カラマーゾフの兄弟 英文+和訳 10  少年たち

2020.01.24 更新2021.09.20, 2021.10.02, 2021..10.13, 2012.10.19, 2021.10.22


Book X The Boys 少年たち

Chapter 1 f<Kola Krassotkin    コーリャ・クラソートキン
Chapter 2 Children          子供達
Chapter 3 The Schoolboy      生徒たち
Chapter 4 The Lost Dog       迷子の犬
Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside   イリューシャのベッド際で
Chapter 6 Precocity         早熟
Chapter 7 Ilusha            イリューシャ

Chapter 1 Kolya Krassotkin コーリャ・クラソートキン

●It was the beginning of November.  11月の初めでした。

There had been a hard frost, eleven degrees Reaumur, without snow,

説明 レ氏温度目盛りは、氷点が0度、沸点が80度

but a little dry snow had fallen on the frozen ground during the night,

and a keen dry wind was lifting and blowing it along the dreary streets of our town, especially about the market-place.

It was a dull morning, but the snow had ceased. 

●Not far from the market-place, close to Plotnikov's shop, there stood a small house, very clean both without and within.

It belonged to Madame Krassotkin, the widow of a former provincial secretary, who had been dead for fourteen years.

His widow, still a nice-looking woman of thirty-two, was living in her neat little house on her private means.

She lived in respectable seclusion; she was of a soft but fairly cheerful disposition.

She was about eighteen at the time of her husband's death;

she had been married only a year and had just borne him a son.

From the day of his death she had devoted herself heart and soul to the bringing up of her precious treasure, her boy Kolya.

Though she had loved him passionately those fourteen years, he had caused her far more suffering than happiness.

She had been trembling and fainting with terror almost every day, afraid he would fall ill, would catch cold, do something naughty, climb on a chair and fall off it, and so on and so on.

When Kolya began going to school, the mother devoted herself to studying all the sciences with him so as to help him, and go through his lessons with him.

She hastened to make the acquaintance of the teachers and their wives, even made up to Kolya's schoolfellows, and fawned upon them in the hope of thus saving Kolya from being teased, laughed at, or beaten by them.

She went so far that the boys actually began to mock at him on her account and taunt him with being a "mother's darling." 

●But the boy could take his own part.  しかし、少年(息子)は、自分の立場を通す事ができました。

He was a resolute boy, "tremendously strong," as was rumoured in his class, and soon proved to be the fact;

he was agile, strong-willed, and of an audacious and enterprising temper.

He was good at lessons,  彼は、学業はよくできて、

and there was a rumour in the school that he could beat the teacher, Dardanelov, at arithmetic and universal history.

Though he looked down upon everyone, he was a good comrade and not supercilious.

He accepted his schoolfellows' respect as his due, but was friendly with them.

Above all, he knew where to draw the line.  なかでも、彼は、どこに一線を画すか心得ていました。

He could restrain himself on occasion,  彼は、状況によって、自分を抑制できました。

and in his relations with the teachers he never overstepped that last mystic limit beyond which a prank becomes an unpardonable breach of discipline.

But he was as fond of mischief on every possible occasion as the smallest boy in the school,

and not so much for the sake of mischief as for creating a sensation, inventing something, something effective and conspicuous.

He was extremely vain. 彼は、極端に虚栄心が強かった。

He knew how to make even his mother give way to him;

he was almost despotic in his control of her.  彼は、ほぼ専制的に母親を支配しました。

She gave way to him, oh, she had given way to him for years.

The one thought unendurable to her was that her boy had no great love for her.

She was always fancying that Kolya was "unfeeling" to her, and at times, dissolving into hysterical tears, she used to reproach him with his coldness.

The boy disliked this,  少年は、これを嫌いました、

and the more demonstrations of feeling were demanded of him, the more he seemed intentionally to avoid them.

Yet it was not intentional on his part but instinctive - it was his character.
しかし、それは、彼の側からみると意図的なのではなく、本能的なのでした − それが彼の性格なのです。

His mother was mistaken; he was very fond of her.

He only disliked "sheepish sentimentality," as he expressed it in his schoolboy language. 

●There was a bookcase in the house containing a few books that had been his father's.

Kolya was fond of reading, and had read several of them by himself.

His mother did not mind that and only wondered sometimes at seeing the boy stand for hours by the bookcase poring over a book instead of going to play.

And in that way Kolya read some things unsuitable for his age. 

●Though the boy, as a rule, knew where to draw the line in his mischief, he had of late begun to play pranks that caused his mother serious alarm.

It is true there was nothing vicious in what he did, but a wild mad recklessness. 

●It happened that July, during the summer holidays,

that the mother and son went to another district, forty-five miles away, to spend a week with a distant relation, whose husband was an official at the railway station

(the very station, the nearest one to our town, from which a month later Ivan Fyodorovitch Karamazov set off for Moscow).

There Kolya began by carefully investigating every detail connected with the railways,

knowing that he could impress his schoolfellows when he got home with his newly acquired knowledge.

But there happened to be some other boys in the place with whom he soon made friends.

Some of them were living at the station, others in the neighbourhood;

there were six or seven of them, all between twelve and fifteen, and two of them came from our town.

The boys played together,  少年達は、一緒に遊びました、

and on the fourth or fifth day of Kolya's stay at the station, a mad bet was made by the foolish boys.

Kolya, who was almost the youngest of the party and rather looked down upon by the others in consequence, was moved by vanity or by reckless bravado to bet them two roubles that he would lie down between the rails at night when the eleven o'clock train was due, and would lie there without moving while the train rolled over him at full speed.

It is true they made a preliminary investigation,

from which it appeared that it was possible to lie so flat between the rails that the train could pass over without touching,

but to lie there was no joke!  しかし、そこに横たわることは、冗談ではありません。

Kolya maintained stoutly that he would.  コーリャは、やると頑強に主張しました。

At first they laughed at him, called him a little liar, a braggart, but that only egged him on.

What piqued him most was that these boys of fifteen turned up their noses at him too superciliously, and were at first disposed to treat him as "a small boy," not fit to associate with them,

and that was an unendurable insult.  それは、耐えられない侮辱でした。

And so it was resolved to go in the evening, half a mile from the station, so that the train might have time to get up full speed after leaving the station.

The boys assembled. It was a pitch-dark night without a moon.

At the time fixed, Kolya lay down between the rails.

The five others who had taken the bet waited among the bushes below the embankment, their hearts beating with suspense, which was followed by alarm and remorse.

At last they heard in the distance the rumble of the train leaving the station.

Two red lights gleamed out of the darkness; the monster roared as it approached. 

●"Run, run away from the rails," the boys cried to Kolya from the bushes, breathless with terror.
「逃げろ、レールから逃げろ」 少年たちは、藪から、コーリャに向けて叫びました、恐怖で息もできません。

But it was too late: the train darted up and flew past.

The boys rushed to Kolya. He lay without moving.

They began pulling at him, lifting him up.  彼を引っ張り上げ、持ち上げ始めました。

He suddenly got up and walked away without a word.

Then he explained that he had lain there as though he were insensible to frighten them,

but the fact was that he really had lost consciousness, as he confessed long after to his mother.

In this way his reputation as "a desperate character," was established for ever.

He returned home to the station as white as a sheet.

Next day he had a slight attack of nervous fever, but he was in high spirits and well pleased with himself.

The incident did not become known at once,  この出来事は、すぐには知られませんでしたが、

but when they came back to the town it penetrated to the school and even reached the ears of the masters.

But then Kolya's mother hastened to entreat the masters on her boy's behalf, and in the end Dardanelov, a respected and influential teacher, exerted himself in his favour, and the affair was ignored. 

●Dardanelov was a middle-aged bachelor, who had been passionately in love with Madame Krassotkin for many years past,

and had once already, about a year previously, ventured, trembling with fear and the delicacy of his sentiments, to offer her most respectfully his hand in marriage.

But she refused him resolutely, feeling that to accept him would be an act of treachery to her son,

though Dardanelov had, to judge from certain mysterious symptoms, reason for believing that he was not an object of aversion to the charming but too chaste and tender-hearted widow.

Kolya's mad prank seemed to have broken the ice,

and Dardanelov was rewarded for his intercession by a suggestion of hope.

The suggestion, it is true, was a faint one,  なるほど、この兆候は、かすかなものです、

but then Dardanelov was such a paragon of purity and delicacy that it was enough for the time being to make him perfectly happy.

He was fond of the boy, though he would have felt it beneath him to try and win him over,

and was severe and strict with him in class.

Kolya, too, kept him at a respectful distance.

He learned his lessons perfectly;  彼は、授業を完璧に受けました。

he was second in his class, was reserved with Dardanelov,

and the whole class firmly believed that Kolya was so good at universal history that he could "beat" even Dardanelov.

Kolya did indeed ask him the question, "Who founded Troy?" to which Dardanelov had made a very vague reply, referring to the movements and migrations of races, to the remoteness of the period, to the mythical legends.

But the question, "Who had founded Troy?" that is, what individuals, he could not answer, and even for some reason regarded the question as idle and frivolous.
しかし、質問の「誰がトロイを建てたか?」 すなわち、個人は誰か、について、彼は答える事ができませんでした、そして、なんの理由か、彼は、その質問を、無意味で根拠がないとみなしたのです。

But the boys remained convinced that Dardanelov did not know who founded Troy.

Kolya had read of the founders of Troy in Smaragdov, whose history was among the books in his father's bookcase.

In the end all the boys became interested in the question, who it was that had founded Troy, but Krassotkin would not tell his secret, and his reputation for knowledge remained unshaken. 
結局、少年達は皆、トロイを建設したのは誰か という問いに興味を持ちましたが、クラソートキンは、彼の秘密を明かさなかったので、彼の知識に対する評判は、不動でした。

●After the incident on the railway a certain change came over Kolya's attitude to his mother.

When Anna Fyodorovna (Madame Krassotkin) heard of her son's exploit, she almost went out of her mind with horror.
アンナ (クラソートキン夫人) は、息子の英雄的行為を知ったとき、恐怖でほとんど気を失いました。

She had such terrible attacks of hysterics, lasting with intervals for several days, that Kolya, seriously alarmed at last, promised on his honour that such pranks should never be repeated.

He swore on his knees before the holy image, and swore by the memory of his father, at Madame Krassotkin's instance, and the "manly" Kolya burst into tears like a boy of six.

And all that day the mother and son were constantly rushing into each other's arms sobbing.

Next day Kolya woke up as "unfeeling" as before, but he had become more silent, more modest, sterner, and more thoughtful. 

●Six weeks later, it is true, he got into another scrape, which even brought his name to the ears of our Justice of the Peace,

but it was a scrape of quite another kind, amusing, foolish, and he did not, as it turned out, take the leading part in it, but was only implicated in it.

But of this later.  しかし、これについては、後で。

His mother still fretted and trembled,  母は、なおも、心配で、身震いしていました

but the more uneasy she became, the greater were the hopes of Dardanelov.

It must be noted that Kolya understood and divined what was in Dardanelov's heart and, of course, despised him profoundly for his "feelings";

he had in the past been so tactless as to show this contempt before his mother, hinting vaguely that he knew what Dardanelov was after.

But from the time of the railway incident his behaviour in this respect also was changed;

he did not allow himself the remotest allusion to the subject and began to speak more respectfully of Dardanelov before his mother,

which the sensitive woman at once appreciated with boundless gratitude.

But at the slightest mention of Dardanelov by a visitor in Kolya's presence, she would flush as pink as a rose.

At such moments Kolya would either stare out of the window scowling, or would investigate the state of his boots, or would shout angrily for "Perezvon," the big, shaggy, mangy dog,

which he had picked up a month before, brought home, and kept for some reason secretly indoors, not showing him to any of his schoolfellows.

He bullied him frightfully, teaching him all sorts of tricks, so that the poor dog howled for him whenever he was absent at school, and when he came in, whined with delight, rushed about as if he were crazy, begged, lay down on the ground pretending to be dead, and so on;

in fact, showed all the tricks he had taught him, not at the word of command, but simply from the zeal of his excited and grateful heart. 

●I have forgotten, by the way, to mention that Kolya Krassotkin was the boy stabbed with a penknife by the boy already known to the reader as the son of Captain Snegiryov.

Ilusha had been defending his father when the schoolboys jeered at him, shouting the nickname "wisp of tow." 


Chapter 2 Children   子供達

●And so on that frosty, snowy, and windy day in November, Kolya Krassotkin was sitting at home.

It was Sunday and there was no school.  日曜でした、学校はありません。

It had just struck eleven, and he particularly wanted to go out "on very urgent business,"

but he was left alone in charge of the house,

for it so happened that all its elder inmates were absent owing to a sudden and singular event.

Madame Krassotkin had let two little rooms, separated from the rest of the house by a passage, to a doctor's wife with her two small children.

This lady was the same age as Anna Fyodorovna, and a great friend of hers.

Her husband, the doctor, had taken his departure twelve months before, going first to Orenburg and then to Tashkend,

and for the last six months she had not heard a word from him.

Had it not been for her friendship with Madame Krassotkin, which was some consolation to the forsaken lady, she would certainly have completely dissolved away in tears.

And now, to add to her misfortunes, Katerina, her only servant, was suddenly moved the evening before to announce, to her mistress's amazement, that she proposed to bring a child into the world before morning.

It seemed almost miraculous to everyone that no one had noticed the probability of it before.

The astounded doctor's wife decided to move Katerina while there was still time to an establishment in the town kept by a midwife for such emergencies.

As she set great store by her servant, she promptly carried out this plan and remained there looking after her.

By the morning all Madame Krassotkin's friendly sympathy and energy were called upon to render assistance and appeal to someone for help in the case. 

●So both the ladies were absent from home, the Krassotkins' servant, Agafya, had gone out to the market,

and Kolya was thus left for a time to protect and look after "the kids," that is, the son and daughter of the doctor's wife, who were left alone.

Kolya was not afraid of taking care of the house, besides he had Perezvon, who had been told to lie flat, without moving, under the bench in the hall.

Every time Kolya, walking to and fro through the rooms, came into the hall, the dog shook his head and gave two loud and insinuating taps on the floor with his tail, but alas! the whistle did not sound to release him.

Kolya looked sternly at the luckless dog, who relapsed again into obedient rigidity.

The one thing that troubled Kolya was "the kids."

He looked, of course, with the utmost scorn on Katerina's unexpected adventure,

but he was very fond of the bereaved "kiddies," and had already taken them a picture-book.

Nastya, the elder, a girl of eight, could read, and Kostya, the boy, aged seven, was very fond of being read to by her.

Krassotkin could, of course, have provided more diverting entertainment for them.

He could have made them stand side by side and played soldiers with them, or sent them hiding all over the house.

He had done so more than once before and was not above doing it, so much so that a report once spread at school that Krassotkin played horses with the little lodgers at home, prancing with his head on one side like a trace-horse.

But Krassotkin haughtily parried this thrust, pointing out that to play horses with boys of one's own age, boys of thirteen, would certainly be disgraceful "at this date," but that he did it for the sake of "the kids" because he liked them, and no one had a right to call him to account for his feelings.

The two "kids" adored him.  二人の「子供」は、彼に憧れました。

●But on this occasion he was in no mood for games.

He had very important business of his own before him, something almost mysterious.

Meanwhile time was passing and Agafya, with whom he could have left the children, would not come back from market.

He had several times already crossed the passage, opened the door of the lodgers' room and looked anxiously at "the kids" who were sitting over the book, as he had bidden them.

Every time he opened the door they grinned at him, hoping he would come in and would do something delightful and amusing.

But Kolya was bothered and did not go in. しかし、コーリャは、思い悩んでいたので、入りませんでした。

●At last it struck eleven  やがて時は、11時を打ちました、

もしand he made up his mind, once for all, that if that "damned" Agafya did not come back within ten minutes he should go out without waiting for her, making "the kids" promise, of course, to be brave when he was away, not to be naughty, not to cry from fright.

With this idea he put on his wadded winter overcoat with its catskin fur collar, slung his satchel round his shoulder,

and, regardless of his mother's constantly reiterated entreaties that he would always put on goloshes in such cold weather,

he looked at them contemptuously as he crossed the hall and went out with only his boots on.

Perezvon, seeing him in his outdoor clothes, began tapping nervously, yet vigorously, on the floor with his tail.

Twitching all over, he even uttered a plaintive whine.

But Kolya, seeing his dog's passionate excitement, decided that it was a breach of discipline, kept him for another minute under the bench,

and only when he had opened the door into the passage, whistled for him.

The dog leapt up like a mad creature and rushed bounding before him rapturously. 

●Kolya opened the door to peep at "the kids."

They were both sitting as before at the table, not reading but warmly disputing about something.

The children often argued together about various exciting problems of life, and Nastya, being the elder, always got the best of it.

If Kostya did not agree with her, he almost always appealed to Kolya Krassotkin, and his verdict was regarded as infallible by both of them.

This time the "kids"' discussion rather interested Krassotkin,

and he stood still in the passage to listen.  彼は通路に立ち止まって聞き耳をたてました。

The children saw he was listening and that made them dispute with even greater energy. 

●"I shall never, never believe," Nastya prattled, "that the old women find babies among the cabbages in the kitchen garden.

It's winter now and there are no cabbages, and so the old woman couldn't have taken Katerina a daughter." 

●Kolya whistled to himself.   コーリャは、ひそかに口笛を吹きました。

●"Or perhaps they do bring babies from somewhere, but only to those who are married." 

●Kostya stared at Nastya and listened, pondering profoundly. 

●"Nastya, how silly you are!" he said at last, firmly and calmly. "How can Katerina have a baby when she isn't married?" 
ついに、彼は、言いました、毅然と穏やかに、「ナースチャ、なんておばかなの! どうしてカテリーナに赤ちゃんができるの、結婚してないのに?」

●Nastya was exasperated.   ナースチャは、かっとなりました。

●"You know nothing about it," she snapped irritably.
「あなたは何もわからないのよ。」 彼女は、怒ってピシャリと言いました。

"Perhaps she has a husband, only he is in prison, so now she's got a baby." 

●"But is her husband in prison?" the matter-of-fact Kostya inquired gravely. 
「でも、旦那さんは、牢屋なの?」 事実に即すコースチャは、厳かに問いました。

●"Or, I tell you what," Nastya interrupted impulsively, completely rejecting and forgetting her first hypothesis.
「もしかしたら、こうかも。」 ナースチャは、突然さえぎりました、彼女の最初の仮説を完全に棄却し、忘れながら、

"She hasn't a husband, you are right there, but she wants to be married, and so she's been thinking of getting married, and thinking and thinking of it till now she's got it, that is, not a husband but a baby." 

●"Well, perhaps so," Kostya agreed, entirely vanquished.
「ああ、多分、そうだね。」 コースチャは、了解しました、すっかり打ち負かされて。

"But you didn't say so before. So how could I tell?" 

