源氏物語 サイデンステッカー訳 

jump to 2021.01.09













 毬矢まりえ・森山恵姉妹訳の、紫式部源氏物語 A.ウェイリー版 です。






キンドルでも、99円で入手できます。    the Tale of Genji (Illustrated)

 そこで、サイデンステッカー (正確には、サイデンスティッカーかもしれません) の英文に、



The Tale of Genji [Genji Monogatari]   源氏物語

Murasaki Shikibu  紫式部

Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker  訳サイデンスティッカー

Table of Contents  目次

01. The Paulownia Court   桐の宮廷  桐壺

02. The Broom Tree   箒の木   帚木

03. The Shell of the Locust   蝉の殻  空蝉

04. Evening Faces   夕顔

05. Lavender   ラベンダー  若紫

06. The Safflower   ベニハナ  末摘花

07. An Autumn Excursion   秋の遠出  紅葉賀

08. The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms  桜の祭り  花宴

09. Heartvine   

10. The Sacred Tree  賢木

11. The Orange Blossoms  花散里

12. Suma  須磨

13. Akashi     明石

14. Channel Buoys   澪標

15. The Wormwood Patch   蓬生

16. The Gatehouse   関屋

17. A Picture Contest   絵合

18. The Wind in the Pines   松風

19. A Rack of Cloud   薄雲

20. The Morning Glory   朝顔

21. The Maiden   少女

22. The Jeweled Chaplet   玉鬘

23. The First Warbler  初音

24. Butterflies   胡蝶

25. Fireflies   

26. Wild Carnations   常夏

27. Flares   篝火(かがりび)

28. The Typhoon   暴風  野分

29. The Royal Outing   行幸(みゆき)

30. Purple Trousers   藤袴

31. The Cypress Pillar   真木柱

32. A Branch of Plum   梅の枝  梅枝(うめがえ)

33. Wisteria Leaves   藤裏葉

34. New Herbs   若菜上

35. New Herbs   若菜下

36. The Oak Tree   柏木

37. The Flute   フルート  横笛

38. The Bell Cricket   鈴虫

39. Evening Mist   夕霧

40. The Rites   御法(みのり)

41. The Wizard   

42. His Perfumed Highness   匂兵部卿

43. The Rose Plum   紅梅

44. Bamboo River   竹河

45. The Lady at the Bridge   橋姫

46. Beneath the Oak   椎本(しいがもと)

47. Trefoil Knots   総角(あげまき)

48. Early Ferns   早蕨(さわらび)

49. The Ivy  宿木(やどりぎ)

50. The Eastern Cottage   東屋

51. A Boat upon the Waters   水上のボート 浮舟

52. The Drake Fly   蜻蛉(かげろう)

53. The Writing Practice   書く練習  手習

54. The Floating Bridge of Dreams   夢浮橋





●The word "translations" seems appropriate, despite the fact that the Japanese use one word for rendition of a Japanese classic into modern Japanese and another for rendition of that same classic into a foreign tongue.

In some respects the speech of western Japan, in which the tale was written, has been astonishingly conservative.

A character will sometimes make a remark which one might hear on the streets of Kyoto or Osaka today.

The conjugated parts of speech, however, the verbs and adjectives, have been considerably simplified,

so that fundamental signals as to agent and object which were once conveyed through conjugational refinements must now very often be conveyed by other means, such as explicitly stated subjects.

What this means in practice is that for Westerner and modern Japanese alike Heian Japanese takes a great deal of getting used to and can often be very obscure.

One must be very alert indeed when the most important facts are conveyed by subtle shifts in honorific level,

and probably only to someone who has not known anything else can the effort be other than taxing and arduous.

To Murasaki Shikibu a translation into modern Japanese or a foreign tongue would probably have seemed rather inelegantly and unnecessarily specific.

It was certainly not impossible in Heian Japan to come right out and name one's agents and objects,

but it was considered better form to let elabotately conjugated verbs and adjectives convey the information obliquely.

●A decision was early reached, upon consultation with Mr. Harold Strauss of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., that the annotation must be minimal.

To some it will perhaps seem subminimal,

and at times in the process of hacking away at the notes it almost seemed that it would be easier to explain everything, every textual obscurity and variant, of which there are far more than the notes now give evidence of, every rank and office and color, every possible poetic allusion (and some of those averred by the commntators seem rather fanciful), every pun in every poem;

and end up with a volume of notes as big as the translation.

●It would not do, and certain matters touched upon cursorily if at all in the notes that survived the hacking process now require brief explanation.

●Among the most difficult problems has been one which would not occur at all in translating a Western novel, what to call the characters.

In the original only underlings, such as Genji's factotum koremitsu, have names.

The major characters are known by a series of shifting sobriquets or designations having to do with their station in life or with some incident or some brief passage in the narrative.

Sometimes the relationship between the character and the sobriquet is tenuous.

Thus Aoi, one of the "names" of Genji's first wife, means really "the lady of the 'Heartvine' chapter", for it is in that chapter that she dies,

and the chapter title derives from a poem which is not by the lady herself.

Certain of the sobriquets have become stanard over the centuries, so that when any modern Japanese wishes to refer to Genji's first wife he calls her Aoi.

