collared" style, was standing with a woman of about forty-five or six, in front of the ticket window. おれは美人の形容などが出来る男でないから何にも云えないが全く美人に相違ない。 I am not a fellow given to describing a belle, but there was no need to repeat asserting that she was beautiful. 何だか水晶(すいしょう)の珠(たま)を香水(こうすい)で暖(あっ)ためて、掌(てのひら)へ握(にぎ)ってみたような心持ちがした。 I felt as if I had warmed a crystal ball with perfume and held it in my hand. 年寄の方が背は低い。 The older woman was shorter, しかし顔はよく似ているから親子だろう。 but as she resembled the younger, they might be mother and daughter. おれは、や、来たなと思う途端(とたん)に、うらなり君の事は全然(すっかり)忘れて、若い女の方ばかり見ていた。 The moment I saw them, I forgot all about Hubbard Squash, and was intently gazing at the young beauty. すると、うらなり君が突然(とつぜん)おれの隣(となり)から、立ち上がって、そろそろ女の方へ歩き出したんで、少し驚いた。 Then I was a bit startled to see Hubbard Squash suddenly get up and start walking slowly toward them. マドンナじゃないかと思った。 I wondered if she was not the Madonna. 三人は切符所の前で軽く挨拶している。 The three were courtesying in front of the ticket window, 遠いから何を云ってるのか分らない。 some distance away from me, and I could not hear what they were talking about. 停車場の時計を見るともう五分で発車だ。 The clock at the station showed the next train to start in five minutes. 早く汽車がくればいいがなと、話し相手が居なくなったので待ち遠しく思っていると、また一人あわてて場内へ馳(か)け込(こ)んで来たものがある。 Having lost my partner, I became impatient and longed for the train to start as soon as possible, when a fellow rushed into the station excited. 見れば赤シャツだ。 It was Red Shirt. 何だかべらべら然たる着物へ縮緬(ちりめん)の帯をだらしなく巻き付けて、例の通り金鎖(きんぐさ)りをぶらつかしている。 He had on some fluffy clothes, loosely tied round with a silk-crepe girdle, and wound to it the same old gold chain. あの金鎖りは贋物(にせもの)である。 That gold chain is stuffed. 赤シャツは誰(だれ)も知るまいと思って、見せびらかしているが、おれはちゃんと知ってる。 Red Shirt thinks nobody knows it and is making a big show of it, but I have been wise. 赤シャツは馳け込んだなり、何かきょろきょろしていたが、切符売下所(うりさげじょ)の前に話している三人へ慇懃(いんぎん)にお辞儀(じぎ)をして、何か二こと、三こと、云ったと思ったら、急にこっちへ向いて、 Red Shirt stopped short, stared around, and then after bowing politely to the three still in front of the ticket window, made a remark or two, and hastily turned toward me. 例のごとく猫足(ねこあし)にあるいて来て、 He came up to me, walking in his usual cat's style, and hallooed. や君も湯ですか、 "You too going to bath? 僕は乗り後れやしないかと思って心配して急いで来たら、まだ三四分ある。 I was afraid of missing the train and hurried up, but we have three or four minutes yet. あの時計はたしかかしらん Wonder if that clock is right?" と、自分の金側(きんがわ)を出して、二分ほどちがってると云いながら、おれの傍(そば)へ腰を卸(おろ)した。 He took out his gold watch, and remarking it wrong about two minutes sat down beside me. 女の方はちっとも見返らないで杖(つえ)の上に顋(あご)をのせて、正面ばかり眺(なが)めている。 He never turned toward the belle, but with his chin on the top of a cane, steadily looked straight before him. 年寄の婦人は時々赤シャツを見るが、若い方は横を向いたままである。 The older woman would occasionally glance toward Red Shirt, but the younger kept her profile away. いよいよマドンナに違いない。 Surely she was the Madonna. やがて、ピューと汽笛(きてき)が鳴って、車がつく。 The train now arrived with a shrill whistle 待ち合せた連中はぞろぞろ吾(わ)れ勝(がち)に乗り込む。 and the passengers hastened to board. 赤シャツはいの一号に上等へ飛び込んだ。 Red Shirt jumped into the first class coach ahead of all. 上等へ乗ったって威張れるどころではない、 One cannot brag much about boarding the first class coach here. 住田(すみた)まで上等が五銭で下等が三銭だから、わずか二銭違いで上下の区別がつく。 It cost only five sen for the first and three sen for the second to Sumida; こういうおれでさえ上等を奮発(ふんぱつ)して白切符を握(にぎ)ってるんでもわかる。 even I paid for the first and a white ticket. もっとも田舎者はけちだから、たった二銭の出入でもすこぶる苦になると見えて、大抵(たいてい)は下等へ乗る。 The country fellows, however, being all close, seemed to regard the expenditure of the extra two sen a serious matter and mostly boarded the second class. 赤シャツのあとからマドンナとマドンナのお袋が上等へはいり込んだ。 Following Red Shirt, the Madonna and her mother entered the first class. うらなり君は活版で押(お)したように下等ばかりへ乗る男だ。 Hubbard Squash regularly rides in the second class. 先生、下等の車室の入口へ立って、何だか躊躇(ちゅうちょ)の体(てい)であったが、おれの顔を見るや否や思いきって、飛び込んでしまった。 He stood at the door of a second class coach and appeared somewhat hesitating, but seeing me coming, took decisive steps and jumped into the second. おれはこの時何となく気の毒でたまらなかったから、うらなり君のあとから、すぐ同じ車室へ乗り込んだ。 I felt sorry for him--I do not know why--and followed him into the same coach. 上等の切符で下等へ乗るに不都合はなかろう。 Nothing wrong in riding on the second with a ticket for the first, I believe. 温泉へ着いて、三階から、浴衣(ゆかた)のなりで湯壺(ゆつぼ)へ下りてみたら、またうらなり君に逢った。 At the hot springs, going down from the third floor to the bath room in bathing gown, again I met Hubbard Squash. おれは会議や何かでいざと極まると、咽喉(のど)が塞(ふさ)がって饒舌(しゃべ)れない男だが、平常(ふだん)は随分(ずいぶん)弁ずる方だから、 I feel my throat clogged up and unable to speak at a formal gathering, but otherwise I am rather talkative; いろいろ湯壺のなかでうらなり君に話しかけてみた。 so I opened conversation with him. 何だか憐れぽくってたまらない。 He was so pathetic こんな時に一口でも先方の心を慰(なぐさ)めてやるのは、江戸(えど)っ子の義務だと思ってる。 and my compassion was aroused to such an extent that I considered it the duty of a Yedo kid to console him to the best of my ability. ところがあいにくうらなり君の方では、うまい具合にこっちの調子に乗ってくれない。 But Hubbard Squash was not responsive. 何を云っても、えとかいえとかぎりで、しかもそのえといえが大分面倒(めんどう)らしいので、 Whatever I said, he would only answer "eh?" or "umh," and even these with evident effort. しまいにはとうとう切り上げて、こっちからご免蒙(めんこうむ)った。 Finally I gave up my sympathetic attempt and cut off the conversation. 湯の中では赤シャツに逢わなかった。 I did not meet Red Shirt at the bath. もっとも風呂(ふろ)の数はたくさんあるのだから、同じ汽車で着いても、同じ湯壺で逢うとは極まっていない。 There are many bath rooms, and one does not necessarily meet the fellows at the same bath room though he might come on the same train. 別段不思議にも思わなかった。 I thought it nothing strange. 風呂を出てみるといい月だ。 When I got out of the bath, I found the night bright with the moon. 町内の両側に柳(やなぎ)が植(うわ)って、柳の枝(えだ)が丸(ま)るい影を往来の中へ落(おと)している。 On both sides of the street stood willow trees which cast their shadows on the road. 少し散歩でもしよう。 I would take a little stroll, I thought. 北へ登って町のはずれへ出ると、左に大きな門があって、 Coming up toward north, to the end of the town, one sees a large gate to the left. 門の突き当りがお寺で、左右が妓楼(ぎろう)である。 Opposite the gate stands a temple and both sides of the approach to the temple are lined with houses with red curtains. 山門のなかに遊廓(ゆうかく)があるなんて、前代未聞の現象だ。 A tenderloin inside a temple gate is an unheard-of phenomenon. ちょっとはいってみたいが、また狸から会議の時にやられるかも知れないから、やめて素通りにした。 I wanted to go in and have a look at the place, but for fear I might get another kick from Badger, I passed it by. 門の並びに黒い暖簾(のれん)をかけた、小さな格子窓(こうしまど)の平屋はおれが団子を食って、しくじった所だ。 A flat house with narrow lattice windows and black curtain at the entrance, near the gate, is the place where I ate dango and committed the blunder. 丸提灯(まるぢょうちん)に汁粉(しるこ)、お雑煮(ぞうに)とかいたのがぶらさがって、提灯の火が、軒端(のきば)に近い一本の柳の幹を照らしている。 A round lantern with the signs of sweet meats hung outside and its light fell on the trunk of a willow tree close by. 食いたいなと思ったが我慢して通り過ぎた。 I hungered to have a bite of dango, but went away forbearing. 食いたい団子の食えないのは情ない。 To be unable to eat dango one is so fond of eating, is tragic. しかし自分の許嫁(いいなずけ)が他人に心を移したのは、なお情ないだろう。 But to have one's betrothed change her love to another, would be more tragic. うらなり君の事を思うと、団子は愚(おろ)か、三日ぐらい断食(だんじき)しても不平はこぼせない訳だ。 When I think of Hubbard Squash, I believe that I should, not complain if I cannot eat dango or anything else for three days. 本当に人間ほどあてにならないものはない。 Really there is nothing so unreliable a creature as man. あの顔を見ると、どうしたって、そんな不人情な事をしそうには思えないんだが As far as her face goes, she appears the least likely to commit so stony-hearted an act as this. ――うつくしい人が不人情で、冬瓜(とうがん)の水膨(みずぶく)れのような古賀さんが善良な君子なのだから、油断が出来ない。 But the beautiful person is cold-blooded and Koga-san who is swollen like a pumpkin soaked in water, is a gentleman to the core,--that's where we have to be on the look-out. 淡泊(たんぱく)だと思った山嵐は生徒を煽動(せんどう)したと云うし。 Porcupine whom I had thought candid was said to have incited the students 生徒を煽動したのかと思うと、生徒の処分を校長に逼(せま)るし。 and he whom then I regarded an agitator, demanded of the principal a summary punishment of the students. 厭味(いやみ)で練りかためたような赤シャツが存外親切で、おれに余所(よそ)ながら注意をしてくれるかと思うと、マドンナを胡魔化(ごまか)したり、 The disgustingly snobbish Red Shirt is unexpectedly considerate and warns me in ways more than one, but then he won the Madonna by crooked means. 胡魔化したのかと思うと、古賀の方が破談にならなければ結婚は望まないんだと云うし。 He denies, however, having schemed anything crooked about the Madonna, and says he does not care to marry her unless her engagement with Koga is broken. いか銀が難癖(なんくせ)をつけて、おれを追い出すかと思うと、すぐ野だ公が入(い)れ替(かわ)ったり When Ikagin beat me out of his house, Clown enters and takes my room. ――どう考えてもあてにならない。 Viewed from any angle, man is unreliable. こんな事を清にかいてやったら定めて驚く事だろう。 If I write these things to Kiyo, it would surprise her. 箱根(はこね)の向うだから化物(ばけもの)が寄り合ってるんだと云うかも知れない。 She would perhaps say that because it is the west side of Hakone that the town had all the freaks and crooks dumped in together.[7] [Footnote 7: An old saying goes that east of the Hakone pass, there are no apparitions or freaks.] おれは、性来(しょうらい)構わない性分だから、どんな事でも苦にしないで今日まで凌いで来たのだが、 I do not by nature worry about little things, and had come so far without minding anything. ここへ来てからまだ一ヶ月立つか、立たないうちに、急に世のなかを物騒(ぶっそう)に思い出した。 But hardly a month had passed since I came here, and I have begun to regard the world quite uneasily. 別段際だった大事件にも出逢わないのに、もう五つ六つ年を取ったような気がする。 I have not met with any particularly serious affairs, but I feel as if I had grown five or six years older. 早く切り上げて東京へ帰るのが一番よかろう。 Better say "good by" to this old spot soon and return to Tokyo, I thought. などとそれからそれへ考えて、いつか石橋を渡(わた)って野芹川(のぜりがわ)の堤(どて)へ出た。 While strolling thus thinking on various matters, I had passed the stone bridge and come up to the levy of the Nozeri river. 川と云うとえらそうだが The word river sounds too big; 実は一間ぐらいな、ちょろちょろした流れで、 it is a shallow stream of about six feet wide. 土手に沿うて十二丁ほど下ると相生村(あいおいむら)へ出る。 If one goes on along the levy for about twelve blocks, he reaches the Aioi village 村には観音様(かんのんさま)がある。 where there is a temple of Kwanon. 温泉(ゆ)の町を振り返ると、赤い灯が、月の光の中にかがやいている。 Looking back at the town of the hot springs, I see red lights gleaming amid the pale moon beams. 太鼓(たいこ)が鳴るのは遊廓に相違ない。 Where the sound of the drum is heard must be the tenderloin. 川の流れは浅いけれども早いから、神経質の水のようにやたらに光る。 The stream is shallow but fast, whispering incessantly. ぶらぶら土手の上をあるきながら、約三丁も来たと思ったら、向うに人影(ひとかげ)が見え出した。 When I had covered about three blocks walking leisurely upon the bank, I perceived a shadow ahead. 月に透(す)かしてみると影は二つある。 Through the light of the moon, I found there were two shadows. 温泉(ゆ)へ来て村へ帰る若い衆(しゅ)かも知れない。 They were probably village youngsters returning from the hot springs, それにしては唄(うた)もうたわない。 though they did not sing, 存外静かだ。 and were exceptionally quiet for that. だんだん歩いて行くと、おれの方が早足だと見えて、 I kept on walking, and I was faster than they. 二つの影法師が、次第に大きくなる。 The two shadows became larger. 一人は女らしい。 One appeared like a woman. おれの足音を聞きつけて、十間ぐらいの距離(きょり)に逼った時、男がたちまち振り向いた。 When I neared them within about sixty feet, the man, on hearing my footsteps, turned back. 月は後(うしろ)からさしている。 The moon was shining from behind me. その時おれは男の様子を見て、はてなと思った。 I could see the manner of the man then and something queer struck me. 男と女はまた元の通りにあるき出した。 They resumed their walk as before. おれは考えがあるから、急に全速力で追っ懸(か)けた。 And I chased them on a full speed. 先方は何の気もつかずに最初の通り、ゆるゆる歩を移している。 The other party, unconscious, walked slowly. 今は話し声も手に取るように聞える。 I could now hear their voice distinctly. 土手の幅は六尺ぐらいだから、並んで行けば三人がようやくだ。 The levy was about six feet wide, and would allow only three abreast. おれは苦もなく後ろから追い付いて、男の袖(そで)を擦(す)り抜(ぬ)けざま、二足前へ出した踵(くびす)をぐるりと返して男の顔を覗(のぞ)き込(こ)んだ。 I easily passed them, and turning back gazed squarely into the face of the man. 月は正面からおれの五分刈(がり)の頭から顋の辺(あた)りまで、会釈(えしゃく)もなく照(てら)す。 The moon generously bathed my face with its beaming light. 男はあっと小声に云ったが、急に横を向いて、もう帰ろうと女を促(うな)がすが早いか、 The fellow uttered a low "ah," and suddenly turning sideway, said to the woman "Let's go back." 温泉(ゆ)の町の方へ引き返した。 They traced their way back toward the hot springs town. 赤シャツは図太くて胡魔化すつもりか、気が弱くて名乗り損(そく)なったのかしら。 Was it the intention of Red Shirt to hush the matter up by pretending ignorance, or was it lack of nerve? ところが狭くて困ってるのは、おればかりではなかった。 I was not the only fellow who suffered the consequence of living in a small narrow town. 八 CHAPTER VIII. 赤シャツに勧められて釣(つり)に行った帰りから、山嵐(やまあらし)を疑ぐり出した。 On my way back from the fishing to which I was invited by Red Shirt, and since then, I began to suspect Porcupine. 無い事を種に下宿を出ろと云われた時は、いよいよ不埒(ふらち)な奴(やつ)だと思った。 When the latter wanted me to get out of Ikagin's house on sham pretexts, I regarded him a decidedly unpleasant fellow. ところが会議の席では案に相違(そうい)して滔々(とうとう)と生徒厳罰論(げんばつろん)を述べたから、おや変だなと首を捩(ひね)った。 But as Porcupine, at the teachers' meeting, contrary to my expectation, stood firmly for punishing the students to the fullest extent of the school regulations, I thought it queer. 萩野(はぎの)の婆(ばあ)さんから、山嵐が、うらなり君のために赤シャツと談判をしたと聞いた時は、それは感心だと手を拍(う)った。 When I heard from the old lady about Porcupine volunteering himself for the sake of Hubbard Squash to stop Red Shirt meddling with the Madonna, I clapped my hands and hoorayed for him. この様子ではわる者は山嵐じゃあるまい、赤シャツの方が曲ってるんで、 Judging by these facts, I began to wonder if the wrong-doer might be not Porcupine, but Red Shirt the crooked one. 好加減(いいかげん)な邪推(じゃすい)を実(まこと)しやかに、しかも遠廻(とおまわ)しに、おれの頭の中へ浸(し)み込(こ)ましたのではあるまいかと迷ってる矢先へ、 He instilled into my head some flimsy hearsay plausibly and in a roundabout-way. 野芹川(のぜりがわ)の土手で、マドンナを連れて散歩なんかしている姿を見たから、それ以来赤シャツは曲者(くせもの)だと極(き)めてしまった。 At this juncture I saw Red Shirt taking a walk with the Madonna on the levy of the Nozeri river, and I decided that Red Shirt may be a scoundrel. 曲者だか何だかよくは分(わか)らないが、ともかくも善(い)い男じゃない。 I am not sure of his being really scoundrel at heart, but at any rate he is not a good fellow. 表と裏とは違(ちが)った男だ。 He is a fellow with a double face. 人間は竹のように真直(まっすぐ)でなくっちゃ頼(たの)もしくない。 A man deserves no confidence unless he is as straight as the bamboo. 真直なものは喧嘩(けんか)をしても心持ちがいい。 One may fight a straight fellow, and feel satisfied. 赤シャツのようなやさしいのと、親切なのと、高尚(こうしょう)なのと、琥珀(こはく)のパイプとを自慢(じまん)そうに見せびらかすのは油断が出来ない、めったに喧嘩も出来ないと思った。 We cannot lose sight of the fact that Red Shirt or his kind who is kind, gentle, refined, and takes pride in his pipe had to be looked sharp, for I could not be too careful in getting into a scrap with the fellow of this type. 喧嘩をしても、回向院(えこういん)の相撲(すもう)のような心持ちのいい喧嘩は出来ないと思った。 I may fight, but I would not get square games like the wrestling matches it the Wrestling Amphitheatre in Tokyo. そうなると一銭五厘の出入(でいり)で控所(ひかえじょ)全体を驚(おど)ろかした議論の相手の山嵐の方がはるかに人間らしい。 Come to think of it, Porcupine who turned against me and startled the whole teachers' room over the amount of one sen and a half is far more like a man. 会議の時に金壺眼(かなつぼまなこ)をぐりつかせて、おれを睨(にら)めた時は憎(にく)い奴だと思ったが、あとで考えると、それも赤シャツのねちねちした猫撫声(ねこなでごえ)よりはましだ。 When he stared at me with owlish eyes at the teachers' meeting, I branded him as a spiteful guy, but as I consider the matter now, he is better than the feline voice of Red Shirt. 実はあの会議が済んだあとで、よっぽど仲直りをしようかと思って、一こと二こと話しかけてみたが、野郎(やろう)返事もしないで、まだ眼(め)を剥(むく)ってみせたから、 To tell the truth, I tried to get reconciled with Porcupine, and after the meeting, spoke a word or two to him, but he shut up like a clam and kept glaring at me. こっちも腹が立ってそのままにしておいた。 So I became sore, and let it go at that. それ以来山嵐はおれと口を利かない。 Porcupine has not spoken to me since. 机の上へ返した一銭五厘はいまだに机の上に乗っている。 The one sen and a half which I paid him back upon the desk, is still there, ほこりだらけになって乗っている。 well covered with dust. おれは無論手が出せない、山嵐は決して持って帰らない。 I could not touch it, nor would Porcupine take it. この一銭五厘が二人の間の墻壁(しょうへき)になって、 This one sen and a half has become a barrier between us two. おれは話そうと思っても話せない、山嵐は頑(がん)として黙(だま)ってる。 おれと山嵐には一銭五厘が祟(たた)った。 We two were cursed with this one sen and a half. しまいには学校へ出て一銭五厘を見るのが苦になった。 Later indeed I got sick of its sight that I hated to see it. 山嵐とおれが絶交の姿となったに引き易(か)えて、赤シャツとおれは依然(いぜん)として在来の関係を保って、交際をつづけている。 While Porcupine and I were thus estranged, Red Shirt and I continued friendly relations and associated together. 野芹川で逢(あ)った翌日などは、学校へ出ると第一番におれの傍(そば)へ来て、君今度の下宿はいいですかのまたいっしょに露西亜(ロシア)文学を釣(つ)りに行こうじゃないかのといろいろな事を話しかけた。 On the day following my accidental meeting with him near the Nozeri river, for instance, Red Shirt came to my desk as soon as he came to the school, and asked me how I liked the new boarding house. He said we would go together for fishing Russian literature again, and talked on many things. おれは少々憎(にく)らしかったから、昨夜(ゆうべ)は二返逢いましたねと云(い)ったら、 I felt a bit piqued, and said, "I saw you twice last night," ええ停車場(ていしゃば)で ――君はいつでもあの時分出掛(でか)けるのですか、遅いじゃないかと云う。 and he answered, "Yes, at the station. Do you go there at that time every day? Isn't it late?" 野芹川の土手でもお目に懸(かか)りましたねと喰(く)らわしてやったら、 I startled him with the remark; "I met you on the levy of the Nozeri river too, didn't I?" いいえ僕(ぼく)はあっちへは行かない、湯にはいって、すぐ帰ったと答えた。 and he replied, "No, I didn't go in that direction. I returned right after my bath." 何もそんなに隠(かく)さないでもよかろう、 What is the use of trying to keep it dark. 現に逢ってるんだ。 Didn't we meet actually face to face? よく嘘(うそ)をつく男だ。 He tells too many lies. これで中学の教頭が勤まるなら、おれなんか大学総長がつとまる。 If one can hold the job of a head teacher and act in this fashion, I should be able to run the position of Chancellor of a university. おれはこの時からいよいよ赤シャツを信用しなくなった。 From this time on, my confidence in Red Shirt became still less. 信用しない赤シャツとは口をきいて、感心している山嵐とは話をしない。 I talk with Red Shirt whom I do not trust, and I keep silent with Porcupine whom I respect. 世の中は随分妙(ずいぶんみょう)なものだ。 Funny things do happen in this world. ある日の事赤シャツがちょっと君に話があるから、僕のうちまで来てくれと云うから、惜(お)しいと思ったが温泉行きを欠勤して四時頃(ごろ)出掛けて行った。 One day Red Shirt asked me to come over to his house as he had something to tell me, and much as I missed the trip to the hot springs, I started for his house at about 4 o'clock. 赤シャツは一人ものだが、教頭だけに下宿はとくの昔(むかし)に引き払(はら)って立派な玄関(げんかん)を構えている。 Red Shirt is single, but in keeping with the dignity of a head teacher, he gave up the boarding house life long ago, and lives in a fine house. 家賃は九円五拾銭(じっせん)だそうだ。 The house rent, I understood, was nine yen and fifty sen. 田舎(いなか)へ来て九円五拾銭払えばこんな家へはいれるなら、おれも一つ奮発(ふんぱつ)して、東京から清を呼び寄せて喜ばしてやろうと思ったくらいな玄関だ。 The front entrance was so attractive that I thought if one can live in such a splendid house at nine yen and a half in the country, it would be a good game to call Kiyo from Tokyo and make her heart glad. 頼むと云ったら、赤シャツの弟が取次(とりつぎ)に出て来た。 The younger brother of Red Shirt answered my bell. この弟は学校で、おれに代数と算術を教わる至って出来のわるい子だ。 This brother gets his lessons on algebra and mathematics from me at the school. その癖渡(くせわた)りものだから、生れ付いての田舎者よりも人が悪(わ)るい。 