●"Come, kiddies," said Kolya, stepping into the room. "You're terrible people, I see." 
「ねえ、みんな。」 コーリャは、言いました、部屋に入りながら、「君たちは、ひどいやつらだね。」

●"And Perezvon with you!" grinned Kostya, and began snapping his fingers and calling Perezvon. 

●"I am in a difficulty, kids," Krassotkin began solemnly, "and you must help me. Agafya must have broken her leg, since she has not turned up till now, that's certain. I must go out. Will you let me go?" 

●The children looked anxiously at one another.

Their smiling faces showed signs of uneasiness,

but they did not yet fully grasp what was expected of them. 

●"You won't be naughty while I am gone?

You won't climb on the cupboard and break your legs?

You won't be frightened alone and cry?" 

●A look of profound despondency came into the children's faces. 

●"And I could show you something as a reward, a little copper cannon which can be fired with real gunpowder." 

●The children's faces instantly brightened.

"Show us the cannon," said Kostya, beaming all over. 
「大砲を見せて、」 コースチャが言いました、顔中かがやかせて、

●Krassotkin put his hand in his satchel, and pulling out a little bronze cannon stood it on the table. 

●"Ah, you are bound to ask that! Look, it's on wheels." He rolled the toy on along the table.
「さあ、どんどん尋ねて! 見て、車輪があるぞ。」 彼は、おもちゃの大砲をテーブルの上で転がしました。

"And it can be fired off, too. It can be loaded with shot and fired off." 

●"And it could kill anyone?"  「人も殺せるの?」

●"It can kill anyone; you've only got to aim at anybody,"

and Krassotkin explained where the powder had to be put, where the shot should be rolled in, showing a tiny hole like a touch-hole, and told them that it kicked when it was fired. 

●The children listened with intense interest.  子供達は、強烈な興味で聞き入りました。

What particularly struck their imagination was that the cannon kicked. 

●"And have you got any powder?" Nastya inquired. 
「火薬はあるの?」 ナースチャが尋ねました。

●"Yes."  「うん」

●"Show us the powder, too," she drawled with a smile of entreaty. 
「火薬も見せて。」 彼女は、懇願の笑みをうかべて、ゆっくり言いました。

●Krassotkin dived again into his satchel and pulled out a small flask containing a little real gunpowder.

He had some shot, too, in a screw of paper.

He even uncorked the flask and shook a little powder into the palm of his hand. 

●"One has to be careful there's no fire about, or it would blow up and kill us all," Krassotkin warned them sensationally. 
「周りに火がないことに気をつけないと、でなきゃ、爆発して、みんな死んじゃうぞ。」 コーリャは、センセーショナルに言いました。

●The children gazed at the powder with an awe-stricken alarm that only intensified their enjoyment.

But Kostya liked the shot better.  コースチャは、弾の方が好きでした。

●"And does the shot burn?" he inquired.  「弾は燃えるの?」 彼は尋ねました。

●"No, it doesn't."  「弾は燃えないよ」

●"Give me a little shot," he asked in an imploring voice. 
「弾を少しちょうだい。」 彼は、哀願する声で頼みました。

●"I'll give you a little shot; here, take it, but don't show it to your mother till I come back, or she'll be sure to think it's gunpowder, and will die of fright and give you a thrashing." 

●"Mother never does whip us," Nastya observed at once. 
「ママは、決して鞭で打たないわ。」 ナースチャは、すぐ返しました。

●"I know, I only said it to finish the sentence.

And don't you ever deceive your mother except just this once, until I come back.

And so, kiddies, can I go out? You won't be frightened and cry when I'm gone?" 
ちびたち、出かけていいかい? 怖くなって泣いたりしないかい、僕がいなくなって?」

●"We sha-all cry," drawled Kostya, on the verge of tears already. 
「なーいちゃーうよ」 コースチャは、今にも泣き出しそうな顔で、ゆっくり言いました。

●"We shall cry, we shall be sure to cry," Nastya chimed in with timid haste. 
「泣いちゃう、絶対泣いちゃう」 ナースチャも、相槌をうちました、急いで、気弱に。

●"Oh, children, children, how fraught with peril are your years!

There's no help for it, chickens; I shall have to stay with you I don't know how long.

And time is passing, time is passing, oogh!" 

●"Tell Perezvon to pretend to be dead!" Kostya begged. 
「ペレズヴォンに、死んだふりさせて!」 コースチャが頼みました。

●"There's no help for it, we must have recourse to Perezvon. Ici, Perezvon."

And Kolya began giving orders to the dog, who performed all his tricks. 

●He was a rough-haired dog, of medium size, with a coat of a sort of lilac-grey colour.

He was blind in his right eye, and his left ear was torn.

He whined and jumped, stood and walked on his hind legs, lay on his back with his paws in the air, rigid as though he were dead.

While this last performance was going on, the door opened and Agafya, Madame Krassotkin's servant, a stout woman of forty, marked with small-pox, appeared in the doorway.

She had come back from market and had a bag full of provisions in her hand.

Holding up the bag of provisions in her left hand she stood still to watch the dog.

Though Kolya had been so anxious for her return, he did not cut short the performance,

and after keeping Perezvon dead for the usual time, at last he whistled to him.

The dog jumped up and began bounding about in his joy at having done his duty. 

●"Only think, a dog!" Agafya observed sententiously. 
「こら、こら、わんちゃん」 アガーフィアは、もったいぶって言いました。

●"Why are you late, female?" asked Krassotkin sternly. 
「どうして、こんなに遅いんだ?女め。」 コーリャは、厳しくたずねました。

●"Female, indeed! Go on with you, you brat." 「女だって。なんだい、ちび」

●"Brat?"  「ちび?」

●"Yes, a brat. What is it to you if I'm late; if I'm late, you may be sure I have good reason," muttered Agafya, busying herself about the stove, without a trace of anger or displeasure in her voice.

She seemed quite pleased, in fact, to enjoy a skirmish with her merry young master. 

●"Listen, you frivolous young woman," Krassotkin began, getting up from the sofa, "can you swear by all you hold sacred in the world and something else besides, that you will watch vigilantly over the kids in my absence? I am going out." 

●"And what am I going to swear for?" laughed Agafya. "I shall look after them without that." 

●"No, you must swear on your eternal salvation. Else I shan't go." 

●"Well, don't then. What does it matter to me? It's cold out; stay at home." 

●"Kids," Kolya turned to the children, "this woman will stay with you till I come back or till your mother comes, for she ought to have been back long ago.

She will give you some lunch, too. You'll give them something, Agafya, won't you?" 

●"That I can do."  「できますとも」

●"Good-bye, chickens, I go with my heart at rest.

And you, granny," he added gravely, in an undertone, as he passed Agafya,
そして、ばあさん」 彼は、おごそかに付けたしました|声を押さえて|アガーフィアの傍を通りながら|、

"I hope you'll spare their tender years and not tell them any of your old woman's nonsense about Katerina. Ici, Perezvon!" 

●"Get along with you!" retorted Agafya, really angry this time.
「どうとでもおしよ!」 アガーフィアは、返しました、今回は、本当に怒っています。

"Ridiculous boy! You want a whipping for saying such things, that's what you want!" 
「おかしなお人! そんなこと言って、鞭が欲しいの。それが。あなたの望んだことね。」

Chapter 3 The Schoolboy   生徒達

●But Kolya did not hear her. At last he could go out.

As he went out at the gate he looked round him, shrugged up his shoulders,

and saying ‘It is freezing,’ went straight along the street and turned off to the right towards the market-place.

When he reached the last house but one before the market-place he stopped at the gate, pulled a whistle out of his pocket, and whistled with all his might as though giving a signal.

He had not to wait more than a minute before a rosy-cheeked boy of about eleven, wearing a warm, neat and even stylish coat, darted out to meet him.

This was Smurov, a boy in the preparatory class (two classes below Kolya Krassotkin), son of a well-to-do official.

Apparently he was forbidden by his parents to associate with Krassotkin, who was well known to be a desperately naughty boy,

so Smurov was obviously slipping out on the sly.

He was — if the reader has not forgotten — one of the group of boys who two months before had thrown stones at Ilusha.
彼は (もし読者がお忘れでなければ)、でした|少年グループの一人|2ヶ月前にイリューシャに石を投げた|。

He was the one who told Alyosha about Ilusha.

‘I’ve been waiting for you for the last hour, Krassotkin,’said Smurov stolidly,
「僕は、待ってたんですよ|君をこの一時間|、コーリャさん。」 スムーロフは、言いました|鈍感そうに|。

and the boys strode towards the market-place.

‘I am late,’ answered Krassotkin.  「遅れたんだ」、コーリャは答えました。

‘I was detained by circumstances. 「僕は、引き止められていたんだ|色んな事情で|。

You won’t be thrashed for coming with me?’

‘Come, I say, I’m never thrashed!  「まさかでしょう、決して、殴られたりしません。

And you’ve got Perezvon with you?’ ペレズヴォンも連れてきたんですか?」

‘Yes.’ 「うん」

‘You’re taking him, too?’ 「連れていくの?」

‘Yes.’ 「うん」

‘Ah! if it were only Zhutchka!’ 「ああ! ジューチカだったらなあ!」

‘That’s impossible. Zhutchka’s non-existent. Zhutchka is lost in the mists of obscurity.’

‘Ah! couldn’t we do this?’ Smurov suddenly stood still.
「ああ、これは出来ないかい?」 スムーロフは、突然、立ち止まりました。

‘You see Ilusha says that Zhutchka was a shaggy, greyish, smoky-looking dog like Perezvon.

Couldn’t you tell him this is Zhutchka, and he might believe you?’

‘Boy, shun a lie, that’s one thing; even with a good object- that’s another.

Above all, I hope you’ve not told them anything about my coming.’

‘Heaven forbid! I know what I am about.

But you won’t comfort him with Perezvon,’ said Smurov, with a sigh.

‘You know his father, the captain, ‘the wisp of tow,’told us that he was going to bring him a real mastiff pup, with a black nose, to-day.

He thinks that would comfort Ilusha; but I doubt it.’

‘And how is Ilusha?’ 「それで、イルーシャは、どうなんだい?」

‘Ah, he is bad, very bad!  「ああ、具合は、悪いよ。とっても悪いよ!

I believe he’s in consumption: he is quite conscious, but his breathing!

His breathing's gone wrong.  呼吸が悪くなっている。

The other day he asked to have his boots on to be led round the room.

He tried to walk, but he couldn’t stand.

‘Ah, I told you before, father,’ he said, ‘that those boots were no good.

I could never walk properly in them.’

He fancied it was his boots that made him stagger,

but it was simply weakness, really.  でも、単に、弱ってるんだ、本当に。

He won't live another week.  もたないかもしれない|もう1週間も|。

Herzenstube is looking after him.  ヘルツェンシトゥーベ先生が彼を診てます。

Now they are rich again — they’ve got heaps of money.’

‘They are rogues.’ 「やつらは、悪党だからね。」

‘Who are rogues?’ 「誰が悪党ですって」

‘Doctors and the whole crew of quacks collectively, and also, of course, individually.

I don’t believe in medicine.   僕は、医術を信じない。

It’s a useless institution.   医術は、やくたたずのものさ。

I mean to go into all that.  深く調べつやるつもりだ。

But what’s that sentimentality you’ve got up there?

The whole class seems to be there every day.’

‘Not the whole class: it’s only ten of our fellows who go to see him every day.

There’s nothing in that.’  何にもありません|そこには|。」

‘What I don’t understand in all this is the part that Alexey Karamazov is taking in it.

His brother’s going to be tried to-morrow or next day for such a crime,

and yet he has so much time to spend on sentimentality with boys.’

‘There’s no sentimentality about it.  「センチメンタルなまねごとなんてないです。

You are going yourself now to make it up with Ilusha.’

‘Make it up with him? What an absurd expression!
「仲直りするだって? なんてまぬけな言いぐさだ。

But I allow no one to analyse my actions.’

‘And how pleased Ilusha will be to see you!

He has no idea that you are coming.  彼は、思ってもいません|あなたが来るなんて|。

Why was it, why was it you wouldn’t come all this time?’

Smurov cried with sudden warmth. スムーロフは、叫んだ|急に親しみをこめて|。

‘My dear boy, that’s my business, not yours.

I am going of myself because I choose to,  私は自ら行くんだ|俺が選んだから|。

but you’ve all been hauled there by Alexey Karamazov — there’s a difference, you know.
しかし、お前たちは、引きずられていった|そこにアレクセイによって|、 そこに違いがあるんだ。

And how do you know?  それにどうしてわかるんだ?

I may not be going to make it up at all.  私は、行くのじゃないかもしれない|仲直りをするために|。

It’s a stupid expression.’ それは、愚かな言い草さ。」

●‘It’s not Karamazov at all; it’s not his doing. 「カラマーゾフなんかじゃありません。彼の行ないじゃない。

Our fellows began going there of themselves.  僕の仲間たちが、行き始めたんです、こちらから。

Of course, they went with Karamazov at first. 勿論、カラマーゾフさんと一緒に行きました、最初は。

And there’s been nothing of that sort of silliness.

First one went, and then another.  最初に一人行き、そしてもう一人。

His father was awfully pleased to see us.  お父さんは、とても喜んでくれました|ぼくらと会って|。

You know he will simply go out of his mind if Ilusha dies.

He sees that Ilusha’s dying.  彼は、イルーシャが死にそうなことはわかってる。

And he seems so glad we’ve made it up with Ilusha.

Ilusha asked after you, that was all.

He just asks and says no more.  彼は、単に質問して、あとは何も言いません。

His father will go out of his mind or hang himself.

He behaved like a madman before.  彼は、振る舞いました|気違いみたいに、かつて|。

You know he is a very decent man.  彼は、とても礼儀正しい人です。

We made a mistake then. 私達は、あやまちを犯したんです、あの時。

It’s all the fault of that murderer who beat him then.’

‘Karamazov’s a riddle to me all the same.

I might have made his acquaintance long ago,

but I like to have a proper pride in some cases.

Besides, I have a theory about him which I must work out and verify.’

●Kolya subsided into dignified silence.  コーリャは、静まりました、もったいぶった沈黙に。

Smurov, too, was silent.  スムーロフも、沈黙しました。

Smurov, of course, worshipped Krassotkin and never dreamed of putting himself on a level with him.

Now he was tremendously interested at Kolya’s saying that he was ‘going of himself’ to see Ilusha.

He felt that there must be some mystery in Kolya’s suddenly taking it into his head to go to him that day.

They crossed the marketplace, in which at that hour were many loaded wagons from the country and a great number of live fowls.

The market women were selling rolls, cottons and threads, etc., in their booths.

These Sunday markets were naively called ‘fairs’ in the town,

and there were many such fairs in the year.

●Perezvon ran about in the wildest spirits, sniffing about first one side, then the other.

When he met other dogs they zealously smelt each other over according to the rules of canine etiquette.

‘I like to watch such realistic scenes, Smurov,’ said Kolya suddenly.
「僕は、大好きさ|あんなリアルな景色をながめるのが|。」 コーリャが突然言いました。

‘Have you noticed how dogs sniff at one another when they meet?

It seems to be a law of their nature.’ やつらの天然の掟のようだな。」

‘Yes; it’s a funny habit.’ 「ええ、おかしな習慣ですね。」

‘No, it’s not funny; you are wrong there. 「いや、おかしくない。まちがっている|そこは|。

There's nothing funny in nature, however funny it may seem to man with his prejudices.

If dogs could reason and criticise us they’d be sure to find just as much that would be funny to them, if not far more, in the social relations of men, their masters

 — far more, indeed.  ずっと沢山だね、実際。

I repeat that, because I am convinced that there is far more foolishness among us.

That’s Rakitin’s idea — a remarkable idea.  これは、ラキーチンの考えだ、すばらしい考えだ。

I am a Socialist, Smurov.’ 僕は、社会主義者なんだ、スムーロフ。」

‘And what is a Socialist?’ asked Smurov. 「社会主義者って何?」 スムーロフは尋ねました。

‘That’s when all are equal and all have property in common, there are no marriages, and everyone has any religion and laws he likes best, and all the rest of it.

You are not old enough to understand that yet. It’s cold, though.’

‘Yes, twelve degrees of frost. Father looked at the thermometer just now.’

‘Have you noticed, Smurov, that in the middle of winter we don’t feel so cold even when there are fifteen or eighteen degrees of frost as we do now, in the beginning of winter, when there is a sudden frost of twelve degrees, especially when there is not much snow.

It’s because people are not used to it.  それは、人が寒さに馴れていないからなんだ。

Everything is habit with men, everything even in their social and political relations.

Habit is the great motive-power.  習慣こそが、偉大な原動力さ。

What a funnylooking peasant!’ なんておかしな格好のお百姓なんだ!」

●Kolya pointed to a tall peasant, with a good-natured countenance in a long sheepskin coat, who was standing by his wagon, clapping together his hands, in their shapeless leather gloves, to warm them.

His long fair beard was all white with frost. 彼の長く素敵なあごひげは、霜で真っ白でした。

‘That peasant’s beard’s frozen,’ Kolya cried in a loud provocative voice as he passed him.
「あの百姓のひげは、凍っている。」 コーリャは、叫びました|大声で、彼の傍を通る時に|。

‘Lots of people’s beards are frozen,’ the peasant replied, calmly and sententiously.
「大勢の人の髭は、凍ってまっせ。」 百姓は、答えました、おだやかに、もったいぶって。

‘Don’t provoke him,’ observed Smurov. 「からかいなさんな。」 スムーロフは、言いました。

‘It’s all right; he won’t be cross; he’s a nice fellow. Good-bye, Matvey.’

‘Good-bye.’ 「さいなら」

‘Is your name Matvey?’ 「名前は、マトベイなの?」

‘Yes. Didn’t you know?’ 「ああ、知らなかったかい?」

‘No, I didn’t. It was a guess.’ 「ああ、知らなかったさ。あてづっぽさ。」

‘You don’t say so! You are a schoolboy, I suppose?’ 「あきれたね。生徒さんかい?」

‘Yes.’  「そうさ」

‘You get whipped, I expect?’ 「鞭でうたれるかい?」

‘Nothing to speak of — sometimes.’ 「それほどじゃない。時々さ。」

‘Does it hurt?’ 「痛いのかい?」

‘Well, yes, it does.’ 「まあね。そうだね。」

‘Ech, what a life!’  「えー。なんてこった。」

The peasant heaved a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

‘Good-bye, Matvey.’ 「さいなら、マクベイ」

‘Good-bye. You are a nice chap, that you are.’The boys went on.
「さいなら。いいやつだね。ほんとに。」 二人は、歩き続けました・

‘That was a nice peasant,’ Kolya observed to Smurov.
「いい百姓だね。」 コーリャは、スムーロフに言いました。

‘I like talking to the peasants, and am always glad to do them justice.’

‘Why did you tell a lie, pretending we are thrashed?’asked Smurov.
「何故、嘘をついたの、僕達が鞭で打たれてるって?」 スムーロフは、問いました。

‘I had to say that to please him.’