To refer to the characters as they are refered to in the original by a shifting series series of sobriquets and designations would have led to great confusion and probably to unreadability.

The fact that it did not, apparantly, have that effect on the original audience is beside the point.

The Western tradition requires that fictional characters have solid, unshakable names.

●The obvious solution is to adopt the traditional designation and, for instance, call Genji's irst wife Aoi.

I did so in this translation.  私は、しました|そう|この翻訳で|。

It leads to strains, however, especially when a traditional designation anticipates an incident later in the action.

Thus there is the instance of Kashiwagi, the son of Genji's best friend, whose "name" means "oak tree", with reference to a poem in the chapter in which he dies.

The stain of assigning "names" from incidents much later in the action cannot be avoided if the traditional designation are to be used.


●Only a few of the puns in which the poems abound are explained.

Explanations has seemed necessary when the absence of it reduces a poem to nonsense and when, as with "Heartvine" (the chapter from which Genji's first wife takes her "name") and "Channel Buoys", a pun is given great prominence as a chapter title.

It would be very difficult to say how many other puns there are,

but the number is perhaps even greater than the number of poems, which is almost eight hundred.

Punning is probably the single most common rhetorical device in the poetry of early and middle Heian.

If it is common, however, it is far from daring or exuberant in Genji poetry.

A conventional vocabulary of puns had already been put together a century or so before Murasaki's day,

and she was not an innovator in poetic matters.

Some of the puns are so common that the introduction of one image into a poem will immediately introduce a second.

A pine tree, for instance, usually brings with it a suggestion of unrequired love, of waiting and yearning, for matsu, "pine", means also "to wait".

Mention of the long summer rains usually does double duty, having reference also to a time of sad, brooding tedium.

Falling rain or snow is also the passage the years; 降る雨や雪は、また、年月の経過です;

autumn is also surfeit or neglect;  秋は、また、食べすぎ(飽き)、または、欠如(空き)です;

a fisherman is also a nun;  海士(海女)は、また、尼です。

the river, barrier, an gate of Osaka suggest a meeting, as also does the province or lake of Omi;

an iris is also a discernment or a pattern;  菖蒲は、? または、文目です


●New translation of great classics need not seek to justify themselves.

There have been translations of very great writers by very great writers, and they have been superseded.

Since there is probably no such thing as a perfect tanslation of a complex literary work, the more translations, one would think, the better.

Arthur Waley's translation of The Tale of Genji has been so important to me over the years, however, that I feel impelled to remark briefly on my reasons for undertaking a new translation.

It was my introduction to Japanese literature,

and its power upon repeated readings - I could not give their total number - has continued to be so great that the process of preparig a new translation has felt like sacrilege.
そして、何度も読ませるその力は -何度読んだかわかりません- ずっと強力でしたので、新しい翻訳を準備する過程は、冒涜のような感じでした。

●Yet the fact remains that the Waley translation is very free.

He cuts and expurgates very boldly. 彼は、非常に大胆に削除します。

He omits one whole chapter, the thirty-eighth,  彼は、38章の全体を省略します

and close scrutiny reveals that the titles of at least two chapters, the thirtieth and the forty-first, are meaningless in his translation

because he has omitted the passages from which they derive.

It may be argued that he tidies things by cutting, and therefore "improves".

In some cases he probably does. いくつかの場合で、彼は、多分、そうしています。

One shares his impatience with clothes and meals and ceremonies, and may sometimes wish that Murasaki Shikibu had shared it too.

On the whole, however, his excisions seem merely arbitrary.

One is at a loss to know why he cut Chapter 38, which is quietly, meditatively beautiful, and then went on to translate Chapter 44, in every respect its inferior.
人は、当惑します|何故彼は、38章 (静かに瞑想的に美しい章です)を削除し、どの観点からもそれより劣っている44章を翻訳したのかを知って|。

●More complex, and perhaps more interesting, is the matter of amplification.

Waley embroiders marvelously, sometimes changing the tone of an episode or the psychological attributes of a character.

Perhaps here too he sometimes "improves",  多分、ここでも、彼は、時に、「改良」します、

but the process of amplifying and embroidering is continuous,

and one is very reluctant indeed to conclude that Murasaki Shikibu has the worst of it all the way.

The whole of the new translationis implicit comment upon the process.

For explicit comment, it will suffice to note that the new translation, which may be called complete, contains fewer words than the boldly abridged Waley translation.

What this fact says, essentially, is that however wonderful may be the effects which Waley achieves, and I for one have always found them very wonderful, his rhythms are rather different from those of the original, which is brisker and more laconic, more economical of words and less given to elaboration.

If it should be the aim of a translation to imitate the original in all important matters, including the matter of rhythm,

then it may be said that the translation offered here has set itself a fuller set of aims than did that of Waley.

How full have been its successes is for others to say.

●Miss Odagiri Hiroko read most of the translation in first draft, comparing it with the original and pointing out errors and omissions.

Professor Ikeda Tadashi, did the same with the chapters not scrutinized by Miss Odagiri, a half dozen or so towards the end.

I am very grateful to them indeed. 私は、非常に感謝します。

If there are errors and omissions in the finished translation, they probably crept in later -

it must be emphasized that Miss Odagiri and Professor Ikeda saw the first draft, and these things will creep in during the process of rewriting.



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