He stands no show in his school work, and being a "migratory bird" is more wicked than the native boys. 赤シャツに逢って I met Red Shirt. 用事を聞いてみると、大将例の琥珀のパイプで、きな臭(くさ)い烟草(たばこ)をふかしながら、こんな事を云った。 Smoking the same old unsavory amber pipe, he said something to the following effect: 「君が来てくれてから、前任者の時代よりも成績(せいせき)がよくあがって、校長も大いにいい人を得たと喜んでいるので "Since you've been with us, our work has been more satisfactory than it was under your predecessor, and the principal is very glad to have got the right person in the right place. ――どうか学校でも信頼(しんらい)しているのだから、そのつもりで勉強していただきたい」 I wish you to work as hard as you can, for the school is depending upon you." 「へえ、そうですか、 "Well, is that so. 勉強って今より勉強は出来ませんが――」 I don't think I can work any harder than now......." 「今のくらいで充分(じゅうぶん)です。 "What you're doing now is enough. ただ先だってお話しした事ですね、あれを忘れずにいて下さればいいのです」 Only don't forget what I told you the other day." 「下宿の世話なんかするものあ剣呑(けんのん)だという事ですか」 "Meaning that one who helps me find a boarding house is dangerous?" 「そう露骨(ろこつ)に云うと、意味もない事になるが "If you state it so baldly, there is no meaning to it ――まあ善いさ .......But that's all right, ――精神は君にもよく通じている事と思うから。 ...... I believe you understand the spirit of my advice. そこで君が今のように出精(しゅっせい)して下されば、 And if you keep on in the way you're going to-day 学校の方でも、ちゃんと見ているんだから、 ...... We have not been blind もう少しして都合(つごう)さえつけば、待遇(たいぐう)の事も多少はどうにかなるだろうと思うんですがね」 ...... we might offer you a better treatment later on if we can manage it." 「へえ、俸給(ほうきゅう)ですか。 "In salary? 俸給なんかどうでもいいんですが、上がれば上がった方がいいですね」 I don't care about the salary, though the more the better." 「それで幸い今度転任者が一人出来るから "And fortunately there is going to be one teacher transferred, ――もっとも校長に相談してみないと無論受け合えない事だが ......however, I can't guarantee, of course, until I talk it over with the principal ――その俸給から少しは融通(ゆうずう)が出来るかも知れないから、それで都合をつけるように校長に話してみようと思うんですがね」 ...... and we might give you something out of his salary." 「どうも難有(ありがと)う。 "Thank you. だれが転任するんですか」 Who is going to be transferred?" 「もう発表になるから話しても差し支(つか)えないでしょう。 "I think I may tell you now; 'tis going to be Announced soon. 実は古賀君です」 Koga is the man." 「古賀さんは、だってここの人じゃありませんか」 "But isn't Koga-san a native of this town?" 「ここの地(じ)の人ですが、 "Yes, he is. 少し都合があって But there are some circumstances ――半分は当人の希望です」 ...... and it is partly by his own preference." 「どこへ行(ゆ)くんです」 "Where is he going?" 「日向(ひゅうが)の延岡(のべおか)で "To Nobeoka in Hiuga province. ――土地が土地だから一級俸上(あが)って行く事になりました」 As the place is so far away, he is going there with his salary raised a grade higher." 「誰(だれ)か代りが来るんですか」 "Is some one coming to take his place?" 「代りも大抵(たいてい)極まってるんです。 "His successor is almost decided upon." その代りの具合で君の待遇上の都合もつくんです」 「はあ、結構です。 "Well, that's fine, しかし無理に上がらないでも構いません」 though I'm not very anxious to have my salary raised." 「とも角も僕は校長に話すつもりです。 "I'm going to talk to the principal about that anyway. それで校長も同意見らしいが、追っては君にもっと働いて頂(いた)だかなくってはならんようになるかも知れないから、どうか今からそのつもりで覚悟(かくご)をしてやってもらいたいですね」 And, we may have to ask you to work more some time later ...... and the principal appears to be of the same opinion....... I want you to go[I] ahead with that in your mind." 「今より時間でも増すんですか」 "Going to increase my working hours?" 「いいえ、 "No. 時間は今より減るかも知れませんが――」 The working hours may be reduced......" 「時間が減って、もっと働くんですか、 "The working hours shortened and yet work more? 妙だな」 Sounds funny." 「ちょっと聞くと妙だが、 "It does sound funny ――判然とは今言いにくいが ...... I can't say definitely just yet ――まあつまり、君にもっと重大な責任を持ってもらうかも知れないという意味なんです」 ...... it means that we way have to ask you to assume more responsibility." おれには一向分らない。 I could not make out what he meant. 今より重大な責任と云えば、数学の主任だろうが、主任は山嵐だから、やっこさんなかなか辞職する気遣(きづか)いはない。 To assume more responsibility might mean my appointment to the senior instructor of mathematics, but Porcupine is the senior instructor and there is no danger of his resigning. それに、生徒の人望があるから転任や免職(めんしょく)は学校の得策であるまい。 Besides, he is so very popular among the students that his transfer or discharge would be inadvisable. 赤シャツの談話はいつでも要領を得ない。 Red Shirt always misses the point. 要領を得なくっても用事はこれで済んだ。 And though he did not get to the point, the object of my visit was ended. それから少し雑談をしているうちに、うらなり君の送別会をやる事や、ついてはおれが酒を飲むかと云う問や、うらなり先生は君子で愛すべき人だと云う事や ――赤シャツはいろいろ弁じた。 We talked a while on sundry matters, Red Shirt proposing a farewell dinner party for Hubbard Squash, asking me if I drink liquor and praising Hubbard Squash as an amiable gentleman, etc. しまいに話をかえて君俳句をやりますかと来たから、 Finally he changed the topic and asked me if I take an interest in "haiku"[8] こいつは大変だと思って、俳句はやりません、さようならと、そこそこに帰って来た。 Here is where I beat it, I thought, and, saying "No, I don't, good by," hastily left the house. 発句(ほっく)は芭蕉(ばしょう)か髪結床(かみいどこ)の親方のやるもんだ。 The "haiku" should be a diversion of Baseo[9] or the boss of a barbershop. 数学の先生が朝顔やに釣瓶(つるべ)をとられてたまるものか。 It would not do for the teacher of mathematics to rave over the old wooden bucket and the morning glory.[10] [Footnote 8: The 17-syllable poem] [Footnote 9: A famous composer of the poem.] [Footnote 10: There is a well-known 17-syllable poem describing the scene of morning glories entwining around the wooden bucket.] 帰ってうんと考え込んだ。 I returned home and thought it over. 世間には随分気の知れない男が居る。 Here is a man whose mental process defies a layman's understanding. 家屋敷はもちろん、勤める学校に不足のない故郷がいやになったからと云って、知らぬ他国へ苦労を求めに出る。 He is going to court hardships in a strange part of the country in preference of his home and the school where he is working,--both of which should satisfy most anybody,--because he is tired of them. それも花の都の電車が通(かよ)ってる所なら、まだしもだが、日向の延岡とは何の事だ。 That may be all right if the strange place happens to be a lively metropolis where electric cars run,--but of all places, why Nobeoka in Hiuga province? おれは船つきのいいここへ来てさえ、一ヶ月立たないうちにもう帰りたくなった。 This town here has a good steamship connection, yet I became sick of it and longed for home before one month had passed. 延岡と云えば山の中も山の中も大変な山の中だ。 Nobeoka is situated in the heart of a most mountainous country. 赤シャツの云うところによると船から上がって、一日(いちんち)馬車へ乗って、宮崎へ行って、宮崎からまた一日(いちんち)車へ乗らなくっては着けないそうだ。 According to Red Shirt, one has to make an all-day ride in a wagonette to Miyazaki, after he had left the vessel, and from Miyazaki another all-day ride in a rikisha to Nobeoka. 名前を聞いてさえ、開けた所とは思えない。 Its name alone does not commend itself as civilized. 猿(さる)と人とが半々に住んでるような気がする。 It sounds like a town inhabited by men and monkeys in equal numbers. いかに聖人のうらなり君だって、好んで猿の相手になりたくもないだろうに、 However sage-like Hubbard Squash might be I thought he would not become a friend of monkeys of his own choice. 何という物数奇(ものずき)だ。 What a curious slant! ところへあいかわらず婆(ばあ)さんが夕食(ゆうめし)を運んで出る。 Just then the old lady brought in my supper 今日もまた芋(いも)ですかい --"Sweet potatoes again?" と聞いてみたら、いえ今日はお豆腐(とうふ)ぞなもしと云った。 I asked, and she said, "No, Sir, it is tofu to-night." どっちにしたって似たものだ。 They are about the same thing. 「お婆さん古賀さんは日向へ行くそうですね」 "Say, I understand Koga-san is going to Nobeoka." 「ほん当にお気の毒じゃな、もし」 "Isn't it too bad?" 「お気の毒だって、 "Too bad? 好んで行くんなら仕方がないですね」 But it can't be helped if he goes there by his own preference." 「好んで行くて、 "Going there by his own preference? 誰がぞなもし」 Who, Sir?" 「誰がぞなもしって、 "Who? 当人がさ。 Why, he! 古賀先生が物数奇に行くんじゃありませんか」 Isn't Professor Koga going there by his own choice?" 「そりゃあなた、大違いの勘五郎(かんごろう)ぞなもし」 "That's wrong Mr. Wright, Sir." 「勘五郎かね。 "Ha, Mr. Wright, is it? だって今赤シャツがそう云いましたぜ。 But Red Shirt told me so just now. それが勘五郎なら赤シャツは嘘つきの法螺右衛門(ほらえもん)だ」 If that's wrong Mr. Wright, then Red Shirt is blustering Mr. Bluff." 「教頭さんが、そうお云いるのはもっともじゃが、古賀さんのお往(い)きともないのももっともぞなもし」 "What the head-teacher says is believable, but so Koga-san does not wish to go." 「そんなら両方もっともなんですね。 お婆さんは公平でいい。 "Our old lady is impartial, and that is good. 一体どういう訳なんですい」 Well, what's the matter?" 「今朝古賀のお母さんが見えて、だんだん訳をお話したがなもし」 "The mother of Koga-san was here this morning, and told me all the circumstances." 「どんな訳をお話したんです」 "Told you what circumstances?" 「あそこもお父さんがお亡くなりてから、あたし達が思うほど暮(くら)し向(むき)が豊かになうてお困りじゃけれ、お母さんが校長さんにお頼みて、もう四年も勤めているものじゃけれ、どうぞ毎月頂くものを、今少しふやしておくれんかてて、 "Since the father of Koga-san died, they have not been quite well off as we might have supposed, and the mother asked the principal if his salary could not be raised a little as Koga-san has been in service for four years. あなた」 See?" 「なるほど」 "Well?" 「校長さんが、ようまあ考えてみとこうとお云いたげな。 "The principal said that he would consider the matter, それでお母さんも安心して、今に増給のご沙汰(さた)があろぞ、 and she felt satisfied and expected the announcement of the increase before long. 今月か来月かと首を長くして待っておいでたところへ、 She hoped for its coming this month or next. 校長さんがちょっと来てくれと古賀さんにお云いるけれ、行ってみると、気の毒だが学校は金が足りんけれ、月給を上げる訳にゆかん。 Then the principal called Koga-san to his office one day and said that he was sorry but the school was short of money and could not raise his salary. しかし延岡になら空いた口があって、そっちなら毎月五円余分にとれるから、お望み通りでよかろうと思うて、その手続きにしたから行くがええと云われたげな。――」 But he said there is an opening in Nobeoka which would give him five yen extra a month and he thought that would suit his purpose, and the principal had made all arrangements and told Koga-san he had better go......." 「じゃ相談じゃない、命令じゃありませんか」 "That wasn't a friendly talk but a command. Wasn't it?" 「さよよ。 "Yes, Sir, 古賀さんはよそへ行って月給が増すより、元のままでもええから、ここに居(お)りたい。 Koga-san told the principal that he liked to stay here better at the old salary than go elsewhere on an increased salary, 屋敷もあるし、母もあるからとお頼みたけれども、 because he has his own house and is living with his mother. もうそう極めたあとで、古賀さんの代りは出来ているけれ仕方がないと校長がお云いたげな」 But the matter has all been settled, and his successor already appointed and it couldn't be helped, said the principal." 「へん人を馬鹿(ばか)にしてら、面白(おもしろ)くもない。 "Hum, that's a jolly good trick, I should say. じゃ古賀さんは行く気はないんですね。 Then Koga-san has no liking to go there? どうれで変だと思った。 No wonder I thought it strange. 五円ぐらい上がったって、あんな山の中へ猿のお相手をしに行く唐変木(とうへんぼく)はまずないからね」 We would have to go a long way to find any blockhead to do a job in such a mountain village and get acquainted with monkeys for five yen extra." 「唐変木て、先生なんぞなもし」 "What is a blockhead, Sir?" 「何でもいいでさあ、 "Well, let go at that. ――全く赤シャツの作略(さりゃく)だね。 It was all the scheme of Red Shirt. よくない仕打(しうち)だ。 Deucedly underhand scheme, I declare. まるで欺撃(だましうち)ですね。 It was a stab from behind. それでおれの月給を上げるなんて、 And he means to raise my salary by that; 不都合(ふつごう)な事があるものか。 that's not right. 上げてやるったって、誰が上がってやるものか」 I wouldn't take that raise. Let's see if he can raise it." 「先生は月給がお上りるのかなもし」 "Is your salary going to be raised, Sir?" 「上げてやるって云うから、断(こと)わろうと思うんです」 "Yes, they said they would raise mine, but I'm thinking of refusing it." 「何で、お断わりるのぞなもし」 "Why do you refuse?" 「何でもお断わりだ。 "Why or no why, it's going to be refused. お婆さん、あの赤シャツは馬鹿ですぜ。 Say, Red Shirt is a fool; 卑怯(ひきょう)でさあ」 he is a coward." 「卑怯でもあんた、月給を上げておくれたら、大人(おとな)しく頂いておく方が得ぞなもし。 "He may be a coward, but if he raises your salary, it would be best for you to make no fuss, but accept it. 若いうちはよく腹の立つものじゃが、年をとってから考えると、も少しの我慢(がまん)じゃあったのに惜しい事をした。 One is apt to get grouchy when young, but will always repent when he is grown up and thinks that it was pity he hadn't been a little more patient. 腹立てたためにこないな損をしたと悔(くや)むのが当り前じゃけれ、 お婆の言う事をきいて、赤シャツさんが月給をあげてやろとお言いたら、難有(ありがと)うと受けておおきなさいや」 Take an old woman's advice for once, and if Red Shirt-san says he will raise your salary, just take it with thanks." 「年寄(としより)の癖に余計な世話を焼かなくってもいい。 "It's none of business of you old people." おれの月給は上がろうと下がろうとおれの月給だ」 婆さんはだまって引き込んだ。 The old lady withdrew in silence. 爺(じい)さんは呑気(のんき)な声を出して謡(うたい)をうたってる。 The old man is heard singing "utai" in the off-key voice. 謡というものは読んでわかる所を、やにむずかしい節をつけて、わざと分らなくする術だろう。 "Utai," I think, is a stunt which purposely makes a whole show a hard nut to crack by giving to it difficult tunes, whereas one could better understand it by reading it. あんな者を毎晩飽(あ)きずに唸(うな)る爺さんの気が知れない。 I cannot fathom what is in the mind of the old man who groans over it every night untired. おれは謡どころの騒(さわ)ぎじゃない。 But I'm not in a position to be fooling with "utai." 月給を上げてやろうと云うから、別段欲しくもなかったが、入らない金を余しておくのももったいないと思って、よろしいと承知したのだが、 Red Shirt said he would have my salary raised, and though I did not care much about it, I accepted it because there was no use of leaving the money lying around. 転任したくないものを無理に転任させてその男の月給の上前を跳(は)ねるなんて不人情な事が出来るものか。 But I cannot, for the love of Mike, be so inconsiderate as to skin the salary of a fellow teacher who is being transferred against his will. 当人がもとの通りでいいと云うのに延岡下(くんだ)りまで落ちさせるとは一体どう云う了見(りょうけん)だろう。 What in thunder do they mean by sending him away so far as Nobeoka when the fellow prefers to remain in his old position? 太宰権帥(だざいごんのそつ)でさえ博多(はかた)近辺で落ちついたものだ。 Even Dazai-no-Gonnosutsu did not have to go farther than about Hakata; 河合又五郎(かあいまたごろう)だって相良(さがら)でとまってるじゃないか。 even Matagoro Kawai [11] stopped at Sagara. とにかく赤シャツの所へ行って断わって来なくっちあ気が済まない。 I shall not feel satisfied unless I see Red Shirt and tell him I refuse the raise. [Footnote 11: The persons in exile, well-known in Japanese history.] 小倉(こくら)の袴(はかま)をつけてまた出掛けた。 I dressed again and went to his house. 大きな玄関へ突(つ)っ立って頼むと云うと、また例の弟が取次に出て来た。 The same younger brother of Red Shirt again answered the bell, おれの顔を見てまた来たかという眼付(めつき)をした。 and looked at me with eyes which plainly said, "You here again?" 用があれば二度だって三度だって来る。 I will come twice or thrice or as many times as I want to if there is business. よる夜なかだって叩(たた)き起(おこ)さないとは限らない。 I might rouse them out of their beds at midnight; --it is possible, who knows. 教頭の所へご機嫌伺(きげんうかが)いにくるようなおれと見損(みそくな)ってるか。 Don't mistake me for one coming to coax the head teacher. これでも月給が入らないから返しに来(きた)んだ。 I was here to give back my salary. すると弟が今来客中だと云うから、玄関でいいからちょっとお目にかかりたいと云ったら奥(おく)へ引き込んだ。 The younger brother said that there is a visitor just now, and I told him the front door will do; won't take more than a minute, and he went in. 足元を見ると、畳付(たたみつ)きの薄っぺらな、のめりの駒下駄(こまげた)がある。 Looking about my feet, I found a pair of thin, matted wooden clogs, 奥でもう万歳(ばんざい)ですよと云う声が聞(きこ)える。 and I heard some one in the house saying, "Now we're banzai." お客とは野だだなと気がついた。 I noticed that the visitor was Clown. 野だでなくては、あんな黄色い声を出して、こんな芸人じみた下駄を穿(は)くものはない。 Nobody but Clown could make such a squeaking voice and wear such clogs as are worn by cheap actors. しばらくすると、赤シャツがランプを持って玄関まで出て来て、まあ上がりたまえ、外の人じゃない吉川君だ、と云うから、 After a while Red Shirt appeared at the door with a lamp in his hand, and said, "Come in; it's no other than Mr. Yoshikawa." いえここでたくさんです。 "This is good enough," I said, ちょっと話せばいいんです、 "it won't take long." と云って、赤シャツの顔を見ると金時のようだ。 I looked at his face which was the color of a boiled lobster. 野だ公と一杯(いっぱい)飲んでると見える。 He seemed to have been drinking with Clown. 「さっき僕の月給を上げてやるというお話でしたが、少し考えが変ったから断わりに来たんです」 "You told me that you would raise my salary, but I've changed my mind, and have come here to decline the offer." 赤シャツはランプを前へ出して、奥の方からおれの顔を眺(なが)めたが、とっさの場合返事をしかねて Red Shirt, thrusting out the lamp forward, and intently staring at me, was unable to answer at the moment. 茫然(ぼうぜん)としている。 He appeared blank. 増給を断わる奴が世の中にたった一人飛び出して来たのを不審(ふしん)に思ったのか、断わるにしても、今帰ったばかりで、すぐ出直してこなくってもよさそうなものだと、呆(あき)れ返ったのか、または双方合併(そうほうがっぺい)したのか、妙な口をして突っ立ったままである。 Did he think it strange that here was one fellow, only one in the world, who does not want his salary raised, or was he taken aback that I should come back so soon even if I wished to decline it, or was it both combined, he stood there silent with his mouth in a queer shape. 「あの時承知したのは、古賀君が自分の希望で転任するという話でしたからで……」 "I accepted your offer because I understood that Mr. Koga was being transferred by his own preference......." 「古賀君は全く自分の希望で半ば転任するんです」 "Mr. Koga is really going to be transferred by his own preference." 「そうじゃないんです、 "No, Sir. ここに居たいんです。 He would like to stay here. 元の月給でもいいから、郷里に居たいのです」 He doesn't mind his present salary if he can stay." 「君は古賀君から、そう聞いたのですか」 "Have you heard it from Mr. Koga himself?" 「そりゃ当人から、聞いたんじゃありません」 "No, not from him." 「じゃ誰からお聞きです」 "Then, from who?" 「僕の下宿の婆さんが、古賀さんのおっ母(か)さんから聞いたのを今日僕に話したのです」 "The old lady in my boarding house told me what she heard from the mother of Mr. Koga." 「じゃ、下宿の婆さんがそう云ったのですね」 "Then the old woman in your boarding house told you so?" 「まあそうです」 "Well, that's about the size of it." 「それは失礼ながら少し違うでしょう。 "Excuse me, but I think you are wrong. あなたのおっしゃる通りだと、下宿屋の婆さんの云う事は信ずるが、教頭の云う事は信じないと云うように聞えるが、 According to what you say, it seems as if you believe what the old woman in the boarding house tells you, but would not believe what your head teacher tells you. そういう意味に解釈して差支(さしつか)えないでしょうか」 Am I right to understand it that way?" おれはちょっと困った。 I was stuck. 文学士なんてものはやっぱりえらいものだ。 A Bachelor of Arts is confoundedly good in oratorical combat. 妙な所へこだわって、ねちねち押(お)し寄せてくる。 He gets hold of unexpected point, and pushes the other backward. おれはよく親父(おやじ)から貴様はそそっかしくて駄目(だめ)だ駄目だと云われたが、なるほど少々そそっかしいようだ。 My father used to tell me that I am too careless and no good, and now indeed I look that way. 婆さんの話を聞いてはっと思って飛び出して来たが、実はうらなり君にもうらなりのおっ母さんにも逢って詳(くわ)しい事情は聞いてみなかったのだ。 I ran out of the house on the moment's impulse when I heard the story from the old lady, and in fact I had not heard the story from either Hubbard Squash or his mother. だからこう文学士流に斬(き)り付けられると、ちょっと受け留めにくい。 In consequence, when I was challenged in this Bachelor-of-Arts fashion, it was a bit difficult to defend myself. 正面からは受け留めにくいが、おれはもう赤シャツに対して不信任を心の中(うち)で申し渡してしまった。 I could not defend his frontal attack, but I had already declared in my mind a lack of confidence on Red Shirt. 下宿の婆さんもけちん坊(ぼう)の欲張り屋に相違ないが、嘘は吐(つ)かない女だ、 The old lady in the boarding house may be tight and a grabber, I do not doubt it, but she is a woman who tells no lie. 赤シャツのように裏表はない。 She is not double faced like Red Shirt, おれは仕方がないから、こう答えた。 I was helpless, so I answered. 「あなたの云う事は本当かも知れないですが "What you say might be right, ――とにかく増給はご免蒙(めんこうむ)ります」 --anyway, I decline the raise." 「それはますます可笑(おか)しい。 "That's still funnier. 今君がわざわざお出(いで)になったのは増俸を受けるには忍(しの)びない、理由を見出したからのように聞えたが、 I thought your coming here now was because you had found a certain reason for which you could not accept the raise. その理由が僕の説明で取り去られたにもかかわらず増俸を否まれるのは少し解しかねるようですね」 Then it is hard to understand to see you still insisting on declining the raise in spite of the reason having been eradicated by my explanation." 「解しかねるかも知れませんがね。 "It may be hard to understand, とにかく断わりますよ」 but anyway I don't want it." 「そんなに否(いや)なら強いてとまでは云いませんが、 "If you don't like it so much, I wouldn't force it on you. そう二三時間のうちに、特別の理由もないのに豹変(ひょうへん)しちゃ、将来君の信用にかかわる」 But if you change your mind within two or three hours with no particular reason, it would affect your credit in future." 