‘How do you mean?’ 「どういう意味?」

‘You know, Smurov, I don’t like being asked the same thing twice.

I like people to understand at the first word. 分かってほしい|最初の一言で|。

Some things can’t be explained.  いくつかの事は、説明できないのさ。

According to a peasant's notions, schoolboys are whipped, and must be whipped.

What would a schoolboy be if he were not whipped?

And if I were to tell him we are not, he’d be disappointed.

But you don’t understand that. でも、お前には、分からんだろう。

One has to know how to talk to the peasants.’

‘Only don’t tease them, please, or you’ll get into another scrape as you did about that goose.’

‘So you’re afraid?’ 「怖がってるの?」

‘Don’t laugh, Kolya.  「わらわないでよ、コーリャ。

Of course I’m afraid.  勿論、怖いよ。

My father would be awfully cross.  お父さんは、ものいごくご機嫌斜めになる。

I am strictly forbidden to go out with you.’

‘Don’t be uneasy, nothing will happen this time.

Hallo, Natasha!’ he shouted to a market woman in one of the booths.
やあ、ナターシャ!」 コーリャは、叫びました|市場の女に|ブースの一つにいた|。

‘Call me Natasha! What next! My name is Marya,' the middle-aged marketwoman shouted at him.
「私をナターシャとお呼び! 次は何! 私の名前は、マリアだわよ。」中年の市場女は、彼に叫びました。

‘I am so glad it’s Marya. Good-bye!’ 「そりゃよかった、マリア。さいなら!」

‘Ah, you young rascal! A brat like you to carry on so!’
「ああ、この若造! あなたのようなちびに、いちゃつくなんて!」

‘I’m in a hurry. I can’t stay now. You shall tell me next Sunday.’

Kolya waved his hand at her, as though she had attacked him and not he her.

‘I’ve nothing to tell you next Sunday. 「何もあんたに話す事なんてないわ、次の日曜に。

You set upon me, you impudent young monkey.

I didn’t say anything,’bawled Marya.  私は、何も言わなかったわよ。」 マリアは、泣き叫びました。

‘You want a whipping, that’s what you want, you saucy jackanapes!’

●There was a roar of laughter among the other market women round her.

Suddenly a man in a violent rage darted out from the arcade of shops close by.

He was a young man, not a native of the town, with dark, curly hair and a long, pale face, marked with smallpox.

He wore a long blue coat and a peaked cap, and looked like a merchant’s clerk.

He was in a state of stupid excitement and brandished his fist at Kolya.

‘I know you!’ he cried angrily, ‘I know you!’「お前だな!、お前を知ってるぞ」 彼は、怒って叫びました。

●Kolya stared at him.  コーリャは、彼をにらみました。

He could not recall when he could have had a row with the man.

But he had been in so many rows in the street that he could hardly remember them all.

‘Do you?’ he asked sarcastically. 「知ってるって?」 彼は、皮肉をこめて尋ねました。

‘I know you! I know you!’ the man repeated idiotically.
「お前だ! お前を知っている。」 男は、繰り返しました|馬鹿みたいに|。

‘So much the better for you. Well, it’s time I was going. Good-bye!’

‘You are at your saucy pranks again?’ cried the man.
「また悪ふざけしようとしてるのか?」 男は、叫びました。

‘You are at your saucy pranks again? I know, you are at it again!’
「また悪ふざけしようとしてるのか? わかってるぞ!」

‘It’s not your business, brother, if I am at my saucy pranks again,’ said Kolya, standing still and scanning him.
「あんたには、関係ないよ、例え俺がいたずらしようとしていたとしても。」 コーリャは、言いました、立ち止まって、彼の顔をじろじろみながら。

‘Not my business?’ 「おれに関係ないだと?」

‘No; it’s not your business.’  「ああ、おまえに関係ないさ。」

‘Whose then? Whose then? Whose then?’ 「じゃあ、誰のだ、誰のだ、誰のだ?」

‘It’s Trifon Nikititch’s business, not yours.’

‘What Trifon Nikititch?’ asked the youth, staring with loutish amazement at Kolya, but still as angry as ever.
「どのトリフォーン・ニキーチキだ?」 若者は問いました、無骨な驚きを浮かべて、コーリャをみつめましたが、あいかわらず怒っていました。

Kolya scanned him gravely. コーリャは、いかめしく彼をみつめました。

●‘Have you been to the Church of the Ascension?’ he suddenly asked him, with stern emphasis.
「昇天教会に行ったことがあるか?」 コーリャは、突然尋ねました|厳しさを強めて|。

‘What Church of Ascension? What for? No, I haven’t,’said the young man, somewhat taken aback.
「どんな昇天教会だ? 何のために? いや、行ったことはない。」 若者は言いました、いくぶんあっけにとられて。

‘Do you know Sabaneyev?’ Kolya went on even more emphatically and even more severely.
「サバネーエフを知ってるか・」 コーリャは、続けました、さらにずっと力強く、つらにもっと厳しく。

‘What Sabaneyev? No, I don’t know him.’ 「どこのサバネーエフだ? 知らないね。」

‘Well then you can go to the devil,’ said Kolya, cutting short the conversation;
「それなら地獄に行っちまえ。」 コーリャは、言いました、会話を遮って。

and turning sharply to the right he strode quickly on his way as though he disdained further conversation with a dolt who did not even know Sabaneyev.

‘Stop, heigh! What Sabaneyev?’ the young man recovered from his momentary stupefaction and was as excited as before.
「止まれ、やい。どこのサバネーフエなんだ?」 若者は、瞬間のボケから回復して、もとどおり興奮しました。

‘What did he say?’ 「彼は何て言ったんだ?」

He turned to the market women with a silly stare.

●The women laughed. 女達は笑いました。

‘You can never tell what he’s after,’ said one of them.
「あんたには、決して分からないわ|彼が何を追ってるか|。」 女の一人がいいました。

‘What Sabaneyev is it he’s talking about?’ the young man repeated, still furious and brandishing his right arm.
「どのサバネーエフのことを、彼はしゃべってるんだ?」 若者は繰り返しました、まだ逆上していて、右腕をふりまわしていました。

‘It must be a Sabaneyev who worked for the Kuzmitchovs, that’s who it must be,’ one of the women suggested.
「ちがいないよ|サバネーエフに|クジミーチェフさんの所で働いていた|、そいつに違いないよ。」 女の一人が示唆しました。

●The young man stared at her wildly. 若者は、彼女を凝視しました|荒々しく|。

‘For the Kuzmitchovs?’ repeated another woman.
「クジミーチェフさんの所?」 別の女が繰り返しました。

‘But his name wasn’t Trifon.  「でも、彼の名前はトリフォーンじゃないわ。

His name’s Kuzma, not Trifon;  彼の名前は、クズマで、トリフォーンじゃない。

but the boy said Trifon Nikititch, so it can’t be the same.’

‘His name is not Trifon and not Sabaneyev, it’s Tchizhov,’ put in suddenly a third woman, who had hitherto been silent, listening gravely.
「彼の名前は、トリフォーンでも、サバネーエフでもないわ、チジョフよ。」 割り込みました|第三の女が|、彼女は、これまで黙っていて、厳かに聞いていました。

‘Alexey Ivanitch is his name. Tchizhov, Alexey Ivanitch.’

●‘Not a doubt about it, it’s Tchizhov,’ a fourth woman emphatically confirmed the statement.
「疑いないわ、チジョフよ。」 第4の女が、きっぱりとせりふを確認しました。

The bewildered youth gazed from one to another.

‘But what did he ask for, what did he ask for, good people?’ he cried almost in desperation.’
「彼は、誰を尋ねてたんだ? 誰を尋ねてたんだ?みんな。」彼は、叫びました|殆どやけくそになって|。

‘‘Do you know Sabaneyev?’ says he.  「サバネーエフを知ってるかい?」 と彼は言ってる。

And who the devil’s to know who is Sabaneyev?’

●‘You’re a senseless fellow.  「お前は、わからんやつだ。

I tell you it’s not Sabaneyev, but Tchizhov, Alexey Ivanitch Tchizhov, that’s who it is!’ one of the women shouted at him impressively.

‘What Tchizhov? Who is he? Tell me, if you know.’
「どのチジョフだって?それは誰? 教えて、知ってるなら。」

‘That tall, snivelling fellow who used to sit in the market in the summer.’

‘And what’s your Tchizhov to do with me, good people, eh?’

‘How can I tell what he’s to do with you?’ put in another.
「どうして分かるの|彼があなたにどんな関係かなんて|」 別の女が言いました。

‘You ought to know yourself what you want with him, if you make such a clamour about him.

He spoke to you, he did not speak to us, you stupid.

Don’t you really know him?’ 本当に彼の事知らないの?」

‘Know whom?’ 「誰を」

‘Tchizhov.’ 「チジョフよ。」

‘The devil take Tchizhov and you with him. 「くそくらえだ。

I’ll give him a hiding, that I will.  叩きのめしてやる、きっとだ。

He was laughing at me!’ 俺の事をわらってやがった。」

‘Will give Tchizhov a hiding!  「チジョフをたたきのめすの?

More likely he will give you one. You are a fool, that’s what you are!’

●‘Not Tchizhov, not Tchizhov, you spiteful, mischievous woman.

I’ll give the boy a hiding. Catch him, catch him, he was laughing at me’

●The woman guffawed.  女は、ばか笑した。

But Kolya was by now a long way off, marching along with a triumphant air.

Smurov walked beside him, looking round at the shouting group far behind.

He too was in high spirits, though he was still afraid of getting into some scrape in Kolya’s company.

●‘What Sabaneyev did you mean?’ he asked Kolya, foreseeing what his answer would be.
「どのサバネーエフのことなの?」 彼はコーリャに尋ねました、予想しながら|彼の答えは何かと|。

‘How do I know? Now there’ll be a hubbub among them all day.

I like to stir up fools in every class of society.

There’s another blockhead, that peasant there.

You know, they say ‘there’s no one stupider than a stupid Frenchman,’

but a stupid Russian shows it in his face just as much.

Can’t you see it all over his face that he is a fool, that peasant, eh?’

●‘Let him alone, Kolya. Let’s go on.’ 「ほっとけよ、コーリャ。前に進もうよ。」

‘Nothing could stop me, now I am once off.  「もう止められないさ。もう始まったんだ。

Hey, good morning, peasant!’ やあ、おはよう、お百姓さん!」

A sturdy-looking peasant, with a round, simple face and grizzled beard, who was walking by, raised his head and looked at the boy.

He seemed not quite sober. 彼は、全くしらふではなさそうでした。

‘Good morning, if you are not laughing at me,’ he said deliberately in reply.
「おはよう、俺の事をわらってはないね。」 彼は、慎重に答えました。

‘And if I am?’ laughed Kolya. 「もし、そうなら?」 コーリャは、笑いました。

‘Well, a joke’s a joke. Laugh away. I don’t mind.

There’s no harm in a joke.’ ジョークには、害はない。」

‘I beg your pardon, brother, it was a joke.’ 「悪かったね、ジョークさ。」

‘Well, God forgive you!’ 「神様は、許してくれるさ。」

‘Do you forgive me, too?’ 「許してくれるのかい?」

‘I quite forgive you. Go along.’ 「許してやるさ。行きな。」

‘I say, you seem a clever peasant.’ 「ああ、あなたは、賢い百姓だな。」

‘Cleverer than you,’ the peasant answered unexpectedly, with the same gravity.
「お前よりは、賢いさ。」 百姓は、突然、答えました、もったいぶった様子は、変えずに。

‘I doubt it,’ said Kolya, somewhat taken aback.
「違うよ。」 コーリャは言いました、いくぶんびっくりして。

‘It’s true, though.’  「そうだよ。」

‘Perhaps it is.’ 「たぶんね。」

‘It is, brother.’ 「そうだね。」

‘Good-bye, peasant!’ 「さいなら、お百姓さん。」

‘Good-bye!’ 「さいなら。」

‘There are all sorts of peasants,’ Kolya observed to Smurov after a brief silence.
「いろんな百姓がいるな。」 コーリャは、スムーロフに説明しました|少し沈黙した後|。

‘How could I tell I had hit on a clever one?

I am always ready to recognise intelligence in the peasantry.’

●In the distance the cathedral clock struck half-past eleven.

The boys made haste and they walked as far as Captain Snegiryov’s lodging, a considerable distance, quickly and almost in silence.

Twenty paces from the house Kolya stopped and told Smurov to go on ahead and ask Karamazov to come out to him.

●‘One must sniff round a bit first,’ he observed to Smurov.
「穴のまわりでは、まず、匂いを嗅いでおかないとね。」 彼は、スムーロフに説明しました。

‘Why ask him to come out?’ Smurov protested.

‘You go in; they will be awfully glad to see you.

What's the sense of making friends in the frost out here?’

●‘I know why I want to see him out here in the frost,' Kolya cut him short in the despotic tone he was fond of adopting with ‘small boys,’
「私は、わかってるさ|彼に会いたい理由を|寒気の中のここで|。」 コーリャは、遮って言いました、居丈高な口調で(彼が、小さい子供に話すときに喜んで採用する口調で)。

and Smurov ran to do his bidding.  スムーロフは、命令を果たすために走ってゆきました。

Chapter 4 The Lost Dog   迷子の犬

●Kolya leaned against the fence with an air of dignity, waiting for Alyosha to appear.

Yes, he had long wanted to meet him.  そう、彼は、ずっと、望んでいたのです|アリョーシャに会う事を|。

He had heard a great deal about him from the boys,

but hitherto he had always maintained an appearance of disdainful indifference when he was mentioned,

and he had even "criticised" what he heard about Alyosha.

But secretely he had a great longing to make his acquaintance;

there was something sympathetic and attractive in all he was told about Alyosha.

So the present moment was important:  ですから、今が重要なのです:

to begin with, he had to show himself at his best, to show his independence.

"Or he'll think of me as thirteen and take me for a boy, like the rest of them.

And what are these boys to him?  こいつらは、彼にとって何なんだ?

I shall ask him when I get to know him.  彼に尋ねてやる|彼と知り合いになれた時に|。

It's a pity I am so short, though.  残念だ|僕はちびなんで|、けどね。

Tuzikov is younger than I am, yet he is half a head taller.

But I have a clever face.  でも、僕は、顔はかしこそうだ。

I am not good-looking. I know I'm hideous, but I've a clever face.

I mustn't talk too freely;  余りペラペラとしゃべっちゃいけない;

if I fall into his arms all at once, he may think ...

Tfoo! how horrible if he should think ... !" 

●Such were the thoughts that excited Kolya while he was doing his utmost to assume the most independent air.

What distressed him most was his being so short;

he did not mind so much his "hideous" face, as being so short.

On the wall in a corner at home he had the year before made a pencil-mark to show his height,

and every two months since he anxiously measured himself against it to see how much he had gained.

But alas! he grew very slowly,  しかし、残念なことに、彼の成長は非常に遅く、

and this sometimes reduced him almost to despair.

His face was in reality by no means "hideous";

on the contrary, it was rather attractive, with a fair, pale skin, freckled.

His small, lively grey eyes had a fearless look, and often glowed with feeling.

He had rather high cheekbones;  彼は、かなり高い頬骨でした、

small, very red, but not very thick, lips;  小さく、真っ赤で、そんなには分厚くない唇でした。

his nose was small and unmistakably turned up. 鼻は、小さく、間違いなく上を向いていました。

"I've a regular pug nose, a regular pug nose," 「僕は、ほんとに、パクの鼻なんだ。」

Kolya used to mutter to himself when he looked in the looking-glass,

and he always left it with indignation.  そして、彼は、いつも、鏡から離れました|憤慨しながら|。

"But perhaps I haven't got a clever face?" he sometimes thought, doubtful even of that.
「顔も、そんなに賢そうな顔じゃないのでは?」 彼は、時々思いました、そのことを疑いさえしながら。

But it must not be supposed that his mind was preoccupied with his face and his height.

On the contrary, however bitter the moments before the looking-glass were to him,

he quickly forgot them, and forgot them for a long time, "abandoning himself entirely to ideas and to real life," as he formulated it to himself. 

●Alyosha came out quickly and hastened up to Kolya.

Before he reached him, Kolya could see that he looked delighted.

"Can he be so glad to see me?" Kolya wondered, feeling pleased.
「私に会うのがそんなに嬉しいのか?」 コーリャは、訝りました、喜びを感じながら。

We may note here, in passing, that Alyosha's appearance had undergone a complete change since we saw him last.

He had abandoned his cassock and was wearing now a wellcut coat, a soft, round hat, and his hair had been cropped short.

All this was very becoming to him, and he looked quite handsome.

His charming face always had a good-humoured expression;

but there was a gentleness and serenity in his good-humour.

To Kolya's surprise, Alyosha came out to him just as he was, without an overcoat.

He had evidently come in haste.  彼は、明らかに、慌ててでてきたのです。

He held out his hand to Kolya at once.  彼は、コーリャに手を差し出しました、さっと。

●"Here you are at last! How anxious we've been to see you!" 
「やっと来てくれたんですね! 待ちこがれていました、あなたに会うことを。」

●"There were reasons which you shall know directly.

Anyway, I am glad to make your acquaintance.  とにかく、お目にかかってうれしいです。

I've long been hoping for an opportunity,  この機会をずっと待ち望んでいました。

and have heard a great deal about you," Kolya muttered, a little breathless. 
お噂はたくさんお聞きしています。」 コーリャは、言いました、息をはずませて。

●"We should have met anyway.  「とにかく、私達はお会いすべきでした。

I've heard a great deal about you, too;  私も、あなたについて沢山お聞きしています。

but you've been a long time coming here."  でも、かなり時間がかかりました|ここに来られるのに|。」

●"Tell me, how are things going?"  「教えて、こちらの様子は?」

●"Ilusha is very ill. He is certainly dying."  「イリューシャがかなり病気です。確かに死にかかっています。」

●"How awful! You must admit that medicine is a fraud, Karamazov," cried Kolya warmly. 
「大変だ! しょせん、薬はペテンだ、カラマーゾフさん。」 コーリャは、暖かく叫びました。

●"Ilusha has mentioned you often, very often, even in his sleep, in delirium, you know.

One can see that you used to be very, very dear to him... before the incident... with the knife....
ようです|あなたは、彼にとってとてもとても大切な人だった|、 あの事件の前は、 あのナイフでの。

Then there's another reason.... もう一つ理由があります。

Tell me, is that your dog?"  あの、あれはあなたの犬ですか?」

●"Yes Perezvon."  「はい、ペレズヴォンです。」

●"Not Zhutchka?" Alyosha looked at Kolya with eyes full of pity.

"Is she lost for ever?"  「ジューチカは、ずっといないまま?」

●"I know you would all like it to be Zhutchka.

I've heard all about it." Kolya smiled mysteriously.
聞いてるよ。」 コーリャは、謎めいた笑みをうかべました。

"Listen, Karamazov, I'll tell you all about it.

That's what I came for;  それが、私が来た理由です。

that's what I asked you to come out here for, to explain the whole episode to you before we go in," he began with animation.
それが、私があなたにここに出てきてもらった理由です、あなたにすべての話を説明するために|中に入る前に|。」 彼は、話し始めました、生き生きと。

"You see, Karamazov, Ilusha came into the preparatory class last spring.

Well, you know what our preparatory class is - a lot of small boys.

They began teasing Ilusha at once.  みんな、彼をいじめ始めました、すぐに。

I am two classes higher up, and, of course, I only look on at them from a distance.

I saw the boy was weak and small,  イルーシャは、弱く小さかった。

but he wouldn't give in to them; he fought with them.  でも、彼は、屈しようとはせず、闘いました。

I saw he was proud, and his eyes were full of fire.  彼はプライドが高く、眼は、炎に満ちていました。

I like children like that.  私は、そんな子供達が好きです。

And they teased him all the more.  子供達は、彼をからかいました|いっそう|。

The worst of it was he was horribly dressed at the time, his breeches were too small for him, and there were holes in his boots.

They worried him about it; they jeered at him. 

That I can't stand.  それが私は耐えられません。

I stood up for him at once, and gave it to them hot.

I beat them, but they adore me, do you know, Karamazov?"

Kolya boasted impulsively; "but I am always fond of children.
コーリャは、衝動的に自慢しました; 「しかし、私は、いつも子供達が好きです。

I've two chickens in my hands at home now - that's what detained me today.

So they left off beating Ilusha and I took him under my protection.

I saw the boy was proud.  私は、気付きました|彼はプライドが高いと|。

I tell you that, the boy was proud;  彼は、プライドが高いんです。

but in the end he became slavishly devoted to me:

he did my slightest bidding, obeyed me as though I were God, tried to copy me.

In the intervals between the classes he used to run to me at once' and I'd go about with him.

On Sundays, too.  日曜日もそうです。

They always laugh when an older boy makes friends with a younger one like that;
(この学校では) 上級生があんな下級生と友達になったりすると、笑うんです。

but that's a prejudice.   でも、それは偏見です。

If it's my fancy, that's enough.  もしそれが私の幻想なら、それで十分なんです。

I am teaching him, developing him.  私は、彼を教え、育ててるんです。

Why shouldn't I develop him if I like him?

Here you, Karamazov, have taken up with all these nestlings.

I see you want to influence the younger generation - to develop them, to be of use to them,
なるほど、あなたは、若い世代に影響を与えたい - 彼らを育て、彼らの役に立ちたい。

and I assure you this trait in your character, which I knew by hearsay, attracted me more than anything.

Let us get to the point, though.  でも、本題にもどりましょう。

I noticed that there was a sort of softness and sentimentality coming over the boy,

and you know I have a positive hatred of this sheepish sentimentality,

and I have had it from a baby.  私は、それを赤子のときから持っています。

There were contradictions in him, too:  彼には、矛盾もあります。

he was proud, but he was slavishly devoted to me, and yet all at once his eyes would flash

and he'd refuse to agree with me; he'd argue, fly into a rage.

I used sometimes to propound certain ideas;  私は、時に、ある種の考えを提案したりしたものです。

I could see that it was not so much that he disagreed with the ideas, but that he was simply rebelling against me, because I was cool in responding to his endearments.

And so, in order to train him properly, the tenderer he was, the colder I became.

I did it on purpose: that was my idea.  私は、わざとそうしました。それが私の考えでした。

My object was to form his character, to lick him into shape, to make a man of him...

and besides... no doubt, you understand me at a word.

Suddenly I noticed for three days in succession he was downcast and dejected, not because of my coldness, but for something else, something more important.

I wondered what the tragedy was.  私は、いぶかりました|悲劇は何なのかと|。

I have pumped him and found out that he had somehow got to know Smerdyakov, who was footman to your late father - it was before his death, of course - and he taught the little fool a silly trick-  that is, a brutal, nasty trick.

He told him to take a piece of bread, to stick a pin in it, and throw it to one of those hungry dogs who snap up anything without biting it, and then to watch and see what would happen.

So they prepared a piece of bread like that and threw it to Zhutchka, that shaggy dog there's been such a fuss about.

The people of the house it belonged to never fed it at all, though it barked all day.

(Do you like that stupid barking, Karamazov? I can't stand it.)
(あのお馬鹿な吠え声をお好きですか、カラマーゾフさん? 私は、耐えられません。)

So it rushed at the bread, swallowed it, and began to squeal;

it turned round and round and ran away, squealing as it ran out of sight.

That was Ilusha's own account of it.  それが、イリューシャ自身のその説明です。

He confessed it to me, and cried bitterly.  彼は、私に告白して、激しく泣きました。

He hugged me, shaking all over.  彼は、私に抱き付いて、体中震えていました。

He kept on repeating 'He ran away squealing': the sight of that haunted him.
彼は、「悲鳴を上げて走り去った」と繰り返し続けました; あの光景は彼に付きまとったのです。

He was tormented by remorse, I could see that. I took it seriously.

I determined to give him a lesson for other things as well.

So I must confess I wasn't quite straightforward,

and pretended to be more indignant perhaps than I was.

'You've done a nasty thing,' I said, 'you are a scoundrel.

I won't tell of it, of course, but I shall have nothing more to do with you for a time.

I'll think it over and let you know through Smurov'

- that's the boy who's just come with me; he's always ready to do anything for me-
- 私とさっきここに来た少年だよ、彼は、いつも僕のために何でもしてくれるのさ-

'whether I will have anything to do with you in the future or whether I give you up for good as a scoundrel.'

He was tremendously upset.  彼は、途方もなく動揺しました。

I must own I felt I'd gone too far as I spoke, but there was no help for it.

I did what I thought best at the time.  私は、したのです|最善と思う事を|その時|。

A day or two after, I sent Smurov to tell him that I would not speak to him again.

That's what we call it when two schoolfellows refuse to have anything more to do with one another.

Secretly I only meant to send him to Coventry for a few days and then, if I saw signs of repentance, to hold out my hand to him again.

That was my intention. But what do you think happened?

He heard Smurov's message, his eyes flashed.

'Tell Krassotkin for me,' he cried, 'that I will throw bread with pins to all the dogs- all- all of them!'

'So he's going in for a little temper.  「ちょっとした短気がはじまろうとしている。

We must smoke it out of him.'  彼の中から燻りださないといけない。」

And I began to treat him with contempt;  私は、彼を軽蔑してあつかうようになりました。

whenever I met him I turned away or smiled sarcastically.

And just then that affair with his father happened. You remember?

You must realise that he was fearfully worked up by what had happened already.

The boys, seeing I'd given him up, set on him and taunted him, shouting, 'Wisp of tow, wisp of tow!'

And he had soon regular skirmishes with them, which I am very sorry for.

They seem to have given him one very bad beating.

One day he flew at them all as they were coming out of school.

I stood a few yards off, looking on.  私は、数m離れて立ち、眺めていました。

And, I swear, I don't remember that I laughed;

it was quite the other way, I felt awfully sorry for him;

in another minute I would have run up to take his part.

But he suddenly met my eyes.  しかし、突然、彼と私の目が会いました。

I don't know what he fancied;  私は、彼が何を思ったか知りません。

but he pulled out a penknife, rushed at me, and struck at my thigh, here in my right leg.

I didn't move.  私は、動きませんでした。

I don't mind owning I am plucky sometimes, Karamazov.

I simply looked at him contemptuously,

as though to say, 'This is how you repay all my kindness! Do it again if you like, I'm at your service.'
まるで言わんばかりに|「これが、私の親切への報いかい? もう一度やりなさい、お望みなら、どうぞ何なりと。」と|。

But he didn't stab me again; he broke down;  彼は、再びは刺しませんでした、崩れ落ちました。

he was frightened at what he had done;  彼は、怯えました|自分のした事に|。

he threw away the knife, burst out crying, and ran away.

I did not sneak on him, of course,  私は、彼について告げ口しませんでした、勿論です。

and I made them all keep quiet, so it shouldn't come to the ears of the masters.

I didn't even tell my mother till it had healed up.

And the wound was a mere scratch.  傷は、単なるひっかき傷でした。

And then I heard that the same day he'd been throwing stones and had bitten your finger

- but you understand now what a state he was in!
- でもおわかりでしょう、今は、彼がどんな状態だったか。

Well, it can't be helped:  でも、仕方ありません。

it was stupid of me not to come and forgive him - that is, to make it up with him - when he was taken ill.

I am sorry for it now. But I had a special reason.

So now I've told you all about it... but I'm afraid it was stupid of me." 

●"Oh, what a pity," exclaimed Alyosha, with feeling, "that I didn't know before what terms you were on with him, or I'd have come to you long ago to beg you to go to him with me.

Would you believe it, when he was feverish he talked about you in delirium.

I didn't know how much you were to him!  知りませんでした|あなたが彼にとってどんなに大事なのかを|。

And you've really not succeeded in finding that dog?

His father and the boys have been hunting all over the town for it.

Would you believe it, since he's been ill, I've three times heard him repeat with tears, 'It's because I killed Zhutchka, father, that I am ill now. God is punishing me for it.'

He can't get that idea out of his head.  彼は、その考えを頭から取り除けないんです。

And if the dog were found and proved to be alive, one might almost fancy the joy would cure him.

We have all rested our hopes on you."  私達は、みんな、あなたに期待をかけたのです。」

●"Tell me, what made you hope that I should be the one to find him?" Kolya asked, with great curiosity.
「ねえ、どうして期待したのですか|私が犬をみつけるべき人だと|?」 コーリャは、尋ねました、大いに好奇心にかられて。

"Why did you reckon on me rather than anyone else?" 

●"There was a report that you were looking for the dog, and that you would bring it when you'd found it.

Smurov said something of the sort.  スムーロフが、そんなことを言いました。

We've all been trying to persuade Ilusha that the dog is alive, that it's been seen.

The boys brought him a live hare:  少年達は、生きたうさぎを持ってきました。

he just looked at it, with a faint smile, and asked them to set it free in the fields.

And so we did.  私達は、そうしました。

His father has just this moment come back, bringing him a mastiff pup, hoping to comfort him with that;

but I think it only makes it worse."  でも、より悪くなりました。」

●"Tell me, Karamazov, what sort of man is the father?

I know him, but what do you make of him - a mountebank, a buffoon?" 

●"Oh no; there are people of deep feeling who have been somehow crushed.

Buffoonery in them is a form of resentful irony against those to whom they daren't speak the truth, from having been for years humiliated and intimidated by them.

Believe me, Krassotkin, that sort of buffoonery is sometimes tragic in the extreme.

His whole life now is centred in Ilusha, and if Ilusha dies, he will either go mad with grief or kill himself.

I feel almost certain of that when I look at him now." 

●"I understand you, Karamazov. I see you understand human nature," Kolya added, with feeling. 
「分かります、カラマーゾフさん、私は、あなたが人の本質を理解しているとわかります。」 コウリャは、感情を込めて、そう言いました。

●"And as soon as I saw you with a dog, I thought it was Zhutchka you were bringing." 

●"Wait a bit, Karamazov, perhaps we shall find it yet;

but this is Perezvon.  でも、こいつは、ペレズヴォンです。

I'll let him go in now and perhaps it will amuse Ilusha more than the mastiff pup.

Wait a bit, Karamazov, you will know something in a minute.

But, I say, I am keeping you here!" Kolya cried suddenly.
でも、おや、私は、あなたをここに引き止めている。」 コーリャは、突然叫びました。

"You've no overcoat on in this bitter cold. 「あなたは、外套をきていない|この厳しい寒さの中|。

You see what an egoist I am. Oh, we are all egoists, Karamazov!" 

●"Don't trouble; it is cold, but I don't often catch cold.

Let us go in, though, and, by the way, what is your name?

I know you are called Kolya, but what else?" 

●"Nikolay - Nikolay Ivanovitch Krassotkin, or, as they say in official documents, 'Krassotkin son.'"

Kolya laughed for some reason, but added suddenly, "Of course I hate my name Nikolay." 

●"Why so?"  「どして?」

●"It's so trivial, so ordinary."  「それは、陳腐で、普通でしょ。」

●"You are thirteen?" asked Alyosha.  「13歳ですか?」アリョーシャは尋ねました。

●"No, fourteen - that is, I shall be fourteen very soon, in a fortnight.

I'll confess one weakness of mine, Karamazov, just to you, since it's our first meeting, so that you may understand my character at once.

I hate being asked my age, more than that... and in fact... there's a libellous story going about me, that last week I played robbers with the preparatory boys.

It's a fact that I did play with them,  彼らと遊んだのは事実です。

but it's a perfect libel to say I did it for my own amusement.

I have reasons for believing that you've heard the story;

but I wasn't playing for my own amusement,

it was for the sake of the children, because they couldn't think of anything to do by themselves.

But they've always got some silly tale. でも、彼らは、いつも、何か馬鹿な話をするんです。

This is an awful town for gossip, I can tell you." 

●"But what if you had been playing for your own amusement, what's the harm?" 

●"Come, I say, for my own amusement! You don't play horses, do you?" 
「ねえ。あのね、自分の楽しみのため! あなたは、お馬さんごっこなんかしないですよね?」

●"But you must look at it like this," said Alyosha, smiling.
「でも、こんな風にながめたらいいんです。」 アリョーシャは、笑っていいました。

"Grown-up people go to the theatre and there the adventures of all sorts of heroes are represented - sometimes there are robbers and battles, too - and isn't that just the same thing, in a different form, of course?
「大人達は、劇場に行って、そこには、あらゆる種類の英雄の冒険が表現されています - 時には、泥棒や戦争の話もあります - これって、別の形の全く同じことじゃないですか?勿論ね?

And young people's games of soldiers or robbers in their playtime are also art in its first stage.

You know, they spring from the growing artistic instincts of the young.

And sometimes these games are much better than performances in the theatre;

the only difference is that people go there to look at the actors, while in these games the young people are the actors themselves.

But that's only natural."  これは、ごく当たり前でしょう!」

●"You think so? Is that your idea?" Kolya looked at him intently.
「そう思います?あなたのお考えですか?」 コーリャは、じっと彼を見つめました。

"Oh, you know, that's rather an interesting view.

When I go home, I'll think it over.  家に帰ったら、じっくり考えます。

I'll admit I thought I might learn something from you.

I've come to learn of you, Karamazov," Kolya concluded, in a voice full of spontaneous feeling. 

●"And I of you," said Alyosha, smiling and pressing his hand. 
「僕も君から。」 アリョーシャは言いました、笑ながら、手をにぎりしめながら。

●Kolya was much pleased with Alyosha.

What struck him most was that he treated him exactly like an equal and that he talked to him just as if he were "quite grown up." 

●"I'll show you something directly, Karamazov; it's a theatrical performance, too," he said, laughing nervously.
「あるものを直接お目にかけます、カラマーゾフさん、それは劇場並みの演技です。」 彼は、神経質に笑いながら、言いました。

"That's why I've come."  「そのためにここに来たんです。」

●"Let us go first to the people of the house, on the left.

All the boys leave their coats in there, because the room is small and hot." 

●"Oh, I'm only coming in for a minute. I'll keep on my overcoat.

Perezvon will stay here in the passage and be dead.

Ici, Perezvon, lie down and be dead!  さあ、ペレズヴォン、伏せ、死んで!

You see how he's dead.  ほら、ちゃんと死んだまねでしょう。

I'll go in first and explore, then I'll whistle to him when I think fit,

and you'll see, he'll dash in like mad.  すると、彼は、気違いのようにダッシュします。

Only Smurov must not forget to open the door at the moment.

I'll arrange it all and you'll see something." 

Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside   イリューシャのベッド際で

●The room inhabited by the family of the retired captain Snegiryov is already familiar to the reader.

It was close and crowded at that moment with a number of visitors.

Several boys were sitting with Ilusha,  数人の男子は、イルーシャと一緒に座っていました、

and though all of them, like Smurov, were prepared to deny that it was Alyosha who had brought them and reconciled them with Ilusha, it was really the fact.

All the art he had used had been to take them, one by one, to Ilusha, without "sheepish sentimentality," appearing to do so casually and without design.

It was a great consolation to Ilusha in his suffering.

He was greatly touched by seeing the almost tender affection and sympathy shown him by these boys, who had been his enemies.

Krassotkin was the only one missing and his absence was a heavy load on Ilusha's heart.

Perhaps the bitterest of all his bitter memories was his stabbing Krassotkin, who had been his one friend and protector.

Clever little Smurov, who was the first to make it up with Ilusha, thought it was so.

But when Smurov hinted to Krassotkin that Alyosha wanted to come and see him about something, the latter cut him short, bidding Smurov tell "Karamazov" at once that he knew best what to do, that he wanted no one's advice, and that, if he went to see Ilusha, he would choose his own time for he had "his own reasons." 

●That was a fortnight before this Sunday.

That was why Alyosha had not been to see him, as he had meant to.

But though he waited he sent Smurov to him twice again.

Both times Krassotkin met him with a curt, impatient refusal, sending Alyosha a message not to bother him any more, that if he came himself, he, Krassotkin, would not go to Ilusha at all.

Up to the very last day, Smurov did not know that Kolya meant to go to Ilusha that morning,

and only the evening before, as he parted from Smurov, Kolya abruptly told him to wait at home for him next morning, for he would go with him to the Snegiryovs, but warned him on no account to say he was coming, as he wanted to drop in casually.

Smurov obeyed.  スムーロフは、従いました。

Smurov's fancy that Kolya would bring back the lost dog was based on the words Kolya had dropped that "they must be asses not to find the dog, if it was alive."

When Smurov, waiting for an opportunity, timidly hinted at his guess about the dog, Krassotkin flew into a violent rage.

"I'm not such an ass as to go hunting about the town for other people's dogs when I've got a dog of my own!

And how can you imagine a dog could be alive after swallowing a pin?

Sheepish sentimentality, thats what it is!" 羊のような感傷、それそのものさ!」

●For the last fortnight Ilusha had not left his little bed under the ikons in the corner.

He had not been to school since the day he met Alyosha and bit his finger.

He was taken ill the same day,  彼は、病気になりました、その同じ日に、

though for a month afterwards he was sometimes able to get up and walk about the room and passage.

But latterly he had become so weak that he could not move without help from his father.

His father was terribly concerned about him.

He even gave up drinking and was almost crazy with terror that his boy would die.

And often, especially after leading him round the room on his arm and putting him back to bed,

he would run to a dark corner in the passage

and, leaning his head against the wall, he would break into paroxysms of violent weeping, stifling his sobs that they might not be heard by Ilusha. 

●Returning to the room, he would usually begin doing something to amuse and comfort his precious boy:

he would tell him stories, funny anecdotes,

or would mimic comic people he had happened to meet,

even imitate the howls and cries of animals.

But Ilusha could not bear to see his father fooling and playing the buffoon.