「かかわっても構わないです」 "I don't care if it does affect it." 「そんな事はないはずです、 "That can't be. 人間に信用ほど大切なものはありませんよ。 Nothing is more important than credit for us. よしんば今一歩譲(ゆず)って、下宿の主人が……」 Supposing, the boss of the boarding house......." 「主人じゃない、婆さんです」 "Not the boss, but the old lady." 「どちらでもよろしい。 "Makes no difference, 下宿の婆さんが君に話した事を事実としたところで、君の増給は古賀君の所得を削(けず)って得たものではないでしょう。 --suppose what the old woman in the boarding house told you was true, the raise of your salary is not to be had by reducing the income of Mr. Koga, is it? 古賀君は延岡へ行かれる。 Mr. Koga is going to Nobeoka; その代りがくる。 his successor is coming. その代りが古賀君よりも多少低給で来てくれる。 He comes on a salary a little less than that of Mr. Koga, その剰余(じょうよ)を君に廻(ま)わすと云うのだから、君は誰にも気の毒がる必要はないはずです。 and we propose to add the surplus money to your salary, and you need not be shy. 古賀君は延岡でただ今よりも栄進される。 Mr. Koga will be promoted; 新任者は最初からの約束(やくそく)で安くくる。 the successor is to start on less pay, それで君が上がられれば、これほど都合(つごう)のいい事はないと思うですがね。 and if you could be raised, I think everything be satisfactory to all concerned. いやなら否(いや)でもいいが、もう一返うちでよく考えてみませんか」 If you don't like it, that's all right, but suppose you think it over once more at home?" おれの頭はあまりえらくないのだから、いつもなら、相手がこういう巧妙(こうみょう)な弁舌を揮(ふる)えば、おやそうかな、それじゃ、おれが間違ってたと恐(おそ)れ入って引きさがるのだけれども、今夜はそうは行かない。 My brain is not of the best stuff, and if another fellow flourishes his eloquence like this, I usually think, "Well, perhaps I was wrong," and consider myself defeated, but not so to-night. ここへ来た最初から赤シャツは何だか虫が好かなかった。 From the time I came to this town I felt prejudiced against Red Shirt. 途中(とちゅう)で親切な女みたような男だと思い返した事はあるが、 Once I had thought of him in a different light, taking him for a fellow kind-hearted and feminished. それが親切でも何でもなさそうなので、反動の結果今じゃよっぽど厭(いや)になっている。 His kindness, however, began to look like anything but kindness, and as a result, I have been getting sick of him. だから先がどれほどうまく論理的に弁論を逞(たくまし)くしようとも、堂々たる教頭流におれを遣り込めようとも、そんな事は構わない。 So no matter how he might glory himself in logical grandiloquence, or how he might attempt to out-talk me in a head-teacher-style, I don't care a snap. 議論のいい人が善人とはきまらない。 One who shines in argument is not necessarily a good fellow, 遣り込められる方が悪人とは限らない。 while the other who is out-talked is not necessarily a bad fellow, either. 表向きは赤シャツの方が重々もっともだが、表向きがいくら立派だって、腹の中まで惚(ほ)れさせる訳には行かない。 Red Shirt is very, very reasonable as far as his reasoning goes, but however graceful he may appear, he cannot win my respect. 金や威力(いりょく)や理屈(りくつ)で人間の心が買える者なら、高利貸でも巡査(じゅんさ)でも大学教授でも一番人に好かれなくてはならない。 If money, authority or reasoning can command admiration, loansharks, police officers or college professors should be liked best by all. 中学の教頭ぐらいな論法でおれの心がどう動くものか。 I cannot be moved in the least by the logic by so insignificant a fellow as the head teacher of a middle school. 人間は好き嫌いで働くものだ。 Man works by preference, 論法で働くものじゃない。 not by logic. 「あなたの云う事はもっともですが、僕は増給がいやになったんですから、まあ断わります。 "What you say is right, but I have begun to dislike the raise, so I decline. 考えたって同じ事です。 It will be the same if I think it over. さようなら」 Good by." と云いすてて門を出た。 And I left the house of Red Shirt. 頭の上には天の川が一筋かかっている。 The solitary milky way hung high in the sky. 九 CHAPTER IX. うらなり君の送別会のあるという日の朝、学校へ出たら、山嵐(やまあらし)が突然(とつぜん)、 When I went to the school, in the morning of the day the farewell dinner party was to be held, Porcupine suddenly spoke to me; 君先だってはいか銀が来て、君が乱暴して困るから、どうか出るように話してくれと頼(たの)んだから、真面目(まじめ)に受けて、君に出てやれと話したのだが、 "The other day I asked you to quit the Ikagins because Ikagin begged of me to have you leave there as you were too tough, and I believed him. あとから聞いてみると、あいつは悪(わ)るい奴(やつ)で、よく偽筆(ぎひつ)へ贋落款(にせらっかん)などを押(お)して売りつけるそうだから、 But I heard afterward that Ikagin is a crook and often passes imitation of famous drawings for originals. 全く君の事も出鱈目(でたらめ)に違(ちが)いない。 I think what he told me about you must be a lie. 君に懸物(かけもの)や骨董(こっとう)を売りつけて、商売にしようと思ってたところが、君が取り合わないで儲(もう)けがないものだから、あんな作りごとをこしらえて胡魔化(ごまか)したのだ。 He tried to sell pictures and curios to you, but as you shook him off, he told some false stories on you. 僕はあの人物を知らなかったので君に大変失敬した勘弁(かんべん)したまえ I did very wrong by you because I did not know his character, and wish you would forgive me." と長々しい謝罪をした。 And he offered me a lengthy apology. おれは何とも云わずに、山嵐の机の上にあった、一銭五厘(りん)をとって、おれの蝦蟇口(がまぐち)のなかへ入れた。 Without saying a word, I took up the one sen and a half which was lying on the desk of Porcupine, and put it into my purse. 山嵐は君それを引き込(こ)めるのかと不審(ふしん)そうに聞くから、 He asked me in a wondering tone, if I meant to take it back. うんおれは君に奢(おご)られるのが、いやだったから、是非返すつもりでいたが、その後だんだん考えてみると、やっぱり奢ってもらう方がいいようだから、引き込ますんだと説明した。 I explained, "Yes. I didn't like to have you treat me and expected to pay this back at all hazard, but as I think about it, I would rather have you treated me after all; so I'm going to take it back." 山嵐は大きな声をしてアハハハと笑いながら、そんなら、なぜ早く取らなかったのだと聞いた。 Porcupine laughed heartily and asked me why I had not taken it back sooner. 実は取ろう取ろうと思ってたが、何だか妙(みょう)だからそのままにしておいた。 I told him that I wanted to more than once, in fact, but somehow felt shy and left it there. 近来は学校へ来て一銭五厘を見るのが苦になるくらいいやだったと云ったら、 I was sick of that one sen and a half these days that I shunned the sight of it when I came to the school, I said. 君はよっぽど負け惜(お)しみの強い男だと云うから、君はよっぽど剛情張(ごうじょうっぱ)りだと答えてやった。 He said "You're a deucedly unyielding sport," and I answered "You're obstinate." それから二人の間にこんな問答が起(おこ)った。 Then ensued the following give-and-take between us two; 「君は一体どこの産だ」 "Where were you born anyway?" 「おれは江戸(えど)っ子だ」 "I'm a Yedo kid." 「うん、江戸っ子か、 "Ah, a Yedo kid, eh? 道理で負け惜しみが強いと思った」 No wonder I thought you a pretty stiff neck." 「きみはどこだ」 "And you?" 「僕は会津(あいづ)だ」 "I'm from Aizu." 「会津っぽか、 "Ha, Aizu guy, eh? 強情な訳だ。 You've got reason to be obstinate. 今日の送別会へ行くのかい」 Going to the farewell dinner to-day?" 「行くとも、 "Sure. 君は?」 You?" 「おれは無論行くんだ。 "Of course I am. 古賀さんが立つ時は、浜(はま)まで見送りに行こうと思ってるくらいだ」 I intend to go down to the beach to see Koga-san off when he leaves." 「送別会は面白いぜ、 "The farewell dinner should be a big blow-out. 出て見たまえ。 You come and see. 今日は大いに飲むつもりだ」 I'm going to get soused to the neck." 「勝手に飲むがいい。 "You get loaded all you want. おれは肴(さかな)を食ったら、すぐ帰る。 I quit the place right after I finish my plates. 酒なんか飲む奴は馬鹿(ばか)だ」 Only fools fight booze." 「君はすぐ喧嘩(けんか)を吹(ふ)き懸(か)ける男だ。 "You're a fellow who picks up a fight too easy. なるほど江戸っ子の軽跳(けいちょう)な風を、よく、あらわしてる」 It shows up the characteristic of the Yedo kid well." 「何でもいい、 "I don't care. 送別会へ行く前にちょっとおれのうちへお寄り、 Say, before you go to the farewell dinner, come to see me. 話(はな)しがあるから」 I want to tell you something." 山嵐は約束(やくそく)通りおれの下宿へ寄った。 Porcupine came to my room as promised. おれはこの間から、うらなり君の顔を見る度に気の毒でたまらなかったが、いよいよ送別の今日となったら、何だか憐(あわ)れっぽくって、出来る事なら、おれが代りに行ってやりたい様な気がしだした。 I had been in full sympathy with Hubbard Squash these days, and when it came to his farewell dinner, my pity for him welled up so much that I wished I could go to Nobeoka for him myself. それで送別会の席上で、大いに演説でもしてその行を盛(さかん)にしてやりたいと思うのだが、おれのべらんめえ調子じゃ、到底(とうてい)物にならないから、大きな声を出す山嵐を雇(やと)って、 I thought of making a parting address of burning eloquence at the dinner to grace the occasion, but my speech which rattles off like that of the excited spieler of New York would not become the place. 一番赤シャツの荒肝(あらぎも)を挫(ひし)いでやろうと考え付いたから、わざわざ山嵐を呼んだのである。 I planned to take the breath out of Red Shirt by employing Porcupine who has a thunderous voice. Hence my invitation to him before we started for the party. おれはまず冒頭(ぼうとう)としてマドンナ事件から説き出したが、山嵐は無論マドンナ事件はおれより詳(くわ)しく知っている。 I commenced by explaining the Madonna affair, but Porcupine, needless to say, knew more about it than I. おれが野芹川(のぜりがわ)の土手の話をして、あれは馬鹿野郎(ばかやろう)だと云ったら、 Telling about my meeting Red Shirt on the Nozeri river, I called him a fool. 山嵐は君はだれを捕(つら)まえても馬鹿呼(よば)わりをする。 Porcupine then said; "You call everybody a fool. 今日学校で自分の事を馬鹿と云ったじゃないか。 You called me a fool to-day at the school. 自分が馬鹿なら、赤シャツは馬鹿じゃない。 If I'm a fool, Red Shirt isn't," 自分は赤シャツの同類じゃないと主張した。 and insisted that he was not in the same group with Red Shirt. それじゃ赤シャツは腑抜(ふぬ)けの呆助(ほうすけ)だ "Then Red Shirt may be a four-flusher," と云ったら、そうかもしれないと山嵐は大いに賛成した。 I said and he approved this new alias with enthusiasm. 山嵐は強い事は強いが、こんな言葉になると、おれより遥(はる)かに字を知っていない。 Porcupine is physically strong, but when it comes to such terms, he knows less than I do. 会津っぽなんてものはみんな、こんな、ものなんだろう。 I guess all Aizu guys are about the same. それから増給事件と将来重く登用すると赤シャツが云った話をしたら山嵐はふふんと鼻から声を出して、それじゃ僕を免職(めんしょく)する考えだなと云った。 Then, when I disclosed to him about the raise of my salary and the advance hint on my promotion by Red Shirt, Porcupine pished, and said, "Then he means to discharge me." 免職するつもりだって、 "Means to discharge you? 君は免職になる気か But you mean to get discharged?" と聞いたら、 I asked. 誰(だれ)がなるものか、 "Bet you, no. 自分が免職になるなら、赤シャツもいっしょに免職させてやる If I get fired, Red Shirt will have to go with me," と大いに威張(いば)った。 he remarked with a lordly air. どうしていっしょに免職させる気かと押し返して尋(たず)ねたら、そこはまだ考えていないと答えた。 I insisted on knowing how he was going to get Red Shirt kicked out with him, and he answered that he had not thought so far yet. 山嵐は強そうだが、智慧(ちえ)はあまりなさそうだ。 Yes, Porcupine looks strong, but seems to be possessed of no abundance of brain power. おれが増給を断(こと)わったと話したら、大将大きに喜んでさすが江戸っ子だ、えらいと賞(ほ)めてくれた。 I told him about my refusal of the raise of my salary, and the Gov'nur was much pleased, praising me with the remark, "That's the stuff for Yedo kids." うらなりが、そんなに厭(いや)がっているなら、なぜ留任の運動をしてやらなかった "If Hubbard Squash does not like to go down to Nobeoka, why didn't you do something to enable him remain here," と聞いてみたら、うらなりから話を聞いた時は、既(すで)にきまってしまって、校長へ二度、赤シャツへ一度行って談判してみたが、どうする事も出来なかったと話した。 I asked, and Porcupine said that when he heard the story from Hubbard Squash, everything had been settled already, but he had asked the principal twice and Red Shirt once to have the transfer order cancelled, but to no purpose. それについても古賀があまり好人物過ぎるから困る。 Porcupine bitterly condemned Hubbard Squash for being too good-natured. 赤シャツから話があった時、断然断わるか、一応考えてみますと逃(に)げればいいのに、 If Hubbard Squash, he said, had either flatly refused or delayed the answer on the pretext of considering it, when Red Shirt raised the question of transfer, it would have been better for him. あの弁舌に胡魔化されて、即席(そくせき)に許諾(きょだく)したものだから、あとからお母(っか)さんが泣きついても、自分が談判に行っても役に立たなかったと非常に残念がった。 But he was fooled by the oily tongue of Red Shirt, had accepted the transfer outright, and all efforts by Porcupine who was moved by the tearful appeal of the mother, proved unavailing. 今度の事件は全く赤シャツが、うらなりを遠ざけて、マドンナを手に入れる策略なんだろうとおれが云ったら、 I said; "The transfer of Koga is nothing but a trick of Red Shirt to cop the Madonna by sending Hubbard Squash away." 無論そうに違いない。 "Yes," said Porcupine "That must be. あいつは大人(おとな)しい顔をして、悪事を働いて、 Red Shirt looks gentle, but plays nasty tricks. 人が何か云うと、ちゃんと逃道(にげみち)を拵(こしら)えて待ってるんだから、よっぽど奸物(かんぶつ)だ。 He is a sonovagun for when some one finds fault with him, he has excuses prepared already. あんな奴にかかっては鉄拳制裁(てっけんせいさい)でなくっちゃ利かないと、 Nothing but a sound thumping will be effective for fellows like him." 瘤(こぶ)だらけの腕(うで)をまくってみせた。 He rolled up his sleeves over his plump arms as he spoke. おれはついでだから、君の腕は強そうだな柔術(じゅうじゅつ)でもやるかと聞いてみた。 I asked him, by the way, if he knew jiujitsu, because his arms looked powerful. すると大将二の腕へ力瘤を入れて、ちょっと攫(つか)んでみろと云うから、 Then he put force in his forearm, and told me to touch it. 指の先で揉(も)んでみたら、何の事はない湯屋にある軽石の様なものだ。 I felt its swelled muscle which was hard as the pumic stone in the public bathhouse. おれはあまり感心したから、君そのくらいの腕なら、赤シャツの五人や六人は一度に張り飛ばされるだろうと聞いたら、 I was deeply impressed by his massive strength, and asked him if he could not knock five or six of Red Shirt in a bunch. 無論さと云いながら、曲げた腕を伸(の)ばしたり、縮ましたりすると、力瘤がぐるりぐるりと皮のなかで廻転(かいてん)する。 "Of course," he said, and as he extended and bent back the arm, the lumpy muscle rolled round and round, すこぶる愉快(ゆかい)だ。 which was very amusing. 山嵐の証明する所によると、かんじん綯(よ)りを二本より合せて、この力瘤の出る所へ巻きつけて、うんと腕を曲げると、ぷつりと切れるそうだ。 According to the statement of Porcupine himself, this muscle, if he bends the arm back with force, would snap a paper-string wound around it twice. かんじんよりなら、おれにも出来そうだと云ったら、 I said I might do the same thing if it were a paper-string, and he challenged me. 出来るものか、出来るならやってみろと来た。 "No, you can't," he said. "See if you can." 切れないと外聞がわるいから、おれは見合せた。 As it would not look well if I failed, I did not try. 君どうだ、今夜の送別会に大いに飲んだあと、赤シャツと野だを撲(なぐ)ってやらないか "Say, after you have drunk all you want to-night at the dinner, take a fall out of Red Shirt and Clown, eh?" と面白半分に勧めてみたら、 I suggested to him for fun. 山嵐はそうだなと考えていたが、今夜はまあよそうと云った。 Porcupine thought for a moment and said, "Not to-night, I guess." なぜと聞くと、今夜は古賀に気の毒だから I wanted to know why, and he pointed out that it would be bad for Koga. ――それにどうせ撲るくらいなら、あいつらの悪るい所を見届けて現場で撲らなくっちゃ、こっちの落度になるから "Besides, if I'm going to give it to them at all, I've to get them red handed in their dirty scheme, or all the blame will be on me," と、分別のありそうな事を附加(つけた)した。 he added discretely. 山嵐でもおれよりは考えがあると見える。 Even Porcupine seems to have wiser judgment than I. じゃ演説をして古賀君を大いにほめてやれ、 "Then make a speech and praise Mr. Koga sky-high. おれがすると江戸っ子のぺらぺらになって重みがなくていけない。 My speech becomes sort of jumpy, wanting dignity. そうして、きまった所へ出ると、急に溜飲(りゅういん)が起って咽喉(のど)の所へ、大きな丸(たま)が上がって来て言葉が出ないから、 And at any formal gathering, I get lumpy in my throat, and can't speak. 君に譲(ゆず)るからと云ったら、 So I leave it to you," I said. 妙な病気だな、 "That's a strange disease. じゃ君は人中じゃ口は利けないんだね、 Then you can't speak in the presence of other people? 困るだろう、 It would be awkward, I suppose," と聞くから、何そんなに困りゃしないと答えておいた。 he said, and I told him not quite as much awkward as he might think. そうこうするうち時間が来たから、山嵐と一所に会場へ行く。 About then, the time for the farewell dinner party arrived, and I went to the hall with Porcupine. 会場は花晨亭(かしんてい)といって、当地(ここ)で第一等の料理屋だそうだが、おれは一度も足を入れた事がない。 The dinner party was to be held at Kashin-tei which is said to be the leading restaurant in the town, but I had never been in the house before. もとの家老とかの屋敷(やしき)を買い入れて、そのまま開業したという話だが、なるほど見懸(みかけ)からして厳(いか)めしい構えだ。 This restaurant, I understood, was formerly the private residence of the chief retainer of the daimyo of the province, and its condition seemed to confirm the story. 家老の屋敷が料理屋になるのは、陣羽織(じんばおり)を縫(ぬ)い直して、胴着(どうぎ)にする様なものだ。 The residence of a chief retainer transformed into a restaurant was like making a saucepan out of warrior's armor. 二人が着いた頃(ころ)には、人数(にんず)ももう大概揃(たいがいそろ)って、 When we two came there, about all of the guests were present. 五十畳(じょう)の広間に二つ三つ人間の塊(かたまり)が出来ている。 They formed two or three groups in the spacious room of fifty mats. 五十畳だけに床(とこ)は素敵に大きい。 The alcove in this room, in harmony with its magnificence, was very large. おれが山城屋で占領(せんりょう)した十五畳敷の床とは比較にならない。 The alcove in the fifteen-mat room which I occupied at Yamashiro-ya made a small showing beside it. 尺を取ってみたら二間あった。 I measured it and found it was twelve feet wide. 右の方に、赤い模様のある瀬戸物の瓶(かめ)を据(す)えて、その中に松(まつ)の大きな枝(えだ)が挿(さ)してある。 On the right, in the alcove, there was a seto-ware flower vase, painted with red designs, in which was a large branch of pine tree. 松の枝を挿して何にする気か知らないが、何ヶ月立っても散る気遣いがないから、銭が懸らなくって、よかろう。 Why the pine twigs, I did not know, except that they are in no danger of withering for many a month to come, and are economical. あの瀬戸物はどこで出来るんだと博物の教師に聞いたら、 I asked the teacher of natural history where that seto-ware flower vase is made. あれは瀬戸物じゃありません、伊万里(いまり)ですと云った。 He told me it was not a seto-ware but an imari. 伊万里だって瀬戸物じゃないかと、云ったら、博物はえへへへへと笑っていた。 Isn't imari seto-ware? I wondered audibly, and the natural history man laughed. あとで聞いてみたら、瀬戸で出来る焼物だから、瀬戸と云うのだそうだ。 I heard afterward that we call it a seto-ware because it is made in Seto. おれは江戸っ子だから、陶器(とうき)の事を瀬戸物というのかと思っていた。 I'm a Yedo kid, and thought all china was seto-wares. 床の真中に大きな懸物があって、おれの顔くらいな大きさな字が二十八字かいてある。 In the center of the alcove was hung a panel on which were written twenty eight letters, each letter as large as my face. どうも下手(へた)なものだ。 It was poorly written; あんまり不味(まず)いから、漢学の先生に、なぜあんなまずいものを麗々(れいれい)と懸けておくんですと尋(たず)ねたところ、 so poorly indeed that I enquired of the teacher of Confucius why such a poor work be hung in apparent show of pride. 先生はあれは海屋(かいおく)といって有名な書家のかいた者だと教えてくれた。 He explained that it was written by Kaioku a famous artist in the writing, but Kaioku or anyone else, 海屋だか何だか、おれは今だに下手だと思っている。 I still declare the work poorly done. やがて書記の川村がどうかお着席をと云うから、 By and by, Kawamura, the clerk, requested all to be seated. 柱があって靠(よ)りかかるのに都合のいい所へ坐(すわ)った。 I chose one in front of a pillar so I could lean against it. 海屋の懸物の前に狸(たぬき)が羽織(はおり)、袴(はかま)で着席すると、 Badger sat in front of the panel of Kaioku in Japanese full dress. 左に赤シャツが同じく羽織袴で陣取(じんど)った。 On his left sat Red Shirt similarly dressed, 右の方は主人公だというのでうらなり先生、これも日本服で控(ひか)えている。 and on his right Hubbard Squash, as the guest of honor, in the same kind of dress. おれは洋服だから、かしこまるのが窮屈(きゅうくつ)だったから、すぐ胡坐(あぐら)をかいた。 I was dressed in a European suit, and being unable to sit down, squatted on my legs at once. 隣(とな)りの体操(たいそう)教師は黒ずぼんで、ちゃんとかしこまっている。 The teacher of physical culture next to me, though in the same kind of rags as mine, sat squarely in Japanese fashion. 体操の教師だけにいやに修行が積んでいる。 As a teacher of his line he appeared to have well trained himself. やがてお膳(ぜん)が出る。 Then the dinner trays were served 徳利(とくり)が並(なら)ぶ。 and the bottles placed beside them. 幹事が立って、一言(いちごん)開会の辞を述べる。 The manager of the day stood up and made a brief opening address. それから狸が立つ。 He was followed by Badger 赤シャツが起(た)つ。 and Red Shirt. ことごとく送別の辞を述べたが、三人共申し合せたようにうらなり君の、良教師で好人物な事を吹聴(ふいちょう)して、今回去られるのはまことに残念である、学校としてのみならず、個人として大いに惜しむところであるが、 These two made farewell addresses, and dwelt at length on Hubbard Squash being an ideal teacher and gentleman, expressing their regret, saying his departure was a great loss not only to the school but to them in person. ご一身上のご都合で、切に転任をご希望になったのだから致(いた)し方(かた)がないという意味を述べた。 They concluded that it could not be helped, however, since the transfer was due to his own earnest desire and for his own convenience. こんな嘘(うそ)をついて送別会を開いて、それでちっとも恥(はず)かしいとも思っていない。 They appeared to be ashamed not in the least by telling such a lie at a farewell dinner. ことに赤シャツに至って三人のうちで一番うらなり君をほめた。 Particularly, Red Shirt, of these three, praised Hubard Squash in lavish terms. この良友を失うのは実に自分にとって大なる不幸であるとまで云った。 He went so far as to declare that to lose this true friend was a great personal loss to him. しかもそのいい方がいかにも、もっともらしくって、例のやさしい声を一層やさしくして、述べ立てるのだから、始めて聞いたものは、誰でもきっとだまされるに極(きま)ってる。 