Though the boy tried not to show how he disliked it, he saw with an aching heart that his father was an object of contempt,

and he was continually haunted by the memory of the "wisp of tow" and that "terrible day." 

●Nina, Ilusha's gentle, crippled sister, did not like her father's buffoonery either

(Varvara had been gone for some time past to Petersburg to study at the university).

But the half-imbecile mother was greatly diverted and laughed heartily when her husband began capering about or performing something.

It was the only way she could be amused;  それは、彼女が面白がることが出来る唯一の方法でした。

all the rest of the time she was grumbling and complaining that now everyone had forgotten her, that no one treated her with respect, that she was slighted, and so on.

But during the last few days she had completely changed.

She began looking constantly at Ilusha's bed in the corner and seemed lost in thought.

She was more silent, quieter, and, if she cried, she cried quietly so as not to be heard.

The captain noticed the change in her with mournful perplexity.

The boys' visits at first only angered her,  少年達の訪問は、最初、ただ彼女を怒らせました。

but later on their merry shouts and stories began to divert her,

and at last she liked them so much that, if the boys had given up coming, she would have felt dreary without them.

When the children told some story or played a game, she laughed and clapped her hands.

She called some of them to her and kissed them.

She was particularly fond of Smurov.  彼女は、特に、スムーロフが大好きでした。

●As for the captain, the presence in his room of the children, who came to cheer up Ilusha, filled his heart from the first with ecstatic joy.

He even hoped that Ilusha would now get over his depression and that that would hasten his recovery.

In spite of his alarm about Ilusha, he had not, till lately, felt one minute's doubt of his boy's ultimate recovery. 

●He met his little visitors with homage, waited upon them hand and foot;

he was ready to be their horse and even began letting them ride on his back,

but Ilusha did not like the game and it was given up.

He began buying little things for them, gingerbread and nuts, gave them tea and cut them sandwiches.

It must be noted that all this time he had plenty of money.

He had taken the two hundred roubles from Katerina Ivanovna just as Alyosha had predicted he would.

And afterwards Katerina Ivanovna, learning more about their circumstances and Ilusha's illness, visited them herself, made the acquaintance of the family, and succeeded in fascinating the half-imbecile mother.

Since then she had been lavish in helping them, and the captain, terror-stricken at the thought that his boy might be dying, forgot his pride and humbly accepted her assistance. 

●All this time Doctor Herzenstube, who was called in by Katerina Ivanovna, came punctually every other day,

but little was gained by his visits and he dosed the invalid mercilessly.

But on that Sunday morning a new doctor was expected, who had come from Moscow, where he had a great reputation.

Katerina Ivanovna had sent for him from Moscow at great expense, not expressly for Ilusha, but for another object of which more will be said in its place hereafter.

But, as he had come, she had asked him to see Ilusha as well,

and the captain had been told to expect him.

He hadn't the slightest idea that Kolya Krassotkin was coming, though he had long wished for a visit from the boy for whom Ilusha was fretting. 

●At the moment when Krassotkin opened the door and came into the room, the captain and all the boys were round Ilusha's bed, looking at a tiny mastiff pup, which had only been born the day before,

though the captain had bespoken it a week ago to comfort and amuse Ilusha, who was still fretting over the lost and probably dead Zhutchka.

Ilusha, who had heard three days before that he was to be presented with a puppy, not an ordinary puppy, but a pedigree mastiff (a very important point, of course), tried from delicacy of feeling to pretend that he was pleased.

But his father and the boys could not help seeing that the puppy only served to recall to his little heart the thought of the unhappy dog he had killed.

The puppy lay beside him feebly moving  子犬は、彼のそばに横たわっていました|弱弱しく動きながら|、

and he, smiling sadly, stroked it with his thin, pale, wasted hand.

Clearly he liked the puppy, but... it wasn't Zhutchka;

if he could have had Zhutchka and the puppy, too, then he would have been completely happy. 

●"Krassotkin!" cried one of the boys suddenly.  「コーリャ!」 少年の一人が叫びました。

He was the first to see him come in.  彼が最初にコーリャが入って来るのを見たのです。

●Krassotkin's entrance made a general sensation;

the boys moved away and stood on each side of the bed, so that he could get a full view of Ilusha.

The captain ran eagerly to meet Kolya.  隊長は、しきりに走ってコーリャを迎えました。

●"Please come in... you are welcome!" he said hurriedly.
「お入りください。ようこそ、いらっしゃいました。」 彼は、急いで言いました。

"Ilusha, Mr. Krassotkin has come to see you!" 

●But Krassotkin, shaking hands with him hurriedly, instantly showed his complete knowledge of the manners of good society.

He turned first to the captain's wife sitting in her armchair,

who was very ill-humoured at the moment, and was grumbling that the boys stood between her and Ilusha's bed and did not let her see the new puppy.

With the greatest courtesy he made her a bow, scraping his foot,

and turning to Nina, he made her, as the only other lady present, a similar bow.

This polite behaviour made an extremely favourable impression on the deranged lady. 

●"There, you can see at once he is a young man that has been well brought up," she commented aloud, throwing up her hands; "
「ほら、すぐにわかるわ、彼が、若者だってことが|よく育て上げられた|。」 彼女は、大きな声で言いました、両手をあげて。

"but as for our other visitors they come in one on the top of another." 

●"How do you mean, mamma, one on the top of another, how is that?" muttered the captain affectionately, though a little anxious on her account. 
「どういう意味、ママさん、おんぶですって、それは何?」 隊長は、愛情を込めて言いました、彼女の言葉に少し気掛かりしながら。

●"That's how they ride in.  「彼らは、そうやって乗って入って来たのよ。

They get on each other's shoulders in the passage and prance in like that on a respectable family.

Strange sort of visitors!"  不思議なお客様だこと!」

●"But who's come in like that, mamma?"  「でも、誰が、そんなにして入ってきたの?」 ママさん。

●"Why, that boy came in riding on that one's back and this one on that one's." 

●Kolya was already by Ilusha's bedside.  コーリャは、すでにイルーシャのベッド際にいました。

The sick boy turned visibly paler.  病人は、目にみえるほど青ざめていきました。

He raised himself in the bed and looked intently at Kolya.

Kolya had not seen his little friend for two months,

and he was overwhelmed at the sight of him.  彼は、圧倒されました|彼の姿に|。

He had never imagined that he would see such a wasted, yellow face, such enormous, feverishly glowing eyes and such thin little hands.

He saw, with grieved surprise, Ilusha's rapid, hard breathing and dry lips.

He stepped close to him, held out his hand, and almost overwhelmed, he said: 

●"Well, old man... how are you?"  「ねえ、きみ、元気かい?」

But his voice failed him, he couldn't achieve an appearance of ease;

his face suddenly twitched and the corners of his mouth quivered.

Ilusha smiled a pitiful little smile, still unable to utter a word.

Something moved Kolya to raise his hand and pass it over Ilusha's hair. 

●"Never mind!" he murmured softly to him to cheer him up, or perhaps not knowing why he said it.
「気にするな!」 彼は、つぶやきました|やさしく彼に向かって|彼を元気づけるために|、多分、何故それを言ったのかはわからずに。

For a minute they were silent again.  しばらくの間、彼らは、再び沈黙しました。

●"Hallo, so you've got a new puppy?" Kolya said suddenly, in a most callous voice. 
「やあ、君は新しい子犬をもらったのかい?」 コーリャは突然言いました、とても無情な声で。

●"Ye-es," answered Ilusha in a long whisper, gasping for breath. 
「は、はい」 イルーシャは、答えました|長いささやき声で、喘ぎながら|。

●"A black nose, that means he'll be fierce, a good house-dog,"

Kolya observed gravely and stolidly, as if the only thing he cared about was the puppy and its black nose.

But in reality he still had to do his utmost to control his feelings not to burst out crying like a child,

and do what he would he could not control it.
何をしようと、彼は、それを制御できませんでした。  この文法は、調査中です。

"When it grows up, you'll have to keep it on the chain, I'm sure." 

●"He'll be a huge dog!" cried one of the boys. 
「大きな犬になるよ!」 少年の一人は叫びました。

●"Of course he will," "a mastiff," "large," "like this," "as big as a calf," shouted several voices. 
「勿論さ」「マスチフ犬さ」「でっかいな」「これくらい」「子牛ぐらいに」 いくつかの声が響きました。

●"As big as a calf, as a real calf," chimed in the captain.
「子牛くらいの大きさです、本物の子牛くらいの」 隊長も、割って入りました。

"I got one like that on purpose, one of the fiercest breed,

and his parents are huge and very fierce, they stand as high as this from the floor....

Sit down here, on Ilusha's bed, or here on the bench.

You are welcome, we've been hoping to see you a long time....

You were so kind as to come with Alexey Fyodorovitch?" 

●Krassotkin sat on the edge of the bed, at Ilusha's feet.

Though he had perhaps prepared a free-and-easy opening for the conversation on his way, now he completely lost the thread of it. 

●"No... I came with Perezvon. I've got a dog now, called Perezvon.

A Slavonic name. He's out there... if I whistle, he'll run in.

I've brought a dog, too," he said, addressing Ilusha all at once.
私は、犬も連れてきたんだよ。」 彼は、言いました、イルーシャに突然話しかけました。

"Do you remember Zhutchka, old man?" he suddenly fired the question at him. 
「ジューチカを覚えているかい、きみ?」 彼は、突然彼に質問を放ちました。

●Ilusha's little face quivered.  イルーシャの小さい顔は、震えました。

He looked with an agonised expression at Kolya.

Alyosha, standing at the door, frowned and signed to Kolya not to speak of Zhutchka,

but he did not or would not notice.  しかし、彼は、気付きませんでした、または、気付こうとしませんでした。

●"Where... is Zhutchka?" Ilusha asked in a broken voice. 
「どこなの。ジューチカは?」 イルーシャは、打ちひしがれた声で尋ねました。

●"Oh well, my boy, your Zhutchka's lost and done for!" 

●Ilusha did not speak, but he fixed an intent gaze once more on Kolya.

Alyosha, catching Kolya's eye, signed to him vigourously again,

but he turned away his eyes pretending not to have noticed. 

●"It must have run away and died somewhere.

It must have died after a meal like that,"

Kolya pronounced pitilessly, though he seemed a little breathless.

"But I've got a dog, Perezvon... A Slavonic name... I've brought him to show you." 

●"I don't want him!" said Ilusha suddenly. 「そんな犬はいらない!」 イルーシャは、突然いいました。

●"No, no, you really must see him... it will amuse you. I brought him on purpose....

He's the same sort of shaggy dog.... You allow me to call in my dog, madam?"

He suddenly addressed Madame Snegiryov, with inexplicable excitement in his manner. 

●"I don't want him, I don't want him!" cried Ilusha, with a mournful break in his voice.
「そんな犬、いらない。いらない!」 イルーシャは、叫びました、悲しみに声をつまらせながら。

There was a reproachful light in his eyes.  非難の光がありました|彼の目には|。

●"You'd better," the captain started up from the chest by the wall on which he had just sat down, "you'd better... another time," he muttered,

but Kolya could not be restrained.  しかし、コーリャは、押さえる事ができませんでした。

He hurriedly shouted to Smurov, "Open the door,"

and as soon as it was open, he blew his whistle.

Perezvon dashed headlong into the room. 

●"Jump, Perezvon, beg! Beg!" shouted Kolya, jumping up,
「飛べ、ペレズヴォン、ちんちん!」 コーリャは叫びました、跳びあがりながら。

and the dog stood erect on its hind-legs by Ilusha's bedside.

What followed was a surprise to everyone:  次に起こったことは、みんなの驚きでした:

Ilusha started, lurched violently forward, bent over Perezvon and gazed at him, faint with suspense. 

●"It's... Zhutchka!" he cried suddenly, in a voice breaking with joy and suffering. 
「ジューチカだ!」 彼は、突然叫びました、喜びと苦しみで壊れそうな声で。

●"And who did you think it was?" Krassotkin shouted with all his might, in a ringing, happy voice,
「誰だと思ってたんだい?」 コーリャは、全力で叫びました、鳴り響く幸せな声で。

and bending down he seized the dog and lifted him up to Ilusha. 

●"Look, old man, you see, blind of one eye and the left ear is torn, just the marks you described to me.

It was by that I found him.  その特徴で、この犬を見つけたのさ。

I found him directly.  直接見つけたのさ。

He did not belong to anyone!"  誰の飼い犬でもないのさ。」

he explained, to the captain, to his wife, to Alyosha and then again to Ilusha.

"He used to live in the Fedotovs' backyard.

Though he made his home there, they did not feed him.

He was a stray dog that had run away from the village... I found him....

You see, old man, he couldn't have swallowed what you gave him.

If he had, he must have died, he must have!

So he must have spat it out, since he is alive.

You did not see him do it.  吐き出したのを見なかったんだ。

But the pin pricked his tongue, that is why he squealed.

He ran away squealing and you thought he'd swallowed it.

He might well squeal, because the skin of dogs' mouths is so tender... tenderer than in men, much tenderer!"

Kolya cried impetuously, his face glowing and radiant with delight.

Ilusha could not speak.  イルーシャは、口をきくことができませんでした。

White as a sheet, he gazed open-mouthed at Kolya, with his great eyes almost starting out of his head.

And if Krassotkin, who had no suspicion of it, had known what a disastrous and fatal effect such a moment might have on the sick child's health, nothing would have induced him to play such a trick on him.

But Alyosha was perhaps the only person in the room who realised it.

As for the captain he behaved like a small child. 

●"Zhutchka! It's Zhutchka!" he cried in a blissful voice, "Ilusha, this is Zhutchka, your Zhutchka! Mamma, this is Zhutchka!"

He was almost weeping.  彼は、殆ど泣いていました。

●"And I never guessed!" cried Smurov regretfully.
「僕は、少しもそう思わなかった!」 スムーロフは、残念そうに叫びました。

"Bravo, Krassotkin! I said he'd find the dog and here he's found him." 

●"Here he's found him!" another boy repeated gleefully. 
「彼は、見つけたんだ!」 別の子が、愉快そうに繰り返しました。

●"Krassotkin's a brick!" cried a third voice. 
「コーリャは、頼りがいのあるやつだ!」 第三の声がさけびました。

●"He's a brick, he's a brick!" cried the other boys, and they began clapping. 
「彼は、頼りがいのある人だ!」 別の子も叫びました、そしてみんな、拍手を始めました。

●"Wait, wait," Krassotkin did his utmost to shout above them all.
「待って、待って。」 コーリャは、最大限尽くしました|彼らみんなよりも叫ぶために|。

"I'll tell you how it happened, that's the whole point.

I found him, I took him home and hid him at once.

I kept him locked up at home and did not show him to anyone till to-day.

Only Smurov has known for the last fortnight,  スムーロフだけが、2週間前に知りました。

but I assured him this dog was called Perezvon

and he did not guess.  そして彼は気付きませんでした。

And meanwhile I taught the dog all sorts of tricks.

You should only see all the things he can do!

I trained him so as to bring you a well trained dog, in good condition, old man,

so as to be able to say to you, 'See, old man, what a fine dog your Zhutchka is now!'

Haven't you a bit of meat?  肉が一切れありませんか?

He'll show you a trick that will make you die with laughing.

A piece of meat, haven't you got any?"  肉、一切れ、ありませんか?」

●The captain ran across the passage to the landlady, where their cooking was done.

Not to lose precious time, Kolya, in desperate haste, shouted to Perezvon, "Dead!"

And the dog immediately turned round and lay on his back with its four paws in the air.

The boys laughed, Ilusha looked on with the same suffering smile,

but the person most delighted with the dog's performance was "mamma."

She laughed at the dog and began snapping her fingers and calling it, "Perezvon, Perezvon!" 

●"Nothing will make him get up, nothing!" Kolya cried triumphantly, proud of his success.
「何が起きても、起き上がらないからね!」 コーリャは、勝ち誇って叫びました、成功に自慢して。

"He won't move for all the shouting in the world,  「どんな叫び声にも、動かないからね。

but if I call to him, he'll jump up in a minute. Ici, Perezvon!"

The dog leapt up and bounded about, whining with delight.

The captain ran back with a piece of cooked beef. 

●"Is it hot?" Kolya inquired hurriedly, with a business-like air, taking the meat.
「熱い?」 コーリャは、急いで尋ねました|事務的な雰囲気で|肉を受取ながら|、

"Dogs don't like hot things. No, it's all right. 「犬は、熱いのがきらいだ。熱くない。OKです。

Look, everybody, look, Ilusha, look, old man; why aren't you looking?
ねえ、皆さん、ねえ、イルーシャ、ねえ、きみ; どうして見ないの?

He does not look at him, now I've brought him." 

●The new trick consisted in making the dog stand motionless with his nose out and putting a tempting morsel of meat just on his nose.

The luckless dog had to stand without moving, with the meat on his nose, as long as his master chose to keep him, without a movement, perhaps for half an hour.

But he kept Perezvon only for a brief moment.  しかし、彼は、ペリズヴォンを少ししか待たせませんでした。

●"Paid for!" cried Kolya, and the meat passed in a flash from the dog's nose to his mouth.
「よし!」 コーリャは叫びました、肉は一瞬にして、犬の鼻先から口に通過してゆきました。

The audience, of course, expressed enthusiasm and surprise. 

●"Can you really have put off coming all this time simply to train the dog?" exclaimed Alyosha, with an involuntary note of reproach in his voice. 

●"Simply for that!" answered Kolya, with perfect simplicity.
「単にそのためです!」 コーリャは答えました、完璧に無邪気に。

"I wanted to show him in all his glory." 

●"Perezvon! Perezvon," called Ilusha suddenly, snapping his thin fingers and beckoning to the dog. 
「ペレズヴォン、ペレズヴォン」 イルーシャは、突然呼びました、彼の細い指を鳴らして、犬に手招きしました。

●"What is it? Let him jump up on the bed! Ici, Perezvon!"
「なんです? 犬をベッドの上にのぼらせたら! さあ、ペレズヴォン!」

Kolya slapped the bed and Perezvon darted up by Ilusha.

The boy threw both arms round his head and Perezvon instantly licked his cheek.

Ilusha crept close to him, stretched himself out in bed and hid his face in the dog's shaggy coat. 

●"Dear, dear!" kept exclaiming the captain.  「ああ、ああ!」 隊長は、叫び続けました。

Kolya sat down again on the edge of the bed.  コーリャは、再びベッドの端にすわりました。

●"Ilusha, I can show you another trick. 「イルーシャ、もう一つトリックを見せたいんだ。

I've brought you a little cannon.  小さな大砲を持ってきたよ。

You remember, I told you about it before and you said how much you'd like to see it.

Well, here, I've brought it to you."  で、持ってきたよ。」

●And Kolya hurriedly pulled out of his satchel the little bronze cannon.

He hurried, because he was happy himself.  彼は、急ぎました、何故なら彼は幸せだったから。

Another time he would have waited till the sensation made by Perezvon had passed off,

now he hurried on, regardless of all consideration.