Moreover, his tone was so impressive in its same old gentle tone that one who listens to him for the first time would be sure to be misled. マドンナも大方この手で引掛(ひっか)けたんだろう。 Probably he won the Madonna by this same trick. 赤シャツが送別の辞を述べ立てている最中、向側(むかいがわ)に坐っていた山嵐がおれの顔を見てちょっと稲光(いなびかり)をさした。 While Red Shirt was uttering his farewell buncomb, Porcupine who sat on the other side across me, winked at me. おれは返電として、人指し指でべっかんこうをして見せた。 As an answer of this, I "snooked" at him. 赤シャツが座に復するのを待ちかねて、山嵐がぬっと立ち上がったから、おれは嬉(うれ)しかったので、思わず手をぱちぱちと拍(う)った。 No sooner had Red Shirt sat down than Porcupine stood up, and highly rejoiced, I clapped hands. すると狸を始め一同がことごとくおれの方を見たには少々困った。 At this Badger and others glanced at me, and I felt that I blushed a little. 山嵐は何を云うかと思うとただ今校長始めことに教頭は古賀君の転任を非常に残念がられたが、 "Our principal and other gentlemen," he said, "particularly the head teacher, expressed their sincere regret at Mr. Koga's transfer. 私は少々反対で古賀君が一日(いちじつ)も早く当地を去られるのを希望しております。 I am of a different opinion, and hope to see him leave the town at the earliest possible moment. 延岡は僻遠(へきえん)の地で、当地に比べたら物質上の不便はあるだろう。 Nobeoka is an out-of-the-way, backwoods town, and compared with this town, it may have more material inconveniences, が、聞くところによれば風俗のすこぶる淳朴(じゅんぼく)な所で、職員生徒ことごとく上代樸直(じょうだいぼくちょく)の気風を帯びているそうである。 but according to what I have heard, Nobeoka is said to be a town where the customs are simple and untainted, and the teachers and students still strong in the straightforward characteristics of old days. 心にもないお世辞を振(ふ)り蒔(ま)いたり、美しい顔をして君子を陥(おとしい)れたりするハイカラ野郎は一人もないと信ずるからして、 I am convinced that in Nobeoka there is not a single high-collared guy who passes round threadbare remarks, or who with smooth face, entraps innocent people. 君のごとき温良篤厚(とっこう)の士は必ずその地方一般の歓迎(かんげい)を受けられるに相違(そうい)ない。 I am sure that a man like Mr. Koga, gentle and honest, will surely be received with an enthusiastic welcome there. 吾輩(わがはい)は大いに古賀君のためにこの転任を祝するのである。 I heartily welcome this transfer for the sake of Mr. Koga. 終りに臨んで君が延岡に赴任(ふにん)されたら、その地の淑女(しゅくじょ)にして、君子の好逑(こうきゅう)となるべき資格あるものを択(えら)んで一日(いちじつ)も早く円満なる家庭をかたち作って、かの不貞無節なるお転婆(てんば)を事実の上において慚死(ざんし)せしめん事を希望します。 In concluding, I hope that when he is settled down at Nobeoka, he will find a lady qualified to become his wife, and form a sweet home at an early date and incidentally let the inconstant, unchaste sassy old wench die ashamed ...... a'hum, a'hum!" えへんえへんと二つばかり大きな咳払(せきばら)いをして席に着いた。 He coughed twice significantly and sat down. おれは今度も手を叩(たた)こうと思ったが、またみんながおれの面(かお)を見るといやだから、やめにしておいた。 I thought of clapping my hands again, but as it would draw attention, I refrained. 山嵐が坐ると今度はうらなり先生が起った。 When Porcupine finished his speech, Hubbard Squash arose politely, 先生はご鄭寧(ていねい)に、自席から、座敷の端(はし)の末座まで行って、慇懃(いんぎん)に一同に挨拶(あいさつ)をした上、 slipped out of his seat, went to the furthest end of the room, and having bowed to all in a most respectful manner, acknowledged the compliments in the following way; 今般は一身上の都合で九州へ参る事になりましたについて、諸先生方が小生のためにこの盛大(せいだい)なる送別会をお開き下さったのは、まことに感銘(かんめい)の至りに堪(た)えぬ次第で "On the occasion of my going to Kyushu for my personal convenience, I am deeply impressed and appreciate the way my friends have honored me with this magnificent dinner ――ことにただ今は校長、教頭その他諸君の送別の辞を頂戴(ちょうだい)して、大いに難有(ありがた)く服膺(ふくよう)する訳であります。 ....... The farewell addresses by our principal and other gentlemen will be long held in my fondest recollection....... 私はこれから遠方へ参りますが、なにとぞ従前の通りお見捨てなくご愛顧(あいこ)のほどを願います。 I am going far away now, but I hope my name be included in the future as in the past in the list of friends of the gentlemen here to-night." とへえつく張って席に戻(もど)った。 Then again bowing, he returned to his seat. うらなり君はどこまで人が好いんだか、ほとんど底が知れない。 There was no telling how far the "good-naturedness" of Hubbard Squash might go. 自分がこんなに馬鹿にされている校長や、教頭に恭(うやうや)しくお礼を云っている。 He had respectfully thanked the principal and the head teacher who had been fooling him. それも義理一遍(いっぺん)の挨拶ならだが、 And it was not a formal, cut-and-dried reply he made, either; あの様子や、あの言葉つきや、あの顔つきから云うと、心(しん)から感謝しているらしい。 by his manner, tone and face, he appeared to have been really grateful from his heart. こんな聖人に真面目にお礼を云われたら、気の毒になって、赤面しそうなものだが狸も赤シャツも真面目に謹聴(きんちょう)しているばかりだ。 Badger and Red Shirt should have blushed when they were addressed so seriously by so good a man as Hubbard Squash, but they only listened with long faces. 挨拶が済んだら、あちらでもチュー、こちらでもチュー、という音がする。 After the exchange of addresses, a sizzling sound was heard here and there, おれも真似をして汁(しる)を飲んでみたがまずいもんだ。 and I too tried the soup which tasted like anything but soup. 口取(くちとり)に蒲鉾(かまぼこ)はついてるが、どす黒くて竹輪の出来損(できそこ)ないである。 There was kamaboko in the kuchitori dish, but instead of being snow white as it should be, it looked grayish, and was more like a poorly cooked chikuwa. 刺身(さしみ)も並んでるが、厚くって鮪(まぐろ)の切り身を生で食うと同じ事だ。 The sliced tunny was there, but not having been sliced fine, passed the throat like so many pieces of chopped raw tunny. それでも隣(とな)り近所の連中はむしゃむしゃ旨(うま)そうに食っている。 Those around me, however, ate with ravenous appetite. 大方江戸前の料理を食った事がないんだろう。 They have not tasted, I guess, the real Yedo dinner. そのうち燗徳利(かんどくり)が頻繁(ひんぱん)に往来し始めたら、四方が急に賑(にぎ)やかになった。 Meanwhile the bottles began passing round, and all became more or less "jacked up." 野だ公は恭しく校長の前へ出て盃(さかずき)を頂いてる。 Clown proceeded to the front of the principal and submissively drank to his health. いやな奴だ。 A beastly fellow, this! うらなり君は順々に献酬(けんしゅう)をして、一巡周(いちじゅんめぐ)るつもりとみえる。 Hubbard Squash made a round of all the guests, drinking to their health. はなはだご苦労である。 A very onerous job, indeed. うらなり君がおれの前へ来て、一つ頂戴致しましょうと袴のひだを正して申し込まれたから、おれも窮屈にズボンのままかしこまって、一盃(ぱい)差し上げた。 When he came to me and proposed my health, I abandoned the squatting posture and sat up straight. せっかく参って、すぐお別れになるのは残念ですね。 "Too bad to see you go away so soon. ご出立(しゅったつ)はいつです、 When are you going? 是非浜までお見送りをしましょう I want to see you off at the beach," と云ったら、 I said. うらなり君はいえご用多(おお)のところ決してそれには及(およ)びませんと答えた。 "Thank you, Sir. But never mind that. You're busy," he declined. うらなり君が何と云ったって、おれは学校を休んで送る気でいる。 He might decline, but I was determined to get excused for the day and give him a rousing send-off. それから一時間ほどするうちに席上は大分乱れて来る。 Within about an hour from this, the room became pretty lively. まあ一杯(ぱい)、 "Hey, have another, hic; おや僕が飲めと云うのに ain't goin', hic, have one on me?" ……などと呂律(ろれつ)の巡(まわ)りかねるのも一人二人(ひとりふたり)出来て来た。 One or two already in a pickled state appeared on the scene. 少々退屈(たいくつ)したから便所へ行って、昔風な庭を星明りにすかして眺(なが)めていると山嵐が来た。 I was little tired, and going out to the porch, was looking at the old fashioned garden by the dim star light, when Porcupine came. どうださっきの演説はうまかったろう。 "How did you like my speech? Wasn't it grand, though!" と大分得意である。 he remarked in a highly elated tone. 大賛成だが一ヶ所気に入らないと抗議(こうぎ)を申し込んだら、 I protested that while I approved 99 per cent, of his speech, there was one per cent, that I did not. どこが不賛成だと聞いた。 "What's that one per cent?" he asked. 「美しい顔をして人を陥れるようなハイカラ野郎は延岡に居(お)らないから……と君は云ったろう」 "Well, you said,...... there is not a single high-collared guy who with smooth face entraps innocent people......." 「うん」 "Yes." 「ハイカラ野郎だけでは不足だよ」 "A 'high-collared guy' isn't enough." 「じゃ何と云うんだ」 "Then what should I say?" 「ハイカラ野郎の、ペテン師の、イカサマ師の、猫被(ねこっかぶ)りの、香具師(やし)の、モモンガーの、岡っ引きの、わんわん鳴けば犬も同然な奴とでも云うがいい」 "Better say,--'a high-collared guy; swindler, bastard, super-swanker, doubleface, bluffer, totempole, spotter, who looks like a dog as he yelps.'" 「おれには、そう舌は廻らない。 "I can't get my tongue to move so fast. 君は能弁だ。 You're eloquent. 第一単語を大変たくさん知ってる。 In the first place, you know a great many simple words. それで演舌(えんぜつ)が出来ないのは不思議だ」 Strange that you can't make a speech." 「なにこれは喧嘩(けんか)のときに使おうと思って、用心のために取っておく言葉さ。 "I reserve these words for use when I chew the rag. 演舌となっちゃ、こうは出ない」 If it comes to speech-making, they don't come out so smoothly." 「そうかな、 "Is that so? しかしぺらぺら出るぜ。 But they simply come a-running. もう一遍やって見たまえ」 Repeat that again for me." 「何遍でもやるさいいか。 "As many times as you like. ――ハイカラ野郎のペテン師の、イカサマ師の……」 Listen,--a high-collared guy, swindler, bastard, super-swanker ..." と云いかけていると、椽側(えんがわ)をどたばた云わして、二人ばかり、よろよろしながら馳(か)け出して来た。 While I was repeating this, two shaky fellows came out of the room hammering the floor. 「両君そりゃひどい、 "Hey, you two gents, ――逃げるなんて、 if won't do to run away. ――僕が居るうちは決して逃(にが)さない、さあのみたまえ。 Won't let you off while I'm here. Come and have a drink. ――いかさま師? Bastard? ――面白い、 That's fine. いかさま面白い。 Bastardly fine. ――さあ飲みたまえ」 Now, come on." とおれと山嵐をぐいぐい引っ張って行く。 And they pulled Porcupine and me away. 実はこの両人共便所に来たのだが、酔(よ)ってるもんだから、便所へはいるのを忘れて、おれ等を引っ張るのだろう。 These two fellows really had come to the lavatory, but soaked as they were, in booze bubbles, they apparently forgot to proceed to their original destination, and were pulling us hard. 酔っ払いは目の中(あた)る所へ用事を拵えて、前の事はすぐ忘れてしまうんだろう。 All booze fighters seem to be attracted by whatever comes directly under their eyes for the moment and forget what they had been proposing to do. 「さあ、諸君、いかさま師を引っ張って来た。 "Say, fellows, we've got bastards. さあ飲ましてくれたまえ。 Make them drink. いかさま師をうんと云うほど、酔わしてくれたまえ。 Get them loaded. 君逃げちゃいかん」 You gents got to stay here." と逃げもせぬ、おれを壁際(かべぎわ)へ圧(お)し付けた。 And they pushed me who never attempted to escape against the wall. 諸方を見廻してみると、膳の上に満足な肴の乗っているのは一つもない。 Surveying the scene, I found there was no dish in which any edibles were left. 自分の分を奇麗(きれい)に食い尽(つく)して、五六間先へ遠征(えんせい)に出た奴もいる。 Some one had eaten all his share, and gone on a foraging expedition. 校長はいつ帰ったか姿が見えない。 The principal was not there,--I did not know when he left. ところへお座敷はこちら?  と芸者が三四人はいって来た。 At that time, preceded by a coquetish voice, three or four geishas entered the room. おれも少し驚(おど)ろいたが、壁際へ圧し付けられているんだから、じっとしてただ見ていた。 I was a bit surprised, but having been pushed against the wall, I had to look on quietly. すると今まで床柱(とこばしら)へもたれて例の琥珀(こはく)のパイプを自慢(じまん)そうに啣(くわ)えていた、赤シャツが急に起(た)って、座敷を出にかかった。 At the instant, Red Shirt who had been leaning against a pillar with the same old amber pipe stuck into his mouth with some pride, suddenly got up and started to leave the room. 向(むこ)うからはいって来た芸者の一人が、行き違いながら、笑って挨拶をした。 One of the geishas who was advancing toward him smiled and courtesied at him as she passed by him. その一人は一番若くて一番奇麗な奴だ。 The geisha was the youngest and prettiest of the bunch. 遠くで聞(きこ)えなかったが、おや今晩はぐらい云ったらしい。 They were some distance away from me and I could not see very well, but it seemed that she might have said "Good evening." 赤シャツは知らん顔をして出て行ったぎり、顔を出さなかった。 Red Shirt brushed past as if unconscious, and never showed again. 大方校長のあとを追懸(おいか)けて帰ったんだろう。 Probably he followed the principal. 芸者が来たら座敷中急に陽気になって、一同が鬨(とき)の声を揚(あ)げて歓迎(かんげい)したのかと思うくらい、騒々(そうぞう)しい。 The sight of the geishas set the room immediately in a buzz and it became noisy as they all raised howls of welcome. そうしてある奴はなんこを攫(つか)む。 Some started the game of "nanko" その声の大きな事、まるで居合抜(いあいぬき)の稽古(けいこ)のようだ。 with a force that beat the sword-drawing practice. こっちでは拳(けん)を打ってる。 Others began playing morra, よっ、はっ、と夢中(むちゅう)で両手を振るところは、ダーク一座の操人形(あやつりにんぎょう)よりよっぽど上手(じょうず)だ。 and the way they shook their hands, intently absorbed in the game, was a better spectacle than a puppet show. 向うの隅(すみ)ではおいお酌(しゃく)だ、と徳利を振ってみて、酒だ酒だと言い直している。 One in the corner was calling "Hey, serve me here," but shaking the bottle, corrected it to "Hey, fetch me more sake." どうもやかましくて騒々しくってたまらない。 The whole room became so infernally noisy that I could scarcely stand it. そのうちで手持無沙汰(てもちぶさた)に下を向いて考え込んでるのはうらなり君ばかりである。 Amid this orgy, one, like a fish out of water, sat down with his head bowed. It was Hubbard Squash. 自分のために送別会を開いてくれたのは、自分の転任を惜(おし)んでくれるんじゃない。 The reason they have held this farewell dinner party was not in order to bid him a farewell, みんなが酒を呑(の)んで遊ぶためだ。 but because they wanted to have a jolly good time for themselves with John Barleycorn. 自分独りが手持無沙汰で苦しむためだ。 He had come to suffer only. こんな送別会なら、開いてもらわない方がよっぽどましだ。 Such a dinner party would have been better had it not been started at all. しばらくしたら、めいめい胴間声(どうまごえ)を出して何か唄(うた)い始めた。 After a while, they began singing ditties in outlandish voices. おれの前へ来た一人の芸者が、あんた、なんぞ、唄いなはれ、と三味線を抱(かか)えたから、 One of the geishas came in front of me, and taking up a samisen, asked me to sing something. おれは唄わない、貴様唄ってみろと云ったら、金(かね)や太鼓(たいこ)でねえ、迷子の迷子の三太郎と、どんどこ、どんのちゃんちきりん。 叩いて廻って逢(あ)われるものならば、わたしなんぞも、金や太鼓でどんどこ、どんのちゃんちきりんと叩いて廻って逢いたい人がある、と二た息にうたって、おおしんどと云った。 I told her I didn't sing, but I'd like to hear, and she droned out: "If one can go round and meet the one he wants, banging gongs and drums ...... bang, bang, bang, bang, bing, shouting after wandering Santaro, there is some one I'd like to meet by banging round gongs and drums ...... bang, bang, bang, bang, b-i-n-g." おおしんどなら、 She dashed this off in two breaths, and sighed, "O, dear!" もっと楽なものをやればいいのに。 She should have sung something easier. すると、いつの間にか傍(そば)へ来て坐った、野だが、鈴ちゃん逢いたい人に逢ったと思ったら、すぐお帰りで、お気の毒さまみたようでげすと相変らず噺(はな)し家みたような言葉使いをする。 Clown who had come near us meanwhile, remarked in his flippant tone: "Hello, dear Miss Su-chan, too bad to see your beau go away so soon." 知りまへんと芸者はつんと済ました。 The geisha pouted, "I don't know." 野だは頓着(とんじゃく)なく、たまたま逢いは逢いながら……と、いやな声を出して義太夫(ぎだゆう)の真似(まね)をやる。 Clown, regardless, began imitating "gidayu" with a dismal voice, --"What a luck, when she met her sweet heart by a rare chance...." おきなはれやと芸者は平手で野だの膝(ひざ)を叩いたら野だは恐悦(きょうえつ)して笑ってる。 The geisha slapped the lap of Clown with a "Cut that out," and Clown gleefully laughed. この芸者は赤シャツに挨拶をした奴だ。 This geisha is the one who made goo-goo eyes[J] at Red Shirt. 芸者に叩かれて笑うなんて、野だもおめでたい者だ。 What a simpleton, to be pleased by the slap of a geisha, this Clown. 鈴ちゃん僕が紀伊(き)の国を踴(おど)るから、一つ弾(ひ)いて頂戴と云い出した。 He said: "Say, Su-chan, strike up the string. I'm going to dance the Kiino-kuni." 野だはこの上まだ踴る気でいる。 He seemed yet to dance. 向うの方で漢学のお爺(じい)さんが歯のない口を歪(ゆが)めて、そりゃ聞えません伝兵衛(でんべい)さん、お前とわたしのその中は……とまでは無事に済(すま)したが、それから? と芸者に聞いている。 On other side of the room, the old man of Confucius, twisting round his toothless mouth, had finished as far as "...... dear Dembei-san" and is asking a geisha who sat in front of him to couch him for the rest. 爺さんなんて物覚えのわるいものだ。 Old people seem to need polishing up their memorizing system. 一人が博物を捕(つら)まえて One geisha is talking to the teacher of natural history: 近頃(ちかごろ)こないなのが、でけましたぜ、 "Here's the latest. 弾いてみまほうか。 I'll sing it. よう聞いて、いなはれや Just listen. ――花月巻(かげつまき)、白いリボンのハイカラ頭、 'Margaret, the high-collared head with a white ribbon; 乗るは自転車、弾くはヴァイオリン、半可(はんか)の英語でぺらぺらと、I am glad to see you と唄うと、 she rides on a bike, plays a violin, and talks in broken English,--I am glad to see you.'" 博物はなるほど面白い、英語入りだねと感心している。 Natural history appears impressed, and says; "That's an interesting piece. English in it too." 山嵐は馬鹿に大きな声を出して、芸者、芸者と呼んで、おれが剣舞(けんぶ)をやるから、三味線を弾けと号令を下した。 Porcupine called "geisha, geisha," in a loud voice, and commanded; "Bang your samisen; I'm going to dance a sword-dance." 芸者はあまり乱暴な声なので、あっけに取られて返事もしない。 His manner was so rough that the geishas were startled and did not answer. 山嵐は委細構わず、ステッキを持って来て、踏破千山万岳烟(ふみやぶるせんざんばんがくのけむり)と真中(まんなか)へ出て独りで隠(かく)し芸を演じている。 Porcupine, unconcerned, brought out a cane, and began performing the sword-dance in the center of the room. ところへ野だがすでに紀伊(き)の国を済まして、かっぽれを済まして、棚(たな)の達磨(だるま)さんを済して丸裸(まるはだか)の越中褌(えっちゅうふんどし)一つになって、棕梠箒(しゅろぼうき)を小脇に抱(か)い込んで、日清談判破裂(はれつ)して……と座敷中練りあるき出した。 Then Clown, having danced the Kii-no-kuni, the Kap-pore[K] and the Durhma-san on the Shelf, almost stark-naked, with a palm-fibre broom, began turkey-trotting about the room, shouting "The Sino-Japanese negotiations came to a break......." まるで気違(きちが)いだ。 The whole was a crazy sight. おれはさっきから苦しそうに袴も脱(ぬ)がず控えているうらなり君が気の毒でたまらなかったが、 I had been feeling sorry for Hubbard Squash, who up to this time had sat up straight in his full dress. なんぼ自分の送別会だって、越中褌の裸踴(はだかおどり)まで羽織袴で我慢(がまん)してみている必要はあるまいと思ったから、 Even were this a farewell dinner held in his honor, I thought he was under no obligation to look patiently in a formal dress at the naked dance. そばへ行って、古賀さんもう帰りましょうと退去を勧めてみた。 So I went to him and persuaded him with "Say, Koga-san, let's go home." するとうらなり君は今日は私の送別会だから、私が先へ帰っては失礼です、どうぞご遠慮(えんりょ)なく Hubbard Squash said the dinner was in his honor, and it would be improper for him to leave the room before the guests. と動く景色もない。 He seemed to be determined to remain. なに構うもんですか、 "What do you care!" I said, 送別会なら、送別会らしくするがいいです、 "If this is a farewell dinner, make it like one. あの様をご覧なさい。 Look at those fellows; 気狂会(きちがいかい)です。 they're just like the inmates of a lunatic asylum. さあ行きましょう Let's go." と、進まないのを無理に勧めて、座敷を出かかるところへ、野だが箒を振り振り進行して来て、 And having forced hesitating Hubbard Squash to his feet, we were just leaving the room, when Clown, marching past, brandishing the broom, saw us. やご主人が先へ帰るとはひどい。 "This won't do for the guest of honor to leave before us," he hollered, 日清談判だ。 "this is the Sino-Japanese negotiations. 帰せない Can't let you off." と箒を横にして行く手を塞(ふさ)いだ。 He enforced his declaration by holding the broom across our way. おれはさっきから肝癪(かんしゃく)が起っているところだから、 My temper had been pretty well aroused for some time, and I felt impatient. 日清談判なら "The Sino-Japanese negotiation, eh? 貴様はちゃんちゃんだろう Then you're a Chink," と、いきなり拳骨(げんこつ)で、野だの頭をぽかりと喰(く)わしてやった。 and I whacked his head with a knotty fist. 野だは二三秒の間毒気を抜かれた体(てい)で、 This sudden blow left Clown staring blankly speechless for a second or two; ぼんやりしていたが、 then he stammered out: おやこれはひどい。 "This is going some! お撲(ぶ)ちになったのは情ない。 Mighty pity to knock my head. この吉川をご打擲(ちょうちゃく)とは恐れ入った。 What a blow on this Yoshikawa! いよいよもって日清談判だ。 This makes the Sino-Japanese negotiations the sure stuff." とわからぬ事をならべているところへ、うしろから山嵐が何か騒動(そうどう)が始まったと見てとって、剣舞をやめて、飛んできたが、 While Clown was mumbling these incoherent remarks, Porcupine, believing some kind of row had been started, ceased his sword-dance and came running toward us. このていたらくを見て、いきなり頸筋(くびすじ)をうんと攫(つか)んで引き戻(もど)した。 On seeing us, he grabbed the neck of Clown and pulled him back. 日清 "The Sino-Japane ……いたい。 ......ouch! いたい。 ......ouch! どうもこれは乱暴だ This is outrageous," と振りもがくところを横に捩(ねじ)ったら、すとんと倒(たお)れた。 and Clown writhed under the grip of Porcupine who twisted him sideways and threw him down on the floor with a bang. あとはどうなったか知らない。 I do not know the rest. 途中(とちゅう)でうらなり君に別れて、うちへ帰ったら十一時過ぎだった。 I parted from Hubbard Squash on the way, and it was past eleven when I returned home. 十 CHAPTER X. 祝勝会で学校はお休みだ。 The town is going to celebrate a Japanese victory to-day, and there is no school. 練兵場(れんぺいば)で式があるというので、狸(たぬき)は生徒を引率して参列しなくてはならない。 