"You are all happy now," he felt, "so here's something to make you happier!"

He was perfectly enchanted himself.  彼は、完全に陶酔していました。

●"I've been coveting this thing for a long while;

it's for you, old man, it's for you.  あげるよ、きみ、あげるよ。

It belonged to Morozov, it was no use to him, he had it from his brother.

I swopped a book from father's book-case for it,

A Kinsman of Mahomet, or Salutary Folly, a scandalous book published in Moscow a hundred years ago, before they had any censorship.

And Morozov has a taste for such things. He was grateful to me, too...." 

●Kolya held the cannon in his hand so that all could see and admire it.

Ilusha raised himself, and, with his right arm still round the dog, he gazed enchanted at the toy.

The sensation was even greater when Kolya announced that he had gunpowder too, and that it could be fired off at once "if it won't alarm the ladies."

"Mamma" immediately asked to look at the toy closer and her request was granted.

She was much pleased with the little bronze cannon on wheels and began rolling it to and fro on her lap.

She readily gave permission for the cannon to be fired, without any idea of what she had been asked.

Kolya showed the powder and the shot.  コーリャは、火薬と弾をみせました。

The captain, as a military man, undertook to load it, putting in a minute quantity of powder.

He asked that the shot might be put off till another time.

The cannon was put on the floor, aiming towards an empty part of the room, three grains of powder were thrust into the touchhole and a match was put to it.

A magnificent explosion followed.  壮大な爆発が起こりました。

Mamma was startled, but at once laughed with delight.  ママさんは、おどろきましたが、すぐに喜んで笑いました。

The boys gazed in speechless triumph.  少年達は、もの言わぬ勝利感で眺めていました。

But the captain, looking at Ilusha, was more enchanted than any of them.

Kolya picked up the cannon and immediately presented it to Ilusha, together with the powder and the shot. 

●"I got it for you, for you! I've been keeping it for you a long time," he repeated once more in his delight. 

●"Oh, give it to me! No, give me the cannon!" mamma began begging like a little child.
「私に頂戴。大砲は私に頂戴!」 ママさんは、子供の様にねだり始めました。

Her face showed a piteous fear that she would not get it.

Kolya was disconcerted. The captain fidgeted uneasily. 

●"Mamma, mamma," he ran to her, "the cannon's yours, of course,

but let Ilusha have it, because it's a present to him, but it's just as good as yours.

Ilusha will always let you play with it; it shall belong to both of you, both of you." 

●"No, I don't want it to belong to both of us;  「いいや、二人のものというのは、いや。

I want it to be mine altogether, not Ilusha's," persisted mamma, on the point of tears. 
全部私のものであって欲しい。イルーシャのものじゃない。」 ママさんは、主張しました、泣きださないばかりでした。

●"Take it, mother, here, keep it!" Ilusha cried. 「あげるよ、ママさん、もっていて!」イルーシャが叫びました。

"Krassotkin, may I give it to my mother?" he turned to Krassotkin with an imploring face, as though he were afraid he might be offended at his giving his present to someone else. 
「コーリャ、ママさんにあげていいよね?」 彼は、コーリャの方を向いて、懇願する顔をみせました、まるで、恐れているかのように|気分を害されないかと|プレゼントを他人にあげる事で|。

●"Of course you may," Krassotkin assented heartily,
「勿論、あげていいよ。」 コーリャは、心から賛成しました、

and, taking the cannon from Ilusha, he handed it himself to mamma with a polite bow.

She was so touched that she cried.  彼女は、感動し、泣きました。

●"Ilusha, darling, he's the one who loves his mammal" she said tenderly,
「愛するイルーシャ、本当にママを愛する一なんだね。」 彼女は、優しくいいました。

and at once began wheeling the cannon to and fro on her lap again. 

●"Mamma, let me kiss your hand." The captain darted up to her at once and did so. 
「ママさん、手にキスさせておくれ。」 隊長は、彼女に駆け寄り、キスしました。

●"And I never saw such a charming fellow as this nice boy," said the grateful lady, pointing to Krassotkin. 
「それに、この子のようにあんなにチャーミングな子は見たことが無いよ。」 感謝した夫人は、コーリャを指さして、言いました。

●"And I'll bring you as much powder as you like, Ilusha.

We make the powder ourselves now.  火薬は今、自分たちで作っているんだ。

Borovikov found out how it's made - twenty-four parts of saltpetre, ten of sulphur and six of birchwood charcoal.
ボロヴィコフが、どう作るか見つけたんだ - 硝石が24、硫黄が10、白樺の灰が6だ。

It's all pounded together, mixed into a paste with water and rubbed through a tammy sieve-that's how it's done." 

●"Smurov told me about your powder, only father says it's not real gunpowder," responded Ilusha. 
「スムーロフは、その火薬について教えてくれたけど、父さんは、本当の火薬じゃないて言ってるよ。」 イルーシャが答えました。

●"Not real?" Kolya flushed. "It burns. I don't know, of course." 

●"No, I didn't mean that," put in the captain with a guilty face.
「いや、そういうつもりじゃないよ。」 隊長は、差し込みました、罪深そうな顔で。

"I only said that real powder is not made like that, but that's nothing, it can be made so." 

●"I don't know, you know best.  「よく知りません。あなたが、よくお知りです。

We lighted some in a pomatum pot, it burned splendidly, it all burnt away leaving only a tiny ash.

But that was only the paste, and if you rub it through...

but of course you know best, I don't know...

And Bulkin's father thrashed him on account of our powder, did you hear?" he turned to Ilusha. 
ブールキンの父さんは、彼をぶったって|この火薬のせいで|、聞いてる?」 彼は、イルーシャの方を向きました。

●"Yes," answered Ilyusa.  He listened to Kolya with immense interest and enjoyment.
「うん」 イルーシャは、答えました。彼は、コーリャの話を聞いていました|強い興味と喜びで|。

●"We had prepared a whole bottle of it and he used to keep it under his bed.

His father saw it.  彼の父さんが、それを見たんだ。

He said it might explode, and thrashed him on the spot.

He was going to make a complaint against me to the masters.

He is not allowed to go about with me now, no one is allowed to go about with me now.

Smurov is not allowed to either; I've got a bad name with everyone.

They say I'm a 'desperate character,'" Kolya smiled scornfully.
みんな、僕は自暴自棄な性格だというんだ。」 コーリャは、軽蔑して笑いました。

"It all began from what happened on the railway." 

●"Ah, we've heard of that exploit of yours, too," cried the captain.
「ああ、聞いてるよ、お前たちのあの快挙については。」 隊長が叫びました。

"How could you lie still on the line?  「どうして、線路にじっと寝てられるんだ?

Is it possible you weren't the least afraid, lying there under the train?

Weren't you frightened?"  怖くなかったの?」

●The captain was abject in his flattery of Kolya.  隊長は、卑下しました|コーリャへのへつらいで|。

●"N - not particularly," answered Kolya carelessly.
「特にはね。」 コーリャは、ぞんざいに答えました。

"What's blasted my reputation more than anything here was that cursed goose," he said, turning again to Ilusha.
「僕の評判を爆破したもの|なにもの以上に|、は、あのいまいましい鵞鳥だ。」 彼は言いました、再びイルーシャの方を向きながら。

But though he assumed an unconcerned air as he talked, he still could not control himself and was continually missing the note he tried to keep up. 

●"Ah! I heard about the goose!" Ilusha laughed, beaming all over.
「ああ、私は、鵞鳥について聞きました!」 イルーシャは、笑いました、顔什ほほ笑みながら。

"They told me, but I didn't understand.  「みんな話してくれたけど、僕にはわからない。

Did they really take you to the court?"  本当に、あなたを裁判所に連れて行ったの?」

●"The most stupid, trivial affair, they made a mountain of a molehill as they always do," Kolya began carelessly.
「とても馬鹿げてつまらない事件さ、やつらは、モグラ塚(ささいなこと)の山をつくるのさ、いつもの事さ。」 コーリャは、無造作に始めました。

"I was walking through the marketplace here one day, just when they'd driven in the geese.

I stopped and looked at them.  私は、立ち止まって、鵞鳥を見ました。

All at once a fellow, who is an errand boy at Plotnikov's now, looked at me and said, 'What are you looking at the geese for?'

I looked at him; he was a stupid, moon-faced fellow of twenty.

I am always on the side of the peasantry, you know.

I like talking to the peasants....  僕は、農民と話するのが好きさ。

We've dropped behind the peasants - that's an axiom.
僕達は、農民の後ろ側に落ちたんだ - これは原理だ。

I believe you are laughing, Karamazov?"  どうやらお笑いのようですね、カラマーゾフさん?」

●"No, heaven forbid, I am listening," said Alyosha with a most good-natured air,

and the sensitive Kolya was immediately reassured. 

●"My theory, Karamazov, is clear and simple," he hurried on again, looking pleased.
「僕の理論は、単純明快です、カラマーゾフさん。」 彼は、急いで続けました、嬉しそうに。

"I believe in the people and am always glad to give them their due,

but I am not for spoiling them, that is a sine qua non...
でも、彼らを甘やかすことには賛成しません、  これは必須条件です。

But I was telling you about the goose.  私は、鵞鳥の話をしていました。

So I turned to the fool and answered, 'I am wondering what the goose thinks about.'

He looked at me quite stupidly, 'And what does the goose think about?' he asked.

'Do you see that cart full of oats?' I said.
「オート麦をいっぱい積んだ荷車が見えますか?」 私は言いました。

'The oats are dropping out of the sack,  オート麦が、袋からこぼれている、

and the goose has put its neck right under the wheel to gobble them up - do you see?'
鵞鳥が、首を車輪の下において、むさぼり食っている - みえますか?」

'I see that quite well,' he said.  「よく見えるさ」 彼は言いました。

'Well,' said I, 'if that cart were to move on a little, would it break the goose's neck or not?'

'It'd be sure to break it,' and he grinned all over his face, highly delighted.
「きっと壊すよ」 彼は、歯をみせて顔中笑いました、とても喜んで。

'Come on, then,' said I, 'let's try.'  私は、言いました、「それじゃ、やってみよう」

'Let's,' he said.  「やってみよう」 彼は言いました。

And it did not take us long to arrange: he stood at the bridle without being noticed,

and I stood on one side to direct the goose.  私は、片側に立ち、鵞鳥を追立ました。

And the owner wasn't looking, he was talking to someone,

so I had nothing to do, the goose thrust its head in after the oats of itself, under the cart, just under the wheel.

I winked at the lad, he tugged at the bridle, and crack.

The goose's neck was broken in half.  鵞鳥の首は、真二つに壊れました。

And, as luck would have it, all the peasants saw us at that moment

and they kicked up a shindy at once.  彼らは、大騒ぎを始めました。

'You did that on purpose!'  'No, not on purpose.' 'Yes, you did, on purpose!'
「わざとやった。」 「いや、わざとじゃない。」 「いや、わざとだ」

Well, they shouted, 'Take him to the justice of the peace!'

They took me, too.  彼らは、私も連れていきました。

'You were there, too,' they said, 'you helped, you're known all over the market!'

And, for some reason, I really am known all over the market," Kolya added conceitedly.
そして、何らかの理由で、私は、本当に、市場中で知られています。」 コーリャは、うぬぼれて言いました。

"We all went off to the justice's, they brought the goose, too.

The fellow was crying in a great funk, simply blubbering like a woman.

And the farmer kept shouting that you could kill any number of geese like that.

Well, of course, there were witnesses.  勿論、証人がいました。

The justice of the peace settled it in a minute, that the farmer was to be paid a rouble for the goose, and the fellow to have the goose.

And he was warned not to play such pranks again.

And the fellow kept blubbering like a woman.  男は、女の様に泣きわめき続けました。

'It wasn't me,' he said, 'it was he egged me on,' and he pointed to me.
彼は、言いました、「私じゃない、彼がけしかけたんだ。」 彼は、私を指さしました。

I answered with the utmost composure that I hadn't egged him on, that I simply stated the general proposition, had spoken hypothetically.

The justice of the peace smiled and was vexed with himself once for having smiled.

'I'll complain to your masters of you, so that for the future you mayn't waste your time on such general propositions, instead of sitting at your books and learning your lessons.'

He didn't complain to the masters, that was a joke,

but the matter noised abroad and came to the ears of the masters.

Their ears are long, you know!  学校の耳は長いですね。(早耳ですね)

The classical master, Kolbasnikov, was particularly shocked about it,

but Dardanelov got me off again.  でも、ダルダネロフが、助けてくれました。

But Kolbasnikov is savage with everyone now like a green ass.

Did you know, Ilusha, he is just married, got a dowry of a thousand roubles,

and his bride's a regular fright of the first rank and the last degree.

The third-class fellows wrote an epigram on it: 

    Astounding news has reached the class,  仰天ニュースがクラスに届いた

    Kolbasnikov has been an ass.      コルバスニコフは、ばかロバだった

And so on, awfully funny, I'll bring it to you later on.

I say nothing against Dardanelov, he is a learned man, there's no doubt about it.

I respect men like that and it's not because he stood up for me." 

●"But you took him down about the founders of Troy!"

Smurov put in suddenly, proud of Krassotkin at such a moment.

He was particularly pleased with the story of the goose. 

●"Did you really take him down?" the captain inquired, in a flattering way.
「本当に彼をやっつけたのですか?」 隊長は、質問しました、お世辞をいうように。

"On the question who founded Troy?  「誰がトロイを創立したかという問いで

We heard of it, Ilusha told me about it at the time." 

●"He knows everything, father, he knows more than any of us!" put in Ilusha;
「彼は、なんでも知ってるんです、父さん、彼は誰よりも知ってるんです。」 イルーシャが言いました。

"he only pretends to be like that, but really he is top in every subject..." 

●Ilusha looked at Kolya with infinite happiness. 

●"Oh, that's all nonsense about Troy, a trivial matter.

I consider this an unimportant question," said Kolya with haughty humility.
私は、重要ではない質問だと思ってます。」 コーリャは、言いました、謙遜に高慢をこめて。

He had by now completely recovered his dignity, though he was still a little uneasy.

He felt that he was greatly excited and that he had talked about the goose, for instance, with too little reserve,

while Alyosha had looked serious and had not said a word all the time.

And the vain boy began by degrees to have a rankling fear that Alyosha was silent because he despised him, and thought he was showing off before him.

If he dared to think anything like that, Kolya would...

●"I regard the question as quite a trivial one," he rapped out again, proudly. 
「私は、この質問を実につまらないものだと思っていますから。」 彼は、大声でいいました、再び。

●"And I know who founded Troy," a boy, who had not spoken before, said suddenly, to the surprise of everyone.
「僕しってるよ、誰がトロイを建設したか。」 いままで喋らなかった少年が、突然いったので、みんな驚きました。

He was silent and seemed to be shy.  彼は、無口で、はずかしがりやのようです。

He was a pretty boy of about eleven, called Kartashov.

He was sitting near the door.  ドアの近くに座っていました。

Kolya looked at him with dignified amazement.  コーリャは、彼を見ました、威厳のある驚きで。

●The fact was that the identity of the founders of Troy had become a secret for the whole school, a secret which could only be discovered by reading Smaragdov,

and no one had Smaragdov but Kolya.  そして、誰もスマラグドフの本を持っていません、コーリャ以外は。

One day, when Kolya's back was turned, Kartashov hastily opened Smaragdov, which lay among Kolya's books,

and immediately lighted on the passage relating to the foundation of Troy.

This was a good time ago,  これは、かなり前のことです、

but he felt uneasy and could not bring himself to announce publicly that he too knew who had founded Troy,

afraid of what might happen and of Krassotkin's somehow putting him to shame over it.

But now he couldn't resist saying it.  しかし、今、それを言う事に抵抗できませんでした。

For weeks he had been longing to.  何週間も、彼はそうしたかったのです。

●"Well, who did found it?" asked Kolya, turning to him with haughty superciliousness.
「じゃ、誰が建設した?」 コーリャは、彼の方を向いて尋ねました、お高く人をみくだす風に。

He saw from his face that he really did know and at once made up his mind how to take it.

There was so to speak, a discordant note in the general harmony. 

●"Troy was founded by Teucer, Dardanus, Ilius and Tros," the boy rapped out at once,
「トロイは、建設されました|テウクロス、ダルダノス、イリアス、トロスによって|」 少年は、ただちに、大声でいいました。

and in the same instant he blushed, blushed so that it was painful to look at him.

But the boys stared at him, stared at him for a whole minute,

and then all the staring eyes turned at once and were fastened upon Kolya,

who was still scanning the audacious boy with disdainful composure. 

●"In what sense did they found it?" he deigned to comment at last.
「どんな意味で彼らは建設したのだろうか?」 彼は、いやそうにコメントしました

"And what is meant by founding a city or a state?

What do they do? Did they go and each lay a brick, do you suppose?" 
何をするんだ? そこに行って、レンガを積むのか、どう思う?」

●There was laughter. The offending boy turned from pink to crimson.

He was silent and on the point of tears.  彼は、無口で、泣き出さんばかりでした。

Kolya held him so for a minute.  コーリャは、彼をそのままに置きました、一分間。

●"Before you talk of a historical event like the foundation of a nationality, you must first understand what you mean by it," he admonished him in stern, incisive tones.
「国家の建設というような歴史的出来事を語る前に、君は、まず、それがどういう意味なのか理解しなければならない。」 彼は、彼を叱りました、厳しく辛辣な口調で。

"But I attach no consequence to these old wives' tales

and I don't think much of universal history in general,"

he added carelessly, addressing the company generally. 

●"Universal history?" the captain inquired, looking almost scared. 
「世界の歴史ですか?」 隊長は、問いました、殆ど怯えるたようにみせて。

●"Yes, universal history!  「ああ、世界史だ!、

It's the study of the successive follies of mankind and nothing more.

The only subjects I respect are mathematics and natural science," said Kolya.
僕が尊敬する唯一の学科は、数学と自然科学た。」 コーリャは言いました。

He was showing off and he stole a glance at Alyosha;

his was the only opinion he was afraid of there.

But Alyosha was still silent and still serious as before.

If Alyosha had said a word it would have stopped him,

かもしれない。but Alyosha was silent and "it might be the silence of contempt,"

and that finally irritated Kolya.  それは、結局、コーリャをいらだたせました。

●"The classical languages, too... they are simply madness, nothing more.

You seem to disagree with me again, Karamazov?" 

●"I don't agree," said Alyosha, with a faint smile. 
「同意しません。」 アリョーシャは言いました、かすかに笑いながら。

●"The study of the classics, if you ask my opinion, is simply a police measure, that's simply why it has been introduced into our schools."

By degrees Kolya began to get breathless again.

"Latin and Greek were introduced because they are a bore and because they stupefy the intellect.

It was dull before, so what could they do to make things duller?

It was senseless enough before, so what could they do to make it more senseless?