The celebration is to be held at the parade ground, and Badger is to take out all the students and attend the ceremony. おれも職員の一人(ひとり)としていっしょにくっついて行くんだ。 As one of the instructors, I am to go with them. 町へ出ると日の丸だらけで、まぼしいくらいである。 The streets are everywhere draped with flapping national flags almost enough to dazzle the eyes. 学校の生徒は八百人もあるのだから、体操の教師が隊伍(たいご)を整えて、一組一組の間を少しずつ明けて、それへ職員が一人か二人(ふたり)ずつ監督(かんとく)として割り込(こ)む仕掛(しか)けである。 There were as many as eight hundred students in all, and it was arranged, under the direction of the teacher of physical culture to divide them into sections with one teacher or two to lead them. 仕掛(しかけ)だけはすこぶる巧妙(こうみょう)なものだが、実際はすこぶる不手際である。 The arrangement itself was quite commendable, but in its actual operation the whole thing went wrong. 生徒は小供(こども)の上に、生意気で、規律を破らなくっては生徒の体面にかかわると思ってる奴等(やつら)だから、 All students are mere kiddies who, ever too fresh, regard it as beneath their dignity not to break all regulations. 職員が幾人(いくたり)ついて行ったって何の役に立つもんか。 This rendered the provision of teachers among them practically useless. 命令も下さないのに勝手な軍歌をうたったり、軍歌をやめるとワーと訳もないのに鬨(とき)の声を揚(あ)げたり、 They would start marching songs without being told to, and if they ceased the marching songs, they would raise devilish shouts without cause. まるで浪人(ろうにん)が町内をねりあるいてるようなものだ。 Their behavior would have done credit to the gang of tramps parading the streets demanding work. 軍歌も鬨の声も揚げない時はがやがや何か喋舌(しゃべ)ってる。 When they neither sing nor shout, they tee-hee and giggle. 喋舌らないでも歩けそうなもんだが、日本人はみな口から先へ生れるのだから、いくら小言を云(い)ったって聞きっこない。 Why they cannot walk without these disorder, passes my understanding, but all Japanese are born with their mouths stuck out, and no kick will ever be strong enough to stop it. 喋舌るのもただ喋舌るのではない、教師のわる口を喋舌るんだから、 Their chatter is not only of simple nature, but about the teachers when their back is turned. 下等だ。 What a degraded bunch! おれは宿直事件で生徒を謝罪さして、まあこれならよかろうと思っていた。 I made the students apologize to me on the dormitory affair, and considered the incident closed. ところが実際は大違(おおちが)いである。 But I was mistaken. 下宿の婆(ばあ)さんの言葉を借りて云えば、正に大違いの勘五郎(かんごろう)である。 To borrow the words of the old lady in the boarding house, I was surely wrong Mr. Wright. 生徒があやまったのは心(しん)から後悔(こうかい)してあやまったのではない。 The apology they offered was not prompted by repentance in their hearts. ただ校長から、命令されて、形式的に頭を下げたのである。 They had kowtowed as a matter of form by the command of the principal. 商人が頭ばかり下げて、狡(ずる)い事をやめないのと一般で生徒も謝罪だけはするが、いたずらは決してやめるものでない。 Like the tradespeople who bow their heads low but never give up cheating the public, the students apologize but never stop their mischiefs. よく考えてみると世の中はみんなこの生徒のようなものから成立しているかも知れない。 Society is made up, I think it probable, of people just like those students. 人があやまったり詫(わ)びたりするのを、真面目(まじめ)に受けて勘弁するのは正直過ぎる馬鹿(ばか)と云うんだろう。 One may be branded foolishly honest if he takes seriously the apologies others might offer. あやまるのも仮りにあやまるので、勘弁するのも仮りに勘弁するのだと思ってれば We should regard all apologies a sham and forgiving also as a sham; 差(さ)し支(つか)えない。 then everything would be all right. もし本当にあやまらせる気なら、本当に後悔するまで叩(たた)きつけなくてはいけない。 If one wants to make another apologize from his heart, he has to pound him good and strong until he begs for mercy from his heart. おれが組と組の間にはいって行くと、天麩羅(てんぷら)だの、団子(だんご)だの、と云う声が絶えずする。 As I walked along between the sections, I could hear constantly the voices mentioning "tempura" or "dango." しかも大勢だから、誰(だれ)が云うのだか分らない。 And as there were so many of them, I could not tell which one mentioned it. よし分ってもおれの事を天麩羅と云ったんじゃありません、団子と申したのじゃありません、 Even if I succeeded in collaring the guilty one I was sure of his saying, "No, I didn't mean you in saying tempura or dango. それは先生が神経衰弱(しんけいすいじゃく)だから、ひがんで、そう聞くんだぐらい云うに極(き)まってる。 I fear you suffer from nervousness and make wrong inferences." こんな卑劣(ひれつ)な根性は封建時代から、養成したこの土地の習慣なんだから、 This dastardly spirit has been fostered from the time of the feudal lords, and is deep-rooted. いくら云って聞かしたって、教えてやったって、到底(とうてい)直りっこない。 No amount of teaching or lecturing will cure it. こんな土地に一年も居ると、潔白なおれも、この真似(まね)をしなければならなく、なるかも知れない。 If I stay in a town like this for one year or so, I may be compelled to follow their example, who knows,--clean and honest though I have been. 向(むこ)うでうまく言い抜(ぬ)けられるような手段で、おれの顔を汚(よご)すのを抛(ほう)っておく、樗蒲一(ちょぼいち)はない。 I do not propose to make a fool of myself by remaining quiet when others attempt to play games on me, with all their excuses ready-made. 向こうが人ならおれも人だ。 They are men and so am I 生徒だって、子供だって、ずう体はおれより大きいや。 --students or kiddies or whatever they may be. だから刑罰(けいばつ)として何か返報をしてやらなくっては義理がわるい。 They are bigger than I, and unless I get even with them by punishment, I would cut a sorry figure. ところがこっちから返報をする時分に尋常(じんじょう)の手段で行くと、向うから逆捩(さかねじ)を食わして来る。 But in the attempt to get even, if I resort to ordinary means, they are sure to make it a boomerang. 貴様がわるいからだと云うと、初手から逃(に)げ路(みち)が作ってある事だから滔々(とうとう)と弁じ立てる。 If I tell them, "You're wrong," they will start an eloquent defence, because they are never short of the means of sidestepping. 弁じ立てておいて、自分の方を表向きだけ立派にしてそれからこっちの非を攻撃(こうげき)する。 Having defended themselves, and made themselves appear suffering martyrs, they would begin attacking me. もともと返報にした事だから、こちらの弁護は向うの非が挙がらない上は弁護にならない。 As the incident would have been started by my attempting to get even with them, my defence would not be a defence until I can prove their wrong. つまりは向うから手を出しておいて、世間体はこっちが仕掛けた喧嘩(けんか)のように、見傚(みな)されてしまう。 So the quarrel, which they had started, might be mistaken, after all, as one begun by me. 大変な不利益だ。 それなら向うのやるなり、愚迂多良童子(ぐうたらどうじ)を極め込んでいれば、向うはますます増長するばかり、大きく云えば世の中のためにならない。 But the more I keep silent the more they would become insolent, which, speaking seriously, could not be permitted for the sake of public morale. そこで仕方がないから、こっちも向うの筆法を用いて捕(つら)まえられないで、手の付けようのない返報をしなくてはならなくなる。 In consequence, I am obliged to adopt an identical policy so they cannot catch men in playing it back on them. そうなっては江戸(えど)っ子も駄目(だめ)だ。 If the situation comes to that, it would be the last day of the Yedo kid. 駄目だが一年もこうやられる以上は、おれも人間だから駄目でも何でもそうならなくっちゃ始末がつかない。 Even so, if I am to be subjected to these pin-pricking[L] tricks, I am a man and got to risk losing off the last remnant of the honor of the Yedo kid. どうしても早く東京へ帰って清(きよ)といっしょになるに限る。 I became more convinced of the advisability of returning to Tokyo quickly and living with Kiyo. こんな田舎(いなか)に居るのは堕落(だらく)しに来ているようなものだ。 To live long in such a countrytown would be like degrading myself for a purpose. 新聞配達をしたって、ここまで堕落するよりはましだ。 Newspaper delivering would be preferable to being degraded so far as that. こう考えて、いやいや、附(つ)いてくると、何だか先鋒(せんぽう)が急にがやがや騒(さわ)ぎ出した。 I walked along with a sinking heart, thinking like this, when the head of our procession became suddenly noisy, 同時に列はぴたりと留まる。 and the whole came to a full stop. 変だから、列を右へはずして、向うを見ると、 I thought something has happened, stepped to the right out of the ranks, and looked toward the direction of the noise. 大手町(おおてまち)を突(つ)き当って薬師町(やくしまち)へ曲がる角の所で、行き詰(づま)ったぎり、押(お)し返したり、押し返されたりして揉(も)み合っている。 There on the corner of Otemachi, turning to Yakushimachi, I saw a mass packed full like canned sardines, alternately pushing back and forth. 前方から静かに静かにと声を涸(か)らして来た体操教師に The teacher of physical culture came down the line hoarsely shouting to all to be quiet. 何ですと聞くと、曲り角で中学校と師範(しはん)学校が衝突(しょうとつ)したんだと云う。 I asked him what was the matter, and he said the middle school and the normal had come to a clash at the corner. 中学と師範とはどこの県下でも犬と猿(さる)のように仲がわるいそうだ。 The middle school and the normal, I understood, are as much friendly as dogs and monkeys. なぜだかわからないが、まるで気風が合わない。 It is not explained why but their temper was hopelessly crossed, 何かあると喧嘩をする。 and each would try to knock the chip off the shoulder of the other on all occasions. 大方狭(せま)い田舎で退屈(たいくつ)だから、暇潰(ひまつぶ)しにやる仕事なんだろう。 I presume they quarrel so much because life gets monotonous in this backwoods town. おれは喧嘩は好きな方だから、衝突と聞いて、面白半分に馳(か)け出して行った。 I am fond of fighting, and hearing of the clash, darted forward to make the most of the fun. すると前の方にいる連中は、しきりに何だ地方税の癖(くせ)に、引き込めと、怒鳴(どな)ってる。 Those foremost in the line are jeering, "Get out of the way, you country tax!"[12] 後ろからは押せ押せと大きな声を出す。 while those in the rear are hollowing "Push them out!" おれは邪魔(じゃま)になる生徒の間をくぐり抜けて、曲がり角へもう少しで出ようとした時に、前へ! と云う高く鋭(するど)い号令が聞(きこ)えたと思ったら師範学校の方は粛粛(しゅくしゅく)として行進を始めた。 I passed through the students, and was nearing the corner, when I heard a sharp command of "Forward!" and the line of the normal school began marching on. 先を争った衝突は、折合がついたには相違(そうい)ないが、つまり中学校が一歩を譲(ゆず)ったのである。 The clash which had resulted from contending for the right of way was settled, but it was settled by the middle school giving way to the normal. 資格から云うと師範学校の方が上だそうだ。 From the point of school-standing the normal is said to rank above the middle. [Footnote 12: The normal school in the province maintains the students mostly on the advance-expense system, supported by the country tax.] 祝勝の式はすこぶる簡単なものであった。 The ceremony was quite simple. 旅団長が祝詞を読む、知事が祝詞を読む、参列者が万歳(ばんざい)を唱える。 The commander of the local brigade read a congratulatory address, and so did the governor, and the audience shouted banzais. それでおしまいだ。 That was all. 余興は午後にあると云う話だから、ひとまず下宿へ帰って、こないだじゅうから、気に掛(かか)っていた、清への返事をかきかけた。 The entertainments were scheduled for the afternoon, and I returned home once and started writing to Kiyo an answer which had been in my mind for some days. 今度はもっと詳(くわ)しく書いてくれとの注文だから、 Her request had been that I should write her a letter with more detailed news; なるべく念入(ねんいり)に認(したた)めなくっちゃならない。 so I must get it done with care. しかしいざとなって、半切(はんきれ)を取り上げると、書く事はたくさんあるが、何から書き出していいか、わからない。 But as I took up the rolled letter-paper, I did not know with what I should begin, though I have many things to write about. あれにしようか、 Should I begin with that? あれは面倒臭(めんどうくさ)い。 That is too much trouble. これにしようか、 Or with this? これはつまらない。 It is not interesting. 何か、すらすらと出て、骨が折れなくって、そうして清が面白がるようなものはないかしらん、と考えてみると、そんな注文通りの事件は一つもなさそうだ。 Isn't there something which will come out smoothly, I reflected, without taxing my head too much, and which will interest Kiyo. おれは墨(すみ)を磨(す)って、筆をしめして、巻紙を睨(にら)めて、 There seemed, however, no such item as I wanted I grated the ink-cake, wetted the writing brush, stared at the letter-paper ――巻紙を睨めて、筆をしめして、墨を磨って --stared at the letter-paper, wetted the writing brush, grated the ink-cake ――同じ所作を同じように何返も繰(く)り返したあと、おれには、とても手紙は書けるものではないと、諦(あきら)めて硯(すずり)の蓋(ふた)をしてしまった。 --and, having repeated the same thing several times, I gave up the letter writing as not in my line, and covered the lid of the stationery box. 手紙なんぞをかくのは面倒臭い。 To write a letter was a bother. やっぱり東京まで出掛けて行って、逢(あ)って話をするのが簡便だ。 It would be much simpler to go back to Tokyo and see Kiyo. 清の心配は察しないでもないが、清の注文通りの手紙を書くのは三七日の断食(だんじき)よりも苦しい。 Not that I am unconcerned about the anxiety of Kiyo, but to get up a letter to please the fancy of Kiyo is a harder job than to fast for three weeks. おれは筆と巻紙を抛(ほう)り出して、ごろりと転がって肱枕(ひじまくら)をして庭(にわ)の方を眺(なが)めてみたが、 I threw down the brush and letter-paper, and lying down with my bent arms as a pillow, gazed at the garden. やっぱり清の事が気にかかる。 But the thought of the letter to Kiyo would come back in my mind. その時おれはこう思った。 Then I thought this way; こうして遠くへ来てまで、清の身の上を案じていてやりさえすれば、おれの真心(まこと)は清に通じるに違いない。 If I am thinking of her from my heart, even at such a distance, my sincerity would find responsive appreciation in Kiyo. 通じさえすれば手紙なんぞやる必要はない。 If it does find response, there is no need of sending letters. やらなければ無事で暮(くら)してると思ってるだろう。 She will regard the absence of letters from me as a sign of my being in good health. たよりは死んだ時か病気の時か、何か事の起った時にやりさえすればいい訳だ。 If I write in case of illness or when something unusual happens, that will be sufficient. 庭は十坪(とつぼ)ほどの平庭で、これという植木もない。 The garden is about thirty feet square, with no particular plants worthy of name. ただ一本の蜜柑(みかん)があって、塀(へい)のそとから、目標(めじるし)になるほど高い。 There is one orange tree which is so tall as to be seen above the board fence from outside. おれはうちへ帰ると、いつでもこの蜜柑を眺める。 Whenever I returned from the school I used to look at this orange tree. 東京を出た事のないものには蜜柑の生(な)っているところはすこぶる珍(めずら)しいものだ。 For to those who had not been outside of Tokyo, oranges on the tree are rather a novel sight. あの青い実がだんだん熟してきて、黄色になるんだろうが、定めて奇麗(きれい)だろう。 Those oranges now green will ripen by degrees and turn to yellow, when the tree would surely be beautiful. 今でももう半分色の変ったのがある。 There are some already ripened. 婆(ばあ)さんに聞いてみると、すこぶる水気の多い、旨(うま)い蜜柑だそうだ。 The old lady told me that they are juicy, sweet oranges. 今に熟(うれ)たら、たんと召(め)し上がれ "They will all soon be ripe, and then help yourself to all you want," と云ったから、 she said. 毎日少しずつ食ってやろう。 I think I will enjoy a few every day. もう三週間もしたら、充分(じゅうぶん)食えるだろう。 They will be just right in about three weeks. まさか三週間以内にここを去る事もなかろう。 I do not think I will have to leave the town in so short a time as three weeks. おれが蜜柑の事を考えているところへ、偶然山嵐(ぐうぜんやまあらし)が話しにやって来た。 While my attention was centered on the oranges, Porcupine[M] came in. 今日は祝勝会だから、君といっしょにご馳走(ちそう)を食おうと思って牛肉を買って来たと、 "Say, to-day being the celebration[N] of victory, I thought I would get something good to eat with you, and bought some beef." 竹の皮の包(つつみ)を袂(たもと)から引きずり出して、座敷(ざしき)の真中(まんなか)へ抛り出した。 So saying, he took out a package covered with a bamboo-wrapper, and threw it down in the center of the room. おれは下宿で芋責(いもぜめ)豆腐責になってる上、蕎麦(そば)屋行き、団子(だんご)屋行きを禁じられてる際だから、そいつは結構だと、すぐ婆さんから鍋(なべ)と砂糖をかり込んで、煮方(にかた)に取りかかった。 I had been denied the pleasure of patronizing the noodle house or dango shop, on top of getting sick of the sweet potatoes and tofu, and I welcomed the suggestion with "That's fine," and began cooking it with a frying pan and some sugar borrowed from the old lady. 山嵐は無暗(むやみ)に牛肉を頬張(ほおば)りながら、君あの赤シャツが芸者に馴染(なじみ)のある事を知ってるかと聞くから、 Porcupine, munching the beef to the full capacity of his mouth, asked me if I knew Red Shirt having a favorite geisha. 知ってるとも、この間うらなりの送別会の時に来た一人がそうだろうと云ったら、そうだ僕(ぼく)はこの頃(ごろ)ようやく勘づいたのに、君はなかなか敏捷(びんしょう)だと大いにほめた。 I asked if that was not one of the geishas who came to our dinner the other night, and he answered, "Yes, I got the wind of the fact only recently; you're sharp." 「あいつは、ふた言目には品性だの、精神的娯楽(ごらく)だのと云う癖(くせ)に、裏へ廻(まわ)って、芸者と関係なんかつけとる、 "Red Shirt always speaks of refinement of character or of mental consolation, but he is making a fool of himself by chasing round a geisha. 怪(け)しからん奴(やつ)だ。 What a dandy rogue. それもほかの人が遊ぶのを寛容(かんよう)するならいいが、 We might let that go if he wouldn't make fuss about others making fools of themselves. 君が蕎麦屋へ行ったり、団子屋へはいるのさえ取締上(とりしまりじょう)害になると云って、校長の口を通して注意を加えたじゃないか」 I understand through the principal he stopped your going even to noodle houses or dango shops as unbecoming to the dignity of the school, didn't he?" 「うん、あの野郎の考えじゃ芸者買は精神的娯楽で、天麩羅や、団子は物理的娯楽なんだろう。 "According to his idea, running after a geisha is a mental consolation but tempura or dango is a material pleasure, I guess. 精神的娯楽なら、もっと大べらにやるがいい。 If that's mental consolation, why doesn't the fool do it above board? 何だあの様(ざま)は。 馴染の芸者がはいってくると、入れ代りに席をはずして、逃げるなんて、どこまでも人を胡魔化(ごまか)す気だから気に食わない。 You ought to see the jacknape skipping out of the room when the geisha came into it the other night, そうして人が攻撃(こうげき)すると、僕は知らないとか、露西亜(ロシア)文学だとか、俳句が新体詩の兄弟分だとか云って、人を烟(けむ)に捲(ま)くつもりなんだ。 --I don't like his trying to deceive us, but if one were to point it out for him, he would deny it or say it was the Russian literature or that the haiku is a half-brother of the new poetry, and expect to hush it up by twaddling soft nonsense. あんな弱虫は男じゃないよ。 A weak-knee like him is not a man. 全く御殿女中(ごてんじょちゅう)の生れ変りか何かだぜ。 I believe he lived the life of a court-maid in former life. ことによると、あいつのおやじは湯島のかげまかもしれない」 Perhaps his daddy might have been a kagema at Yushima in old days." 「湯島のかげまた何だ」 "What is a kagema?" 「何でも男らしくないもんだろう。 "I suppose something very unmanly,--sort of emasculated chaps. ――君そこのところはまだ煮えていないぜ。 Say, that part isn't cooked enough. そんなのを食うと絛虫(さなだむし)が湧(わ)くぜ」 It might give you tape worm." 「そうか、 "So? 大抵大丈夫(たいていだいじょうぶ)だろう。 I think it's all right. それで赤シャツは人に隠(かく)れて、温泉(ゆ)の町の角屋(かどや)へ行って、芸者と会見するそうだ」 And, say, Red Shirt is said to frequent Kadoya at the springs town and meet his geisha there, but he keeps it in dark." 「角屋って、 "Kadoya? あの宿屋か」 That hotel?" 「宿屋兼料理屋さ。 "Also a restaurant. だからあいつを一番へこますためには、あいつが芸者をつれて、あすこへはいり込むところを見届けておいて面詰(めんきつ)するんだね」 So we've got to catch him there with his geisha and make it hot for him right to his face." 「見届けるって、 "Catch him there? 夜番(よばん)でもするのかい」 Suppose we begin a kind of night watch?" 「うん、角屋の前に枡屋(ますや)という宿屋があるだろう。 "Yes, you know there is a rooming house called Masuya in front of Kadoya. あの表二階をかりて、障子(しょうじ)へ穴をあけて、見ているのさ」 We'll rent one room upstairs of the house, and keep peeping through a loophole we could make in the shoji." 「見ているときに来るかい」 "Will he come when we keep peeping at him?" 「来るだろう。 "He may. どうせひと晩じゃいけない。 We will have to do it more than one night. 二週間ばかりやるつもりでなくっちゃ」 Must expect to keep it up for at least two weeks." 「随分(ずいぶん)疲れるぜ。 "Say, that would make one pretty well tired, I tell you. 僕あ、おやじの死ぬとき一週間ばかり徹夜(てつや)して看病した事があるが、あとでぼんやりして、大いに弱った事がある」 I sat up every night for about one week attending my father when he died, and it left me thoroughly down and out for some time afterward." 「少しぐらい身体が疲れたって構わんさ。 "I don't care if I do get tired some. あんな奸物(かんぶつ)をあのままにしておくと、日本のためにならないから、僕が天に代って誅戮(ちゅうりく)を加えるんだ」 A crook like Red Shirt should not go unpunished that way for the honor of Japan, and I am going to administer a chastisement in behalf of heaven." 「愉快(ゆかい)だ。 "Hooray! そう事が極まれば、おれも加勢してやる。 If things are decided upon that way, I am game. それで今夜から夜番をやるのかい」 And we are going to start from to-night?" 「まだ枡屋に懸合(かけあ)ってないから、今夜は駄目だ」 "I haven't rented a room at Masuya yet, so can't start it to-night." 「それじゃ、いつから始めるつもりだい」 "Then when?" 「近々のうちやるさ。 "Will start before long. いずれ君に報知をするから、そうしたら、加勢してくれたまえ」 I'll let you know, and want you help me." 「よろしい、 "Right-O. いつでも加勢する。 I will help you any time. 僕(ぼく)は計略(はかりごと)は下手(へた)だが、喧嘩とくるとこれでなかなかすばしこいぜ」 I am not much myself at scheming, but I am IT when it comes to fighting." おれと山嵐がしきりに赤シャツ退治の計略(はかりごと)を相談していると、宿の婆さんが出て来て、学校の生徒さんが一人、堀田(ほった)先生にお目にかかりたいててお出(い)でたぞなもし。 While Porcupine and I were discussing the plan of subjugating Red Shirt, the old lady appeared at the door, announcing that a student was wanting to see Professor Hotta. 今お宅へ参じたのじゃが、お留守(るす)じゃけれ、大方ここじゃろうてて捜(さが)し当ててお出でたのじゃがなもしと、閾(しきい)の所へ膝(ひざ)を突(つ)いて山嵐の返事を待ってる。 The student had gone to his house, but seeing him out, had come here as probable to find him. 