So they thought of Greek and Latin.  そこで、彼らは、ギリシア語とラテン語を考えたのです。

That's my opinion, I hope I shall never change it," Kolya finished abruptly.
それが私の意見です。決して変えることがないといいのですが。」 コーリャは、突然結びました。

His cheeks were flushed.  頬が紅潮しました。

●"That's true," assented Smurov suddenly, in a ringing tone of conviction.
「その通りだ。」 スムーロフが突然賛成しました、確信に満ちた鳴り響く口調で。

He had listened attentively.  彼は、注意深く聞いていました。

●"And yet he is first in Latin himself," cried one of the group of boys suddenly. 
「でも、彼は、ラテン語で一番だよ。」 少年グループの一人が突然さけびました。

●"Yes, father, he says that and yet he is first in Latin," echoed Ilusha. 
「ええ、父さん、彼はああ言うけど、ラテン語では一番なんだ。」 イルーシャも、おうむ返しに言いました。

●"What of it?" Kolya thought fit to defend himself, though the praise was very sweet to him.
「それが何だ?」 コーリャは、弁解することが適切と思いました、称賛はひどく心地よかったのではありますが。

"I am fagging away at Latin because I have to, because I promised my mother to pass my examination,

and I think that whatever you do, it's worth doing it well.

But in my soul I have a profound contempt for the classics and all that fraud....

You don't agree, Karamazov?"  賛成しませんか、カラマーゾフさん?」

●"Why 'fraud'?" Alyosha smiled again.  「何で「まやかし」なの?」 アリョーシャは、また笑いました。

●"Well, all the classical authors have been translated into all languages,

so it was not for the sake of studying the classics they introduced Latin,

but solely as a police measure, to stupefy the intelligence.

So what can one call it but a fraud?"  これを「まやかし」以外のどう呼べるのですか?

●"Why, who taught you all this?" cried Alyosha, surprised at last. 
「おや、誰があなたにこんなことを教えたの?」 アリョーシャは叫びました、ついに驚いて。

●"In the first place I am capable of thinking for myself without being taught.

Besides, what I said just now about the classics being translated our teacher Kolbasnikov has said to the whole of the third class." 

●"The doctor has come!" cried Nina, who had been silent till then. 
「お医者さんが来た!」 ニーナが叫びました、彼女はその時まで黙っていました。

●A carriage belonging to Madame Hohlakov drove up to the gate.

The captain, who had been expecting the doctor all the morning, rushed headlong out to meet him.

"Mamma" pulled herself together and assumed a dignified air.

Alyosha went up to Ilusha and began setting his pillows straight.

Nina, from her invalid chair, anxiously watched him putting the bed tidy.

The boys hurriedly took leave.  少年たちは、あわてて去りました。

Some of them promised to come again in the evening.

Kolya called Perezvon and the dog jumped off the bed. 

●"I won't go away, I won't go away," Kolya said hastily to Ilusha.
「僕は行かない、僕は行かないからね。」 コーリャは、急いで、イルーシャに言いました。

"I'll wait in the passage and come back when the doctor's gone, I'll come back with Perezvon." 

●But by now the doctor had entered, an important-looking person with long, dark whiskers and a shiny, shaven chin, wearing a bearskin coat.

As he crossed the threshold he stopped, taken aback;

he probably fancied he had come to the wrong place.

"How is this? Where am I?" he muttered, not removing his coat nor his peaked sealskin cap.
「どうした、ここはどこだ?」 彼は、つぶやきました、外套も脱がず、オットセイ皮の帽子も脱がず。

The crowd, the poverty of the room, the washing hanging on a line in the corner, puzzled him.

The captain, bent double, was bowing low before him. 

●"It's here, sir, here, sir," he muttered cringingly;
「こちらでございます、ここです」 彼は、へつらいながら、つぶやきました。

"it's here, you've come right, you were coming to us..." 

●"Sne-gi-ryov?" the doctor said loudly and pompously. "Mr. Snegiryov- is that you?" 

●"That's me, sir!"  「そうでございます。」

●"Ah!"  「ああ」

●The doctor looked round the room with a squeamish air once more and threw off his coat, displaying to all eyes the grand decoration at his neck.

The captain caught the fur coat in the air, and the doctor took off his cap. 

●"Where is the patient?" he asked emphatically. 「患者はどこですか?」 彼は、力強く尋ねました。

Chapter 6 Precocity     早熟

●"What do you think the doctor will say to him?" Kolya asked quickly.
「医者は彼になんて言うと思います?」 コーリャは、早口で問いました。

"What a repulsive mug, though, hasn't he? I can't endure medicine!" 
「なんて不快なマグだ、本当に、え? 私には、医学は耐えられない。

説明 mug は、マグカップ ですが、口、面(つら) の意味も持ちます。mug shot は、顔写真

●"Ilusha is dying. I think that's certain," answered Alyosha, mournfully. 
「イルーシャは、死にかかっている。確かだと思う。」 アリューシャは、悲し気に答えました。

●"They are rogues! Medicine's a fraud!  「やつらは悪党だ。医学は、詐欺だ!

I am glad to have made your acquaintance, though, Karamazov.

I wanted to know you for a long time.  私は、ずっと、お知り合いになりたいと思っていました。

I am only sorry we meet in such sad circumstances." 

●Kolya had a great inclination to say something even warmer and more demonstrative,

but he felt ill at ease.  しかし、彼は、落ち着かなさを感じていました。

Alyosha noticed this, smiled, and pressed his hand. アリョーシャは、これに気付き、微笑み、手を握りました。

●"I've long learned to respect you as a rare person," Kolya muttered again, faltering and uncertain.
「私は、長らく尊敬するようになりました|あなたをめずらしい人として|、」 コーリャは、再びつぶやきました|ためらいながら、確信なく|。

"I have heard you are a mystic and have been in the monastery.

I know you are a mystic, but... that hasn't put me off.

Contact with real life will cure you.... 現実生活への接触は、あなたを直すでしょう。

It's always so with characters like yours." 

●"What do you mean by mystic? Cure me of what?" Alyosha was rather astonished. 
「神秘家とはどんな意味? 私を何から直すの?」 アリョーシャは、むしろ驚きました。

●"Oh, God and all the rest of it."  「ああ、神様とか、その他全部です。」

●"What, don't you believe in God?"  「何です。あなたは、神を信じないのですか?」

●"Oh, I've nothing against God.  「私は、神に反対することは何もありません。

Of course, God is only a hypothesis, but... 勿論、神は単なる仮説ですけどね...    ただ

I admit that He is needed... for the order of the universe and all that...

and that if there were no God He would have to be invented," added Kolya, beginning to blush.
認めます、もし神がいないのなら、神は発明されねばならないと。」 コーリャは付け加えました、顔が赤くなりはじめながら。

He suddenly fancied that Alyosha might think he was trying to show off his knowledge and to prove that he was "grown up."

"I haven't the slightest desire to show off my knowledge to him," Kolya thought indignantly.
「僕は、少しも持っていない|知識を彼に見せびらかそうという欲望は|。」 コーリャは、憤然と思いました。

And all of a sudden he felt horribly annoyed.  そして、突然、彼はひどく苛立ちました。

●"I must confess I can't endure entering on such discussions," he said with a final air.
「私は、告白します|そんな議論を始めるのに耐えられないと|。」 彼は、最終的なそぶりで言いました。

"It's possible for one who doesn't believe in God to love mankind, don't you think so?

Voltaire didn't believe in God and loved mankind?"

("I am at it again," he thought to himself.) (「またやっちゃった」、彼は心の中で思いました。)

説明 be at it は、それにある という原意から、仕事で忙しくしている というような意味で使われますが、
   けんかをしている、もめている、悪い事をしている という意味でも使われます。

   He is at it again. は、また彼ですよ。というような意味にもなります。

●"Voltaire believed in God, though not very much, I think,

and I don't think he loved mankind very much either," said Alyosha quietly, gently, and quite naturally,
私は、思いません|彼が人類を非常に愛したとは|。」 アリョーシャは、言いました|静かに優しくごく自然に|、

as though he were talking to someone of his own age, or even older.

Kolya was particularly struck by Alyosha's apparent diffidence about his opinion of Voltaire.

He seemed to be leaving the question for him, little Kolya, to settle. 

●"Have you read Voltaire?" Alyosha finished. 
「あなたは、ヴォルテールは、読んだの?」 チリョーシャは、言いました。

●"No, not to say read.... 「いいえ、読むといわないまでも...

But I've read Candide in the Russian translation... in an absurd, grotesque, old translation..

(At it again! again!)" (またやっちゃった、また!)

●"And did you understand it?"  「それで、理解しましたか?」

●"Oh, yes, everything.... That is... Why do you suppose I shouldn't understand it?
「はい、全部...   つまり...どうして思うのですか、私が理解するはすがないって?

There's a lot of nastiness in it, of course.... 不快なところもいっぱいあります、勿論

Of course I can understand that it's a philosophical novel and written to advocate an idea...." Kolya was getting mixed by now.
勿論、理解できます|それは、哲学小説で、ある考えを唱道するためにかかれたことは|...」 コーリャは、すでにごちゃ混ぜになりつつありました。

"I am a Socialist, Karamazov, I am an incurable Socialist," he announced suddenly, apropos of nothing. 
「僕は、社会主義者です、カラマーゾフさん、なおらない社会主義者です。」 彼は、突然発表しました、唐突に。

●"A Socialist?" laughed Alyosha.  「社会主義者?」 アリョーシャは、笑いました。

"But when have you had time to become one?

Why, I thought you were only thirteen?" 

Kolya winced.  コーリャは、顔をしかめました。

●"In the first place I am not thirteen, but fourteen, fourteen in a fortnight," he flushed angrily,
「第一に、僕は、13才むじゃありません、14才です、あと2週間で14才です。」 彼は、怒って真っ赤になりました。

"and in the second place I am at a complete loss to understand what my age has to do with it?

The question is what are my convictions, not what is my age, isn't it?" 

●"When you are older, you'll understand for yourself the influence of age on convictions.

I fancied, too, that you were not expressing your own ideas,"

Alyosha answered serenely and modestly,  アリョーシャは、答えました|落ち着いて穏やかに|、

but Kolya interrupted him hotly:  しかしコーリャは、遮りました|彼を熱く|。

●"Come, you want obedience and mysticism.

You must admit that the Christian religion, for instance, has only been of use to the rich and the powerful to keep the lower classes in slavery.

That's so, isn't it?"  そうでしょう、ちがいますか?」

●"Ah, I know where you read that, and I am sure someone told you so!" cried Alyosha. 
「ああ、どこでそれを読んだかわかります、きっと誰かがそう言ったのですね!」 アリョーシャは叫びました。

●"I say, what makes you think I read it?

And certainly no one told so. I can think for myself....

I am not opposed to Christ, if you like.

He was a most humane person,  彼は、最も人間味のある人でした、

and if He were alive today, He would be found in the ranks of the revolutionists, and would perhaps play a conspicuous part....

There's no doubt about that."  そこに疑いはありません。」

●"Oh, where, where did you get that from?

What fool have you made friends with?" exclaimed Alyosha. 
どんなばかと付き合ったのですか?」 アリョーシャは、叫びました。

●"Come, the truth will out!  ほら、真実は、現われます。

It has so chanced that I have often talked to Mr. Rakitin, of course, but...

old Byelinsky said that, too, so they say." 

●"Byelinsky? I don't remember. He hasn't written that anywhere." 
「ベリンスキー? 覚えてないな。彼は、どこにもそんなこと書いてないよ。」

●"If he didn't write it, they say he said it. I heard that from a...

but never mind."  でも、気にしないで。」

●"And have you read Byelinsky?"  「それで、あなたは、ベリンスキーを読んだのですか?」

●"Well, no... I haven't read all of him, but... 「いいえ、全部をよんだのではありませんが、

I read the passage about Tatyana, why she didn't go off with Onyegin." 

●"Didn't go off with Onyegin? Surely you don't...
「オネーギンと去らなかった? ほんとうに、あなた....

understand that already?"  すでにわかったのですか?」

●"Why, you seem to take me for little Smurov," said Kolya, with a grin of irritation.
「おや、あなたは、ようだ|私を、小さいスムーロフと取り違えている|。」 コーリャは、言いました、ニヤっと苛立ちの笑みを浮かべて。

"But please don't suppose I am such a revolutionist.

I often disagree with Mr. Rakitin.  私は、しばしば、意見がぶつかります|ラキーチンとは|。

Though I mention Tatyana, I am not at all for the emancipation of women.

I acknowledge that women are a subject race and must obey.

Les femmes tricottent, Napoleon said." Kolya, for some reason, smiled,
Les femmes tricottent, とナポレオンは言いました。」 コーリャは、なぜか、笑いました。

説明 Les femmes tricottent=Let the women knit=女には編み物をさせろ。

"And on that question at least I am quite of one mind with that pseudo-great man.

I think, too, that to leave one's own country and fly to America is mean, worse than mean - silly.

Why go to America when one may be of great service to humanity here?

Now especially.  今特に。

There's a perfect mass of fruitful activity open to us.

That's what I answered."  私は、そう答えたのです。」

●"What do you mean? Answered whom?  「どういう意味? 誰に答えたの?

Has someone suggested your going to America already?" 

●"I must own, they've been at me to go, but I declined.

That's between ourselves, of course, Karamazov;

do you hear, not a word to anyone.  聞いてますか、一言も誰にもですよ。

I say this only to you.  私は、これをあなただけに言うんです。

I am not at all anxious to fall into the clutches of the secret police and take lessons at the Chain bridge. 

     Long will you remember   いつまでも覚えていますか

     The house at the Chain bridge.   Chain橋のあの家を

●Do you remember? It's splendid. Why are you laughing?
覚えてますか? すばらしい詩ですね。何故笑ってるんです?

You don't suppose I am fibbing, do you?"

("What if he should find out that I've only that one number of The Bell in father's book case, and haven't read any more of it?"

Kolya thought with a shudder.)  コーリャは、そう考えて、身震いしました.)

●"Oh no, I am not laughing and don't suppose for a moment that you are lying.

No, indeed, I can't suppose so, for all this, alas! is perfectly true.

But tell me, have you read Pushkin - Onyegin, for instance?...
でも、教えて、あなたは、プーシキンは、読みましたか 例えば オネーギンは?

You spoke just now of Tatyana." あなた、タチヤーナのことを話しましたよね。」

●"No, I haven't read it yet, but I want to read it.

I have no prejudices, Karamazov;  私は、偏見は持っていません、カラマーゾフさん。

I want to hear both sides. What makes you ask?" 

●"Oh, nothing."  「いや、べつに。」

●"Tell me, Karamazov, have you an awful contempt for me?"

Kolya rapped out suddenly and drew himself up before Alyosha, as though he were on drill.

"Be so kind as to tell me, without beating about the bush." 

●"I have a contempt for you?" Alyosha looked at him wondering.
「私が、あなたを軽蔑してる?」 アリョーシャは、彼を見ました、驚いて。

"What for?  「何のために?

I am only sad that a charming nature such as yours should be perverted by all this crude nonsense before you have begun life." 

●"Don't be anxious about my nature," Kolya interrupted, not without complacency.
「どうぞ心配しないでください|私の先生について|」 コーリャは、遮りました、自己満足しないでもなく。

"But it's true that I am stupidly sensitive, crudely sensitive.

You smiled just now, and I fancied you seemed to..." 

●"Oh, my smile meant something quite different.

I'll tell you why I smiled.  説明しましょう、なぜ私が笑ったか。

Not long ago I read the criticism made by a German who had lived in Russia, on our students and schoolboys of today.

'Show a Russian schoolboy,' he writes, 'a map of the stars, which he knows nothing about,

and he will give you back the map next day with corrections on it.'

No knowledge and unbounded conceit - that's what the German meant to say about the Russian schoolboy." 
知識がないのに、際限のないうぬぼれ - それが、彼がロシアの生徒について言いたかったことです。」

●"Yes, that's perfectly right," Kolya laughed suddenly, "exactly so! Bravo the German!

But he did not see the good side, what do you think?

Conceit may be, that comes from youth, that will be corrected if need be,

but, on the other hand, there is an independent spirit almost from childhood, boldness of thought and conviction, and not the spirit of these sausage makers, grovelling before authority....

But the German was right all the same.  しかし、それでも、ドイツ人は正しい。

Bravo the German! But Germans want strangling all the same.

Though they are so good at science and learning they must be strangled." 

●"Strangled, what for?" smiled Alyosha. 
「絞め殺されるですって、何のために?」 アリョーシャは、笑いました。

●"Well, perhaps I am talking nonsense, I agree.

I am awfully childish sometimes,  僕は、恐ろしく子供じみちゃうんです、時々。

and when I am pleased about anything I can't restrain myself and am ready to talk any stuff.

But, I say, we are chattering away here about nothing,

and that doctor has been a long time in there.

But perhaps he's examining the mamma and that poor crippled Nina.

I liked that Nina, you know.

She whispered to me suddenly as I was coming away, 'Why didn't you come before?'

And in such a voice, so reproachfully!  あの声で、非難がこもってるんです。

I think she is awfully nice and pathetic."  彼女は、とても素敵で、可哀そうなんです。」

●"Yes, yes! Well, you'll be coming often, you will see what she is like.

It would do you a great deal of good to know people like that, to learn to value a great deal which you will find out from knowing these people," Alyosha observed warmly.
あなたに非常にいいことですよ|あのような人達を知り、あなたがこれらの人達を知ることから見出す多くの事を大切にすることを学ぶことは|。」 アリョーシャは、暖かく言いました。

"That would have more effect on you than anything." 

●"Oh, how I regret and blame myself for not having come sooner!" Kolya exclaimed, with bitter feeling. 

●"Yes, it's a great pity.  「ええ、本当に残念です。

You saw for yourself how delighted the poor child was to see you.

And how he fretted for you to come!" 

●"Don't tell me! You make it worse! But it serves me right.

What kept me from coming was my conceit, my egoistic vanity, and the beastly wilfulness, which I never can get rid of, though I've been struggling with it all my life.

I see that now. I am a beast in lots of ways, Karamazov!" 

●"No, you have a charming nature, though it's been distorted,

and I quite understand why you have had such an influence on this generous, morbidly sensitive boy," Alyosha answered warmly. 
私には、わかります|何故あんな影響を与えたのか|この寛大で病的なほど感受性の高い少年に|。」 アリョーシャは、暖かく答えました。

●"And you say that to me!" cried Kolya;
「そんなことを私に言ってくれるんですね!」 コーリャは、叫びました、

"and would you believe it, I thought - I've thought several times since I've been here - that you despised me!
「そして、信じますか、私は、思ってたんです - こに来てから何度も思ったんです - あなたは、私を軽蔑してるって!

If only you knew how I prize your opinion!" 知ってくれたらなあ、私があなたの意見を尊重してることを!」

●"But are you really so sensitive? At your age!
「でも、あなたは、本当にそんなに敏感(傷つきやすい)のですか? あなたの歳で!