山嵐はそうですかと玄関(げんかん)まで出て行ったが、やがて帰って来て、 Porcupine went to the front door himself, and returning to the room after a while, said: 君、生徒が祝勝会の余興を見に行かないかって誘(さそ)いに来たんだ。 "Say, the boy came to invite us to go and see the entertainment of the celebration. 今日は高知(こうち)から、何とか踴(おど)りをしに、わざわざここまで多人数(たにんず)乗り込んで来ているのだから、是非見物しろ、めったに見られない踴(おどり)だというんだ、 He says there is a big bunch of dancers from Kochi to dance something, and it would be a long time before we could see the like of it again. 君もいっしょに行ってみたまえ Let's go." と山嵐は大いに乗り気で、おれに同行を勧める。 Porcupine seemed enthusiastic over the prospect of seeing that dance, and induced me to go with him. おれは踴なら東京でたくさん見ている。 I have seen many kinds of dance in Tokyo. 毎年八幡様(はちまんさま)のお祭りには屋台が町内へ廻ってくるんだから汐酌(しおく)みでも何でもちゃんと心得ている。 At the annual festival of the Hachiman Shrine, moving stages come around the district, and I have seen the Shiokukmi and almost any other variety. 土佐っぽの馬鹿踴なんか、見たくもないと思ったけれども、せっかく山嵐が勧めるもんだから、つい行く気になって門へ出た。 I was little inclined to see that dance by the sturdy fellows from Tosa province, but as Porcupine was so insistent, I changed my mind and followed him out. 山嵐を誘いに来たものは誰かと思ったら赤シャツの弟だ。 I did not know the student who came to invite Porcupine, but found he was the younger brother of Red Shirt. 妙(みょう)な奴(やつ)が来たもんだ。 Of all students, what a strange choice for a messenger! 会場へはいると、回向院(えこういん)の相撲(すもう)か本門寺(ほんもんじ)の御会式(おえしき)のように幾旒(いくながれ)となく長い旗を所々に植え付けた上に、世界万国の国旗をことごとく借りて来たくらい、縄(なわ)から縄、綱(つな)から綱へ渡(わた)しかけて、大きな空が、いつになく賑(にぎ)やかに見える。 The celebration ground was decorated, like the wrestling amphitheater at Ryogoku during the season, or the annual festivity of the Hommonji temple, with long banners planted here and there, and on the ropes that crossed and recrossed in the mid-air were strung the colors of all nations, as if they were borrowed from as many nations for the occasion and the large roof presented unusually cheerful aspect. 東の隅(すみ)に一夜作りの舞台(ぶたい)を設けて、ここでいわゆる高知の何とか踴りをやるんだそうだ。 On the eastern corner there was built a temporary stage upon which the dance of Koehi was to be performed. 舞台を右へ半町ばかりくると葭簀(よしず)の囲いをして、活花(いけばな)が陳列(ちんれつ)してある。 For about half a block, with the stage on the right, there was a display of flowers and plant settings arranged on shelves sheltered with reed screens. みんなが感心して眺めているが、一向くだらないものだ。 Everybody was looking at the display seemingly much impressed, but it failed to impress me. あんなに草や竹を曲げて嬉(うれ)しがるなら、背虫の色男や、跛(びっこ)の亭主(ていしゅ)を持って自慢(じまん)するがよかろう。 If twisted grasses or bamboos afforded so much pleasure, the gallantry of a hunchback or the husband of a wrong pair should give as much pleasure to their eyes. 舞台とは反対の方面で、しきりに花火を揚げる。 In the opposite direction, aerial bombs and fire works were steadily going on. 花火の中から風船が出た。 A balloon shot out 帝国万歳(ていこくばんざい)とかいてある。 on which was written "Long Live the Empire!" 天主の松の上をふわふわ飛んで営所のなかへ落ちた。 It floated leisurely over the pine trees near the castle tower, and fell down inside the compound of the barracks. 次はぽんと音がして、黒い団子が、しょっと秋の空を射抜(いぬ)くように揚(あ)がると、 Bang! A black ball shot up against the serene autumn sky; それがおれの頭の上で、ぽかりと割れて、青い烟(けむり)が傘(かさ)の骨のように開いて、だらだらと空中に流れ込んだ。 burst open straight above my head, streams of luminous green smoke ran down in an umbrella-shape, and finally faded. 風船がまた上がった。 Then another balloon. 今度は陸海軍万歳と赤地に白く染め抜いた奴が It was red with "Long Live the Army and Navy" in white. 風に揺られて、温泉(ゆ)の町から、相生村(あいおいむら)の方へ飛んでいった。 The wind slowly carried it from the town toward the Aioi village. 大方観音様の境内(けいだい)へでも落ちたろう。 Probably it would fall into the yard of Kwanon temple there. 式の時はさほどでもなかったが、今度は大変な人出だ。 At the formal celebration this morning there were not quite so many as here now. 田舎にもこんなに人間が住んでるかと驚(おど)ろいたぐらいうじゃうじゃしている。 It was surging mass that made me wonder how so many people lived in the place. 利口(りこう)な顔はあまり見当らないが、数から云うとたしかに馬鹿に出来ない。 There were not many attractive faces among the crowd, but as far as the numerical strength went, it was a formidable one. そのうち評判の高知の何とか踴が始まった。 In the meantime that dance had begun. 踴というから藤間か何ぞのやる踴りかと早合点していたが、これは大間違いであった。 I took it for granted that since they call it a dance, it would be something similar to the kind of dance by the Fujita troupe, but I was greatly mistaken. いかめしい後鉢巻(うしろはちまき)をして、立(た)っ付(つ)け袴(ばかま)を穿(は)いた男が十人ばかりずつ、舞台の上に三列に並(なら)んで、その三十人がことごとく抜き身を携(さ)げているには Thirty fellows, dressed up in a martial style, in three rows of ten each, stood with glittering drawn swords. 魂消(たまげ)た。 The sight was an eye-opener, indeed. 前列と後列の間はわずか一尺五寸ぐらいだろう、左右の間隔(かんかく)はそれより短いとも長くはない。 The space between the rows measured about two feet, and that between the men might have been even less. たった一人列を離(はな)れて舞台の端(はし)に立ってるのがあるばかりだ。 One stood apart from the group. この仲間外(はず)れの男は袴だけはつけているが、後鉢巻は倹約して、抜身の代りに、胸へ太鼓(たいこ)を懸(か)けている。 He was similarly dressed but instead of a drawn sword, he carried a drum hung about his chest. 太鼓は太神楽(だいかぐら)の太鼓と同じ物だ。 この男がやがて、いやあ、はああと呑気(のんき)な声を出して、妙な謡(うた)をうたいながら、太鼓をぼこぼん、ぼこぼんと叩(たた)く。 This fellow drawled out signals the tone of which suggested a mighty easy-life, and then croaking a strange song, he would strike the drum. 歌の調子は前代未聞の不思議なものだ。 The tune was outlandishly unfamiliar. 三河万歳(みかわまんざい)と普陀洛(ふだらく)やの合併(がっぺい)したものと思えば大した間違いにはならない。 One might form the idea by thinking it a combination of the Mikawa Banzai and the Fudarakuya. 歌はすこぶる悠長(ゆうちょう)なもので、夏分の水飴(みずあめ)のように、だらしがないが、 The song was drowsy, and like syrup in summer is dangling and slovenly. 句切りをとるためにぼこぼんを入れるから、 He struck the drum to make stops at certain intervals. のべつのようでも拍子(ひょうし)は取れる。 The tune was kept with regular rhythmical order, though it appeared to have neither head nor tail. この拍子に応じて三十人の抜き身がぴかぴかと光るのだが、これはまたすこぶる迅速(じんそく)なお手際で、拝見していても冷々(ひやひや)する。 In response to this tune, the thirty drawn swords flash, with such dexterity and speed that the sight made the spectator almost shudder. 隣(とな)りも後ろも一尺五寸以内に生きた人間が居て、その人間がまた切れる抜き身を自分と同じように振(ふ)り舞(ま)わすのだから、よほど調子が揃(そろ)わなければ、同志撃(どうしうち)を始めて怪我(けが)をする事になる。 With live men within two feet of their position, the sharp drawn blades, each flashing them in the same manner, they looked as if they might make a bloody mess unless they were perfectly accurate in their movements. それも動かないで刀だけ前後とか上下とかに振るのなら、まだ危険(あぶなく)もないが、三十人が一度に足踏(あしぶ)みをして横を向く時がある。 If it had been brandishing swords alone without moving themselves, the chances of getting slashed or cut might have been less, but sometimes they would turn sideways together, ぐるりと廻る事がある。 or clear around, 膝を曲げる事がある。 or bend their knees. 隣りのものが一秒でも早過ぎるか、遅(おそ)過ぎれば、自分の鼻は落ちるかも知れない。 Just one second's difference in the movement, either too quick or too late, on the part of the next fellow, might have meant sloughing off a nose 隣りの頭はそがれるかも知れない。 or slicing off the head of the next fellow. 抜き身の動くのは自由自在だが、その動く範囲(はんい)は一尺五寸角の柱のうちにかぎられた上に、前後左右のものと同方向に同速度にひらめかなければならない。 The drawn swords moved in perfect freedom, but the sphere of action was limited to about two feet square, and to cap it all, each had to keep moving with those in front and back, at right and left, in the same direction at the same speed. こいつは驚いた、 This beats me! なかなかもって汐酌(しおくみ)や関(せき)の戸(と)の及(およ)ぶところでない。 The dance of the Shiokumi or the Sekinoto would make no show compared with this! 聞いてみると、これははなはだ熟練の入るもので容易な事では、こういう風に調子が合わないそうだ。 I heard them say the dance requires much training, and it could not be an easy matter to make so many dancers move in a unison like this. ことにむずかしいのは、かの万歳節のぼこぼん先生だそうだ。 Particularly difficult part in the dance was that of the fellow with drum stuck to his chest. 三十人の足の運びも、手の働きも、腰(こし)の曲げ方も、ことごとくこのぼこぼん君の拍子一つで極まるのだそうだ。 The movement of feet, action of hands, or bending of knees of those thirty fellows were entirely directed by the tune with which he kept them going. 傍(はた)で見ていると、この大将が一番呑気そうに、 To the spectators this fellow's part appeared the easiest. いやあ、はああと気楽にうたってるが、その実ははなはだ責任が重くって非常に骨が折れるとは不思議なものだ。 He sang in a lazy tune, but it was strange that he was the fellow who takes the heaviest responsibility. おれと山嵐が感心のあまりこの踴を余念なく見物していると、半町ばかり、向うの方で急にわっと云う鬨の声がして、 While Porcupine and I, deeply impressed, were looking at the dance with absorbing interest, a sudden hue and cry was raised about half a block off. 今まで穏(おだ)やかに諸所を縦覧していた連中が、にわかに波を打って、右左りに揺(うご)き始める。 A commotion was started among those who had been quietly enjoying the sights and all ran pell-mell in every direction. 喧嘩だ喧嘩だと云う声がすると思うと、 Some one was heard saying "fight!" 人の袖(そで)を潜(くぐ)り抜(ぬ)けて来た赤シャツの弟が、 Then the younger brother of Red Shirt came running forward through the crowd. 先生また喧嘩です、中学の方で、今朝(けさ)の意趣返(いしゅがえ)しをするんで、 "Please, Sir," he panted, "a row again! また師範(しはん)の奴と決戦を始めたところです、 The middles are going to get even with the normals and have just begun fighting. 早く来て下さい Come quick, Sir!" と云いながらまた人の波のなかへ潜(もぐ)り込(こ)んでどっかへ行ってしまった。 And he melted somewhere into the crowd. 山嵐は世話の焼ける小僧だ "What troublesome brats! また始めたのか、 So they're at it again, eh? いい加減にすればいいのに Why can't they stop it!" と逃げる人を避(よ)けながら一散に馳(か)け出した。 Porcupine, as he spoke, dashed forward, dodging among the running crowd. 見ている訳にも行かないから取り鎮(しず)めるつもりだろう。 He meant, I think, to stop the fight, because he could not be an idle spectator once he was informed of the fact. おれは無論の事逃げる気はない。 I of course had no intention of turning tail, 山嵐の踵(かかと)を踏んであとからすぐ現場へ馳けつけた。 and hastened on the heels of Porcupine. 喧嘩は今が真最中(まっさいちゅう)である。 The fight was in its fiercest. 師範の方は五六十人もあろうか、中学はたしかに三割方多い。 There were about fifty to sixty normals, and the middles numbered by some ninety. 師範は制服をつけているが、中学は式後大抵(たいてい)は日本服に着換(きが)えているから、敵味方はすぐわかる。 The normals wore uniform, but the middles had discarded their uniform and put on Japanese civilian clothes, which made the distinction between the two hostile camps easy. しかし入り乱れて組んづ、解(ほご)れつ戦ってるから、どこから、どう手を付けて引き分けていいか分らない。 But they were so mixed up, and wrangling with such violence, that we did not know how and where we could separate them. 山嵐は困ったなと云う風で、しばらくこの乱雑な有様を眺めていたが、こうなっちゃ仕方がない。 巡査(じゅんさ)がくると面倒だ。 飛び込んで分けようと、おれの方を見て云うから、 Porcupine, apparently at a loss what to do, looked at the wild scene awhile, then turned to me, saying: "Let's jump in and separate them. It will be hell if cops get on them." おれは返事もしないで、いきなり、一番喧嘩の烈(はげ)しそうな所へ躍(おど)り込(こ)んだ。 I did not answer, but rushed to the spot where the scuffle appeared most violent. 止(よ)せ "Stop there! 止せ。 Cut this out! そんな乱暴をすると学校の体面に関わる。 You're ruining the name of the school! よさないか Stop this, dash you!" と、出るだけの声を出して敵と味方の分界線らしい所を突(つ)き貫(ぬ)けようとしたが、なかなかそう旨(うま)くは行かない。 Shouting at the top of my voice, I attempted to penetrate the line which seemed to separate the hostile sides, but this attempt did not succeed. 一二間はいったら、出る事も引く事も出来なくなった。 When about ten feet into the turmoil, I could neither advance nor retreat. 目の前に比較的(ひかくてき)大きな師範生が、十五六の中学生と組み合っている。 Right in my front, a comparatively large normal was grappling with a middle about sixteen years of ago. 止せと云ったら、止さないか "Stop that!" と師範生の肩(かた)を持って、無理に引き分けようとする途端(とたん)にだれか知らないが、下からおれの足をすくった。 I grabbed the shoulder of the normal and tried to force them apart when some one whacked my feet. おれは不意を打たれて握(にぎ)った、肩を放して、横に倒(たお)れた。 On this sudden attack, I let go the normal and fell down sideways. 堅(かた)い靴(くつ)でおれの背中の上へ乗った奴がある。 Some one stepped on my back with heavy shoes. 両手と膝を突いて下から、跳(は)ね起きたら、乗った奴は右の方へころがり落ちた。 With both hands and knees upon the ground, I jumped up and the fellow on my back rolled off to my right. 起き上がって見ると、三間ばかり向うに山嵐の大きな身体が生徒の間に挟(はさ)まりながら、止せ止せ、喧嘩は止せ止せと揉み返されてるのが見えた。 I got up, and saw the big body of Porcupine about twenty feet away, sandwiched between the students, being pushed back and forth, shouting, "Stop the fight! Stop that!" おい到底駄目だ "Say, we can't do anything!" と云ってみたが聞えないのか返事もしない。 I hollered at him, but unable to hear, I think, he did not answer. ひゅうと風を切って飛んで来た石が、いきなりおれの頬骨(ほおぼね)へ中(あた)ったなと思ったら、 A pebble-stone whiffled through the air and hit squarely on my cheek bone; 後ろからも、背中を棒(ぼう)でどやした奴がある。 the same moment some one banged my back with a heavy stick from behind. 教師の癖(くせ)に出ている、 "Profs mixing in!" 打(ぶ)て打て "Knock them down!" と云う声がする。 was shouted. 教師は二人だ。 "Two of them; 大きい奴と、小さい奴だ。 big one and small. 石を抛(な)げろ。 Throw stones at them!" と云う声もする。 Another shout. おれは、なに生意気な事をぬかすな、田舎者の癖にと、いきなり、傍(そば)に居た師範生の頭を張りつけてやった。 "Drat you fresh jackanapes!" I cried as I wallopped the head of a normal nearby. 石がまたひゅうと来る。 Another stone grazed my head, and passed behind me. 今度はおれの五分刈(ぶがり)の頭を掠(かす)めて後ろの方へ飛んで行った。 I did not know what had become of Porcupine, 山嵐はどうなったか見えない。 I could not find him. こうなっちゃ仕方がない。 Well, I could not help it 始めは喧嘩をとめにはいったんだが、 but jumped into the teapot to stop the tempest. どやされたり、石をなげられたりして、恐(おそ)れ入って引き下がるうんでれがんがあるものか。 I wasn't[O] a Hottentot to skulk away on being shot at with pebble-stones. おれを誰だと思うんだ。 What did they think I was anyway! 身長(なり)は小さくっても喧嘩の本場で修行を積んだ兄さんだ I've been through all kinds of fighting in Tokyo, and can take in all fights one may care to give me. と無茶苦茶に張り飛ばしたり、張り飛ばされたりしていると、 I slugged, jabbed and banged the stuffing out of the fellow nearest to me. やがて巡査だ巡査だ逃げろ逃げろと云う声がした。 Then some one cried, "Cops! Cops! Cheese it! Beat it!" 今まで葛練(くずね)りの中で泳いでるように身動きも出来なかったのが、急に楽になったと思ったら、敵も味方も一度に引上げてしまった。 At that moment, as if wading through a pond of molasses, I could hardly move, but the next I felt suddenly released and both sides scampered off simultaneously. 田舎者でも退却(たいきゃく)は巧妙だ。 Even the country fellows do creditable work when it comes to retreating, クロパトキンより旨いくらいである。 more masterly than General Kuropatkin, I might say. 山嵐はどうしたかと見ると、紋付(もんつき)の一重羽織(ひとえばおり)をずたずたにして、向うの方で鼻を拭(ふ)いている。 I searched for Porcupine who, I found his overgown torn to shreds, was wiping his nose. 鼻柱をなぐられて大分出血したんだそうだ。 He bled considerably, 鼻がふくれ上がって真赤(まっか)になってすこぶる見苦しい。 and his nose having swollen was a sight. おれは飛白(かすり)の袷(あわせ)を着ていたから泥(どろ)だらけになったけれども、山嵐の羽織ほどな損害はない。 My clothes were pretty well massed with dirt, but I had not suffered quite as much damage as Porcupine. しかし頬(ほっ)ぺたがぴりぴりしてたまらない。 I felt pain in my cheek 山嵐は大分血が出ているぜと教えてくれた。 and as Porcupine said, it bled some. 巡査は十五六名来たのだが、生徒は反対の方面から退却したので、捕(つら)まったのは、おれと山嵐だけである。 About sixteen police officers arrived at the scene but, all the students having beat it in opposite directions, all they were able to catch were Porcupine and me. おれらは姓名(せいめい)を告げて、一部始終を話したら、 We gave them our names and explained the whole story. ともかくも警察まで来いと云うから、警察へ行って、署長の前で事の顛末(てんまつ)を述べて下宿へ帰った。 The officers requested us to follow them to the police station which we did, and after stating to the chief of police what had happened, we returned home. 十一 CHAPTER XI. あくる日眼(め)が覚めてみると、身体中(からだじゅう)痛くてたまらない。 The next morning on awakening I felt pains all over my body, 久しく喧嘩(けんか)をしつけなかったから、こんなに答えるんだろう。 due, I thought, to having had no fight for a long time. これじゃあんまり自慢(じまん)もできないと床(とこ)の中で考えていると、婆(ばあ)さんが四国新聞を持ってきて枕元(まくらもと)へ置いてくれた。 This is not creditable to my fame as regards fighting, so I thought while in bed, when the old lady brought me a copy of the Shikoku Shimbun. 実は新聞を見るのも退儀(たいぎ)なんだが、 I felt so weak as to need some effort even reaching for the paper. 男がこれしきの事に閉口(へこ)たれて仕様があるものかと無理に腹這(はらば)いになって、寝(ね)ながら、二頁を開けてみると驚(おど)ろいた。 But what should be man so easily upset by such a trifling affair,--so I forced myself to turn in bed, and, opening its second page, I was surprised. 昨日の喧嘩がちゃんと出ている。 There was the whole story of the fight of yesterday in print. 喧嘩の出ているのは驚ろかないのだが、中学の教師堀田某(ほったぼう)と、近頃(ちかごろ)東京から赴任(ふにん)した生意気なる某とが、順良なる生徒を使嗾(しそう)してこの騒動(そうどう)を喚起(かんき)せるのみならず、両人は現場にあって生徒を指揮したる上、みだりに師範生に向(むか)って暴行をほしいままにしたりと書いて、 Not that I was surprised by the news of the fight having been published, but it said that one teacher Hotta of the Middle School and one certain saucy Somebody, recently from Tokyo, of the same institution, not only started this trouble by inciting the students, but were actually present at the scene of the trouble, directing the students and engaged themselves against the students of the Normal School. 次にこんな意見が附記(ふき)してある。 On top of this, something of the following effect was added. 本県の中学は昔時(せきじ)より善良温順の気風をもって全国の羨望(せんぼう)するところなりしが、 "The Middle School in this prefecture has been an object of admiration by all other schools for its good and ideal behavior. 軽薄(けいはく)なる二豎子(じゅし)のために吾校(わがこう)の特権を毀損(きそん)せられて、この不面目を全市に受けたる以上は、吾人(ごじん)は奮然(ふんぜん)として起(た)ってその責任を問わざるを得ず。 But since this long-cherished honor has been sullied by these two irresponsible persons, and this city made to suffer the consequent indignity, we have to bring the perpetrators to full account. 吾人は信ず、吾人が手を下す前に、当局者は相当の処分をこの無頼漢(ぶらいかん)の上に加えて、彼等(かれら)をして再び教育界に足を入るる余地なからしむる事を。 We trust that before we take any step in this matter, the authorities will have those 'toughs' properly punished, barring them forever from our educational circles." そうして一字ごとにみんな黒点を加えて、お灸(きゅう)を据(す)えたつもりでいる。 All the types were italicized, as if they meant to administer typographical chastisement upon us. おれは床の中で、糞(くそ)でも喰(く)らえと云(い)いながら、むっくり飛び起きた。 "What the devil do I care!" I shouted, and up I jumped out of bed. 不思議な事に今まで身体の関節(ふしぶし)が非常に痛かったのが、飛び起きると同時に忘れたように軽くなった。 Strange to say, the pain in my joints became tolerable. おれは新聞を丸めて庭へ抛(な)げつけたが、 I rolled up the newspaper and threw it into the garden. それでもまだ気に入らなかったから、わざわざ後架(こうか)へ持って行って棄(す)てて来た。 Not satisfied, I took that paper to the cesspool and dumped it there. 新聞なんて無暗(むやみ)な嘘(うそ)を吐(つ)くもんだ。 Newspapers tell such reckless lies. 世の中に何が一番法螺(ほら)を吹(ふ)くと云って、新聞ほどの法螺吹きはあるまい。 There is nothing so adept, I believe, as the newspaper in circulating lies. おれの云ってしかるべき事をみんな向(むこ)うで並(なら)べていやがる。 It has said what I should have said. それに近頃東京から赴任した生意気な某とは何だ。 And what does it mean by "one saucy Somebody who is recently from Tokyo?" 天下に某と云う名前の人があるか。 Is there any one in this wide world with the name of Somebody? 考えてみろ。 Don't forget, これでもれっきとした姓(せい)もあり名もあるんだ。 I have a family and personal name of my own which I am proud of. 系図が見たけりゃ、多田満仲(ただのまんじゅう)以来の先祖を一人(ひとり)残らず拝ましてやらあ。 If they want to look at my family-record, they will bow before every one of my ancestors from Mitsunaka Tada down. ――顔を洗ったら、頬(ほっ)ぺたが急に痛くなった。 Having washed my face, my cheek began suddenly smarting. 婆さんに鏡をかせと云ったら、けさの新聞をお見たかなもしと聞く。 I asked the old lady for a mirror, and she asked if I had read the paper of this morning. 読んで後架へ棄てて来た。 欲しけりゃ拾って来いと云ったら、 "Yes," I said, "and dumped it in the cesspool; go and pick it up if you want it," 驚(おどろ)いて引き下がった。 --and she withdrew with a startled look. 鏡で顔を見ると昨日(きのう)と同じように傷がついている。 Looking in the mirror, I saw bruises on my cheek. これでも大事な顔だ、 Mine is a precious face to me. 顔へ傷まで付けられた上へ生意気なる某などと、某呼ばわりをされれば I get my face bruised, and am called a saucy Somebody as if I were nobody. たくさんだ。 That is enough. 今日の新聞に辟易(へきえき)して学校を休んだなどと云われちゃ一生の名折れだから、 It will be a reflection on my honor to the end of my days if it is said that I shunned the public gaze and kept out of the school on account of the write-up in the paper. 飯を食っていの一号に出頭した。 So, after the breakfast, I attended the school ahead of all. 出てくる奴(やつ)も、出てくる奴もおれの顔を見て笑っている。 One after the other, all coming to the school would grin at my face. 何がおかしいんだ。 What is there to laugh about! 貴様達にこしらえてもらった顔じゃあるまいし。 This face is my own, gotten up, I am sure, without the least obligation on their part. そのうち、野だが出て来て、 By and by, Clown appeared. いや昨日はお手柄(てがら)で、 "Ha, heroic action yesterday. ――名誉(めいよ)のご負傷でげすか、 Wounds of honor, eh?" と送別会の時に撲(なぐ)った返報と心得たのか、いやに冷(ひや)かしたから、余計な事を言わずに絵筆でも舐(な)めていろと云ってやった。 He made this sarcastic remark, I suppose, in revenge for the knock he received on his head from me at the farewell dinner. "Cut out nonsense; you get back there and suck your old drawing brushes!" するとこりゃ恐入(おそれい)りやした。 しかしさぞお痛い事でげしょうと云うから、 Then he answered "that was going some," and enquired if it pained much? 痛かろうが、痛くなかろうがおれの面だ。 "Pain or no pain, this is my face. 貴様の世話になるもんか That's none of your business," と怒鳴(どな)りつけてやったら、 I snapped back in a furious temper. 向(むこ)う側の自席へ着いて、やっぱりおれの顔を見て、隣(とな)りの歴史の教師と何か内所話をして笑っている。 Then Clown took his seat on the other side, and still keeping his eye on me, whispered and laughed with the teacher of history next to him. それから山嵐が出頭した。 Then came Porcupine. 山嵐の鼻に至っては、紫色(むらさきいろ)に膨張(ぼうちょう)して、 His nose had swollen and was purple, 掘(ほ)ったら中から膿(うみ)が出そうに見える。 --it was a tempting object for a surgeon's knife. 自惚(うぬぼれ)のせいか、おれの顔よりよっぽど手ひどく遣(や)られている。 His face showed far worse (is it my conceit that make this comparison?) than mine. おれと山嵐は机を並べて、隣り同志の近しい仲で、お負けにその机が部屋の戸口から真正面にあるんだから運がわるい。 I and Porcupine are chums with desks next to each other, and moreover, as ill-luck would have it, the desks are placed right facing the door. 妙な顔が二つ塊(かた)まっている。 Thus were two strange faces placed together. ほかの奴は退屈(たいくつ)にさえなるときっとこっちばかり見る。 The other fellows, when in want of something to divert them, would gaze our way with regularity. 飛んだ事でと口で云うが、心のうちではこの馬鹿(ばか)がと思ってるに相違(そうい)ない。 They say "too bad," but they are surely laughing in their minds as "ha, these fools!" それでなければああいう風に私語合(ささやきあ)ってはくすくす笑う訳がない。 If that is not so, there is no reason for their whispering together and grinning like that. 教場へ出ると生徒は拍手をもって迎(むか)えた。 In the class room, the boys clapped their hands when I entered; 先生万歳(ばんざい)と云うものが二三人あった。 two or three of them banzaied. 景気がいいんだか、馬鹿にされてるんだか分からない。 I could not tell whether it was an enthusiastic approval or open insult. おれと山嵐がこんなに注意の焼点(しょうてん)となってるなかに、赤シャツばかりは平常の通り傍(そば)へ来て、 While I and Porcupine were thus being made the cynosures of the whole school, Red Shirt came to me as usual. どうも飛んだ災難でした。 "Too bad, my friend; 僕は君等に対してお気の毒でなりません。 I am very sorry indeed for you gentlemen," 新聞の記事は校長とも相談して、正誤を申し込(こ)む手続きにしておいたから、心配しなくてもいい。 僕の弟が堀田君を誘(さそ)いに行ったから、こんな事が起(おこ)ったので、僕は実に申し訳がない。 それでこの件についてはあくまで尽力(じんりょく)するつもりだから、どうかあしからず、などと半分謝罪的な言葉を並べている。 he said in a semi-apologetic manner. "I've talked with the principal in regard to the story in the paper, and have arranged to demand that the paper retract the report, so you needn't worry on that score. You were plunged into the trouble because my brother invited Mr. Hotta, and I don't know how I can apologize you! I'm going to do my level best in this matter; you gentlemen please depend on that." 校長は三時間目に校長室から出てきて、困った事を新聞がかき出しましたね。 むずかしくならなければいいがと多少心配そうに見えた。 At the third hour recess the principal came out of his room, and seemed more or less perturbed, saying, "The paper made a bad mess of it, didn't it? I hope the matter will not become serious." おれには心配なんかない、先で免職(めんしょく)をするなら、免職される前に辞表を出してしまうだけだ。 As to anxiety, I have none. If they propose to relieve me, I intend to tender my resignation before I get fired,--that's all. しかし自分がわるくないのにこっちから身を引くのは法螺吹きの新聞屋をますます増長させる訳だから、 However, if I resign with no fault on my part, I would be simply giving the paper advantage. 新聞屋を正誤させて、おれが意地にも務めるのが順当だと考えた。 I thought it proper to make the paper take back what it had said, and stick to my position. 帰りがけに新聞屋に談判に行こうと思ったが、学校から取消(とりけし)の手続きはしたと云うから、やめた。 I was going to the newspaper office to give them a piece of my mind on my way back but having been told that the school had already taken steps to have the story retracted, I did not. おれと山嵐は校長と教頭に時間の合間を見計(みはから)って、嘘のないところを一応説明した。 Porcupine and I saw the principal and Red Shirt at a convenient hour, giving them a faithful version of the incident. 校長と教頭はそうだろう、新聞屋が学校に恨(うら)みを抱(いだ)いて、あんな記事をことさらに掲(かか)げたんだろうと論断した。 The principal and Red Shirt agreed that the incident must have been as we said and that the paper bore some grudge against the school and purposely published such a story. 赤シャツはおれ等の行為(こうい)を弁解しながら控所(ひかえじょ)を一人ごとに廻(まわ)ってあるいていた。 Red Shirt made a round of personal visits on each teacher in the room, defending and explaining our action in the affair. ことに自分の弟が山嵐を誘い出したのを自分の過失であるかのごとく吹聴(ふいちょう)していた。 Particularly he dwelt upon the fact that his brother invited Porcupine and it was his fault. みんなは全く新聞屋がわるい、怪(け)しからん、両君は実に災難だと云った。 All teachers denounced the paper as infamous and agreed that we two deserved sympathy. 帰りがけに山嵐は、君赤シャツは臭(くさ)いぜ、用心しないとやられるぜと注意した。 On our way home, Porcupine warned me that Red Shirt smelt suspicious, and we would be done unless we looked out. どうせ臭いんだ、今日から臭くなったんじゃなかろうと云うと、 I said he had been smelling some anyway,--it was not necessarily so just from to-day. 君まだ気が付かないか、きのうわざわざ、僕等を誘い出して喧嘩のなかへ、捲(ま)き込(こ)んだのは策だぜと教えてくれた。 Then he said that it was his trick to have us invited and mixed in the fight yesterday, --"Aren't you on to that yet?" なるほどそこまでは気がつかなかった。 Well, I was not. 山嵐は粗暴(そぼう)なようだが、おれより智慧(ちえ)のある男だと感心した。 Porcupine was quite a Grobian but he was endowed, I was impressed, with a better brain than I. 「ああやって喧嘩をさせておいて、すぐあとから新聞屋へ手を廻してあんな記事をかかせたんだ。 "He made us mix into the trouble, and slipped behind and contrived to have the paper publish the story. 実に奸物(かんぶつ)だ」 What a devil!" 「新聞までも赤シャツか。 "Even the newspaper in the band wagon of Red Shirt? そいつは驚いた。 That surprises me. しかし新聞が赤シャツの云う事をそう容易(たやす)く聴(き)くかね」 But would the paper listen to Red Shirt so easily?" 「聴かなくって。 "Wouldn't it, though. 新聞屋に友達が居りゃ訳はないさ」 Darn easy thing if one has friends in the paper."[P] 「友達が居るのかい」 "Has he any?" 「居なくても訳ないさ。 "Suppose he hasn't, still that's easy. 嘘をついて、事実これこれだと話しゃ、すぐ書くさ」 Just tell lies and say such and such are facts, and the paper will take it up." 「ひどいもんだな。 "A startling revelation, this. 本当に赤シャツの策なら、僕等はこの事件で免職になるかも知れないね」 If that was really a trick of Red Shirt, we're likely to be discharged on account of this affair." 「わるくすると、遣(や)られるかも知れない」 "Quite likely we may be discharged." 「そんなら、おれは明日(あした)辞表を出してすぐ東京へ帰っちまわあ。 "Then I'll tender my resignation tomorrow, and back to Tokyo I go. こんな下等な所に頼(たの)んだって居るのはいやだ」 I am sick of staying in such a wretched hole." 「君が辞表を出したって、赤シャツは困らない」 "Your resignation wouldn't make Red Shirt squeal." 「それもそうだな。 "That's so. どうしたら困るだろう」 How can he be made to squeal?" 「あんな奸物の遣る事は、何でも証拠(しょうこ)の挙がらないように、挙がらないようにと工夫するんだから、反駁(はんばく)するのはむずかしいね」 "A wily guy like him always plots not to leave any trace behind, and it would be difficult to follow his track." 「厄介(やっかい)だな。 "What a bore! それじゃ濡衣(ぬれぎぬ)を着るんだね。 Then we have to stand in a false light, eh? 面白(おもしろ)くもない。 Damn it! 天道是耶非(てんどうぜかひ)かだ」 I call all kinds of god to witness if this is just and right!" 「まあ、もう二三日様子を見ようじゃないか。 "Let's wait for two or three days and see how it turns out. それでいよいよとなったら、温泉(ゆ)の町で取って抑(おさ)えるより仕方がないだろう」 And if we can't do anything else, we will have to catch him at the hot springs town." 「喧嘩事件は、喧嘩事件としてか」 "Leaving this fight affair a separate case?" 「そうさ。 "Yes. こっちはこっちで向うの急所を抑えるのさ」 We'll have to his hit weak spot with our own weapon." 「それもよかろう。 "That may be good. おれは策略は下手(へた)なんだから、万事よろしく頼む。 I haven't much to say in planning it out; いざとなれば何でもする」 I leave it to you and will do anything at your bidding." 俺と山嵐はこれで分(わか)れた。 I parted from Porcupine then. 赤シャツが果(はた)たして山嵐の推察通りをやったのなら、実にひどい奴だ。 If Red Shirt was really instrumental in bringing us two into the trouble as Porcupine supposed, he certainly deserves to be called down. 到底(とうてい)智慧比べで勝てる奴ではない。 Red Shirt outranks us in brainy work. どうしても腕力(わんりょく)でなくっちゃ駄目(だめ)だ。 And there is no other course open but to appeal to physical force. なるほど世界に戦争は絶えない訳だ。 No wonder we never see the end of war in the world. 個人でも、とどの詰(つま)りは腕力だ。 Among individuals, it is, after all, the question of superiority of the fist. あくる日、新聞のくるのを待ちかねて、披(ひら)いてみると、正誤どころか取り消しも見えない。 Next day I impatiently glanced over the paper, the arrival of which I had been waiting with eagerness, but not a correction of the news or even a line of retraction could be found. 学校へ行って狸(たぬき)に催促(さいそく)すると、あしたぐらい出すでしょうと云う。 I pressed the matter on Badger when I went to the school, and he said it might probably appear tomorrow. 明日になって六号活字で小さく取消が出た。 On that "tomorrow" a line of retraction was printed in tiny types. しかし新聞屋の方で正誤は無論しておらない。 But the paper did not make any correction of the story. また校長に談判すると、あれより手続きのしようはないのだと云う答だ。 I called the attention of Badger to the fact, and he replied that that was about all that could be done under the circumstance. 校長なんて狸のような顔をして、いやにフロック張っているが存外無勢力なものだ。 The principal, with the face like a badger and always swaggering, is surprisingly, wanting in influence. 虚偽(きょぎ)の記事を掲げた田舎新聞一つ詫(あや)まらせる事が出来ない。 He has not even as much power as to bring down a country newspaper, which had printed a false story. あんまり腹が立ったから、それじゃ私が一人で行って主筆に談判すると云ったら、それはいかん、 I was so thoroughly indignant that I declared I would go alone to the office and see the editor-in-chief on the subject, but Badger said no. 君が談判すればまた悪口を書かれるばかりだ。 "If you go there and have a blowup with the editor," he continued, "it would only mean of your being handed out worse stuff in the paper again. つまり新聞屋にかかれた事は、うそにせよ、本当にせよ、つまりどうする事も出来ないものだ。 Whatever is published in a paper, right or wrong, nothing can be done with it." あきらめるより外に仕方がないと、坊主の説教じみた説諭(せつゆ)を加えた。 And he wound up with a remark that sounded like a piece of sermon by a Buddhist bonze that "We must be contented by speedily despatching the matter from our minds and forgetting it." 新聞がそんな者なら、一日も早く打(ぶ)っ潰(つぶ)してしまった方が、われわれの利益だろう。 If newspapers are of that character, it would be beneficial for us all to have them suspended,--the sooner the better. 新聞にかかれるのと、泥鼈(すっぽん)に食いつかれるとが似たり寄ったりだとは今日(こんにち)ただ今狸の説明によって始めて承知仕(つかまつ)った。 The similarity of the unpleasant sensation of being written-up in a paper and being bitten-down by a turtle became plain for the first time by the explanation of Badger. それから三日ばかりして、ある日の午後、山嵐が憤然(ふんぜん)とやって来て、いよいよ時機が来た、おれは例の計画を断行するつもりだと云うから、 About three days afterward, Porcupine came to me excited, and said that the time has now come, that he proposes to execute that thing we had planned out. そうかそれじゃおれもやろうと、即座(そくざ)に一味徒党に加盟した。 Then I will do so, I said, and readily agreed to join him. ところが山嵐が、君はよす方がよかろうと首を傾(かたむ)けた。 But Porcupine jerked his head, saying that I had better not. なぜと聞くと君は校長に呼ばれて辞表を出せと云われたかと尋(たず)ねるから、 I asked him why, and he asked if I had been requested by the principal to tender my resignation. いや云われない。 君は?  と聴き返すと、 No, I said, and asked if he had. 今日校長室で、まことに気の毒だけれども、事情やむをえんから処決(しょけつ)してくれと云われたとの事だ。 He told me that he was called by the principal who was very, very sorry for him but under the circumstance requested him to decide to resign. 「そんな裁判はないぜ。 "That isn't fair. 狸は大方腹鼓(はらつづみ)を叩(たた)き過ぎて、胃の位置が顛倒(てんどう)したんだ。 Badger probably had been pounding his belly-drum too much and his stomach is upside down," I said, 君とおれは、いっしょに、祝勝会へ出てさ、いっしょに高知のぴかぴか踴(おど)りを見てさ、いっしょに喧嘩をとめにはいったんじゃないか。 "you and I went to the celebration, looked at the glittering sword dance together, and jumped into the fight together to stop it. Wasn't it so? 辞表を出せというなら公平に両方へ出せと云うがいい。 If he wants you to tender your resignation, he should be impartial and should have asked me to also. なんで田舎(いなか)の学校はそう理窟(りくつ)が分らないんだろう。 What makes everything in the country school so dull-head. 焦慮(じれった)いな」 This is irritating!" 「それが赤シャツの指金(さしがね)だよ。 "That's wire-pulling by Red Shirt," he said. おれと赤シャツとは今までの行懸(ゆきがか)り上到底(とうてい)両立しない人間だが、君の方は今の通り置いても害にならないと思ってるんだ」 "I and Red Shirt cannot go along together, but they think you can be left as harmless." 「おれだって赤シャツと両立するものか。 "I wouldn't get along with that Red Shirt either. 害にならないと思うなんて Consider me harmless, eh? 生意気だ」 They're getting too gay with me." 「君はあまり単純過ぎるから、置いたって、どうでも胡魔化(ごまか)されると考えてるのさ」 "You're so simple and straight that they think they can handle you in any old way." 「なお悪いや。 "Worse still. 誰(だれ)が両立してやるものか」 I wouldn't get along with him, I tell you." 「それに先だって古賀が去ってから、まだ後任が事故のために到着(とうちゃく)しないだろう。 "Besides, since the departure of Koga, his successor has not arrived. その上に君と僕を同時に追い出しちゃ、生徒の時間に明きが出来て、授業にさし支(つか)えるからな」 Furthermore, if they fire me and you together, there will be blank spots in the schedule hours at the school." 「それじゃおれを間(あい)のくさびに一席伺(うかが)わせる気なんだな。 "Then they expect me to play their game. こん畜生(ちくしょう)、 Darn the fellow! だれがその手に乗るものか」 See if they can make me." 翌日(あくるひ)おれは学校へ出て校長室へ入って談判を始めた。 On going to the school next day I made straightway for the room of the principal and started firing; 「何で私に辞表を出せと云わないんですか」 "Why don't you ask me to put in my resignation?" I said. 「へえ?」 "Eh?" と狸はあっけに取られている。 Badger stared blankly. 「堀田には出せ、私には出さないで好(い)いと云う法がありますか」 "You requested Hotta to resign, but not me. Is that right?" 「それは学校の方の都合(つごう)で……」 "That is on account of the condition of the school......" 「その都合が間違(まちが)ってまさあ。 "That condition is wrong, I dare say. 私が出さなくって済むなら堀田だって、出す必要はないでしょう」 If I don't have to resign, there should be no necessity for Hotta to resign either." 「その辺は説明が出来かねますが "I can't offer a detailed explanation about that ――堀田君は去られてもやむをえんのですが、あなたは辞表をお出しになる必要を認めませんから」 ......as to Hotta, it cannot be helped if he goes...... ......we see no need of your resigning." なるほど狸だ、要領を得ない事ばかり並べて、しかも落ち付き払(はら)ってる。 Indeed, he is a badger. He jabbers something, dodging the point, but appears complacent. おれは仕様がないから So I had to say: 「それじゃ私も辞表を出しましょう。 "Then, I will tender my resignation. 堀田君一人辞職させて、私が安閑(あんかん)として、留まっていられると思っていらっしゃるかも知れないが、私にはそんな不人情な事は出来ません」 You might have thought that I would remain peacefully while Mr. Hotta is forced to resign, but I cannot do it" 「それは困る。 "That leaves us in a bad fix. 堀田も去りあなたも去ったら、学校の数学の授業がまるで出来なくなってしまうから……」 If Hotta goes away and you follow him, we can't teach mathematics here." 「出来なくなっても私の知った事じゃありません」 "None of my business if you can't." 「君そう我儘(わがまま)を云うものじゃない、 "Say, don't be so selfish. 少しは学校の事情も察してくれなくっちゃ困る。 You ought to consider the condition of the school. それに、来てから一月立つか立たないのに辞職したと云うと、君の将来の履歴(りれき)に関係するから、 Besides, if it is said that you resigned within one month of starting a new job, it would affect your record in the future. その辺も少しは考えたらいいでしょう」 You should consider that point also." 「履歴なんか構うもんですか、 "What do I care about my record. 履歴より義理が大切です」 Obligation is more important than record." 「そりゃごもっとも "That's right. ――君の云うところは一々ごもっともだが、わたしの云う方も少しは察して下さい。 What you say is right, but be good enough to take our position into consideration. 君が是非辞職すると云うなら辞職されてもいいから、代りのあるまでどうかやってもらいたい。 If you insist on resigning, then resign, but please stay until we get some one to take your place. とにかく、うちでもう一返考え直してみて下さい」 At any rate, think the matter over once more, please." 考え直すって、直しようのない明々白々たる理由だが、狸が蒼(あお)くなったり、赤くなったりして、可愛想(かわいそう)になったからひとまず考え直す事として引き下がった。 The reason was so plain as to discourage any attempt to think it over, but as I took some pity on Badger whose face reddened or paled alternately as he spoke, I withdrew on the condition that I would think the matter over. 赤シャツには口もきかなかった。 I did not talk with Red Shirt. どうせ遣っつけるなら塊(かた)めて、うんと遣っつける方がいい。 If I have to land him one, it was better, I thought, to have it bunched together and make it hot and strong. 山嵐に狸と談判した模様を話したら、大方そんな事だろうと思った。 I acquainted Porcupine with the details of my meeting with Badger. 辞表の事はいざとなるまでそのままにしておいても差支(さしつか)えあるまいとの話だったから、 He said he had expected it to be about so, and added that the matter of resignation can be left alone without causing me any embarrassment until the time comes. 山嵐の云う通りにした。 So I followed his advice. どうも山嵐の方がおれよりも利巧(りこう)らしいから万事山嵐の忠告に従う事にした。 Porcupine appears somewhat smarter than I, and I have decided to accept whatever advices he may give. 山嵐はいよいよ辞表を出して、職員一同に告別の挨拶(あいさつ)をして浜(はま)の港屋まで下(さが)ったが、 Porcupine finally tendered his resignation, and having bidden farewell of all the fellow teachers, went down to Minato-ya on the beach. 人に知れないように引き返して、温泉(ゆ)の町の枡屋(ますや)の表二階へ潜(ひそ)んで、障子(しょうじ)へ穴をあけて覗(のぞ)き出した。 But he stealthily returned to the hot springs town, and having rented a front room upstairs of Masuya, started peeping through the hole he fingered out in the shoji. これを知ってるものはおればかりだろう。 I am the only person who knows of this. 赤シャツが忍(しの)んで来ればどうせ夜だ。 If Red Shirt comes round, it would be night anyway, しかも宵(よい)の口は生徒やその他の目があるから、少なくとも九時過ぎに極(きま)ってる。 and as he is liable to be seen by students or some others during the early part in the evening, it would surely be after nine. 最初の二晩はおれも十一時頃(ごろ)まで張番(はりばん)をしたが、赤シャツの影(かげ)も見えない。 For the first two nights, I was on the watch till about 11 o'clock, but no sight of Red Shirt was seen. 三日目には九時から十時半まで覗いたがやはり駄目だ。 On the third night, I kept peeping through from nine to ten thirty, but he did not come. 駄目を踏(ふ)んで夜なかに下宿へ帰るほど馬鹿気た事はない。 Nothing made me feel more like a fool than returning to the boarding house at midnight after a fruitless watch. 四五日(しごんち)すると、うちの婆さんが少々心配を始めて、奥(おく)さんのおありるのに、夜遊びはおやめたがええぞなもしと忠告した。 In four or five days, our old lady began worrying about me and advised me to quit night prowling,--being married. そんな夜遊びとは夜遊びが違う。 My night prowling is different from that kind of night prowling. こっちのは天に代って誅戮(ちゅうりく)を加える夜遊びだ。 Mine is that of administering a deserved chastisement. とはいうものの一週間も通って、少しも験(げん)が見えないと、いやになるもんだ。 But then, when no encouragement is in sight after one week, it becomes tiresome. おれは性急(せっかち)な性分だから、熱心になると徹夜(てつや)でもして仕事をするが、その代り何によらず長持ちのした試しがない。 I am quick tempered, and get at it with all zeal when my interest is aroused, and would sit up all night to work it out, but I have never shone in endurance. いかに天誅党でも飽(あ)きる事に変りはない。 