Would you believe it, just now, when you were telling your story, I thought, as I watched you, that you must be very sensitive!" 

●"You thought so?  「そう思ったのですか?

What an eye you've got, I say!  なんて眼を、あなたは、お持ちなんだ!

I bet that was when I was talking about the goose.

That was just when I was fancying you had a great contempt for me for being in such a hurry to show off,

and for a moment I quite hated you for it, and began talking like a fool.

Then I fancied - just now, here- when I said that if there were no God He would have to be invented, that I was in too great a hurry to display my knowledge, especially as I got that phrase out of a book.
それで、私は、思ったんです - 丁度今ここでですが - もし神がいないなら、神は発明されなければならないと言ったときですが、私は、余りにいそぎ過ぎて、私の知識をひけらかしたんだと、特に私は、あの文句を本から貰ったわけですから。

But I swear I wasn't showing off out of vanity, though I really don't know why.

Because I was so pleased?  嬉しかったからでしょうか?

Yes, I believe it was because I was so pleased...

though it's perfectly disgraceful for anyone to be gushing directly they are pleased, I know that.

But I am convinced now that you don't despise me;

it was all my imagination.  それは、私の想像でした。

Oh, Karamazov, I am profoundly unhappy.  カラマーゾフさん、私は、大いに不幸せです。

I sometimes fancy all sorts of things, that everyone is laughing at me, the whole world,

and then I feel ready to overturn the whole order of things." 

●"And you worry everyone about you," smiled Alyosha. 
「そして、あなたの周りの人を苦しめるんですね。」 アリョーシャは、笑います。

●"Yes, I worry everyone about me, especially my mother.

Karamazov, tell me, am I very ridiculous now?" 

●"Don't think about that, don't think of it at all!" cried Alyosha. "
「それについて考えては駄目、絶対に考えないで!」 アリョーシャは、叫びました。

And what does ridiculous mean?  滑稽なって、何を意味しますか?

Isn't everyone constantly being or seeming ridiculous?

Besides, nearly all clever people now are fearfully afraid of being ridiculous,

and that makes them unhappy.  そして、そのことが彼らを不幸にしている。

All I am surprised at is that you should be feeling that so early,

though I've observed it for some time past, not only in you.

Nowadays the very children have begun to suffer from it.

It's almost a sort of insanity.  それは、ほとんど、狂気です。

The devil has taken the form of that vanity and entered into the whole generation;

it's simply the devil," added Alyosha, without a trace of the smile that Kolya, staring at him, expected to see.
それは、まさに、悪魔です。」 アリョーシャは、言いました、にこりともせずに、彼を眺めていたコーリャは、かれがにこりと笑う事を予想していたのですが。

"You are like everyone else," said Alyosha, in conclusion, "that is, like very many others.

Only you must not be like everybody else, that's all." 

●"Even if everyone is like that?"  「たとえ、みんながそのようだったとしても?」

●"Yes, even if everyone is like that.  「はい、たとえみんながそのようだったとしても。

You be the only one not like it.  あなたは、おなじでない唯一の人になるのですよ。

You really are not like everyone else,  あなたは、実際、他のみんなと同じではない。

here you are not ashamed to confess to something bad and even ridiculous.

And who will admit so much in these days? No one.
誰が、認めますか|そんなに沢山|今日|? 誰も。

And people have even ceased to feel the impulse to self-criticism.

Don't be like everyone else, even if you are the only one." 

●"Splendid! I was not mistaken in you. You know how to console one.
「すばらしい! 私は、間違っていなかった|あなたに|。あなたは、知っている|人の慰め方を|。

Oh, how I have longed to know you, Karamazov!

I've long been eager for this meeting. 

Can you really have thought about me, too?

You said just now that you thought of me, too?" 

●"Yes, I'd heard of you and had thought of you, too...

and if it's partly vanity that makes you ask, it doesn't matter." 

●"Do you know, Karamazov, our talk has been like a declaration of love," said Kolya, in a bashful and melting voice.
「ご存じですか、カラマーゾフさん。私達の会話は、愛の告白のようでしたね。」 コーリャは、言いました、恥ずかしそうななごませる声で。

"That's not ridiculous, is it?"  「滑稽なんかじゃないでしょう?」

●"Not at all ridiculous, and if it were, it wouldn't matter, because it's been a good thing."

Alyosha smiled brightly.  アリョーシャは、明るく笑いました。

●"But do you know, Karamazov, you must admit that you are a little ashamed yourself, now....

I see it by your eyes." Kolya smiled with a sort of sly happiness. 
分かります|目を見れば|。」 コーリャは、笑いました、ある種の隠し立てしながらも幸せそうに。

●"Why ashamed?"  「なぜ恥ずかしそうなの?」

●"Well, why are you blushing?"  「じゃあ、何故、紅潮してるんですか?」

●"It was you made me blush," laughed Alyosha, and he really did blush.
「あなたが、私を紅潮させたのですよ。」 アリョーシャは、笑いました、そして、本当に紅潮しました。

"Oh, well, I am a little, goodness knows why, I don't know..." he muttered, almost embarrassed. 
「ああ、少しね、本当にどうしてでしょう、わかりません...」 アリョーシャは、つぶやきました、殆ど困惑して。

●"Oh, how I love you and admire you at this moment just because you are rather ashamed!

Because you are just like me," cried Kolya, in positive ecstasy.
あなたは、私と同じみたいだからです。」 コーリャは、泣きました、はっきり楽天的に。

His cheeks glowed, his eyes beamed.  彼の頬はほてり、彼の目は輝きました。

●"You know, Kolya, you will be very unhappy in your life," something made Alyosha say suddenly. 
「あのね、コーリャ、あなたは、非常に不幸になるでしょう、あなたの生涯で。」 何かか、突然アリョーシャに言わせました。

●"I know, I know. How you know it all before hand!" Kolya agreed at once. 
「分かります、分かります、あなたは、前もってすべてわかるんですね!」 コーリャは、すぐ同意しました。

●"But you will bless life on the whole, all the same."

"Just so, hurrah! You are a prophet. Oh, we shall get on together, Karamazov!

Do you know, what delights me most, is that you treat me quite like an equal.

But we are not equals, no, we are not, you are better!

But we shall get on.  でも、私達は、仲良くやっていく。

Do you know, all this last month, I've been saying to myself, 'Either we shall be friends at once, for ever, or we shall part enemies to the grave!'" 

●"And saying that, of course, you loved me," Alyosha laughed gaily. 
「そう言いながら、勿論、あなたは、私の事を愛したんですね。」 アリョーシャは、楽しく笑いました。

●"I did. I loved you awfully. I've been loving and dreaming of you.

And how do you know it all beforehand?

Ah, here's the doctor. Goodness! What will he tell us? Look at his face!" 


Chapter 7 Ilusha     イリューシャ

●The doctor came out of the room again, muffled in his fur coat and with his cap on his head.

His face looked almost angry and disgusted, as though he were afraid of getting dirty.

He cast a cursory glance round the passage, looking sternly at Alyosha and Kolya as he did so.

Alyosha waved from the door to the coachman,

and the carriage that had brought the doctor drove up.

The captain darted out after the doctor, and, bowing apologetically, stopped him to get the last word.

The poor fellow looked utterly crushed;

there was a scared look in his eyes. 

●"Your Excellency, your Excellency... is it possible?" he began,
「閣下、閣下、  ありえましょうか?」 彼は、始めました、

but could not go on and clasped his hands in despair.

Yet he still gazed imploringly at the doctor, as though a word from him might still change the poor boy's fate. 

●"I can't help it, I am not God!" the doctor answered offhand, though with the customary impressiveness. 
「どうしようもない。私は神ではない。」 医師は、ぶっきらぼうに答えましたが、いつもの印象的な雰囲気は保ちました、

●"Doctor... your Excellency... and will it be soon, soon?" 

●"You must be prepared for anything," said the doctor in emphatic and incisive tones,
「あなたは、すべてにそなえなければなりません。」 医者は言いました、語気強く鋭い口調で。

and dropping his eyes, he was about to step out to the coach. 

●"Your Excellency, for Christ's sake!" the terror-stricken captain stopped him again.
「閣下、後生です!」 恐怖に打ちひしがれた隊長は、再び彼を止めました。

"Your Excellency! But can nothing, absolutely nothing save him now?" 

●"It's not in my hands now," said the doctor impatiently, "but hm..." he stopped suddenly.
「もうわたしの手にはおえません。」、医者は待ちきれなくて言いました、「しかし、...」 彼は、突然止まりました。

"If you could, for instance... send... your patient... at once, without delay"

(the words "at once, without delay," the doctor uttered with an almost wrathful sternness that made the captain start) "

"to Syracuse, the change to the new be-ne-ficial climatic conditions might possibly affect..."

●"To Syracuse!" cried the captain, unable to grasp what was said. 
「シラクサへですか!」 隊長は叫びました、彼が言ったことを理解できなくて。

●"Syracuse is in Sicily," Kolya jerked out suddenly in explanation.
「シラクサは、シチリア島です」 コーリャは、突然言いました、説明のために。

The doctor looked at him.  医者は、彼を見ました。

●"Sicily! Your Excellency," faltered the captain, "but you've seen"- he spread out his hands, indicating his surroundings- "mamma and my family?" 
「シチリアですか、閣下」 隊長は口ごもりました、「でも、ご覧のように」 彼は両手ほ拡げて、彼の周りを示し、「母さんや、家族は?」

●"N-no, SiciIy is not the place for the family, the family should go to Caucasus in the early spring...

your daughter must go to the Caucasus,  娘さんは、コーカサスに行くべきです

and your wife... after a course of the waters in the Caucasus for her rheumatism... must be sent straight to Paris to the mental specialist Lepelletier; I could give you a note to him, and then... there might be a change..." 

●"Doctor, doctor! But you see!" 「先生、先生、あのね!」

The captain flung wide his hands again despairingly, indicating the bare wooden walls of the passage. 

●"Well, that's not my business," grinned the doctor.
「でも、それは私とは関係ないことです。」 医師はニヤリと笑いました。

"I have only told you the answer of medical science to your question as to possible treatment.

As for the rest, to my regret..."  それ以外については、残念ながら...」

●"Don't be afraid, apothecary, my dog won't bite you," Kolya rapped out loudly, noticing the doctor's rather uneasy glance at Perezvon, who was standing in the doorway.
「ご心配なく、薬屋さん、私の犬は嚙みません。」 コーリャは、大声でいいました、医者が不安げな目を戸口に立っていたペレズヴォンに向けたのに気付いて。

There was a wrathful note in Kolya's voice.

He used the word apothecary instead of doctor on purpose, and, as he explained afterwards, used it "to insult him." 

●"What's that?" The doctor flung up his head, staring with surprise at Kolya.
「それは何だ?」 医者は頭を上に向け、驚いてコーリャをみつめました。

"Who's this?" he addressed Alyosha, as though asking him to explain. 
「こいつは誰だ?」 彼は、アリョーシャに言いました、彼に説明を求めるかのように。

●"It's Perezvon's master, don't worry about me," Kolya said incisively again. 
「ペレズウセォンの飼い主です。私については、ご心配なく。」 コーリャは辛辣に言いました。

●"Perezvon?" repeated the doctor, perplexed. 「ペレズヴォン?」 医者は、困惑して繰り返しました。

説明 Perezvon には、 a chime of bells. という意味があるそうです。

●"He hears the bell, but where it is he cannot tell. Good-bye, we shall meet in Syracuse." 

●"Who's this? Who's this?" The doctor flew into a terrible rage. 
「こいつは誰だ、誰だ?」 医者は、ひどく怒りました。

●"He is a schoolboy, doctor, he is a mischievous boy; take no notice of him," said Alyosha, frowning and speaking quickly.
「彼は学生です、先生、彼は悪戯っ子です、彼のことは気に留めないでください。」 アリョーシャはいいました、顔をしかめ、早口でしゃべりました。

"Kolya, hold your tongue!" he cried to Krassotkin.
「コーリャ、口をつつしみなさい。」 彼は、コーリャに叫びました。

"Take no notice of him, doctor," he repeated, rather impatiently. 
「気に留めないで下さい。」 彼は繰り返しました、かなり我慢しきれずに。

●"He wants a thrashing, a good thrashing!" The doctor stamped in a perfect fury. 
「彼は、鞭打ちを欲している。強い鞭打ちを!」 医者は、足を踏み鳴らしました、ひどく怒って。

●"And you know, apothecary, my Perezvon might bite!" said Kolya, turning pale, with quivering voice and flashing eyes. "Ici, Perezvon!" 

●"Kolya, if you say another word, I'll have nothing more to do with you," Alyosha cried peremptorily. 
「コーリャ、もう一言言ったら、お前とは関係なくするからな。」 アリョーシャは叫びました。

●"There is only one man in the world who can command Nikolay Krassotkin - this is the man," Kolya pointed to Alyosha.
「この世に一人だけ、ニコライ・クラソートキンに命令できる人がいます。この人がそれです。」 コーリャは、アリョーシャを指しました。

"I obey him, good-bye!"  「私は、彼に従います。さいなら。」

●He stepped forward, opened the door, and quickly went into the inner room.

Perezvon flew after him.  ペレズヴォンも、急いで従いました。

The doctor stood still for five seconds in amazement, looking at Alyosha;

then, with a curse, he went out quickly to the carriage, repeating aloud,

"This is... this is... I don't know what it is!"

The captain darted forward to help him into the carriage.

Alyosha followed Kolya into the room. アリョーシャは、コーリャに続いて、部屋に入りました。

He was already by Ilusha's bedside.  彼は、すでにイルーシャのベッドの傍にいました。

The sick boy was holding his hand and calling for his father.

A minute later the captain, too, came back. 

●"Father, father, come... we..." Ilusha faltered in violent excitement,
「父さん、父さん、来て、僕達...」 イルーシャは、口ごもりました、激しい興奮にかられて。

but apparently unable to go on, he flung his wasted arms, found his father and Kolya, uniting them in one embrace, and hugging them as tightly as he could.

The captain suddenly began to shake with dumb sobs, and Kolya's lips and chin twitched. 

●"Father, father! How sorry I am for you!" Ilusha moaned bitterly. 
「父さん、父さん、ほんとうにごめんなさい」 イルーシャは、はげしくうめきました。

●"Ilusha... darling... the doctor said... you would be all right... we shall be happy... the doctor... " the captain began. 
「イルーシャ、お医者さんは言ってたよ、お前は元気になるって、しあわせになれるって、お医者さんはね」 隊長は、始めました。

●"Ah, father! I know what the new doctor said to you about me.... I saw!" cried Ilusha,
「ああ、父さん。僕はしってるよ、新しいお医者さんが、何て言ったか...僕は見てたよ。」 イルーシャは、叫びました。

and again he hugged them both with all his strength, hiding his face on his father's shoulder. 

●"Father, don't cry, and when I die get a good boy, another one...

choose one of them all, a good one, call him Ilusha and love him instead of me..." 

●"Hush, old man, you'll get well," Krassotkin cried suddenly, in a voice that sounded angry. 
「静かに、きみ、お前はよくなる。」 コーリャは、突然泣きました、怒りのように響く声で。

●"But don't ever forget me, father," Ilusha went on, "come to my grave...
「しかし、ずっとぼくのこと忘れないでね。」 イルーシャは、続けました、「僕のお墓に来て...

and father, bury me by our big stone, where we used to go for our walk, and come to me there with Krassotkin in the evening... and Perezvon...

I shall expect you.... Father, father!"  待ってるよ、父さん、父さん!」

●His voice broke.  彼の声は、途絶えました。

They were all three silent, still embracing.  3人とも、無言でした、まだ抱き合っています。

Nina was crying, quietly in her chair,  ニーナ(母親)は、椅子で静かに泣いていました

and at last seeing them all crying, "mamma," too, burst into tears. 

●"Ilusha! Ilusha!" she exclaimed.  「イルーシャ、イルーシャ」 彼女は叫びました。

●Krassotkin suddenly released himself from Ilusha's embrace. 

●"Good-bye, old man, mother expects me back to dinner," he said quickly.
「さようなら、きみ、かあさんが、夕食に僕がもどるのを待っているから。」 彼は、早口でいいました。

"What a pity I did not tell her! She will be dreadfully anxious...
「残念、母さんに言ってなかった! 母さんは、ものすごく心配している...

But after dinner I'll come back to you for the whole day, for the whole evening,

and I'll tell you all sorts of things, all sorts of things.

And I'll bring Perezvon,  ペレズヴォンも、連れてくるね。

but now I will take him with me, because he will begin to howl when I am away and bother you. Good-bye! 

●And he ran out into the passage.  彼は、通路のほうに駆け出しました。

He didn't want to cry, but in the passage he burst into tears.

Alyosha found him crying.  アリョーシャは、彼が泣いているのをみつけました。

●"Kolya, you must be sure to keep your word and come,

or he will be terribly disappointed," Alyosha said emphatically. 
さもないと、彼はひどく失望するよ。」 アリョーシャは、力強く言いました。

●"I will! Oh, how I curse myself for not having come before" muttered Kolya, crying, and no longer ashamed of it. 
「必ず。ああ、僕は、呪います、もっと前に来なかったことを」 コーリャは、つぶやきました、鳴きながら、もはや泣いていることをはずかしいとは思いませんでした。

●At that moment the captain flew out of the room, and at once closed the door behind him.

His face looked frenzied, his lips were trembling.

He stood before the two and flung up his arms. 

●"I don't want a good boy! I don't want another boy!" he muttered in a wild whisper, clenching his teeth.

"If I forget thee, Jerusalem, may my wodden bench.

説明 詩篇137 If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill,

Pressing his fists against his head, he began sobbing with absurd whimpering cries, doing his utmost that his cries should not be heard in the room. 

●Kolya ran out into the street.  コーリャは、外に飛び出しました。

●"Good-bye, Karamazov? Will you come yourself?" he cried sharply and angrily to Alyosha. 
「さようなら、カラマーゾフさん、あなたも来ますよね?」 彼は鋭く怒り声でアリョーシャに叫びました。

●"I will certainly come in the evening." 

●"What was that he said about Jerusalem?... What did he mean by that?" 
「何ですか、彼がエルサレムについて言ってたのは? どういう意味ですか?」

●"It's from the Bible.  「あれは、聖書からだよ。

'If I forget thee, Jerusalem,' that is, if I forget all that is most precious to me, if I let anything take its place, then may..." 
『もし私があなたを忘れたら、エルサレム』 つまり もし私が、私に大切なものをすべて忘れたら、もし私がなにかとそれを取り換えたら、そのときは、...」

"I understand, that's enough!  「わかりました、それで十分です!

Mind you come! Ici, Perezvon!" he cried with positive ferocity to the dog, and with rapid strides he went home. 
いいかい、来い! さあ、ペレズヴォン、」 彼は、犬にかなり狂暴に叫び、早足で、家にかえりました。




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