However loyal a member of the heavenly-chastisement league I may be, I cannot escape monotony. 六日目には少々いやになって、七日目にはもう休もうかと思った。 On the sixth night I was a little tired, and on the seventh thought I would quit. そこへ行くと山嵐は頑固(がんこ)なものだ。 Porcupine, however, stuck to it with bull-dog tenacity. 宵(よい)から十二時過(すぎ)までは眼を障子へつけて、角屋の丸ぼやの瓦斯燈(がすとう)の下を睨(にら)めっきりである。 From early in the evening up to past twelve, he would glue his eye to the shoji and keep steadily watching under the gas globe of Kadoya. おれが行くと今日は何人客があって、泊(とま)りが何人、女が何人といろいろな統計を示すのには驚ろいた。 He would surprise me, when I come into the room, with figures showing how many patrons there were to-day, how many stop-overs and how many women, etc. どうも来ないようじゃないかと云うと、うん、たしかに来るはずだがと時々腕組(うでぐみ)をして溜息(ためいき)をつく。 Red Shirt seems never to be coming, I said, and he would fold his arms, audibly sighing, "Well, he ought to". 可愛想に、もし赤シャツがここへ一度来てくれなければ、山嵐は、生涯(しょうがい)天誅を加える事は出来ないのである。 If Red Shirt would not come just for once, Porcupine would be deprived of the chance of handing out a deserved and just punishment. 八日目には七時頃から下宿を出て、まずゆるりと湯に入って、それから町で鶏卵(けいらん)を八つ買った。 I left my boarding house about 7 o'clock on the eighth night and after having enjoyed my bath, I bought eight raw eggs. これは下宿の婆さんの芋責(いもぜめ)に応ずる策である。 This would counteract the attack of sweet potatoes by the old lady. その玉子を四つずつ左右の袂(たもと)へ入れて、例の赤手拭(あかてぬぐい)を肩(かた)へ乗せて、懐手(ふところで)をしながら、枡屋(ますや)の楷子段(はしごだん)を登って I put the eggs into my right and left pockets, four in each, with the same old red towel hung over my shoulder, my hands inside my coat, went to Masuya. 山嵐の座敷(ざしき)の障子をあけると、おい有望有望と韋駄天(いだてん)のような顔は急に活気を呈(てい)した。 I opened the shoji of the room and Porcupine greeted me with his Idaten-like face suddenly radiant, saying: "Say, there's hope! There's hope!" 昨夜(ゆうべ)までは少し塞(ふさ)ぎの気味で、はたで見ているおれさえ、陰気臭(いんきくさ)いと思ったくらいだが、 Up to last night, he had been downcast, and even I felt gloomy. この顔色を見たら、おれも急にうれしくなって、何も聞かない先から、愉快(ゆかい)愉快と云った。 But at his cheerful countenance, I too became cheerful, and before hearing anything, I cried, "Hooray! Hooray!" 「今夜七時半頃あの小鈴(こすず)と云う芸者が角屋へはいった」 "About half past seven this evening," he said, "that geisha named Kosuzu has gone into Kadoya." 「赤シャツといっしょか」 "With Red Shirt?" 「いいや」 "No." 「それじゃ駄目だ」 "That's no good then." 「芸者は二人づれだが、 "There were two geishas ――どうも有望らしい」 ......seems to me somewhat hopeful." 「どうして」 "How?" 「どうしてって、 "How? ああ云う狡(ずる)い奴だから、芸者を先へよこして、後から忍んでくるかも知れない」 Why, the sly old fox is likely to send his girls ahead[Q], and sneak round behind later." 「そうかも知れない。 "That may be the case. もう九時だろう」 About nine now, isn't it?" 「今九時十二分ばかりだ」 "About twelve minutes past nine," と帯の間からニッケル製の時計を出して見ながら云ったが said he, pulling out a watch with a nickel case, and, say 「おい洋燈(らんぷ)を消せ、 put out the light. 障子へ二つ坊主頭が写ってはおかしい。 It would be funny to have two silhouettes of bonze heads on the shoji. 狐(きつね)はすぐ疑ぐるから」 The fox is too ready to suspect." おれは一貫張(いっかんばり)の机の上にあった置き洋燈(らんぷ)をふっと吹きけした。 I blew out the lamp which stood upon the lacquer-enameled table. 星明りで障子だけは少々あかるい。 The shoji alone was dimly plain by the star light. 月はまだ出ていない。 The moon has not come up yet. おれと山嵐は一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)に障子へ面(かお)をつけて、息を凝(こ)らしている。 I and Porcupine put our faces close to the shoji, watching almost breathless. チーンと九時半の柱時計が鳴った。 A wall clock somewhere rang half past nine. 「おい来るだろうかな。 "Say, will he come to-night, do you think? 今夜来なければ僕はもう厭(いや)だぜ」 If he doesn't show up, I quit." 「おれは銭のつづく限りやるんだ」 "I'm going to keep this up while my money lasts." 「銭っていくらあるんだい」 "Money? How much have you?" 「今日までで八日分五円六十銭払った。 "I've paid five yen and sixty sen up to to-day for eight days. いつ飛び出しても都合(つごう)のいいように毎晩勘定(かんじょう)するんだ」 I pay my bill every night, so I can jump out anytime." 「それは手廻しがいい。 "That's well arranged. 宿屋で驚いてるだろう」 The people of this hotel must have been rather put out, I suppose." 「宿屋はいいが、 "That's all right with the hotel; 気が放せないから困る」 only I can't take my mind off the house." 「その代り昼寝(ひるね)をするだろう」 "But you take some sleep in daytime." 「昼寝はするが、外出が出来ないんで窮屈(きゅうくつ)でたまらない」 "Yes, I take a nap, but it's nuisance because I can't go out." 「天誅も骨が折れるな。 "Heavenly chastisement is a hard job, I'm sure," I said. これで天網恢々疎(てんもうかいかいそ)にして洩(も)らしちまったり、何かしちゃ、つまらないぜ」 "If he gives us the slip after giving us such trouble, it would have been a thankless task." 「なに今夜はきっとくるよ。 "Well, I'm sure he will come to-night... ――おい見ろ見ろ」 --... Look, look!" と小声になったから、おれは思わずどきりとした。 His voice changed to whisper and I was alert in a moment. 黒い帽子(ぼうし)を戴(いただ)いた男が、角屋の瓦斯燈を下から見上げたまま暗い方へ通り過ぎた。 A fellow with a black hat looked up at the gas light of Kadoya and passed on into the darkness. 違っている。 No, it was not Red Shirt. おやおやと思った。 Disappointing, this! そのうち帳場の時計が遠慮(えんりょ)なく十時を打った。 Meanwhile the clock at the office below merrily tinkled off ten. 今夜もとうとう駄目らしい。 It seems to be another bum watch to-night. 世間は大分静かになった。 The streets everywhere had become quiet. 遊廓(ゆうかく)で鳴らす太鼓(たいこ)が手に取るように聞(きこ)える。 The drum playing in the tenderloin reached our ears distinctively. 月が温泉(ゆ)の山の後(うしろ)からのっと顔を出した。 The moon had risen from behind the hills of the hot springs. 往来はあかるい。 It is very light outside. すると、下(しも)の方から人声が聞えだした。 Then voices were heard below. 窓から首を出す訳には行かないから、姿を突(つ)き留める事は出来ないが、だんだん近づいて来る模様だ。 We could not poke our heads out of the window, so were unable to see the owners of the voices, but they were evidently coming nearer. からんからんと駒下駄(こまげた)を引き擦(ず)る音がする。 The dragging of komageta (a kind of wooden footwear) was heard. 眼を斜(なな)めにするとやっと二人の影法師(かげぼうし)が見えるくらいに近づいた。 They approached so near we could see their shadows. 「もう大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)ですね。 "Everything is all right now. 邪魔(じゃま)ものは追っ払ったから」 We've got rid of the stumbling block." 正(まさ)しく野だの声である。 It was undoubtedly the voice of Clown. 「強がるばかりで策がないから、仕様がない」 "He only glories in bullying but has no tact." これは赤シャツだ。 This from Red Shirt. 「あの男もべらんめえに似ていますね。 "He is like that young tough, isn't he? あのべらんめえと来たら、勇み肌(はだ)の坊(ぼ)っちゃんだから愛嬌(あいきょう)がありますよ」 Why, as to that young tough, he is a winsome, sporty Master Darling". 「増給がいやだの辞表を出したいのって、 "I don't want my salary raised, he says, or I want to tender resignation, ありゃどうしても神経に異状があるに相違ない」 --I'm sure something is wrong with his nerves." おれは窓をあけて、二階から飛び下りて、思う様打(ぶ)ちのめしてやろうと思ったが、やっとの事で辛防(しんぼう)した。 I was greatly inclined to open the window, jump out of the second story and make them see more stars than they cared to, but I restrained myself with some effort. 二人はハハハハと笑いながら、瓦斯燈の下を潜(くぐ)って、角屋の中へはいった。 The two laughed, and passed below the gas light, and into Kadoya. 「おい」 "Say." 「おい」 "Well." 「来たぜ」 "He's here." 「とうとう来た」 "Yes, he has come at last." 「これでようやく安心した」 "I feel quite easy now." 「野だの畜生、おれの事を勇み肌の坊っちゃんだと抜(ぬ)かしやがった」 "Damned Clown called me a sporty Master Darling." 「邪魔物と云うのは、おれの事だぜ。 "The stumbling[R] block means me. 失敬千万な」 Hell!" おれと山嵐は二人の帰路を要撃(ようげき)しなければならない。 I and Porcupine had to waylay them on their return. しかし二人はいつ出てくるか見当がつかない。 But we knew no more than the man in the moon when they would come out. 山嵐は下へ行って今夜ことによると夜中に用事があって出るかも知れないから、出られるようにしておいてくれと頼(たの)んで来た。 Porcupine went down to the hotel office, notifying them to the probability of our going out at midnight, and requesting them to leave the door unfastened so we could get out anytime. 今思うと、よく宿のものが承知したものだ。 As I think about it now, it is wonderful how the hotel people complied with our request. 大抵(たいてい)なら泥棒(どろぼう)と間違えられるところだ。 In most cases, we would have been taken for burglars. 赤シャツの来るのを待ち受けたのはつらかったが、出て来るのをじっとして待ってるのはなおつらい。 It was trying to wait for the coming of Red Shirt, but it was still more trying to wait for his coming out again. 寝る訳には行かないし、始終障子の隙(すき)から睨めているのもつらいし、どうも、こうも心が落ちつかなくって、 We could not go to sleep, nor could we remain with our faces stuck to the shoji all the time our minds constantly in a state of feverish agitation. これほど難儀(なんぎ)な思いをした事はいまだにない。 In all my life, I never passed such fretful, mortifying hours. いっその事角屋へ踏み込んで現場を取って抑(おさ)えようと発議(ほつぎ)したが、山嵐は一言にして、おれの申し出を斥(しりぞ)けた。 I suggested that we had better go right into his room and catch him but Porcupine rejected the proposal outright. 自分共が今時分飛び込んだって、乱暴者だと云って途中(とちゅう)で遮(さえぎ)られる。 If we get in there at this time of night, we are likely to be prevented from preceding much further, he said, 訳を話して面会を求めれば居ないと逃(に)げるか別室へ案内をする。 and if we ask to see him, they will either answer that he is not there or will take us into a different room. 不用意のところへ踏み込めると仮定したところで何十とある座敷のどこに居るか分るものではない、 Supposing we do break into a room, we cannot tell of all those many rooms, where we can find him. 退屈でも出るのを待つより外に策はないと云うから、 There is no other way but to wait for him to come out, however tiresome it may be. ようやくの事でとうとう朝の五時まで我慢(がまん)した。 So we sat up till five in the morning. 角屋から出る二人の影を見るや否や、おれと山嵐はすぐあとを尾(つ)けた。 The moment we saw them emerging from Kadoya, I and Porcupine followed them. 一番汽車はまだないから、二人とも城下まであるかなければならない。 It was some time before the first train started and they had to walk up to town. 温泉(ゆ)の町をはずれると一丁ばかりの杉並木(すぎなみき)があって左右は田圃(たんぼ)になる。 Beyond the limit of the hot springs town, there is a road for about one block running through the rice fields, both sides of which are lined with cedar trees. それを通りこすとここかしこに藁葺(わらぶき)があって、畠(はたけ)の中を一筋に城下まで通る土手へ出る。 Farther on are thatch-roofed farm houses here and there, and then one comes upon a dyke leading straight to the town through the fields. 町さえはずれれば、どこで追いついても構わないが、なるべくなら、人家のない、杉並木で捕(つら)まえてやろうと、見えがくれについて来た。 We can catch them anywhere outside the town, but thinking it would be better to get them, if possible, on the road lined with cedar trees where we may not be seen by others, we followed them cautiously. 町を外(はず)れると急に馳(か)け足(あし)の姿勢で、はやてのように後ろから、追いついた。 Once out of the town limit, we darted on a double-quick time, and caught up with them. 何が来たかと驚ろいて振(ふ)り向く奴を待てと云って肩に手をかけた。 Wondering what was coming after them, they turned back, and we grabbed their shoulders. 野だは狼狽(ろうばい)の気味で逃げ出そうという景色(けしき)だったから、おれが前へ廻って行手を塞(ふさ)いでしまった。 We cried, "Wait!" Clown, greatly rattled, attempted to escape, but I stepped in front of him to cut off his retreat. 「教頭の職を持ってるものが何で角屋へ行って泊(とま)った」 "What makes one holding the job of a head teacher stay over night at Kadoya!" と山嵐はすぐ詰(なじ)りかけた。 Porcupine directly fired the opening gun. 「教頭は角屋へ泊って悪(わ)るいという規則がありますか」 "Is there any rule that a head teacher should not stay over night at Kadoya?" と赤シャツは依然(いぜん)として鄭寧(ていねい)な言葉を使ってる。 Red Shirt met the attack in a polite manner. 顔の色は少々蒼い。 He looked a little pale. 「取締上(とりしまりじょう)不都合だから、蕎麦屋(そばや)や団子屋(だんごや)へさえはいってはいかんと、云うくらい謹直(きんちょく)な人が、なぜ芸者といっしょに宿屋へとまり込んだ」 "Why the one who is so strict as to forbid others from going even to noodle house or dango shop as unbecoming to instructors, stayed over night at a hotel with a geisha!" 野だは隙を見ては逃げ出そうとするから Clown was inclined to run at the first opportunity; おれはすぐ前に立ち塞がって so kept I before him. 「べらんめえの坊っちゃんた何だ」 "What's that Master Darling of a young tough!" と怒鳴り付けたら、 I roared. 「いえ君の事を云ったんじゃないんです、 "I didn't mean you. Sir. 全くないんです」 No, Sir, I didn't mean you, sure." と鉄面皮に言訳がましい事をぬかした。 He insisted on this brazen excuse. おれはこの時気がついてみたら、両手で自分の袂を握(にぎ)ってる。 I happened to notice at that moment that I had held my pockets with both hands. 追っかける時に袂の中の卵がぶらぶらして困るから、両手で握りながら来たのである。 The eggs in both pockets jerked so when I ran, that I had been holding them, おれはいきなり袂へ手を入れて、玉子を二つ取り出して、やっと云いながら、野だの面へ擲(たた)きつけた。 I thrust my hand into the pocket, took out two and dashed them on the face of Clown. 玉子がぐちゃりと割れて鼻の先から黄味がだらだら流れだした。 The eggs crushed, and from the tip of his nose the yellow streamed down. 野だはよっぽど仰天(ぎょうてん)した者と見えて、わっと言いながら、尻持(しりもち)をついて、助けてくれと云った。 Clown was taken completely surprised, and uttering a hideous cry, he fell down on the ground and begged for mercy. おれは食うために玉子は買ったが、打(ぶ)つけるために袂へ入れてる訳ではない。 I had bought those eggs to eat, but had not carried them for the purpose of making "Irish Confetti" of them. ただ肝癪(かんしゃく)のあまりに、ついぶつけるともなしに打つけてしまったのだ。 Thoroughly roused, in the moment of passion, I had dashed them at him before I knew what I was doing. しかし野だが尻持を突いたところを見て始めて、おれの成功した事に気がついたから、こん畜生(ちくしょう)、こん畜生と云いながら残る六つを無茶苦茶に擲(たた)きつけたら、 But seeing Clown down and finding my hand grenade successful, I banged the rest of the eggs on him, intermingled with "Darn you, you sonovagun!" 野だは顔中黄色になった。 The face of Clown was soaked in yellow. おれが玉子をたたきつけているうち、山嵐と赤シャツはまだ談判最中である。 While I was bombarding Clown with the eggs, Porcupine was firing at Red[S] Shirt. 「芸者をつれて僕が宿屋へ泊ったと云う証拠(しょうこ)がありますか」 "Is there any evidence that I stayed there over night with a geisha?" 「宵に貴様のなじみの芸者が角屋へはいったのを見て云う事だ。 "I saw your favorite old chicken go there early in the evening, and am telling you so. 胡魔化せるものか」 You can't fool me!" 「胡魔化す必要はない。 "No need for us of fooling anybody. 僕は吉川君と二人で泊ったのである。 I stayed there with Mr. Yoshikawa, 芸者が宵にはいろうが、はいるまいが、僕の知った事ではない」 and whether any geisha had gone there early in the evening or not, that's none of my business." 「だまれ」 "Shut up!" と山嵐は拳骨(げんこつ)を食わした。 Porcupine wallopped him one. 赤シャツはよろよろしたが Red Shirt tottered. 「これは乱暴だ、狼藉(ろうぜき)である。 "This is outrageous! 理非を弁じないで腕力に訴えるのは無法だ」 It is rough to resort to force before deciding the right or wrong of it!" 「無法でたくさんだ」 "Outrageous indeed!" とまたぽかりと撲(な)ぐる。 Another clout. 「貴様のような奸物はなぐらなくっちゃ、答えないんだ」 "Nothing but wallopping will be effective on you scheming guys." とぽかぽかなぐる。 The remark was followed by a shower of blows. おれも同時に野だを散々に擲き据えた。 I soaked Clown at the same time, and made him think he saw the way to the Kingdom-Come. しまいには二人とも杉の根方にうずくまって動けないのか、眼がちらちらするのか逃げようともしない。 Finally the two crawled and crouched at the foot of a cedar tree, and either from inability to move or to see, because their eyes had become hazy, they did not even attempt to break away. 「もうたくさんか、たくさんでなけりゃ、まだ撲(なぐ)ってやる」 "Want more? If so, here goes some more!" とぽかんぽかんと両人(ふたり)でなぐったら 「もうたくさんだ」 と云った。 With that we gave him more until he cried enough. 野だに 「貴様もたくさんか」 と聞いたら "Want more? You?" we turned to Clown, 「無論たくさんだ」 と答えた。 and he answered "Enough, of course." 「貴様等は奸物だから、こうやって天誅を加えるんだ。 "This is the punishment of heaven on you grovelling wretches. これに懲(こ)りて以来つつしむがいい。 Keep this in your head and be more careful hereafter. いくら言葉巧(たく)みに弁解が立っても正義は許さんぞ」 You can never talk down justice." と山嵐が云ったら両人共(ふたりとも)だまっていた。 The two said nothing. ことによると口をきくのが退儀(たいぎ)なのかも知れない。 They were so thoroughly cowed that they could not speak. 「おれは逃げも隠(かく)れもせん。 "I'm going to neither, run away nor hide. 今夜五時までは浜の港屋に居る。 You'll find me at Minato-ya on the beach up to five this evening. 用があるなら巡査(じゅんさ)なりなんなり、よこせ」 Bring police officers or any old thing you want," と山嵐が云うから、 said Porcupine. おれも 「おれも逃げも隠れもしないぞ。 堀田と同じ所に待ってるから警察へ訴(うった)えたければ、勝手に訴えろ」 と云って、二人してすたすたあるき出した。 "I'm not going to run away or hide either. Will wait for you at the same place with Hotta. Take the case to the police station if you like, or do as you damn please," I said, and we two walked our own way. おれが下宿へ帰ったのは七時少し前である。 It was a little before seven when I returned to my room. 部屋へはいるとすぐ荷作りを始めたら、婆さんが驚いて、どうおしるのぞなもしと聞いた。 I started packing as soon as I was in the room, and the astonished old lady asked me what I was trying to do. お婆さん、東京へ行って奥さんを連れてくるんだと答えて勘定を済まして、 I'm going to Tokyo to fetch my Madam, I said, and paid my bill. すぐ汽車へ乗って浜へ来て港屋へ着くと、山嵐は二階で寝ていた。 I boarded a train and came to Minato-ya on the beach and found Porcupine asleep upstairs. おれは早速辞表を書こうと思ったが、何と書いていいか分らないから、私儀(わたくしぎ)都合有之(これあり)辞職の上東京へ帰り申候(もうしそろ)につき左様御承知被下度候(さようごしょうちくだされたくそろ)以上とかいて I thought of writing my resignation, but not knowing how, just scribbled off that "because of personal affairs, I have to resign and return, to Tokyo. Yours truly," 校長宛(あて)にして郵便で出した。 and addressed and mailed it to the principal. 汽船は夜六時の出帆(しゅっぱん)である。 The steamer leaves the harbor at six in the evening. 山嵐もおれも疲れて、ぐうぐう寝込んで眼が覚めたら、午後二時であった。 Porcupine and I, tired out, slept like logs, and when we awoke it was two o'clock. 下女に巡査は来ないかと聞いたら参りませんと答えた。 We asked the maid if the police had called on us, and she said no. 「赤シャツも野だも訴えなかったなあ」 Red Shirt and Clown had not taken it to the police, eh? と二人は大きに笑った。 We laughed. その夜おれと山嵐はこの不浄(ふじょう)な地を離(はな)れた。 That night I and Porcupine left the town. 船が岸を去れば去るほどいい心持ちがした。 The farther the vessel steamed away from the shore, the more refreshed we felt. 神戸から東京までは直行で新橋へ着いた時は、ようやく娑婆(しゃば)へ出たような気がした。 From Kobe to Tokyo we boarded a through train and when we made Shimbashi, we breathed as if we were once more in congenial human society. 山嵐とはすぐ分れたぎり今日まで逢う機会がない。 I parted from Porcupine at the station, and have not had the chance of meeting him since. 清(きよ)の事を話すのを忘れていた。 I forgot to tell you about Kiyo. ――おれが東京へ着いて下宿へも行かず、革鞄(かばん)を提げたまま、清や帰ったよと飛び込んだら、 On my arrival at Tokyo, I rushed into her house swinging my valise, before going to a hotel, with "Hello, Kiyo, I'm back!" あら坊っちゃん、よくまあ、早く帰って来て下さった "How good of you to return so soon!" と涙(なみだ)をぽたぽたと落した。 she cried and hot tears streamed down her cheeks. おれもあまり嬉(うれ)しかったから、もう田舎(いなか)へは行かない、東京で清とうちを持つんだと云った。 I was overjoyed, and declared that I would not go to the country any more but would start housekeeping with Kiyo in Tokyo. その後ある人の周旋(しゅうせん)で街鉄(がいてつ)の技手になった。 Some time afterward, some one helped me to a job as assistant engineer at the tram car office. 月給は二十五円で、家賃は六円だ。 The salary was 25 yen a month, and the house rent six. 清は玄関(げんかん)付きの家でなくっても至極満足の様子であったが気の毒な事に今年の二月肺炎(はいえん)に罹(かか)って死んでしまった。 Although the house had not a magnificent front entrance, Kiyo seemed quite satisfied, but, I am sorry to say, she was a victim of pneumonia and died in February this year. 死ぬ前日おれを呼んで坊っちゃん後生だから清が死んだら、坊っちゃんのお寺へ埋(う)めて下さい。 お墓のなかで坊っちゃんの来るのを楽しみに待っておりますと云った。 On the day preceding her death, she asked me to bedside, and said, "Please, Master Darling, if Kiyo is dead, bury me in the temple yard of Master Darling. I will be glad to wait in the grave for my Master Darling." だから清の墓は小日向(こびなた)の養源寺にある。 So Kiyo's grave is in the Yogen temple at Kobinata. (明治三十九年四月) 底本:「ちくま日本文学全集 夏目漱石」筑摩書房    1992(平成4)年1月20日第1刷発行 底本の親本:「夏目漱石全集2」ちくま文庫、筑摩書房    1987(昭和62)年10月27日第1刷発行 ※底本の注にれば、本作品の原稿には、「そのうち学校もいやになった。」の後に、漱石自身による2字あけの指定があるという。このファイルでは、その情報にもとづいて、当該の箇所を2字あけとした。 ※底本は、物を数える際や地名などに用いる「ヶ」(区点番号5-86)を、大振りにつくっています。 入力:真先芳秋 校正:柳沢成雄 1999年9月13日公開 2004年2月27日修正 青空文庫作成ファイル: このファイルは、インターネットの図書館、青空文庫(http://www.aozora.gr.jp/)で作られました。入力、校正、制作にあたったのは、ボランティアの皆さんです。 ●表記について このファイルは W3C 勧告 XHTML1.1 にそった形式で作成されています。 傍点や圏点、傍線の付いた文字は、強調表示にしました。